My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 913 Intention

Chapter 913 Intention
The next day, Brother Nine didn't go out in a hurry, but met Fu Song first, and told Cao Shun to make up the bodyguard, and then left the house.

When he arrived at the yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Minister of Punishment was already waiting.

"Jiu Ye, yesterday the Crown Princess sent someone to the Punishment Department to deliver a message about the theft of Yuqing Palace..."

The doctor is about forty years old, bowing his body, looking extremely respectful and submissive.

Brother Jiu also thought so before.

But after experiencing the matter of the accounting department yesterday, he didn't think so.

They are all old foxes, cunning.

Is this trying to take him to top the tank, or do you want to take him to top the tank?

He looked at the doctor and said: "Then why delay, bring someone to investigate?"

The Punishment Division has its own staff, so there is no need to transfer staff from the side.

The doctor hesitated and said: "The mother next to the crown princess mentioned Li Shi, the wife of the crown prince, and the Li family outside the palace..."

Brother Jiu immediately lowered his face when he heard this, and said, "Then what are you talking about? The Crown Princess can't order you anymore, right?"

The Langzhong didn't expect Brother Nine's reaction, so he said, "But this involves people in the East Palace... the Crown Prince..."

"Stupid thing! How could the Crown Princess take care of the Li family without the Crown Prince's nod? Who doesn't know that the Crown Princess is virtuous and virtuous? Who are you as the Crown Princess?"

Brother Nine scolded mercilessly: "Just follow the rules. You care about your head. If you are afraid of offending others, you can just abdicate and give way to the virtuous. I remember that in addition to the two doctors in your Punishment Department, there are also four other members. ?”

The Langzhong said with sweat on his face: "It's a slave who is stupid, if you don't dare, I will take someone to Yuqing Palace to arrest Mrs. Li!"

Brother Jiu frowned, waved his hands and said: "Go, go, the princess is in charge of the palace, and she is slack in sending messages to you. It's too shameful. If you are so disobedient, no one else will care about it, and the Lord will take care of it!"

The doctor didn't dare to delay, so he left in a hurry.

Only then did Brother Nine look normal. He glanced at Brother Twelve next to him, gossiped, and said, "What's the news in the palace again? Why did the Crown Prince think of cleaning up the Li family? Isn't that his cheap old man's family?"

It would be nonsense to say that the Crown Princess can't tolerate Mrs. Li.

The emperor's grandson is in his teens, if he can't tolerate it, he won't be able to tolerate it.

There is no one else who can't accommodate Mrs. Li except the prince.

Brother Twelve glanced at Brother Nine and said, "It seems to be related to the draft rumors a while ago..."

Brother Jiu's expression froze, and said: "The Li family made a fuss? What are you trying to figure out?"

Elder Brother Twelfth thought for a while and said: "According to the guesses of the Baoyis, it was the Crown Princess who raised the Third Elder Brother, which made the Li family anxious, so they revealed the matter that the Crown Princess and Concubine's heirs would be in the way, thinking that the Crown Prince could justifiably "have a son." You are meritorious, please seal the side Fujin for Mrs. Li..."

"Master, why does it sound so unreal..."

Brother Nine is rarely smart.

As for this person, when he does bad things, he tends to harm others and benefit himself. There are not many people who want to harm others and benefit themselves.

The Li family's words seem to make sense, but when does it matter?

If there were no two incidents of Akdon fighting and Akdon chasing horses, then this cause and effect could also be sorted out.

But last year, Akton got into trouble one after another. The Li family's children were beaten, and the whole family was dismissed. How could they dare to daydream?

"Then which family is thinking about the position of the crown prince's side concubine, and pushed the blame on Mrs. Li. This method is quite fancy..."

Brother Jiu rubbed his chin, but couldn't figure out which one it was.

Seeing that the twelfth elder brother had a different expression, the ninth elder brother walked over and asked curiously: "What have you heard? Is there any speculation outside? The eyes of those coat masters are sharp..."

