My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 906 Unfilial Son

Chapter 906 Unfilial Son

Kangxi couldn't help frowning.

Although Tong Guowei was expelled from the imperial court and expelled from Beijing, he did not confiscate his home, and his private property was naturally still there.

Even if the government takes back the Ministry of Internal Affairs and rebuilds the Princess Mansion, but there are other industries, how can there be no house?

It's just to maintain a relationship with the fourth prince.

Especially the house in Beixinqiao, which is next to the Baylor Mansion, is Front and Back Street.

Kangxi said with a dark face: "You agreed?"

The fourth elder brother said awkwardly: "That house was a dowry given to E Nie by the Tong family in the early years. E Nie left it to his son. There was an objection from the Tong family. After the ninth younger sister pointed out the marriage, the son asked someone to renovate the house. I plan to add makeup to my younger sister and bring it back to Tong's house, but I can only politely refuse my uncle..."

If it was a different person, Kangxi would doubt whether it was an excuse or not, it was too coincidental.

But the fourth elder brother, with a straight temper, is not the kind who loves to play tricks, and he will never tell such easy-to-explain lies.

The house is kept here, and it will be known if it is repaired or not and sent to see it.

He looked more relaxed, and said: "Don't think too much about it. Many properties under the Tong family's name were also bestowed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Since your forehead is left to you, you just take care of it and don't care about others."


The fourth elder brother nodded in agreement.

Kangxi thought of the Tong family, his uncle Tong Guowei was rebellious, and he didn't give up. He also thought about having another generation of prince's grandson or grandson of the emperor.

Shun An's eyes are good but his hands are low, and when he arrives in Shengjing, he will only be resentful, contradict his elders, and discord with his brothers, making people hate dogs.

There is only one Longkodo, who is four years younger than him. He watched him grow up. He is good at civil and martial arts and should have a future.

But what happened to spoiling concubines and killing wives?
When I was in the capital before, I still had scruples about shame, so I took the concubine of the Yue family into a concubine, and after being expelled and brought to Shengjing, he entered the hall and entered the room, and even promoted him to be a concubine.

Longkodo's wife was cowardly and did not dare to stop her, but the other concubine was a child with a red belt. She quit and reprimanded the other concubine, but was humiliated by "caught rape" when she turned around, and hanged herself in anger.

It was a child with a red belt, but because the family was poor and there was no dowry, it was not a marriage that could be said to be well-matched, so it was delayed until she was old, and she became a concubine of the government.

Kangxi originally wanted to transfer Long Kedo back to Beijing and give it to a first-class guard, but when he heard the news, he also stopped thinking.

He looked at the fourth elder brother and said: "Now there are many idle clans, and there are more idlers. I heard that some days are difficult, it is very shameful..."

For example, selling women as concubines.

It would be more respectable if she married into a noble family, but it would really hurt the dignity of the court if she married into a civilian family.

The fourth elder brother heard this, and said: "It's okay for the clan, only Xianglan Banner and Zhenglan Banner have more idle population, life is not rich, Jueluo's life is indeed worse..."

Some clans in Xianglan Banner and Zhenglan Banner are distant branches, not descendants of Taizu.

As for those from the Jueluo family, there are still people who work as errands in the Bannerman's or Baoyi's family to beg for a living.

When this matter was mentioned, the fourth elder brother thought of Fu Song.

That's all for the clan, even if they can't seize the title, as long as Cheng Ding also receives a share of money and food; the red belt Jueluo does not have this treatment.

It's better to let Jueluo take the Eight Banners imperial examinations, or choose the vacancies.

It's just that he was thinking in his heart and didn't speak.

Not in his place, not seeking his government.

Find an opportunity to talk about this matter with Elder Brother Shi later, and this matter should be discussed first at the clan mansion.

After a while, it's time to eat.

Kangxi waved his hand to send the fourth elder brother away.

The fourth elder brother stood up and responded, remembering one thing, and said: "Ama Khan, the ninth elder brother has prepared a special dish and sent it to the son's residence. The son has brought it, can you see it off in the dining room?"

Kangxi nodded and said: "Send it over there, really, there is no concern that he won't worry about it..."

It's hard to say that the fourth elder brother was prepared for the brothers, but Yuqian just went by and retreated silently.

When it was time for dinner, the eunuch serving food came over to ask for orders, and said, "Your Majesty, Lord Jiu respects eight kinds of side dishes and twelve kinds of pastries, and now we have a few..."

Kangxi only thought it was one or two things, but he didn't expect that there would be so many, and said: "Put the side dishes on a plate, and I'll serve them tomorrow morning!"


The eunuch serving food retreated in response.

Kangxi looked at Liang Jiugong and said, "It's inexplicable, why is Lao Jiu so attentive? He won't be making trouble again, right?"

Liang Jiugong bowed and said: "Xu can't come out with the retinue, because I don't worry about the emperor's diet and daily life."

When the holy driver goes on tour, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs should also follow as usual.

This time, the Ministry of Internal Affairs only arranged for two doctors to follow and arrange matters on the road.

Kangxi snorted lightly, and said: "At least he still has a little conscience, I know I sympathize with him!"

He complained, but he was still relieved in his heart.

It is said that if you don't raise a child, you don't know the kindness of your parents. Now that you have adopted a child, you should know how to be filial to your parents.

But when the plate came up, he saw the color of the dishes clearly, and his face darkened, and he told Wei Zhu, "Go out and find the fourth elder brother's people to find out why the ninth elder brother prepares these meals!"

Where is it prepared for him?

In addition to patrolling the Yongding River this time, he also pays homage to the Xiaoling Mausoleum, and has to be a vegetarian for the next few days.

Of the eight side dishes in front of me, six are meat!

