Chapter 908 Is the same as a pack of wolves

Brother Jiu couldn't help being a little worried, and said: "It can't be the daughter of Yin De from Shengjing, right? With such a restless temper, where do you want to put it?"

Elder Brother Shi shook his head and said, "That's not among the candidates for the draft."

It's notorious again, Ah Ling'a won't make trouble for nothing.

"No, the year before last, Ling'a's eldest daughter was also drafted?" Brother Jiu was surprised and asked in puzzlement, "Didn't the daughter of the descendant family give Grace an exemption?"

Elder Brother Shi thought for a while, and said: "It should be a formality, and let Concubine Yi meet people along the way..."

Brother Jiu curled his lips, thinking of the 37 draft, it felt like a long, long time had passed.

I'm really thankful, if I had pointed him to A Ling'a's eldest daughter back then, then Shu Shu would have belonged to someone else.

Based on the doting of Shu Shu's parents-in-law, I am afraid that she is still buying a dowry and waiting for her to be married.

After all, it is now popular in the Eight Banners to marry late, and it is not uncommon for Ge Ge to stay until the [-]th or [-]th generation to go out.

What about yourself?
Maybe it was the big wedding last year, maybe it was the big wedding this year.

In short, I'm still in my elder brother's office, maybe I haven't left the study...

Brother Nine wanted to go back to Ah Ling again, and said: "He can do whatever he likes, what can he do with you? Later, Khan Ama misunderstood again, thinking that you made it up, isn't that wronged?"

Elder Brother Ten said: "It should be a spy, to see if I have the heart to choose another Fujin from Niu Hulu's family, or to see if I can stop them..."

Brother Nine frowned and said: "It's just inexplicable! Ask the master to say, don't meet again, he is insidious, he doesn't behave properly, he may be acting deliberately, he came to you for a while, and if he turns around, he will pull you as a banner It's..."

Elder Brother Shi nodded and said, "Brother Ninth is right, so my younger brother will disappear."

The relationship between him and Niu Hulu's family, the current distance is fine, close but not close.

If it is one step closer, there will be more speculations and troubles outside.

After a while, the two brothers arrived at Xihua Gate, Brother Jiu got out of the carriage and took people to the House of Internal Affairs.

He went out now, surrounded by two servants, He Yuzhu and Sun Jin, two haha ​​beads, Xinghe and Baoshan, and four guards on duty, a total of eight people followed.

Brother Twelve is already here, writing something at his desk.

Brother Nine strolled over, leaned over to look, and said, "What are you writing?"

Elder Brother Twelve got up and said, "I checked the household registers of many Zuo Ling population yesterday, and found that the increase in the population of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is not only normal breeding, but also a lot of people from the same clan and begging for different surnames..."

Just as the Eight Banners are in touch with each other, the Three Banners of the House of Internal Affairs and the Lower Five Banners are also inextricably linked.

These coated populations are still assigned to the colors of the eight banners from the old Eight Banners of Longjinguan, and there are times when the colors are changed in the middle.

There was not much difference in the early years, but since entering the customs, the coating of the upper three flags has been different from that of the lower five flags.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs has many officials and errands, and there are more than 4000 vacancies just to count, and it is easier to choose women's clerks.

There is a lot of difference in the coating of the five flags, and the selection of officials is not as good as the population of the flags.

Some people sneaked into the Ministry of Internal Affairs and moved their children to the Three Banners Protection Book of the Ministry of Internal Affairs as adoptive and son-in-law.

Brother Twelve finished talking about this, then pointed to another one, and said: "Let's go with the Manchuria Zuoling and the Mongolian Zuoling, and there are quite a few Qigu Zuoling marrying the common people..."

If it was a normal marriage, it would not be eye-catching, but there are a few cases where people marry widows or take people as concubines, and then their step-sons and step-daughters are registered as Baoyi.

Brother Jiu listened and became serious.

Concubinage is a common practice in the Baoyi family, that is, Jiu's grandfather Sanguanbao, who has two wives on one side and several concubines.

Why the palace only selects maids from the Three Banners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

With a new coating from outside like this, who knows what the root is.

Brother Twelve pointed out this point, and he was also worried about it.

Brother Nine pondered and said: "Make this note, look back and see how to deal with it."

Brother Twelve nodded in agreement, and pointed to another one, saying: "These families marry children with red belts, and some marry servants..."

All dynasties have paid attention to "the good and the cheap don't marry", and the Qing Dynasty was no exception.

Baoyi is also a member of Zhenghu Banner, and there are many marriages with Qizuo Bannermen, but most of them are married to Qizuo Bannermen, and it is rare to marry directly with Yellow Belt and Red Belt.

According to the "Eight Banners Regulations", it is not allowed to marry a servant. In the future, the title of knighthood and the filling of errands will be reduced compared to ordinary people.

Brother Jiu said: "According to the law, all violations of the law will be brought together, and when the time comes, I will ask the judge..."

Brother Twelve agreed and continued to tidy up.

After a while, Zhang Baozhu came and took two brochures, looking very preoccupied.

Brother Jiu glanced at him and said, "Why, there is no room for rent-collecting officials?"

It turned out that Brother Jiu remembered the Queen Mother's instructions, and asked Zhang Baozhu to sort out the official booklets in the imperial city, and planned to pick a few good ones from the surplus official houses and add them to Jiugege.