Elder Brother Twelve hesitated for a moment, and said, "Someone mentioned Ge Ge from Ma Xiang's family..."

Brother Jiu couldn't help but said, "Fart!"

Brother Jiu would believe that other people were attached to the East Palace; but he would not believe Ma Qi's attachment to the East Palace.

If that's the case, Ma Qi doesn't have to do anything, just leave the family alone.

Looking for a reason to divide the family and separate the eldest son, everyone can see that Ma Qi is going to be a pure minister.

Elder Brother Twelfth shut his mouth, stopped talking, and just looked at Elder Ninth silently.

Brother Jiu hurriedly said: "I didn't talk about you, but about those tongue-twisting bastards outside..."

Elder Brother Twelve's expression softened.

Brother Nine said: "Who else did you mention? Is there Gege from Hesheli's family and Gege from Niu Hulu's family?"

Brother Twelve shook his head and said: "I haven't heard of it, but someone mentioned that next year's batch of beautiful girls will include Gege from the Tong family, Gege from the Guerjia family, and Gege from the Yiergenjueluo family..."

Brother Jiu is not interested in any of these families, but the Tong family...

Maybe the emperor's father will really let Ge Ge of Tong's family leave a sign to point out a good marriage.

But don't think about the East Palace, the fifth elder brother in Prince Yu's mansion or the few elder brothers in Prince Gong's mansion are about the same.

They are all at the bottom of the rankings, and their titles will not be high in the future. They are ordinary clan families, but they are still close to the palace, which is a bit decent.

When the ninth elder brother handled official duties, the twelfth elder brother continued to check the school's population with a few notes.

This happened for several days in a row, which naturally attracted the attention of many coated people.

On this day, Gao Yanzhong just came back from Xiaotangshan, when he was stopped by his in-law Zhu Guoshan.

"Dear family, everyone is uneasy outside now, what is going to happen to Master Jiu..."

Gao Yanzhong listened in a daze, and asked, "What did Master Jiu do?"

Brother Nine was blocked in the appointment and dismissal of the children of Guo Luoluo's family, which attracted criticism from many people.

Later, it was discovered that not only Guo Luoluo's family, but other relatives were also strictly investigated, and there were two kinds of rhetoric outside, some were good and some were not.

It is agreed that those who benefit will not have to worry about being overwhelmed by related households.

The bad ones are naturally the other relatives who feel that Brother Jiu is not kind. Not only does his family's future change his reputation, but his family also suffers.

Now the twelfth brother has checked the population for several days, and some people have guessed the next move of the ninth brother.

There are those who say that there will be more official schools in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and those who say that new yamen will be added, and those who are preparing to recruit exams, all kinds of speculation.

That was the prince's elder brother. Although everyone disliked him for being troublesome, no one dared to confront him.

That's the emperor's beloved son, and he loves to sue. Who wouldn't be afraid?

But in private, there was no choice but to ask around, including Gao's in-laws.

Zhu Guoshan talked about checking the household register.

Gao Yanzhong was also confused and couldn't figure out the reason, but he knew that brother Jiu was actually a little lazy and wouldn't do useless things.

Since he ordered Brother Twelve to do it, there must be a purpose, but he doesn't know it now.

He glanced at Zhu Guoshan suspiciously, and said: "There is nothing illegal in your family, right? For example, taking in concubines of people, adopting women and men for naturalization?"

This is his family friend and the father-in-law of his eldest son. He is now a member of Ningshou Palace Wai Lang.

Zhu Guoshan quickly shook his head and said: "No, no, I'm just afraid that there is something I don't know, and I will break a taboo..."

Gao Yanzhong said: "Jiu Ye is the most fair and just, no matter what he wants to do, he will put it on the bright side, and he will go through the imperial court, he will not be self-reliant, so there is no violation of the law, don't worry... "

Zhu Guoshan hesitated: "Could it be to check the population of women of the right age? Every year in the small election of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, there are some people who hide and don't sign up..."

