My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 902 Plan ahead

Chapter 902 Plan For A Rainy Day (Second Monthly Pass)
After a while, breakfast was served.

The aunt and sister-in-law put a bowl of bird's nest with rock sugar in front of each of them.

Shu Shu has been eating bird's nest since she was pregnant.

It is now fashionable to eat this in Beijing, but it is not yet popular.

It seems that after Qianlong went to the south of the Yangtze River, he began to eat bird's nest frequently, and the effect of ups and downs, bird's nest became a commonly used health supplement.

Seeing this, Jiu GeGe said, "Sister-in-Law Jiu, keep it and eat..."

Shu Shu waved his hands, and said: "It's not only good for the elderly to eat this, but also for us to eat it, for beauty, I'll ask the girl to copy some prescriptions for you later, and when you open the house, you can also ask the dining room to prepare it... ..."

Jiugege nodded, and then he ate.

In addition to the three dishes that Shushu asked someone to add to Jiugege, there are also sesame seed cakes with beef, brown sugar oil cakes, tofu nao, red bean porridge, eight-treasure pickles, dried fried small fish, and rice noodle sausages prepared earlier in the dining room.

Shu Shu has a good appetite now, two biscuits sandwiched with beef, two palm-sized brown sugar pancakes, plus a bowl of tofu nao, and a sweet and sour poached egg, all chewed and ate slowly.

Jiugege knew her appetite, so he was relieved to see this.

As long as you have a good appetite, you can always make up for it.

Jiugege's appetite is the same as before. After a bowl of bird's nest, he is half full. After eating a small bowl of stewed eggs with milk, he can't eat anything. After two mouthfuls of pickles to relieve the sweetness, it's almost enough.

As soon as my sister-in-law put down her chopsticks, there was faint crying from the west.

Shu Shu wiped her mouth with a handkerchief, and said helplessly, "The Heavenly Demon Star has woken up, let's go over and have a look..."

Jiugege only met his nephews and nieces once, and that was when the children got on the ride in early March.

In the blink of an eye, more than a month has passed.

Jiugege also jumped for joy, and followed behind Shushu.

As soon as she arrived at the main room, Nanny Qi had already hugged the howling Da Gege out.

"Big Gege is looking for Fujin..."

Nanny Qi hurriedly handed it over.

Shu Shu reached out to take it, but her arm sank.

In the same 40 days or so, the second elder brother gained two catties, the eldest elder brother gained three catties, and the eldest elder brother gained four catties!

Now Da Gege is still the second elder brother.

Xu Shi smelled the scent of Shu Shu, so he stopped crying, grinned and smiled at people.

Jiugege was at the side, looking at the chubby niece, he couldn't help but gently touched her little fleshy hand.

Big Ge didn't even look at her, he just stared at Shu Shu's face.

Shu Shu has already arrived at Xici Room, sat on the kang, and adjusted her posture for holding the child.

After a while, the nanny came, so he picked up Da Gege and went back to nurse for a while.

Nanny Qi followed in.

Shu Shu looked at Nanny Qi's back, feeling a little embarrassed.

If you really want to separate the three children, what will Nanny Qi do?
The right person should be kept here in the back building, and Nanny Qi is the best candidate, and Nanny Qi is also happy.

But beside Da Gege, there must be a proper person.

Bai Guo is young, so it's okay to help Nanny Qi now, but not alone.

If it doesn't work, Xiao Chun can only take care of her for half a year.

After a while, the elder brother and the second elder brother also woke up, and they both hugged Shu Shu in his arms before going to nurse.

Shu Shu and Jiu Gege returned to Dongshaojian after the three children had finished eating a round, patted the milk hiccups, and put them back on the car.

Jiu Gege praised: "Nephews and nieces are really smart, at this age, they will recognize people, and they don't even look at others..."

She watched from the side, but the babies didn't even look at her.

Shu Shu took the pillow, tilted it on the kang, and said with a smile: "It's not that you don't look at others, it's that you can't see. Children's eyes are slowly growing. Now they still recognize people by smell. I guess everything they look at is imitation." It's blurry, you can't see clearly, you can see two or three feet at the farthest, and it will take a few months to see people with your eyes before you can see clearly..."

Jiugege exclaimed: "It's so, it's really all knowledge..."

When mentioning learning, she thought of one thing, and said: "I heard that Zhang Xiang's young daughter was given to Brother Jiu's sister-in-law? Their family is all Jinshi, and Miss Zhang is also talented..."

Shu Shu nodded and said: "Yes, I'd like to ask the tenth brother to bring his younger siblings to be the great matchmaker. The Zhang family is a scholarly and famous family, and the girl has brought Lingxiu along..."

With anticipation, Jiu Gege said: "Then I will be at the Princess Mansion from now on, so I can invite Qing Ruge and Miss Zhang!"

Her princess mansion is Tong Guowei's old house, which is just to the east of the imperial city, five or six miles away from Shushu.

Shu Shu nodded with a smile and said, "It's fashionable to form clubs outside now, when the time comes, you will also form a club, recite poems and paint, and I will publish books for you..."

After hearing this, Jiugege felt less uneasy about the life outside the palace, and had more expectations...

Babeizi Mansion, east across the courtyard.

Mrs. Fucha looked at the cards and account books in front of her, and was silent for a while, before saying to the dowry mother: "Take it!"

The nanny hesitated and said, "Didn't Fujin ignore it before?"

Over the past six months, life has been going on and on.

If it gets mixed up, I don't know what will happen in the future.

Mrs. Fucha sighed, and said, "Isn't there no one here..."

