My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 909 Duanyang Tribute

Ten Fujin didn't stay for dinner.

She knew that elder brother Jiu would come back at noon, so she wouldn't be an eyesore here.

At the beginning of noon, she got up quickly and was about to go home, saying: "Go home and water the bamboo!"

Shu Shu had to give a few instructions, saying: "You can't be too old, it's really not possible..."

As she spoke, she looked up at the sky and said, "Isn't it going to rain? Since it's cloudy, take it easy..."

The two pots of bamboo given to them by the fifth elder brother last year were watered to death by Shi Fujin.

The few clumps of bamboo moved over after the Ching Ming Festival were given by Shu Shu, and they were directly planted in the garden of the Tenth Prince's Mansion.

Shi Fujin is very caring, and treats watering the bamboos as a job every day, and he does not pretend to be human.

But she doesn't know how to adapt, which makes people worry.

Shi Fujin looked up at the sky, and said, "Oh, I forgot about this, okay, let's wait and see..."

After finishing speaking, she left in a hurry.

Shu Shu tilted her head and brought a book, which she asked Xiao Song to go to the front study room in the morning to get it.

The title of the book is "Qu's Materia Medica". This is an isolated copy of a Song book. Last year, Brother Jiu asked someone to inquire around major bookstores in the capital and bought it.

Because Shu Shu wanted to make peach wine at that time, with a little knowledge, Brother Jiu collected books about wine brewing, most of which were antique books from the Song Dynasty.

As a result, I got this book "Koji Materia Medica". There are many wine koji and medicinal wine recipes here, most of which are rice wine popular in Song Dynasty, but in the later records, Siamese shochu is mentioned.

Many of the shochu outside is passed down from the previous dynasty.

Shu Shu felt very knowledgeable, although she didn't earn the money herself, but it's quite interesting to watch Brother Nine get up and cook.

There was movement outside, it was Brother Jiu who had returned.

Shu Shu looked at the familiar figure outside through the honey-colored window screen, and her saliva flowed out.

I am greedy for Xisi's sauced mutton.

When she was in Dutong Mansion before, she had eaten there several times.

The taste is similar to that of Yueshengzhai in later generations, and it is also called mutton with five-spice sauce.

Fat but not greasy, thin but not firewood.

This is mainly eaten in autumn and winter, let alone spring, and summer will soon be gone.

Seeing Shu Shu waiting with bright eyes, Brother Jiu said: "In addition to sauced lamb, I also bought lamb liver and tripe, and asked He Yuzhu to send it to the front dining room..."

Shu Shu laughed and said, "I'm still thinking about what kind of soup to serve with mutton, but I just like to eat lamb tripe soup."

Brother Nine nodded, and simply washed up.

The movement in the dining room was also fast, and the meal was delivered in less than a quarter of an hour.

Sauce mutton and lamb liver are directly cold-cut, and the lamb tripe is made into lamb tripe vermicelli soup, plus a clear sweet and sour shredded radish, and a plate of mutton sesame sauce biscuits, and it's all there.

Shu Shu couldn't wait, so she drank half a bowl of lamb tripe soup first.

Just put salt and pepper in the soup, and the taste is enough.

After eating a bowl, the meat is delicious.

Seeing this, Brother Nine said, "If you like to eat, just buy it more often in the future."

Shu Shu shook her head and said: "It's over season, and the brine in summer is not good, their family should replace it with roasted mutton..."

That is another way to eat it. It is delicious with noodles, like a big topping.

Being taken by Shu Shu, brother Jiu also had a good appetite. He ate a sesame seed cake with meat, and then ate half of it.

Seeing this, Shu Shu glanced at Brother Jiu's stomach.

Dendrobium is really good, it is not very obvious for her body conditioning, but it is very suitable for Brother Jiu.

When the dining table was removed, Brother Nine mentioned the shop of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and said angrily: "I thought the biggest moth was the imperial dining room, where there was a lot of money coming in and out, and the supply in the palace was easy to manipulate; later I thought it was the construction department, after all, the projects of various palaces and royal gardens have never stopped, and the cost of a carriage can be calculated to dozens of taels of silver, but I have learned a lot today, and there is a rich man hiding right under my nose!"

In the imperial city, all the houses and shops are the property of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which is the private property of the royal family.

After hearing this, Shu Shu couldn't help worrying.

This is just a shop, and you can spend hundreds of taels of silver in a year, but there are several streets in the imperial city.

Not only in the imperial city, but also outside the imperial city, half of Di'anmen Avenue is the official building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The popular shops in Xihuamen are all rented at 48 taels, so how much are the rents in other places?

It's definitely not high, and I didn't see anything on the books before.

Such concerted efforts cannot be concealed by one person.

Also, the previous head of the House of Internal Affairs, not only the court officials like Ma Qi, the royal family like Brother Jiu, were also in charge, but also the head of the House of Internal Affairs who came from a doctor.

Is it possible to say that those people don't know the tricks?

This is a nest case.

The former head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will also be investigated.

Also, if the accounting department is not monolithic, it would not be so strict.

Shu Shu looked at Brother Nine and said, "If things are slow, you don't need to startle them. Otherwise, wouldn't they take advantage of them by throwing out two scapegoats?"

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "Well, I won't end up confronting them. There's no need. The Ministry of Internal Affairs is not all rich. Naturally, there are people who can't see them..."

The censor's yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is full of flag shortages, and they have to be prepared with both hands to prevent them from making big things into small things.

As for the greedy money, it is natural to spit out as much as greedy.

