My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 911 Confidant

Chapter 911 Confidant
The princess pondered, this matter can't be like this anymore.

Not for anything else, just because in the private treasury of the two young elder brothers, there are many rewards from the elders in the palace, and they are all registered in the book.

The key to the private treasury has never been touched by the Crown Princess, and Li Shi has held it from the beginning.

She only thought that she was the biological mother, and there was no reason not to love the child, but she didn't expect that she would take the son's money to supplement her mother's family.

The Li family is also bold and dares to accept anything.

The concubine was just about to ask someone to invite the prince over, when there was movement at the door.

It's the prince.

The princess stood up.

The prince came in, his face was tense, he sat down straight away, looked at the princess, and asked questioningly: "Did you pass the booklet to the imperial court?"

The princess followed suit and nodded.

The prince frowned and said, "Why are you so reckless? You shouldn't have told me..."

The Crown Princess said unhurriedly: "There are rumors all over the world outside, even Qifujin and Jiufujin have been brought up to talk about it, and those who have beautiful women in the family don't want to inquire about it like flies. Since the source is Yuqing Palace, then naturally Solve it from Yuqing Palace..."

The heartbroken family not only looked at the position of the successor Fujin of King Zhijun, but also thought about the position of the successor Fujin of the Ninth Prince's Mansion.

After all, it is difficult for a woman to give birth, and it is not surprising that she loses her life after giving birth to three.

Especially after the confinement period, Jiufujin still stays behind closed doors, which makes people guess.

As for the Qibeile Mansion, some people guessed that they were going to enter Fujin, so some nobles and concubines asked about it.

Yuqing Palace is no exception here, it has become a hot spot.

The princess was disgusting enough.

Right now, she lowered her eyes to hide the contempt in her eyes.

The prince was unhappy and said, "That's what I should do for Khan Ama."

The Crown Princess looked up at the Prince, and said, "Isn't it my duty to control the women of the Eastern Palace?"

Prince: "..."

The reason is the same, but I always feel that he is a step too late, and the princess seems to be "advancing by retreating".

The princess continued: "Since it was my dereliction of duty, I should have apologized long ago."

The prince glanced at her and said, "What's written in the booklet?"

The princess looked at the prince and said: "Apologize, I didn't restrain the Li family, which caused rumors to spread all over the sky, and I asked the imperial doctor to help the pulse again. Since I have a disease and can't give birth to the emperor's grandson, I ask the emperor to choose another girl from the Eight Banners to fill the East Palace. ..."

The crown prince looked uncomfortable, moved his eyes away, and said: "It's common for childbirth to hurt the body. It will be fine after three or five years. There is no absolute..."

When the princess heard this, her expression remained unchanged, but she clenched her fists tightly in her sleeves.


The prince still doesn't intend to reveal Li's evil deeds, and the princess has no intention of bringing this matter to the table.

In that case, she looks too incompetent and pitiful.

She looked at the account book of Xiefang Palace and said: "I am about to send someone to invite my master over here. This is the account book of Xiefang Palace. The items rewarded by Mrs. Li on it look familiar. Many of them are named by the elder brother and the second elder brother. The belongings below, including those listed in the palace book, are not easy to flow outside..."

The prince was taken aback for a moment, took the account book casually, and read a few pages.

He knew that Li Gege treated his natal family kindly, but he didn't take it seriously, he just thought it was a three-melon and two dates, and didn't take it to heart.

Unexpectedly, in addition to directly sending someone out of the palace, she also rewarded the Li family so many times in private.

He was very annoyed, but he still hesitated when he thought of Hong Xi.

The biological mother is already dead, and the mother-in-law also wants to blame her?

Then he remembered his previous plan, which was to choose another adoptive mother for Hongxi.

If that's the case, it's good for the Li family to deal with it clearly.

He said with displeasure: "It's unreasonable! Don't hide it, just call it theft and order the Punishment Department to recover according to the account book!"

The princess concubine looked at the prince, but she never expected him to be so cruel.

The crime of stealing the property of the East Palace was a solid one, and the Li family would not end up with the family scrambling.

The prince looked at the princess and said, "Huh?"

The Crown Princess lowered her eyes and said, "Listen to the Lord's order..."

The prince looked at the appearance of the princess, always felt awkward, frowned and went out.

The nanny was beside her, worried, and said: "Then...they are the elder brother's and second elder brother's natal family after all, both elder brothers are grown up, don't hold grudges against your mother because of this..."

The crown princess said: "Send someone to the Punishment Department to send a message. The East Palace is going to enter the Eight Banners show girls. By then, there will be no fewer emperors and grandchildren."

With the temperament of the prince, he is not patient to teach his son, and he has always been proud of his status as a legitimate son. When he later has a decent elder brother, he will not pay too much attention to Li's two sons.

After being a husband and wife for several years, the concubine also saw that the prince's disposition is really cool and cold, which is different from anyone else.

In the early years, the emperor personally educated the crown prince, and repeatedly raised the crown prince's treatment. Whenever the tributes from outside governors entered the palace, Yuqing palace would pick them first.

But what about the prince?
On the contrary, he listened to the instigation of Hesheli's family, and felt that the emperor valued him because of his guilt towards the Empress Yuan.

It is also said that the emperor spent many years in the harem in his early years, and he often had domestic pets, so the empress was unhappy, so she collapsed and died after giving birth.

There are also the princes and daughters who were born in that year as evidence. In three months' time, in addition to the prince, three princes and daughters were born in the harem.

The emperor's mention of the deep love between the husband and wife after the Yuan Dynasty is all false. In fact, he has another favorite, otherwise he would not have added two elder brothers in the next year.

These words were revealed by the crown prince to the crown princess unintentionally after the wedding.