What's more, this is already the third time that Brother Eight has asked someone to send a pair of cards and account books.

When the account book was pushed for the first time, Mother Yun was there; when the account book was pushed for the second time, Yun Haitang was there.

This time I will push it again, is the eighth elder brother taking care of the housework himself, or choosing someone from the palace ladies in the backyard?
The nanny put away the cards and the account book, and then came over and whispered: "Is this using Fujin as a manager? I only gave the account book but not the key..."

Fucha said: "It's just right. It's good that the accounts are clear. From now on it will be..."

Nanny Yun and the Yaqibu couple control the Prince's Mansion, so the contents of the storeroom are hard to tell. Who knows how much the couple have tossed out, it's just right not to touch it.


Mrs. Fucha looked towards the direction of the main courtyard, and told the nanny: "Look at the places and give instructions carefully. If anyone learns from Yaqibu and his wife who disrespect the master and disrespect Fujin, they will all be kicked out. If anyone finds that someone disrespects Fujin, Reported up, reward half a year monthly..."

Mammy listened carefully, and went down to deliver the message.

Mrs. Fu Cha was distracted looking at the bamboo in the corner.

There were a lot of gossip outside, and it also reached her ears.

She's a little uncertain now.

After all, there are quite a few female relatives in the Babeizi Mansion, but apart from the movement of Bafujin, there has been no movement at all.

If the Fucha family hadn't married in before, they would have guessed like others, thinking that it was mostly Fujin's problem.

Jealousy dominates her husband, tolerates no one else, she has no father or mother since she was a child, and there is also a lack of maintenance.

But after entering the mansion for more than half a year, the Fucha family knew more about the female family members in the mansion than outsiders.

She only thought it was one Fujin and two princesses before, but when she came over, she found out that the palace lady under the name of the eighth elder brother, and four others, were bestowed by the emperor in the 34th year of Kangxi.

At that time, the emperor bestowed the best daughters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the older sons, one elder brother, one third elder brother, two fourth elder brothers, two fifth elder brothers, and the eighth elder brother got four as the youngest son.

It's just that the eighth elder brother didn't take over the house at that time, and only used it as a court lady. He didn't start to take over the house until he got two beautiful ladies from the House of Internal Affairs in the year of his wedding in 37 years.

The four people before were considered as palace officials in the palace.

When they come out to open the mansion, those few people will be reduced according to Ge Ge's ratio, and they will be regarded as concubines.

As a result, of the nine female family members in front and back of the mansion, only Bafujin had any movement.

Little three years.

The Fucha family was really at a loss.

Although she is the concubine of the prince referred to by the emperor, so far there has been no imperial edict.

Not only her, but even the eight blessings have not been formally invited.

It's not that the eighth elder brother is cool, but that the rules are not complete now.

The opening of the Prince's Mansion the year before last was also hasty.

Even Da Fujin didn't get the concubine's imperial concubine.

The Fucha family is already worried about the issue of heirs...

If there is no movement in the eighth prince's inner house for a long time, there will be more and more rumors.

What will Eighth Brother do then?
Fucha narrowed his eyes.

Anyway, whoever is willing to be favored will be favored, she should be a housekeeper's side Fujin...

The Imperial Palace, the yamen of the House of Internal Affairs.

The palace family members have all returned to the palace, and Shengjia has also taken the Eight Banners soldiers out of Beijing.

Brother Jiu returned to the yamen and poured half a pot of tea with a "gurgling".

Seeing Elder Brother Twelve sitting beside him, he remembered the business, and said: "It happens that you are free, and tomorrow I will start counting the number of births in the House of Internal Affairs, including women and children of Dingkou. Try to finish the calculation within ten days..."

Zuoling in the Eight Banners itself is a household registration system, and the household registers of each family are in the hands of Nei Zuoling and Nei Guanling.

Brother Twelve got up and listened, and agreed.

The ninth elder brother took a look at the twelfth elder brother. The twelfth elder brother's natal family also belonged to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

His grandfather was also a doctor before his death, and his uncle was a doctor of Guangshan Ku before, but later transferred to the military, and now he is a member of the Baoyi Guard Army.

I have never heard that they take care of the twelfth elder brother, and the age and status of the twelfth elder brother are not at the time of Shi En's family.

Brother Nine started to deal with other official duties.

Elder Brother Twelve didn't delay, and went down to ask for help.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs now has [-] to [-] assistant collars and a hundred or so internal management collars, involving thousands of households with a coated population. It will take some time to make a clear calculation.

Brother Nine finished handling the official documents, and felt a little worried while holding the pen.

At the prince's mansion, there are two inner assistant leaders and one inner management leader.

The livelihood of these people became his concern.

With the three banners flying in the House of Internal Affairs, the population of these thousands of households became the worry of the royal family.

Fortunately, there are many shortages in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and there are also many people serving in the palace, so there is no need to worry about this for the time being.

But when Xin Zuoling analyzed it, he had to consider it.

There is also a coated residence.

These coats of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are all living in the official housing of the imperial city, waiting for the Ministry of Internal Affairs to distribute them.

However, the location of the imperial city is fixed, and the population has almost doubled, so it is a bit crowded to live in.

In addition to the two generations of princes flying under the flag, they all brought the coated population down, and the total is [-] to [-] Neizuoling and Neiguanling population, but these people still live in the imperial city.

Just because the inner city is also full, the number of official houses is getting smaller and smaller, and there is no new place to arrange these coated population.

This is also a problem.

Brother Jiu also recorded it.

If he can't solve it, let someone who can solve it find a way.

If there is no other way, then the imperial city can only maintain the status quo, it is in disarray...

(End of this chapter)

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