My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 912 Knowledge

Shu Shu was a little curious, and followed Brother Jiu to the front.

Cao Shun was sitting in the flower hall, when he heard movement at the door, he stood up hurriedly.

"Master Jiu, Fujin..."

Although Cao's family is Han Chinese, they are already full, and now they are making a quick fight.

Shu Shu had met Cao Shun. Cao Shun had been sent by Cao Yin to learn errands with Brother Nine as early as when he was on the southern tour, and he also ran errands for Shu Shu.

At that time, he looked like a respectable young master of a family. Although he was from the capital city, he had lived in the south of the Yangtze River for more than ten years and had a bit of elegance. Now...

It's like two people.

Although he didn't have a beard, his complexion was quite dark, and there were more stories in his eyes, with a weathered look, and a little thin, looking older than ten years...

He was no longer wearing spotless silk and satin clothes, but an indigo-blue coarse cloth robe, which looked faded, and the cuffs were frayed to white.

Brother Jiu sat down with Shu Shu and motioned for Cao Shun to sit too.

Looking up and down, seeing the dusty appearance, Brother Jiu had a rare conscience and said: "Thank you for your hard work. I forgot the distance of the road before, and I didn't let you rest in the capital, so I continued on my way!"

The section from Jiangning to the capital is not close, and even taking a boat is exhausting.

As a result, after arriving in the capital, within three days, he was sent away by brother Jiu to go to Yunnan.

What I thought at the time was to leave earlier, so as to avoid the cold in winter and the inconvenience of traveling on the road.

Cao Shun smiled heartily, and said, "This servant should also be grateful to Lord Jiu for giving this opportunity to this servant. I have traveled thousands of miles and learned a lot."

Brother Jiu looked at him and said, "I heard that the Southwest is full of natives?"

Cao Shun nodded and said, "Huguang is a mixed population of Miao and Han people. The Miao people in Yunnan are the main ones, and the barbarians in Guizhou are the main ones. There are also many species in the interior. There were few Han people before, but in recent years the imperial court has also moved a lot of people there..."

Seeing that he is in good spirits and shows no resentment, Brother Nine also feels much more at ease.

Only this morning did he realize that the Gao family could not be the only ones, and that he needed to find two more surnames from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to be his eyes and ears. At that time, he was thinking of the Cao family, and now that Cao Shun had arrived, it was considered a good time.

He said: "My lord, there is no lack of ceremonies in this prince's mansion. Let me give you a third-class bodyguard. First, I have decided on my future, and I still do odd jobs on weekdays..."

Cao Shun was born in the 17th year of Kangxi. As early as the 29th year of Kangxi, he donated to the supervisor, so he can directly make up for civil servants.

However, the Prince's Mansion employs people according to the Baylor Mansion, and there are only three vacancies for civil servants, and there are no more.

Speaking of this, Brother Jiu paused for a moment, and said: "When the Lord is free, you will follow Gao Yanzhong first. Lao Gao is a member of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and he will go back in the future. From now on, you will pick up his stall... ..."

As for Zhang Tingzan, he is not just an ordinary Dianyi, but also a half-teacher.

Cao Jiazu was in the army, but after entering the coat, he was transferred to a civilian position.

Cao Shun's own riding and archery is ordinary, and his strengths are still in general affairs. Otherwise, with the foundation of the Cao family's Ministry of Internal Affairs, it would not be difficult for Cao Shun to make up for the lack of a guard camp.

It just so happened that Brother Nine was also short of manpower in this area, and Cao Shun happened to be on top, so as not to overwhelm the manpower here in the Prince's Mansion in the future.

Cao Shun immediately knelt down and said, "Slave, thank you for your kindness!"

Brother Jiu raised his hand and said: "Okay, let's get up, don't use such nonsense, the rule here is that those who are able work more, work more, and get more, and no slaves are left to idle around."

