My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 910 Ridiculous

Now that we are here, how can we not see "Auspiciousness"?

Just when the three babies woke up, Nanny Bai looked around, but couldn't bear to look away.

Although she had already visited once when she was just born, it was disturbing to watch at that time.

It has been a month and a half now, the eldest brother and the eldest brother are white and fat, and the second elder brother's brows and eyes have also stretched out, and he no longer looks like a little old man.

Shu Shu didn't let Nanny Bai go away empty-handed, she also asked the dining room to pack a big bag and a small bag.

When only the husband and wife were left, Brother Jiu said: "This is changing people's hearts, the emperor's grandmother really loves you..."

Shu Shu opened the box of dendrobium and said, "From now on, let's be filial to the emperor's grandmother..."

The old lady has a high seniority and a high status, so she has nothing to worry about.

They send some food and play, be well-behaved and sensible, and say a few heart-warming words to make the elderly happy, which is filial piety.

Brother Jiu thought for a while, and said: "Didn't you say before that you want to build a yurt-like restaurant outside Beijing? Get some authentic Mongolian dishes, such as hand-picked meat, mutton buns, grilled lamb chops, etc., then we will be in Haidian Or Xiaotangshan repairs one, and invites the emperor's grandmother to eat and drink..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu was very moved.

She thought about these two places, and said: "Let's stay in Xiaotangshan. Barbecue and hand-meat meat are more suitable for eating in winter. It's too dry to eat in summer. I just finished soaking in the hot spring and roasting lamb..."

Take away a small barbecue arrangement.

Brother Jiu came over with a pen and paper, and said, "Looking at the shops in the imperial city in the morning, I have an idea to set up a shopping street outside the boundary of the palace, build some shops, and then build a bigger hot spring inn. People who don’t have a hot spring village want to go to a hot spring, and they can enjoy it for two days. For example, the Mongolian princes Taiji in the inner and outer halls, and the guards and guards who were on duty in the past. It's convenient to enjoy some..."

Shu Shu said: "This place is next to the palace, so it's not easy to mess with fish and dragons. Private management is prone to mistakes, and checking the identity of the school is also troublesome. It's better to hang up in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and become exclusive to the royal family. Then come here with the Tangquan ticket. It will be issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, rewarded by the Qianqing Palace, and will be settled with the Qianqing Palace at the end..."

Brother Jiu was dumbfounded when he heard that, and said, "Settling with Qianqing Palace? How did you think of this?"

Shu Shu smiled and said: "It's just in case, or else it's only under the Ministry of Internal Affairs. There are more than 4000 officials in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and there are idle clans outside. If you want to go there to eat and drink, can you still be kicked out?" Above, it has become a place bestowed by the emperor, who else would dare to take advantage of it?"

Shu Shu felt that she had been with Brother Jiu for a long time, and she was starting to be cautious.

It is not beneficial to oneself, nor does it want to benefit others.

Speaking of this, she said with a solemn expression: "Master, we have enough private property, and we only need to operate the few things we have in hand. The accumulation of more than ten or twenty years is enough for three of them. If there is more, it may not be enough." It's a blessing."

Now Shushu's dowry shop and Zhuangzi's annual income adds up to three to four thousand taels of silver.

The property that Brother Nine previously divided had an annual income of about 2000 taels.

The "Three Festivals and Two Longevity" here in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, most of them paid tribute to Kangxi, and the rest started at [-].

This has not been knighted, and there is a small profit of 3 taels.

Now the manpower and supplies here in the Prince's Mansion are all from the House of Internal Affairs, so they don't have to pay for it themselves.

Gifts of favor are the big ones, and the total amount of gifts is about 6000 taels a year, but the gifts are reciprocal, and they are almost exchanged for things of equivalent value and put into their own warehouses.

In this way, more than 2 taels of silver are left each year plus property of more than [-] taels of silver.

Looking back, when they are knighted, the Ministry of Internal Affairs will also stop the supply, and the knighthood will be maintained for daily use.

This does not take into account the benefits of Xiaotangshan and tea gardens.

When Xiaotangshan comes here, they will have a few 10 taels of silver left.

In the tea garden, there will be more or less a steady flow of water in the future.

After 20 years, they will prepare 20 taels of silver for each of the three children.

The distribution of the current industry is almost enough.

Hearing Shu Shu finish the calculation, Brother Jiu was a little confused, and said: "Then we have enough money and a shop, so we don't need to make any more money in the future?"

Shu Shu nodded and said, "Yes, I'm not a businessman, and my life is not just about buying and selling..."

Brother Jiu frowned and said, "But Master doesn't have any other strengths?"

Shu Shu pointed to the hot spring business street plan he wrote, and said: "Isn't this the strength of the master? You don't have to worry about the business at home. Here in the House of Internal Affairs, the master has the ability to open source, and that is also the skill of the master..."

Brother Jiu was embarrassed by the praise, and said: "I just don't want you to be too conspicuous, so I secreted your credit. A lot of it was your idea."

Shu Shu put his arms around his waist and said: "I know the Lord loves me, the emperor doesn't like women showing off..."

Brother Nine hugged her back and complained in a low voice: "According to me, Khan Ama is the one who went astray. Every family has Ernie to take care of the children. When Ernie is weak, how can you raise good children?"

Shu Shu didn't answer, she could only talk about where she was and what issues she was considering.

Kangxi is the emperor, first of all to ensure his power.

Advocating Confucian ethics and ethics has achieved several successes in one fell swoop, breaking the barriers of the Eight Banners, strengthening the monarchy, and appeasing Han officials...

In Ningshou Palace, between the west side of the main hall.