This unfilial son!
This was not prepared for him at all, and it was said to be "sincerely", it should just be done by the way!
When Wei Zhu made a move, the fourth elder brother got the news here.

The fourth elder brother realized that the side dish was inappropriate only after he realized it.

What he was thinking about these two days was the Yongding River project. The Ministry of Households allocated 60 taels of silver.

This is only used for daily maintenance. If there is a large project to be carried out, another amount of money will be allocated, which is almost seven or eight million taels of silver on average.

To catch up with the flood year, it will be about 1000 million taels.


Every year, [-]% to [-]% of the money from the household department is used for river construction.

The fourth elder brother feels distressed whenever he thinks about it. In the past few days, he has only thought about the Yongding River fortification and has no time to think about other things.

He couldn't sit still.

It seems that I have cheated my brother.

It would be fine if he didn't eat those side dishes before, but this is what he and Fujin ate at home yesterday.

At that time, he was full of food and salty, and drank half a pot of cold water in the middle of the night.

He told Su Peisheng: "Tell people to tell the truth, Brother Jiu prepared it for King Zhijun, and the others should just incidentally..."

Su Peisheng complied and went out to spread the word.

Wei Zhu saw Su Peisheng confessing in private, but just pretended not to see it.

He only inquired about what the emperor asked him to inquire about.

But Master Jiu is also this time, too negligent, no wonder the emperor is not happy.

After inquiring for a while, knowing that the food was promised by Prince Jiu to the King of Zhijun, and it was also yesterday's impromptu idea, Wei Zhu went back to the imperial court.

Kangxi didn't touch those few meat dishes, but only used dried eggs and tofu for the porridge.

After hearing Wei Zhu explain the reason, Kangxi looked better.

It is not easy to be considerate of the big brother, and he looks like a younger brother.

Because of the elder brother, it is rare to think of the fourth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother, but he is too confused about himself, Han Ama.

Immediately, he also found a reason for Brother Nine. He was not a thoughtful person at all, and he looked good before, and it was also because Fujin helped him take care of it.

Now that Mrs. Dong E is not yet confinement, she can't take care of the housework, Brother Jiu is doing things by herself, so she doesn't care about the head and the tail, without thinking carefully.

He is not a mean Ama, so he will not be harsh. Looking at the few side dishes, he ordered Liang Jiugong to say: "Dried bamboo shoots and chicken are rewarded with Qixi, spicy beef sauce is rewarded with horses, turtledove diced fried pickled cucumbers are rewarded with blessings, tomato You can enjoy Orondai with fish, Yaerjiang with fish, and prolong your life with preserved pork..."

It's hot now, these foods don't last long, it's a pity to leave them for nothing, and you can reward the accompanying ministers.

Liang Jiugong agreed, took the eunuchs, and sent rewards to various tents...

The capital, the prince's mansion, and the back room.

Shu Shu realized her negligence when it was late, when the husband and wife were gossiping, and Brother Jiu talked about the Shengjia's visit to the mausoleum.

It seems that the food prepared is not quite right.

But she didn't take it seriously.

This is not a matter of duty.

It’s okay to make a mistake once in a while, and it’s not an assigned task, so we must be meticulous.

Just make up your mind.

She ate the steamed cherries, sweet and sour, full of satisfaction.

Today's cherries are not the optimized and improved ones of later generations. The fruit is small, the size of a thumbnail, but has good sweetness and acidity.

Shu Shu said to Brother Jiu: "A few days ago, I asked my cousin for mulberry trees, but this time I'm thinking about planting cherries again..."

Brother Jiu cheered and said: "That's all, the land in Xiaotangshan, our family has reserved a hilltop, and we can plant anything..."

Shu Shu listened, thinking of all kinds of fruits, she became greedy.

There are quite a few types of fruit trees in the capital.

Cherries, mulberries, apricots, peaches, plums, apples, pears, pomegranates, hawthorns, persimmons, and crabapples can all be planted.

No one in later generations eats crabapple fruit, but now there are, which are about the size of a cherry. They ripen after the Mid-Autumn Festival and are quite delicious.

Shu Shu smiled and said: "Then plant them all, and then build a vineyard, then we can use this to make candied fruit, and we can also make wine..."

Brother Jiu thought for a while, then shook his head and said: "The fruit wine tastes weak, and few people recognize it, let alone in Mongolia..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu was taken aback.

How did she forget the corn wine of later generations?

Corn can replace sorghum and millet to make shochu.

At present, the imperial court has a ban on alcohol, which successively prohibits brewing in pots outside the customs and in Zhili Shun, Yong, Bao, and Hesi prefectures. In 37, it issued a ban on alcohol in nine provinces including Huguang, Jiangxi, and Shaanxi.

However, it is very cold in the north, and officials and common people are used to having a drink.

Pot brewing was banned, and there was no one to control the small-scale brewing of small households.

The result is two situations.

The price of wine on the market is getting higher and higher, and there are many people who make wine in private.

There are also people who took advantage of the loopholes to avoid the ban in the four provinces and go to other provinces to start cooking.

No one popularized corn before because it tasted bad, and because it was not included in the grain taxed by the imperial court, it could not be taxed.

What if you can make wine and sell it for a price?

Naturally, someone buys it, and someone promotes it.

Shu Shu said: "Master, corn is also food. If corn can make wine, it can be used as an official cooking pot..."

In fact, not only corn, but also potatoes can be used for shochu.

Anyway, outside the capital city, there are quite a few Huangzhuang in Zhili territory. As long as the economic role of corn and potatoes is discovered, more and more people will be willing to grow corn and potatoes.

Brother Jiu's eyes lit up, and said: "Official cooking pot, official cooking pot... this is good, a big brewer, not in the capital, but in Mongolia..."

(End of this chapter)

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