Chapter 904 You Don’t Need to Follow the Crowd

Jue Luo frowned and said, "It's taboo to see each other in private without being drafted. These two are too much!"

Although the old lady's attitude is not good, it is also because of the chaos caused by concern,

Jue Luo also has a daughter, so he can understand the old lady's feelings.

Since Shu Shu gave birth in early February, there was indeed an evil wind outside, saying that she was the good son of Ge Geli from Dong E's family.

But here in the Dutong Mansion, there are only two daughters, a "concubine" who married the seventh elder brother of Sunu Beizi Mansion a few years ago.

In Peng Chun's place, the youngest daughter was also drafted in the same year as Shu Shu Tonggeng, and married the ninth elder brother of Sunu Beizi's mansion.

Others inquired about the other rooms.

The eldest room and the third room have been silent for many years, and have become ordinary people; but now the second room has risen again, and the personality of this room has been paid attention to.

According to the rules of the Eight Banners, the beautiful girls of the Eight Banners must be selected by the palace before they can discuss marriage.

When the country was founded, the banner owner could choose the beauty among the banner collars and coats under his name, which was also in line with the rules, but now that he is selected, he can't make decisions by himself, and he has to ask the emperor to put up the brand.

There is a prerequisite for that, it must be selected from one's own banner.

The second bedroom of Dong E's family is the banner population of Prince Kang's mansion, and has nothing to do with those two palaces.

The old lady said angrily: "One is about fifty, the other is about forty, they are half buried in the ground, and you still miss the little girl, are you ashamed?"

Jueluo pondered, "Then what does sister-in-law mean?"

The old lady drooped her face and said: "Whether it's the side Fujin of Prince Zhuang's mansion or the Di Fujin of Prince Xinjun's mansion, we don't care too much. The two families that were said to be relatives before have become cowards, and the marriage is nothing. There are other proper families, you can't just watch for nothing..."

Jue Luo looked at the old lady and nodded helplessly.

They are ministers, and they are not of the same importance as Prince Zhuang and Prince Xin.

Although it is not a banner and has no affiliation, those two are also princes, not people they can stand up for.

What the old lady is asking for is only Brother Jiu, and I hope that Brother Jiu and his wife will come forward to support it.

This, Jue Luoshi won't make a big deal out of it.

"Sister-in-law, please be safe and don't be impatient. There is still more than half a year before the draft. At that time, there will be other news outside..."

Jue Luo said slowly, "Even if there is no other news, the Eight Banners don't have the rules of snatching marriage..."

No one would dare to force her to marry without nodding. Instead of thinking about getting the Jiu elder brother and his wife to come forward to support her, it is better to write to Ga Li earlier, so as to prevent being greedy for money from Ama, and promise her daughter away.

Jue Luoshi thought of this, and reminded: "This important marriage, after all, is the order of the parents. Where is the nephew, there may be someone going to propose marriage..."

Seeing Jue Luo Shi, the old lady was even more unhappy, and said: "Our boss is not worried, as I said earlier, I will raise the two granddaughters, and they don't need to intervene in the marriage in the future. The one who can't do it is because of Jiufujin's troubles, so you just have the heart to watch the children fail..."

If it was a granddaughter, the old lady wouldn't have to worry so much.

Dong E's family is not anonymous, and there is no reason for the direct branch Gege to be a side Fujin or Shu Fujin.

But the concubine's status is inferior after all, and the people who wanted to get married before were also middle and lower clans like the Duke's Mansion and the General's Mansion.

So these people also had a lot of scruples, and when they heard that the palace intended to propose marriage, they all withdrew themselves.

Jue Luo said patiently: "Our master is now the first grade, and our nephew is the second grade, but in the eyes of the prince and the county king, there is no difference. Even if our husband and wife can't bear it, what can we do?"

The best way is to wait for this evil wind to pass, and then talk to the two of them.

Or before the draft, he asked Gongli for grace and asked Gongli to marry him directly.