Brother Jiu gritted his teeth and said, "Master took a special look at it. As early as the Shunzhi Dynasty, the shop was still paying 96 taels of silver for rent. In the seventh year of Kangxi, it became a 'broken house', and then it was broken for more than 30 years..."

In this one place alone, more than 1 taels of silver were embezzled.

There are a total of two to three hundred official shops inside and outside the imperial city. How big is that?
"It's just that the slave dares to swallow so much money? There is a backer behind the designation..."

Brother Jiu said to Shu Shu: "Master won't rush ahead foolishly, he's not so reckless..."

Shu Shu shook his hand and said: "Well, master, think about our mother and child more about everything..."

Brother Nine hugged her, sighed, and said, "I have seven inches now, and you are my seven inches..."

He was still thinking about An Sheng's life, but he wouldn't put himself in a situation where everyone could be the enemy.

But the accounting department...

He remembered...

Could it be that the accounting department is the only one that is tricky?
When he was appointed to the Ministry of Internal Affairs the year before last, the empress gave clear instructions.

The money and grain yamen is managed by Concubine Hui's natal family.

That one is also the big head, in charge of Huangzhuang's rent and taxes.

What about the inner tube collar?
Arranging the number of officers in the palace, can there be less oil and water?

Brother Jiu thought for a while, and said to Shu Shu: "I found out, this is simply too ridiculous. In order to save some throwing fees, Khan Ama has been reducing the cost. Even the people in the harem also reduced the expenses twice, and after a year, it was only 8000 taels of silver, and it was not enough for a slave to be greedy..."

No wonder Bao Yi is getting more and more courageous, and doesn't put Royal Elder Brother and Ge Ge in his eyes.

I'm afraid it's behind the scenes, and they have nothing to fear from the emperor.

Shu Shu sighed and said, "After being the master of the second floor for a long time, I have an illusion..."

Brother Nine said: "Every yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has a lot of cashiers. Taking advantage of this opportunity, we can add a special place for cashiers to manage these live money. When the dust settles, Twelve can also take care of this. In the future, when the official burns the pot, it will be directly under this yamen..."

The husband and wife were talking, when Walnut said at the door: "Fu Jin, Master Jiu, Mother Bai is here..."

Shu Shu sat up and said, "Hurry up and welcome me in..."

Walnut responded and went out to meet the guests.

Bai Momo didn't come alone, she brought a few eunuchs behind her, carrying big and small bags in her arms.

Shu Shu stood up and said with a smile, "Is it the emperor's grandmother who rewarded you?"

Bai Momo bowed her knees and bowed to the two of them, and said: "Please Jiu Ye, Fu Jin, it's the Duanyang tribute from outside. The empress picked some out and sent the servants to bring them to Fujin."

Shu Shu brought joy and said, "Shandong seafood?"

The last time the Empress Dowager sent people to deliver so many things, it was also seafood when I was in the second institute in the twelfth lunar month of the previous year, and then there was "Fu Shou Xi".

The Empress Dowager's diet is still full of Mongolian style, mainly meat and mutton, and seafood is not very used.

Many of the ingredients in Ningshou Palace are for nothing.

Bai Momo smiled, nodded and said, "There are many places..."

It's very casual for the queen mother to reward things.

There is food, usefulness, and clothing.

There are seafood that Shu Shu is looking forward to, a bucket of shark fin, a bucket of dried razor clams, a box of seaweed, and a box of Eucheuma tribute from the governor of Shandong.

There is also a box of lily powder and a box of bamboo shoots presented by the governors of the two lakes.

A box of yam powder and a bottle of preserved kumquats were sent as tribute by the governor of Henan.

A box of barley rice, a box of white jade beans, a bag of jade wheat, and a bag of purple wheat that the governor of Shanxi paid tribute to.

A box of dried Fuyuan and a bucket of red and yellow pomelo were tributed by the governor of Fujian and Zhejiang.

Two bolts of flower machine yarn and two bolts of tooth-colored Gebu were donated by the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi.

The most valuable ones are a box of saffron, a box of Dendrobium, a box of Panax notoginseng, and a box of Chuanlian presented by the governor of Sichuan.

Shu Shu was still smiling when she saw that she was eating, but she couldn't laugh when she saw the last few boxes of herbs.

She looked at Nanny Bai and said, "These are rare items that are not available outside, and there are only two or three boxes of each item in total. Did the imperial grandmother reward me with all of this year's items?"

There are two or three boxes in the local area every year, and the Qianqing Palace still needs to keep them, and the Yuqing Palace still needs to distribute them, and the allocation for Ningshou Palace is also limited.

Bai Momo looked at Shu Shu, worried, and said: "Your Majesty is worried about Fujin, as long as Fujin is properly raised, even the best things can be used."

Shu Shu's eyes were a little wet, and she said, "It's because I'm not filial that I made Grandmother worry..."

Bai Nanny said: "Yesterday Jiu Gege went back and said that Fujin wanted to live in the garden. The lady said that there is no need to live in elder brother's house, but I will stay with Jiu Gege and live directly in the North Garden. There are many vacant rooms and spacious rooms there. cool..."

Shu Shu smiled, and said: "I know that the emperor's grandmother is kind and thinking of me, but I can't bear to let go of our master. The New Sixth Office is next to the North Garden. At that time, I will accompany the emperor's grandmother and Jiu Gege during the day, and I still have to go back to accompany him at night. Our grandfather..."

The queen mother is kind, but it is not good to have such a precedent, otherwise the sisters-in-law will be embarrassed.

What's more, since I set a precedent, Wufujin won't be able to live in the future?
Forever and ever, the granddaughter-in-law is divided into two classes, and the sisters-in-law are also awkward...

It's still the same on the face...

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