The annual "minor election" held by the Ministry of Internal Affairs is different from the Eight Banners draft.

In the Eight Banners draft, unless you have an illness or ask for grace, you have to choose, and the Eight Banners are used to it, and they have to go through a formality.

Here in the House of Internal Affairs small election, even if there is a chance to climb to the top, most of the ladies selected by the House of Internal Affairs are ordinary palace ladies. Once they enter the palace, they will serve for ten years. Some leave the palace at 30 years old, and some are 25 years old. To leave the palace, even if she becomes a grand maid and asks for the master's grace to leave the palace early, it will take ten years, not a few years earlier.

When she came out again, the marriage was delayed, and she could only be a successor.

People who really love their daughters are reluctant to send their daughters to participate in the election.

There are a lot of people who need to be employed in the palace, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs does not force every family to send their daughters to be selected. Therefore, in years when there are many employers, there will be people hiding and pretending to be sick. After the age, there is no need to choose.

Gao Yan thought in the center that this would not be the case, but his expression remained unchanged and he did not deny it.

Seeing this, Zhu Guoshan left worriedly.

His second daughter, who is thirteen this year, has also reached the age of Xiaoxuan...

Gao Yanzhong had dinner at home, changed into clean clothes, checked the time, and went to the Prince's Mansion.

It's afternoon now, Brother Nine has returned from Yamen.

Two early roses bloomed in the garden. After taking a nap, the couple went to the garden to watch the roses.

One is rose pink, the other is light pink, and the flowers are as big as a child's fist.

Brother Jiu said: "Isn't it that the county lord likes roses, should you cut them up and put them in a bottle for the county lord?"

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "No, this place is next to Amu's yard. It's just right for Amu to take a walk after dinner to enjoy the flowers."

After watching the rose flowers, the couple came to the front of the greenhouse.

Looking at the Mingwa in front of her, Shu Shu was very moved, and said: "When I clean up the yard for a few young people in a few years, I will use Mingwa in the study, looking at the bright hall..."

Brother Jiu was thinking about the boundaries of the Prince's Mansion, and felt that Zhao Jiagege was an eyesore, and said, "She occupies two courtyards..."

One is Zhaojia Gege's small yard, and the other is the yard of a master craftsman.

Shu Shu thought for a while, and said: "The old priest is not young anymore, after teaching for two years, he can leave the mansion..."

Brother Jiu was still not very happy, and said: "We can't make Dagege's yard the same size as Zhaojia's, at best it should be like Ning'an Hall, and build a small courtyard with two entrances..."

Shu Shu looked at Brother Jiu, shook her head and said, "You don't need to mention this..."

Zhao Jia is honest, if he can't tolerate it, then the couple are too cruel.

At that time, I will be clean, but I will also feel guilty, and others will look at it as shameless.

While the couple were talking, the servant at the gate of the garden sent a message that Gao Yanzhong had arrived and asked to see him, and was waiting for brother Jiu at the gate of the garden.

Shu Shu said: "Master, go get busy, I'll go to Amu's and sit down before I go back..."

Brother Jiu nodded, but didn't leave immediately. He watched Shu Shu enter Ning'an Hall before leaving the garden.

Gao Yanzhong was standing in the corridor, and when he saw elder brother Jiu come out, he hurriedly beat Qian'er.

Brother Jiu waved his hand and said, "Okay, heretics what? Why are you here at this time? Is there something wrong with Xiaotangshan?"

It's almost dinner time now.

Gao Yanzhong shook his head and said: "It's not there, there are some speculations outside, it's related to Master Jiu, I'm afraid you don't know, come here and report..."

Then, he talked about checking the comments and speculations in the household registration booklet.

Only then did Brother Jiu remember that he hadn't told Gao Yanzhong about the new leader, and said, "Master, this time, it's not for anything else, just to prevent you two from spending years in vain..."

(End of this chapter)

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