Bai Momo told the Queen Mother about the situation in the Prince's Mansion, and said: "Jiu Fujin is still skinny, but his complexion has improved a lot, and his face is not so yellow. Little Elder Brother and Little Gege are also well-raised. Little Gege looks like Jiufujin. Like the father, he looks cheerful and has strength in his hands and feet; the elder brother has a personality similar to that of Jiufujin, he looks calm and looks like the eldest son; The master is the same, except that he is thinner than the fifth master when he was a child, and now he has been confinement for half a month, and only five catties..."

Aiwujiwu, Bai Nanny watched the fifth elder brother grow up, and among the three children, the second elder brother was the most lovable.

In addition, people have compassion for the weak, so they pay more attention to the second elder brother.

The queen mother heard this, and said with distress: "This is too thin, when the fifth child is full moon, it weighs nine and a half catties..."

Seeing that she was worried, Bai Momo felt a little regretful, and hurriedly changed her words: "Come up after chasing, after all, they are triplets. Mother didn't snatch her elder brother and younger sister in her womb, so she was born younger..."

The Empress Dowager couldn't wait, and said: "The saint will come back before the Dragon Boat Festival, and after the Dragon Boat Festival, he will be able to go to the garden, and then we will meet again."

Nanny Bai relayed Shu Shu's words, and said: "Jiu Fujin is reluctant to part with Jiu Ye, and Jiu Ye also loves Jiu Fujin, and he returned from the yamen at noon. When the servant passed, the young couple were together."

After hearing this, the queen mother felt relieved, and said: "Brother Jiu is not bad, naughty is naughty, but he is very affectionate, how nice it is to be so harmonious..."

As she spoke, she shook her head and said, "Wu Fujin's side doesn't all depend on Lao Wu, it's just bad luck..."

The human heart is fleshy.

It's true that the two are husband and wife, but the former one has been together for three years and has a son, so he can't really leave her behind.

"Everyone has their own fate, so let's just see them healthy and healthy, and I don't worry about the rest..."

Queen Mother said.

Hongsheng, the elder brother of the Five Baylor Mansion, is also one of the younger elder brothers who entered the palace to study at the beginning of the year. He lives in Ganxi No. [-], not far from Ningshou Palace, but the Queen Mother never sent anyone to take him over.

Only Concubine Yi took half an hour every month when the riding and archery class was short, and also sent clothes and pastries...

The Ninth Prince's Mansion, the back building.

Shu Shu and Brother Nine took an afternoon nap, and when they woke up again, it was already Shen Zheng.

The dark clouds outside have cleared.

It hadn't rained, and the sky had turned blue.

The couple took two quarters of an hour to bask in the baby together.

In the first quarter of an hour, I sunned my arms and legs, and in the last quarter of an hour, I turned over.

The ninth elder brother looked at it with a smile, and when he saw the mark on the elder brother clearly, his face immediately turned cold, and he leaned over, looked at Qi Momo's eyes, and said: "What's the matter, who beat the elder brother?" ?”

Nanny Qi was taken aback.

Shu Shu had already laughed out loud, and said: "Master, this is fetal greenness, the eldest brother is on the buttocks, and the big grid is on the thighs, only the second elder brother is clean, and it will slowly fade after half a year old." .”

Brother Nine said awkwardly, "Why didn't you pay attention before?"

Shu Shu glanced at him.

With a nanny around, Amma just watches the child for a cutscene, and doesn't want to piss shit, so where can I go?
After a while, the three babies were finished in the sun and sent to Xishaojian.

Brother Jiu's mood also stabilized, and he had a guess, and said: "This must be a fight in the stomach. At that time, you said that the noise was fierce. It must be the big brother who fought with the big princess. The second brother hid behind and didn't suffer. superior……"

Shu Shu felt that this guess was not impossible, anyway, it should have something to do with the posture, so this kind of pigmentation would appear.

She felt worried, looked at Brother Nine and said, "I fight in the stomach, and then when I get older, what shall we do?"

It is not appropriate to pull the frame, and the onlookers are not kind.

Brother Nine immediately said: "Of course I have to be disciplined. As an elder brother, how can he bully his younger sister? It's better to give in to his younger sister."

Shu Shu looked at him, a little worried that Da GeGe went to the house to expose the tiles...

In Yuqing Palace, the upper room in the inner courtyard.

The princess is looking at the account book, which is the account book of Xiefang Palace, and the prince asked someone to send it over.

There are a total of nine family members in the East Palace. Besides Li Shi, there is also a little Li Gege who gave birth to two imperial granddaughters. However, due to bad luck, both Gege died at birth.

However, due to her meritorious service in childbearing, the princess still asked someone to give Xiao Li Gege double rations.

In the earlier East Palace records, Li was recorded as a concubine, Xiao Li Gege was recorded as a nobleman, and there were seven court ladies who had served in bed.

Later, due to the small size of Yuqing Palace, and the young elder brothers of the Eastern Palace grew up, the emperor granted the Xiefang Hall to the south of Yuqing Palace to accommodate the family members of the Eastern Palace. Fangdian.

The prince didn't know what to think, so he listed the accounts of Xiefang Palace and asked Mrs. Li to take care of them.

It's been three years now...

Looking at this account book, it is ridiculous.

There are more than a dozen records that are similar to "rewarding Big Brother Haha's beads and clothes and clothes in a certain month and year".

Look at the date, five times a year.

In addition to the Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, and New Year's Eve, which are full days, there are also two scattered days that are rewarded every year.

To actually give away more than half of the private treasury of the eldest elder brother and the second elder brother...

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