My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 905 Filial Piety

Chapter 905 Filial piety
Brother Nine just came to visit his parents-in-law through Youzi. Since Jue Luoshi was ready, he naturally had no other opinions, so he just said: "Fujin has prepared makeup, and when the big day is booked, I will give it to the Zhang family." Add it on the side."

The Zhang family is Han Chinese, so they are not eligible to buy a house or shop in the inner city.

Shu Shu discussed it with Brother Nine, asked someone to inquire in front of the Imperial College, and bought a small yard, not too big, regardless of the first or second entrance, and when it was time to add makeup, I would add it to Ms. Zhang, and I would try it when I caught up. In this new year, it will be convenient for the brothers and nephews of the Zhang family to take the exam in Beijing.

Lease out on weekdays, and also earn money.

Previously, their husband and wife planned to help Fusong buy a house as a new house in the boundary of Xianglan Banner, but they were rejected by Qi Xi and Jue Luo.

Here in the Dutong Mansion, a three-entry house has been prepared in Zhenghongqi, and it is under the name of Fusong.

That one was for Fusong's new house.

If I let my sister and brother-in-law handle it all, it would be too embarrassing for them to be Ama and Ernie.

Shu Shu didn't argue with her parents, but she didn't intend to watch in vain.

She had left a shop for Fusong before, it was a tailor shop on Gulou Street, it was not included in the dowry list, it was one of her private properties.

But the shop was very small, with only two shops, and the rent collection was limited, so he thought about adding another house.

Ninth elder brother naturally has no objection.

Knowing that Shu Shu let go, Jue Luo said: "Don't be too conspicuous, you and your wife have already helped Fu Song too much."

Brother Jiu said generously: "It's not an outsider either."

As he said that, he turned his head to look at Zhu Liang and said, "You brothers are the same, your sister said, you are all prepared in the same way..."

At that time, if the shop and house are not fully purchased, they will make up for it directly with silver money.

Zhu Liang quickly shook his head and said, "No, no..."

Brother Nine smiled and said: "Now your elder sister talks about fairness all day long. I'm afraid that it will be unfair to the three children. In the future, the children will be sad when they grow up. The same is true for the younger ones, and the same is true for your brothers."

Zhu Liang stopped talking.

Jue Luo looked at Brother Jiu's all-encompassing appearance, but also remained silent.

Although she knew that her daughter's silver house, restaurant and pastry shop were all doing well, she didn't spread the money like this.

Jue Luo felt that next time we see each other, we should train the girl.

Don't talk too much, just do what you can.

Speaking from the front, this kind of favor has become a matter of course.

Even if the younger brothers have a conscience and want to share their affection, but as brothers and daughters-in-law, they can't say that they deserve it...

In the Ninth Prince's Mansion, Shu Shu sneezed.

Brother Nine is not around, and there are only sisters-in-law and aunts-in-law, so I feel much more at ease.

Shu Shu asked someone to prepare lunch.

It has been more than four months for Sifujin, and after the time of bad mouth, there is no taboo for eating, and there is no taboo for meat or fish.

Shu Shu asked the kitchen to make the sweet dish that I thought of yesterday, sweet and sour pork tenderloin, shredded milk tofu, red dates sandwiched with rice cakes, cherry meat, and added two spicy seasonings, spicy shredded pork, boiled fish, and two A side dish, lettuce mushrooms and scallops and cabbage.

The staple food is lotus leaf cake and Sixi Shaomai.

The three sisters-in-law had lunch happily.

Feeling sleepy after eating too much, Shu Shu's eyelids became heavy, Sifujin's being taken away also started yawning, and Jiu Gege got up to leave.

The two sister-in-laws, one in confinement and one pregnant, couldn't bear it.

Shu Shu didn't stay with any guests either, she just asked the dining room to prepare a few side dishes for Jiu Gege to bring back to the palace as a tribute to the Empress Dowager.

The weather was warm at noon, and Shu Shu also wanted to bask in the sun, so she personally delivered it.

Sifujin and Jiugege stopped her but did not, so they let her go.

Shu Shu was already looking forward to the end of the month, and said: "It will be fine when the time comes, I'm so suffocated, after the Dragon Boat Festival, the emperor's grandmother should go to the garden again, and then we will go too..."

Sifujin nodded and said: "It's fine in the past, Haidian is cool..."

Jiugege thought about the Xinliu Institute next to the North Garden, and said with anticipation: "That's a good relationship. If I live in the Xinage's office, I can see you all day long..."

It's not too far to live in the fifth place, just walk two or three miles.

Shu Shu glanced at her, and couldn't help but worry: "This year is fine, next year it will be inconvenient for my sister to enter the garden. Is there any open space next to the North Garden?"

After hearing this, Jiu Gege couldn't help being at a loss, he hadn't thought about this before.

Yes, the princess who came out is different from the princess in the palace.

When the time comes, she will go to Haidian to escape the summer heat and take her family with her. It is not easy to live directly with the emperor's grandmother.

Jiugege shook his head and said, "I don't know, I only know that the North Garden is the old garden of Pingjun Prince's Mansion..."

Shu Shu said: "Let your ninth brother ask later, the marriage and birth have not yet been planned, it would be more convenient if a piece of land near the North Garden is allocated!"

After hearing this, Jiugege brought some anticipation.

In the past few years, Sheng Jia spent more and more time in Changchun Garden, and so did the Queen Mother.

They are juniors, so they naturally look forward to living with the elders...

After seeing off the two guests, Shu Shu strolled to Ning'an Hall.

