My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 903 Involvement

Chapter 903 Involvement
It's still early when Brother Jiu finishes his official duties.

Brother Nine doesn't plan to waste time in the palace anymore.

As soon as he was about to come out, he ran into Brother Ten head-on.

Elder Brother Shi came to look for him, and said: "Sister Kejing, please return the court after the paperwork, Khan Ama agrees, naturalization is less than a thousand miles away from the capital, and it should be almost there after the Dragon Boat Festival..."

Brother Jiu heard this, with a tangled expression on his face.

Princess Heshuo Kejing, born of nobleman Guo, educated by Concubine Yi, is two years older than Brother Jiu. In 36 years of Kangxi, she married the county king of Khalkha, Mobei Mongolia. She was the first one in the Qing Dynasty to marry in Outer Mongolia. Princess.

When I was young, Elder Brother Jiu lived in the Yikun Palace where Princess Kejing lived together, and the relationship between siblings was good.

Even if they moved out of the palace later, they are closer than other brothers and sisters when they can see.

Now, thinking of Guo Guiren, brother Jiu's mood is very complicated.

Seeing this, Elder Brother Shi comforted me: "Brother Ninth, don't worry, Sister Kejing is smart and won't mention Guo Guiren's affairs."

The tenth elder brother was also there during the northern tour the year before last, so he naturally knew that Guo Guiren was a concubine in the harem, and then quietly disappeared from the ranks of the holy cavalry.

Brother Jiu frowned even more after hearing this comfort, and said: "She won't mention it, but there are people from Guo Luoluo's family waiting."

Sanguanbao's family has already returned to Beijing from Shengjing. Although father and son's errands are gone, their family was given a house when they were brought to Shangsanqi. avenue.

The emaciated camel was bigger than the horse, so it was Guo Luoluo's family.

When I was in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, there were hereditary assistant leaders in the family.

Later, the house of the Sanguanbao raised the flag, and it was also the new assistant leader of the Xianghuang Banner, and he was still given the post of assistant leader.

Plus three grandchildren of the prince and a granddaughter of the princess, ordinary people really dare not offend them.

"I still don't know how to organize it..."

Brother Jiu said angrily: "They are all fools who are in charge of the family..."

Although at home, Guo Guiren and his empress were orderly, but in the inner court, the empress is the main seat, and the respect of Guo Luoluo's family also comes from the empress, and the three officials should hand over the manpower in the palace to the empress. Not Guo Guiren.

As a result, the two people in the middle died.

Now there is only embarrassment and awkwardness between the siblings.

Brother Ninth's teeth were a little itchy, and he said to Brother Ten, "Let's see them, if they are honest, just pay them back, no matter how dishonest, I will continue to deal with them..."

Speaking of this, he thought of Gui Yuan.

The "ginseng case" was closed in a daze.

Gui Yuan also took off the title of "principal criminal" and became an "acccessory criminal", traveling for two thousand miles.

However, Brother Jiu wanted to arrange for him to go to Yunnan, because the "Law of the Qing Dynasty" stipulated that bannermen, except for military personnel, "are exempted from dispatch for crimes", and the death penalty is equivalent to whipping and shackles.

Guiyuan's previous sentence was "travel for two thousand miles, no redemption is allowed", so if it is converted into a yoke, it will be [-] days of yoke, and it is still being executed outside the Shengjing Yamen.

Brother Jiu stroked his chin and said, "If my memory serves me right, it seems that Guo Luoluo's family didn't hand over the collar..."

The old man is greedy, he won the new leader but did not hand over the old one.

Before, their father and son were still making up for the vacancies in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and there was Concubine Yi in the palace, so naturally no one would care about this.

Otherwise, according to the rules, this Zuo Ling is still inherited among the children of Guo Luoluo's family, but it is not the branch of Sanguanbao, but the branch of his younger brother Gui Yuan's grandfather.

After all, it was left by the ancestors and passed on to the descendants.

The three officials and the first house were carried out, and they were no longer in the Sanqi of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and they were no longer in the leadership of the chief, so they naturally had to change their branches.

Now, Brother Nine feels that he can make a fuss about it.

Elder Brother Shi heard this, shook his head and said: "Brother Ninth, there is no need to do this, this is fine now, the remaining two assistants are enough for Guo Luoluo's family to chew on, if it is tight, we must prevent the dog from jumping over the wall..."

Speaking of this, he thought for a while and said: "Since this assistant leader is not in compliance with the rules, brother Jiu can warn you later, in order to keep this assistant leader, they should be more honest..."

It's just a fourth-rank assistant leader, which is dispensable to Gui Yuan.

Brother Jiu can directly make up for Gui Yuan as a guard.

But for Guo Luoluo's family, it is the last income and dignity.

Sanguanbao has also reached the age of honor and support, and his children and grandchildren still have two world positions to divide.

Brother Nine thought for a while, and it was the same reason, so he nodded and listened to Brother Ten's persuasion.

He was thinking of the allusion of "two peaches kill three warriors", but he didn't know how the Guo Luoluo family would assign these two assistant leaders with so many brothers.

Gui Dan and his son are white now, and nothing has happened.

The three officials were able to hold back before, but now that they are old, can they hold on?
I'm afraid Guo Luoluo's family will be in chaos for a while.

The clan's mansion is also free now, and the tenth elder brother and the ninth elder brother went back to the mansion together.

Sheng Jia is not in Beijing, and everyone feels lazy.

At the gate of the Ninth Prince's Mansion, the two brothers bid farewell.

Brother Jiu went directly to the back building, besides Jiu Gege, Sifujin was also there.