At that time, there will still be the descendants of the clan of Shangsanqi, as well as close clans such as Prince Yu's Mansion and Prince Gong's Mansion.

The old lady's face became even more ugly when she heard Jue Luo's excuses, she looked at her directly and said, "Why is my cousin a younger brother, and my cousin a niece is not a niece? Brother Fusong's marriage, Jiufujin can help you for two years, Can't we raise our hands here and help out?"

Jue Luo's expression also dropped, he looked at the old lady and said: "My sister-in-law doesn't want to ask the palace to marry her, but she knows that this marriage is a good relationship between the two families, there is no reason to marry by force..."

Otherwise, wouldn't it be easier to directly ask for the grace of the Empress Dowager and the Emperor?
Who can guarantee that there will be a happy marriage between the two phases?

If the old lady didn't get involved with Shu Shu, she felt that Luo Shi was really not that kind of heartless person, and she felt sorry for her nieces and granddaughters being involved, so she would help the children of the Zhenghongqi clan to look after each other, and at worst would ask Prince Kang Taifujin to be a matchmaker.

Those two palaces crossed Prince Kang's mansion, thinking about the girls who were waiting for the draft in the red flag.

But the old lady pushed all the faults on Shu Shu, and felt that Luo Shi had no intention of taking over.

At that time, it will be thankless.

The old lady got up "teng" and said: "Hmph! You protect your daughter, and I protect my granddaughter. When Jiufu Jin is confinement, I will ask myself..."

After all, she flung her sleeves and left.

After all, he is a person in his 60s, and he is still an elder. Feeling helpless, Luo Shi sent it out.

As soon as He Yuzhu got out of the carriage, he confronted the angry old lady.

He Yuzhu followed Brother Jiu, and when he saw the old lady, he stepped aside.

The old lady glanced at him, got into the carriage and left.

Jue Luo breathed a long sigh of relief, looked at He Yuzhu and said, "What is Master Jiu's order?"

He Yuzhu bowed and said: "There are guests in the mansion today, Sifujin and Jiugege are here, and someone is accompanying Fujin master, our master wants to come over to discuss with his wife about Fusong's elder brother's betrothal gift, and ask if you are free today... "

Jue Luo Shi nodded, and said, "Please Jiu Ye come over..."

He Yuzhu bowed in response, and went back to deliver the message.

Nine princes here, they left the Prince's Mansion and came to the Dutong Mansion.

"Master, the old lady of Dong E's second room has gone to the Dutong Mansion. She was annoyed for some reason and came out angrily. The lady sent it out, but she didn't get a good face..."

He Yuzhu reported what he had just seen and heard in Dutong Mansion.

Brother Jiu couldn't help frowning when he heard this, and said: "Even if the age difference is greater, isn't it the same generation? Come to the house as a guest to show the face of the master, this old lady is too rude!"

He has a bad impression of the second room of Dong E's family.

He could remember clearly that after his wedding, he brought Fujin to Guining, and he heard Kari bragging at the banquet.

Flattering the villain, hugging the emperor's thigh, moving three times a year, and bluffing in front of the family elders, it's very disgraceful.

What's more, the Eight Banners are the most important military merits. When a logistics officer, Ga Li, got up, he didn't pay attention to a veteran of the Eight Banners like Peng Chun, which is also very superficial and ridiculous.

The key point is that the person has long been known as being greedy, and he even got a job in Shanxi.

Shanxi is considered wealthy among the northern provinces, so in the past of Nagali, isn't it just a mouse dropping a rice vat?

This guy doesn't look like he's going to end well.

Brother Jiu curled his lips and put the matter aside.

When passing Gulou Street, he asked someone to stop and bought some pots of peonies, as well as two baskets of cherries and mulberries.

Now is the season of peonies blooming, and two kinds of seasonal fresh fruits have just hit the market.

When we arrived at the Dutong Mansion, Brother Jiu got out of the car, and the people behind followed him to move things.