Speaking of this, he looked at Cao Shun and said, "I remember how much older you are, what about the family members? Are you in Jiangning or in the capital?"

Cao Shun was the eldest son of the second house of the Cao family, but because his uncle Cao Yin had no children in his early years, he was adopted under Cao Yin's name, and he followed Cao Yin and his wife out of Beijing to work in Zhizao Mansion.

Later, when Cao Yin gave birth to his eldest son, Cao Shun was allowed to return to the clan, but he still kept his nephew by his side to learn errands.

It wasn't until last year that brother Jiu followed the southern tour and was in need of manpower, Cao Yincai "raised talents without avoiding relatives" and pushed his nephew out.

At Cao Shun's age, he should have married and had children long ago.

Cao Shun was a little depressed, and said: "The slave is five years older than the master. He got married in 35 years, and the son died in childbirth in 37 years, leaving only one daughter. Last year, my uncle and aunt mentioned the continuation. Jing, it will be delayed..."

Brother Jiu couldn't help frowning when he heard this.

He is terrified now.

I didn't pay attention to it at the beginning, and I didn't think it was too much. After I paid attention to it, I found that it was too dangerous to have a baby.

The Empress Yuan died in the birth pass, Xiaotang and Xiaosong's mothers died in the birth pass, and now Cao Shun's first wife also died in the birth pass.

He couldn't help it, stretched out his arm to hold Shu Shu's hand, and held it tightly.

Shu Shu glanced at him, smiled, and calmed Brother Jiu's anxiety.

Seeing that Cao Shun was facing him, his face was hot and he couldn't lift his head up, so he quickly lowered his head.

Seeing this, Shu Shu glared at Brother Jiu, pinched his fingers, and put down his hand.

Only then did Brother Jiu put it down, coughed twice and said, "Does your family have a private house in Beijing? Or do you live in an official house in the imperial city?"

Cao Shun bowed and said, "It's still in the official house in the imperial city, but I also bought a private house in Ciqikou a few years ago, in case people from my hometown come and have nowhere to live."

Ciqikou is already outside Chongwen Gate, which is the boundary of Nancheng.

Brother Jiu said: "How many official rooms are there in the imperial city? Is it spacious?"

Cao Shundao: "It's still a house bestowed by the slave grandfather before his death. It's a three-entry courtyard with 37 rooms..."

In the home of the wrapper, it is considered spacious.

After all, Cao Shun's grandfather was a weaver in Jiangning before his death, but later he was named the servant of the household department.

Brother Jiu said: "Look for yourself, there is still an empty yard behind the Prince's Mansion, if you want to move it out, you can move it out, if you want to go home, you can go home..."

Cao Shun listened, with hesitation on his face.

Brother Jiu looked at him and said, "Why can't you make up your mind? Is it because your family follows the rules of the Han people, and the eldest son needs to serve his parents?"

Cao Shun shook his head and said, "No, the servant is also planning to move out..."

Speaking of this, he smiled bitterly and said: "The servant has followed his uncle and aunt since he was a child, and his relationship with his parents and brothers has gradually become alienated..."

Brother Jiu said disapprovingly: "Then move it. Isn't it just right, and it also follows the old customs of Manchuria, so there is nothing to worry about..."

Cao Shun nodded and said: "What the master taught me is that I am a slave who behaves like a child..."

Brother Jiu asked about the itinerary on the road again: "It took you four months to go, but you came back very quickly. I received your letter and thought you would not come back until the end of May..."

Cao Shun was a little embarrassed, and said: "When I went, I was not familiar with the road, and I also had some symptoms of acclimatization. I was delayed for a few days in the middle, and there was no delay when I turned back. It will be soon!"

Brother Jiu was not surprised when he heard this.

Human beings are made of flesh and blood, not made of iron. It is common to be tired and sick on the road.

Fortunately, Cao Shun was young, and it seemed that there was no serious problem except for some relief. If he really got stuck on the road, he would feel uneasy and be reprimanded by the emperor.