Si Fujin originally planned to come to visit Shu Shu, and sent someone to come over to see Shu Shu after breakfast today. He originally planned to come in the afternoon or tomorrow, but when he knew that Jiu Gege was coming, he came directly.

Just when Shushu pulled Jiugege to take a nap, the sister-in-law and sister-in-law began to bask in the baby.

Si Fujin sat beside him, watching the babies enviously.

"Big Gege is too strong, when he weighed as much as Honghui Bairi..."

"Big brother is really white, it's even more obvious when he is with his younger brother and younger sister..."

"Second Elder Brother is well-behaved and handsome. This little mouth is so cute..."

Si Fujin is not a talkative character, but right now his eyesight is not good enough, and he can't stop praising him.

She has already given birth to her eldest son, so whether it is Elder Brother or Ge Ge this time, it is a happy event.

If it's Elder Brother, with two sons, there's nothing to worry about; if it's Ge Ge, it's a good fortune to have both sons and daughters.

With Jiu Gege at the side, he still thinks that the elder brother is the most rare, but looking at the appearance of the elder brother and the elder brother, he is more curious: "I should be in trouble for Concubine Yi, which one do you love..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu was also curious.

The second elder brother looks like Concubine Yi, Concubine Yi should like it very much.

But Da Ge Ge is Ge Ge, Concubine Yi has given birth several times as elder brother, and she is looking forward to her little granddaughter.

Then there is the elder brother, who looks fair and cute, who wouldn't like it...

Seeing Brother Jiu coming over, Jiu Gege stood up and said, "Brother Jiu..."

Sifujin also got up to salute.

Seeing this, Brother Jiu nodded to Jiu Gege, and then said to Sifujin: "Sister-in-law Si, please sit down and don't get tired, this time is hard..."

Sifujin nodded with a smile, hesitating whether to leave.

Brother Jiu knew the situation, and immediately said: "My brother is worried about Fujin, so I just came here to make a stop. It's great that you are here, you and Xiaojiu are just staying with Fujin, and my brother will go to Dutong Mansion. Come back in the afternoon..."

Speaking of this, he looked at Shu Shu and said, "Do you have anything to say to your father-in-law and mother-in-law?"

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "No, just say that I will go back at the end of the month to greet Ama and Ernie..."

The three babies were born on February 28, and on April 28, Shu Shu sat in her confinement and could lift the ban.

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "When the time comes, Master will accompany you there..."

Brother Jiu came back in a hurry and left in a hurry.

Si Fujin thought about the news he had heard recently, and said, "Is this something that was discussed with Elder Brother Fusong in the past?"

Shu Shu nodded and said: "It should be for this reason. The first ten younger brothers and the ten younger siblings went to the Zhang family twice, just to follow the rules of the Han people to walk the six rituals and bow their heads to marry a wife. That's the reason. Appears remiss..."

Jiugege said: "What dowry gifts are given for engagement nowadays? Are there wild geese?"

Shu Shu thought for a while, and said: "It is estimated to follow the Manchurian customs, mainly jewelry, clothing materials, food boxes, etc., and prepare four, eight, twelve things for each, plus the marriage certificate of the Han people, wild geese..."

Because there were precedents for the "initial ceremony" between her and Brother Nine before, and it followed the rules of the palace, which was hasty and shabby.

Nowadays, the capital city pays attention to extravagant marriages, rich gifts and rich dowries.

After hearing this, Si Fujin couldn't help worrying: "The family status of the prime minister of the Zhang family, there are so many bride price gifts, I'm afraid the Zhang family will provoke criticism..."

Shu Shu said: "Master Shi passed the word from it. If the Zhang family had other intentions, they should have said it earlier. If there is no explanation, it should be from the habit of the capital."

Over the past few years, the Eight Banners and the clan have been Sinicized, and high-ranking officials in the imperial court have also been Manchurianized.

Si Fujin was no longer worried, and turned his attention to the children...

Brother Jiu returned to the front yard, but it was not easy to go directly to the Dutong Mansion, so he told He Yuzhu: "In the past, the Dutong Mansion, I said that the Lord planned to ask about the betrothal gift, and asked the wife if she was free today..."

He Yuzhu responded, called a carriage, and went to the Dutong Mansion.

Dutong Mansion, main house.

Jueluo family has a guest here today, the old lady Borzigit of the second room.

The head of the second room had already been conferred the governor of Shanxi last year, and from the second-rank officer, he also asked his mother to confer the order of his wife.

The old lady didn't like to leave the capital, so she didn't follow her to Shanxi, and stayed in the capital with her two granddaughters.

The old lady is the queen mother's family sister, she has a close relationship with the queen mother, and has also been the emperor's nurse, and Kangxi also respects her a little.

Therefore, it has been planned for a long time. After the next year, I will ask for a favor in the palace. The two granddaughters will go through the draft next year. In the second round, they will put down their cards and come back to marry themselves.

But I didn't expect that since Shu Shu gave birth to "Xiangrui", several clans sent word over, and even Tai Fujin of Prince Zhuang's Mansion sent people over to invite the old lady to talk.

The old lady was upright, and she was so annoyed that she went and went, but she gave Prince Zhuang Taifujin a meal, and broke up with Prince Zhuang Taifujin directly.

Then the in-laws from Prince Xinjun's mansion came over to spread the word, mentioning that King Xinjun wanted to ask the palace to point out Fujin in the next show.

Annoying the old lady so much, she went directly to Jue Luoshi to complain.

"It's all because of Jiufujin's troubles. The two girls were taken by the two old men. What's the matter now? The two families who were interested in discussing marriage before, have nothing to do..."

The old lady was furious...

The next update will be at 3:9 noon on November 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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