Qi Xi was not there, so he also went to Yongding River.

Zhu Liang was there, and came out when he got the news.

Looking at the big and small bags, Zhu Liang was also speechless.

My prince's brother-in-law is getting more and more down-to-earth.

After seeing Jue Luo Shi, Brother Nine became even more obedient and said, "It just so happened that peony came into the market. Fujin said that his mother-in-law loves it, so my son-in-law bought a few pots here, just to make up the number, it's not a good variety..."

There is no woman who does not love flowers, not to mention that this is also the filial piety of a son-in-law.

Among them are two pots of fuchsia, which look expensive.

With a smile on Jue Luo's face, he said: "It looks good, it's better than the pots at home, it makes people feel happy, thank you brother..."

After the host and guest were seated, Jue Luo asked about Shu Shu, saying: "I have been making a fuss about taking a bath and washing my hair. Yesterday is the day. I'm afraid it won't last a day. After washing, you don't have a headache or a backache, right?"

Brother Jiu recalled it carefully, then shook his head and said, "No, I looked so energetic, I ate half a bowl too much... even though my palms are still clammy, and I'm still prone to sweating..."

Jue Luo nodded and said: "There is no way to do this, we have to take it slowly, now that the weather is getting hot, we can't use ginseng, we have to take it slowly to replenish qi, red dates and longan can be eaten daily."

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "Fu Jin eats it himself, the snacks on hand now are red dates with walnuts, pine nuts and longan..."

Jue Luoshi glanced at Brother Jiu, hesitated for a moment, and said: "I have asked the imperial physician in private, Shu Shu's current condition is not suitable for continuous pregnancy..."

She is a person who has experienced it and knows that it is easy to get pregnant again within six months to a year after giving birth.

For example, Shu Shu and Zhu Liang are said to be two years apart, but one was born at the end of the year and the other was born at the beginning of the year, so they are actually fourteen months apart.

Whether it is the Dafujin or the Sanfujin, it is the same, and the children are born closely.

Brother Nine hurriedly said: "Don't worry, my son-in-law has also consulted the imperial physician, and he knows the severity, within three to five years, I don't plan to ask for it again..."

Jue Luo nodded, although he was still concerned, he didn't say anything more.

Zhu Liang was beside him, and he glanced at Brother Jiu, feeling quite touched in his heart.

Or this is the benefit of marrying Brother Nine.

Brother Jiu cherishes his sister more than others.

If it's the cousin, even if the aunt loves her sister again, she will put the prince's heirs first.

When the time comes, my sister will not give birth, and there will naturally be another life.

Brother Nine, the backyard is rare and clean, only one Ge Ge is there, and he is an old man before his wedding.

Brother Jiu brought up the business and said: "I asked someone to choose auspiciousness at the Qin Tianjian. April [-]th is a good day for Yi Nacai. I just don't know how the mother-in-law is going to prepare the dowry?"

Jue Luo had prepared the dowry as early as last year, but he was jealous and didn't plan to use it anymore. After getting the news this year, he started to re-purchase, and had already made another one.

She said: "What Fu Song means is that you don't have to follow the crowd. The emperor is thrifty, and we shouldn't be extravagant. Besides, Zhang's family is well-educated. When the time comes, the dowry will be heavy, and the dowry will be embarrassing. The dowry on the surface should be a medium one. 24 , eight boxes of jewellery, eight bags of clothes, four bags of literature and entertainment, and four bags of cakes..."

Looking back, when Zhang’s family prepared the dowry, 48 lifts was enough, and 54 lifts was fine.

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "That's fine too, don't make things difficult for others, just benefit..."

The monthly ticket list has dropped to [-]th, and I am begging for monthly tickets, and those who still have monthly tickets are asking for help.

Jiu's old book "Reborn in the Last Years of Kangxi" website is doing an event. Everyone who enters "excellent" on the app can get a seven-day free volume. Interested book lovers can go to see it.

(End of this chapter)

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