The Crown Princess understands the Prince's intentions, she just feels that the husband and wife are one and can share weal and woe.

It's just that the princess thinks the prince thinks too much.

Isn't it normal for parents in this world to be kind to their children?

In particular, people have a heart of pity for the weak, and the emperor himself is also poorly related to his parents, so it is easier to pity the lonely prince.

There is no reason for this or that...

The emperor is the emperor, there is no need to please or make up for anything.

If it was true as Hesheli's family said, the emperor felt more guilt than love for the prince, let alone caring about his daily life, he might not even want to see him.

It was the Hesheli family who had calculated. For the sake of the future of the Hesheli family, they believed in the birth of a prince with a few relatives.

As a result, the emperor's father has not been close to him all these years, let alone the prince's elder brother.

Don't believe in the emperor's sincere love, but treat the Hesheli family as relatives. Isn't this a fool?
The princess smiled wryly. It is true that the emperor favors the prince, but he is also a loving father in front of other princes and elder brothers. If the prince does not love his brothers, the emperor will let such a prince succeed him?
Yongqing County, Beige Station Palace.

Today, Kangxi came to Yongding River Embankment in person, and now he called Ma Qi over.

I was worried that the rain today would affect the river construction. Since there is no rain, the river can be widened when the river is dry, and the soil picked can be directly used to build the embankment.

Since the king of Zhijun brought his clan to supervise the construction again, Ma Qike urged the river governor's yamen to urge the Yongding River piles transported by the four provinces of Jiangnan, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, and Huguang to avoid delaying the construction work.

Marzi agreed.

Kangxi thought for a while, and said, "Since the year before last, how much money has the Ministry of Household allocated for the construction of Yongding River?"

Ma Qi pondered for a while, and said: "37 million taels of silver in 140 years, 38 taels in 85 years, 60 taels this spring..."

In the spring of the 37th year of Kangxi, the Hun River flooded and flooded many fertile fields. The people were miserable, and there was a danger of flooding the capital.

After all, before that, in the seventh year of Kangxi, the Hun River flooded the capital, and a corner of the Meridian Gate collapsed. It took 20 days for the flood to recede, and the people in the capital were miserable.

In order to prevent the past from happening again, Kangxi ordered Zhili Governor Yu Jackie Chan to manage the Hunhe River.

It took three months to spend 140 million taels of silver, recruited 10,000+ civilians, and dug two hundred miles of new river channels.

At that time, Yu Jackie asked the emperor to give the new river channel the Yongding River, but after Kangxi thought about it, he named the entire Hunhe River the Yongding River, and named the Yongding River God, hoping that the capital would not suffer from floods.

In the next two years, the Ministry of Household Affairs also allocated money to continue to improve the Yongding River project.

"2805 taels of silver..."

Kangxi felt distressed when he calculated this number.

This is only the cost of the Yongding River construction, and the bulk is still in the Huanghuai River.

He thought for a while, then said: "Ask the Ministry of Industry to arrange two officers and officials, and record the project files separately. The eight banners will build embankments in sections. If there are omissions within ten years, just ask the commander and deputy commander of the banner!"

Ma Qi bowed and agreed, but felt something was wrong in his heart.

The emperor has personally patrolled the embankment a lot in the past two years, do you know the tricks of building embankments?
This is the Yamen of the Governor-General of Suspicion River...

Hegong really asked for too much money.

It starts with 500 million taels of silver per year, and when it catches up with the years with a lot of rain, it will cost more taels to 300 million taels, and in the most year, it will cost 1307 million taels.

If according to the emperor's standard, the embankment was built in ten years, then the money allocated by the governor of the river channel every year would not be worthy of the account...

When Ma Qi went down, Kangxi fell into deep thought.

What he was thinking about was not the corruption of ink, but the discovery of the inappropriateness of the Eight Banners laborers this time.

There are actually quite a few beards among the recruited staff.

What is the use of such a person coming here?

This is the Eight Banners armor that he personally ordered to draw under his nose.

What are the recruited river workers like when they are not under his nose?

Kangxi thought of Brother Nine's stinginess, and he refused to make up the number of officers. He arranged according to the manpower required for each errand, there was no surplus, and he did not arrange shifts.

Everyone's errands are fully arranged, not to mention, there is also an assessment.

If you do well, you will be rewarded; if you do poorly, you will be punished.

Work more, get more, work less, get less, no work, no gain.

For the same job, everyone gets a different salary.

He thought it was too stingy at the time, but now he thinks it is a good idea.

If according to the previous calculation, the daily fixed amount of money per dime, but the contribution of the 20-year-old young man and the 50-year-old old man is different, naturally there will be dissatisfaction.

Those who come and go again and again have become fools.

The previous way of calculating wages by the day was not very appropriate, at least not very appropriate for river workers...

The capital, the Ninth Prince's Mansion.

Shu Shu wanted to stretch, and before the sun set, brother Jiu would accompany her for a walk in the mansion.

The couple went to the main courtyard.

"After the Dragon Boat Festival, let's move to the garden. Who will look after the house in the house..."

Shu Shu said casually.

Brother Nine said: "Fu Song and Zhang Tingzan, there is nothing wrong anyway..."

Just as he was talking, Cui Baisui came over and said: "Master, Fujin, someone from outside said that his name is Cao Shun, he is the master's slave, he came to see the master..."

After hearing this, Brother Nine felt joyful, looked at Shu Shu and said, "I'm in need of someone to help me, I'm finally back..."

Shu Shu thought about the distance from Beijing to Jingdong, Yunnan, and really admired Cao Shun's speed. She thought it would be May or June.

After all, the one-way distance is more than 6000 miles, and there are many mountain roads in the middle...

Thank you, the lord, I see big rewards in the background every day, thank you.

The next update will be at 3:11 noon on November 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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