Mrs. Uncle saw that she was dressed tightly, and said: "Even if you want to go out of the house, you can only go out at noon. Although it is the beginning of summer, there will still be wind sooner or later..."

Shu Shu tilted directly on the kang, and lazily said: "Don't worry, Ah Mou, I love myself the most..."

Mrs. Uncle is also in the back room in the morning and afternoon, besides staring at Shu Shu, she just looks at a few little ones.

Shu Shu came over to mention the matter of Da Gege's house division, so he mentioned the matter of three children sleeping at the same time.

"Now that I eat a lot, I wake up more. I have to get up in two hours at most to feed, and I will take care of each other. The noise will not stop. After this, I will sleep even less. By the end of the month, I will still be big. Move to the main courtyard first..."

Shu Shu said the reason.

Mrs. Uncle frowned when she heard this, and said, "What are you doing moving forward? Just move over here, does this mean you dislike me?"

Shu Shu said unhappily: "Speaking of this hurts people's hearts, can't it be that I feel sorry for Ah Mou? Such a big child is making trouble, so after the first year of life, he will be more sensible, and then move it over!"

Mrs. Uncle snorted softly and said, "What is filial piety? Obedience is filial piety, and it only took more than half a year. What are you doing for nothing? I have such a big yard here, and there are about twenty rooms in front and back. How can there be any noise? "

At that time, it will be placed in the backyard, and even the nanny and wet nurse can be accommodated.

Shu Shu was still not happy, and said: "It's not like you don't know about Big Ge Ge's loud voice, it's really like eating and crying twice, and it's summer, it's not easy to close the windows, why not make noise?"

Mrs. Uncle waved her hand and said: "Stop rambling, if you insist on moving to the front, then I'll go home when the time comes, I won't be needed anyway!"

Shu Shu: "..."

Threatened people?
No wonder you say old kid, old kid...

Mrs. Uncle turned her face away and ignored her.

Shu Shu thought about it, after the Dragon Boat Festival, she would go to live in the Haidian Garden, and then the whole family would go there, and they would be in the same courtyard again.

It is estimated that I will not come back until it cools down, early August or something.

Forget it, just move this way.

Shu Shu took Mrs. Uncle's arm and said: "It was agreed before I was born that Ah Mou will put me first, so don't try to be brave, if you are tired, just talk, Da Gege is not easy child of the heart."

Only then did Mrs. Uncle's face turn, she gave Shu Shu a sideways look, and said: "Don't say that about the child, the child who can cry will be relieved, if there is an uncomfortable place, you can also remind him, this is a good child of filial piety! "

Shu Shu snorted softly, feeling that her position was in jeopardy.

It's only been a month and a half, and the little ancestor seems to have competed with him for favor.

In a few years, I guess I will go further back...

Outside Efang Village, Wanping County, the bank accounts.

Kangxi is summoning the ministers who followed him to mention the next itinerary.

Due to the large number of people leaving Beijing this time, the journey today was somewhat chaotic.

Now it's not winter and moon to go out. In early summer, half of the seedlings in the field have grown.

The accompanying officers and soldiers can walk on the path, but it is strictly forbidden to trample the seedlings.

There are also deacons, servants, etc. of the retinue, as well as walkers, which make the team move slowly.

It's not that these people don't have mounts, mules or donkeys, but they don't ride because they are afraid that the holy driver will look at them indecently.

It's not necessary, and it's not a siege, requiring horseback riding and archery, just transportation.

In addition, it is not necessary to divide the teams according to the Eight Banners.

You can march separately, you don't have to follow the holy team all the time, and you will waste time.

The accompanying bachelors and the Eight Banners all received the oral order and went down to pass on the message.

The elder brother was not there, and he took the clan's children to sit in the front of the Eight Banners camp.

Kangxi said to the Thirteenth Brother: "You go to Fushan and tell him to order two guards. Tomorrow morning, you go ahead and go to Wangjiakou to inspect the preparations for Yuzhou..."

Brother Thirteen agreed and went out to find Fushan.

Kangxi looked at the fourth elder brother and motioned him to sit on the chair next to the table.

His face was a little ugly, and he looked at the table.

In a few cases, it was an apology written by the princess.

The concubine Chen did not restrain the people of Yuqing palace, causing the family of the palace lady Li to spread rumors to slander Qifujin and Jiufujin.

However, she also mentioned that the reason was that her pulse case was leaked, which caused the Li family to have delusional thoughts, wanting to "mother is more valuable than the son", which made Li's Jin side Fujin.

Now that the crown prince has many grandchildren and his family background is low, please choose another beautiful girl from the Eight Banners to be the wife of the crown prince to give birth to the grandson.

Of course, Yuqian knew about the gossip about these two months.

Kangxi knows more.

He also knew that the Tong family in Shengjing sent people to Beijing and invited the nanny released from the palace just for the Tong family's candidates.

The Tong family is a descendant family. According to Grace, the girls from the two branches of the Tong Guowei brothers were exempted from election by Grace.

The Tong family is now raising several granddaughters and granddaughters under the name of Longkodo, but the household registration has not been changed.

This is for the draft next spring...

Kangxi glanced at the fourth elder brother and said, "You still have correspondence with Long Kedo?"

The fourth elder brother looked hesitant when he heard this, and didn't answer right away.

Kangxi looked at him and said, "What did you say in the letter?"

The fourth elder brother lowered his eyes and said: "Ask about the two properties owned by E Nie back then, and want to borrow a house in Beixinqiao..."

(End of this chapter)

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