These shops in the imperial city still belong to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but in the future, the rental income can be attributed to Jiugege.

If Jiugege gets impatient and rents out, if he wants to take it back, he can ask his servants to open a shop.

The right to use the shop will not be taken back until Jiu Gege passes away.

In this way, whether the boundary is good or bad is very important.

It is also a shop, the annual rent of 300, [-] taels is of course different from [-], [-] taels.

Brother Jiu entrusted the matter to Zhang Baozhu, and asked him to walk around several streets in the imperial city to see where the boundaries were good.

Zhang Baozhu took the brochure and said, "Yes, there are, but the ownership is a bit unclear now..."

Brother Jiu was confused, and said, "Why is it unclear? Either it is still in the public house, or it was given, there is always a record..."

It has been more than 50 years since the Eight Banners entered the customs. All the houses in the imperial city are owned by the royal family. How can there be two homeowners?

Zhang Baozhu took two booklets and said: "According to the booklet, there are five shops in Xi'anmen Street, the houses are dilapidated, and they are leased to the people at 48% of the market price to manage three businesses, and the annual rent is [-] taels of silver. Isn't this the 'Yufeng Building'? Yufeng Building is a big shop with a width of ten rooms, two floors up and down, and a courtyard at the back. There are about forty rooms in this building..."

Brother Jiu couldn't help frowning when he heard this.

The annual rent of a prosperous shop is 48 taels?


It is not easy to live in the capital, not to mention a shop, even a small courtyard in a secluded place in the inner city, there is no place to rent it for 48 taels of silver rent.

The tricks in this are not on the books.

"Oh! I didn't realize that there is such a rich man in the House of Internal Affairs!"

Brother Jiu gritted his teeth.

Who would have thought of this if people didn't ask people to check the shop?

Brother Jiu took a look at Zhang Baozhu, and said: "Okay, I understand, Mr. Zhang will keep these two booklets, don't mention this matter again."

Zhang Baozhu agreed, left the brochure, and withdrew.

Brother Twelve had already put down his pen and listened to the whole process. Seeing Brother Nine's expression, he hesitated for a moment and advised, "Brother Ninth, it's not something that can be done by one or two people. Not a family or two…”

Smashing people's jobs is like killing their parents.

Brother Jiu glanced at him and said: "Don't worry, brother knows what's in his heart, but he didn't expect that under the nose of Khan Ama, he would raise a second master!"

This is where the shortcomings of the Ministry of Internal Affairs lie.

All are coated population, either relatives or friends.

In the end, they got hooked up and deceived each other.

He snorted softly and had a plan.

The censor's yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs...

That's not a coated officer...

Now that it has been established for several months, it can't just check the accounts.

That's all part of the job, what's the credit?
Right now, isn't it a good opportunity to make meritorious service?

Brother Nine knew what he was doing, so he was not in a hurry.

seeing is believing.

Even if Zhang Baozhu reported it in the newspaper, Brother Jiu still wanted to see it with his own eyes.

Therefore, when returning home at noon, brother Jiu took a few more careful look.

Because of the approaching meal time, there was an endless stream of customers downstairs in Yufeng, and some people were already waiting outside.

It's a full table.

Brother Jiu glanced at his pocket watch, it was only the second quarter of the afternoon.

Looking at this land boundary and this shop, no wonder the business is good.

Looking at the style, the location is Sanchakou, and it is the best shop on the whole street.

48 taels of silver a year!
Brother Jiu couldn't help grinding his teeth!
In such a shop, the normal price is more than ten times, estimated to be more than ten times.

In the end, only 48 taels of silver were handed over to the accounting department. This means that even the meat and bones were secreted, leaving only a mouthful of soup for the public.


What's more, he has been the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for three years, and he has not heard any news, which is also embarrassing to him.

His eyes dimmed.

He didn't like to take care of the coat before, and he didn't promote and get close to other people except Gao Bin and his son.

Now it seems that that will not work.

The Gao family has no foundation in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the news is not well-informed.

Brother Nine needs both ears and eyes.

He put down the car curtain and thought of this.

Even if he had something on his mind, he didn't forget about buying mutton in Xisi, he walked half a street to buy mutton and sesame seed cakes and came back.

Shu Shu here, just sent away ten Fujin.

During the whole morning, Shu Shu asked about the monks and temples on the grassland.

As a result, she found that almost all the people in the grasslands now believe in religion.

The princes of various ministries believe in religion, and have begun to arrange for other sons who are not qualified to become nobles to become monks.

Follow the example above and below, commoner people who have many sons like to send them to become monks.

"Otherwise, what should we do? There are too many sons, and the family needs to be separated, but for princes and Baylors, the size of the pasture is fixed. It is fixed, and there is no extra space to raise more cattle and sheep, and the family will never be able to save up if they are divided..."

When Shi Fujin talked about this, he was extraordinarily transparent, and said: "It's like going to kill the little wolf every spring. It's to control the size of the wolf pack. Sending the children to become monks is no different from that..."

Shu Shu looked at Shi Fujin and was shocked.

It never occurred to me that this was the reason.

It actually sounds reasonable.

It can only be said that the difference between nomadic people and agricultural peoples.

They pay more attention to "natural selection"...

(End of this chapter)

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