He remembered another thing, and said: "By the way, a few years ago, a walker surnamed Cao entered the Nanshufang. He said that he was the brother of Cao Yuewei, the champion of the military in 33. He was the nephew of Cao Zhizao. That is your cousin." ?”

Cao Shun shook his head and said, "It's one level further away, it's the family relatives from Fengrun's hometown..."

The ancestors of the Cao family were military officers, and Cao Shun’s great-grandfather was a military officer in Shenyang Zhongwei at that time. Later, the whole family was captured and captured.

The Fengrun side is indeed far away, and it is all related to the five clothes.

Brother Jiu satisfied his curiosity, and said: "Okay, let's rest for a few days and take good care of it, Master Huihui still has some errands for you..."

Cao Shun got up to answer, and said: "When the slave set off, he left two long followers behind to hold things and walked slowly. In addition to tea cakes, he also bought some Yungui soil instruments according to the master's instructions. We arrived in Beijing in the month..."

Brother Nine said: "What are they all?"

Cao Shundao: "Two pairs of ivory, four boxes of poria cocos, four boxes of cinnabar, four boxes of male essence, twelve boxes of dried mushrooms of various colors, twelve sticks of ham..."

Brother Jiu was very satisfied when he heard this, nodded and said: "That's right, go back and rest, I'll give you a ten-day vacation..."

As for the quantity of tea gardens and tea mountains purchased in Jingdong, Cao Shun had already reported it carefully in his letter before, so there is no need to ask any more questions now.

Cao Shun agreed, took his leave and left.

Brother Jiu looked at Shu Shu and said, "Don't you like to wake up these days? Poria cocos and cinnabar both have the effect of calming the mind and calming the nerves. Go back and ask Doctor Jiang how to do it well..."

Shu Shu nodded, but she was more concerned about the dried mushrooms and ham.

Yunnan's fungi are extremely rare, and because of the inconvenience of transportation, there are a lot of them in the capital, but they are not complete.

Just thinking about it makes people hungry.

But the ivory came just right.

"It just so happens that the emperor's grandmother's sixtieth birthday is short of precious objects, so she can find someone to carve it. It's a first gift..."

Shushu said.

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "It's good that it's useful, this time I won't do anything, don't spoil the good things."

He has done his filial piety to Chen Xiang Ruyi, he is also self-aware.

Agarwood is fine, the wasted material can be used, so don't worry too much.

In terms of ivory, if the carving is broken, it will be too distressing.

"Otherwise, you can also carve Ruyi? It's more practical than the other ornaments?" Brother Jiu said.

Things that can be used are better than decorations. If they are decorations, they will either press the warehouse or reward people. It is useless.

Shu Shu said: "When the time comes, the shape of the ivory should be different..."

After dinner, the husband and wife gossiped, and Brother Jiu told Shu Shu that he wanted to use the Cao family.

"Cao Shun has four brothers. Besides Cao Shun, the third brother is the reading companion of Brother Fifteen. There is also a second child in the middle who seems to have grown up..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu couldn't help pondering, although Brother Nine wanted to use the second brother of the Cao family, but the old lady of the Cao family was still alive, and the brothers shared property regardless of family, and they were still one with the outside world.

She said: "Is it the emperor's confidant, the master should use it again through Qi, and use it directly past the emperor, I'm afraid the emperor will not be happy."

Brother Nine also has a coated population under his name now, and he also knows this rule, so he doesn't want to stretch his hands too far, so he nodded and said: "Well, I must say hello to Han Ama..."

Woke up late, just finished writing, bowed my head and drew circles.

Ye Duzui opened the book "Rebirth in the Great Era of 1996". It is about a top pianist who achieved nothing when he was young, and was a late bloomer at the age of 50. I also wrote a chronological essay, which was passed by the editor. I am envious of some chronological essays, everyone can go and have a look.

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