After Gao Yanzhong left, Brother Jiu came to Ning'an Hall to pick up Shu Shu.

Shu Shu and Mrs. Uncle are in the west room, and this place is now vacant for Da Gegeten.

In the past few days, Mrs. Uncle has been watching people to tidy up the place, and the window screen has been replaced with light pink.

Big Gege's Youche will be placed in the west room, accompanied by the on-duty nanny and wet nurse.

In addition, three wing rooms were set aside for wet nurses and nannies.

Seeing Shu Shu, she was not very happy, and said, "Why did you put it here? Da Gege's voice is so clear, how about putting it in the back room?"

Mrs. Uncle patted her and said: "You are really big-hearted when you are an Enie. Who can rest assured that such a young child is not under the nose? When he is four or five years old, he will know what to do and speak quickly. Alright, move to the back..."

Shu Shu pulled Mrs. Uncle and said: "But just put it in front of you, it's too annoying, what should I do if I disturb Ah Mou's rest?"

Mrs. Uncle scolded: "Don't say it's useless, just eat more now and wake up more, after this period it will be fine."

Shu Shu didn't speak anymore.

Seeing Brother Jiu coming over, Shu Shu didn't hesitate to leave.

On the other hand, Brother Jiu, looking at the empty west room, only then knew the news that Da Gege was going to move to Ning'an Hall.

He was strong enough to not lose his face, but when he left Ning'an Hall, the corners of his mouth still drooped, and he said to Shu Shu: "Do you really want to move Dage over here? Or... let's move the second elder brother... or the eldest brother Brother is fine too..."

In the back building, if you want to watch your daughter lift her feet, you can go there; here in Ning'an hall, after all, is the residence of the elders.

Shu Shu caresses the forehead.

I always felt that there was something close to it before, but it turned out that I forgot to mention it to Brother Jiu.

Her memory is terrible.

Very easy to forget things.

She just talked about the problem of the three children disturbing each other while taking night milk, and also talked about her previous plans.

She didn't want Amu to take care of the child, she wanted to put it in the main room, but Amu refused.

Brother Jiu heard this, with a displeasure on his face, he looked at Shu Shu and said, "Did you also be woken up, why didn't you tell Master?"

Although the husband and wife are settled in Dongshao, every time Brother Jiu goes to sleep, it is dawn.

On the contrary, Shu Shu has some symptoms of restless sleep at night.

Brother Jiu thought that she was caused by lack of blood, but now it seems that she was also disturbed by the child.

Shu Shu took his hand and said: "It's not that I was disturbed, but I didn't sleep well. I always wondered if it was time for the night nurse, and I would also think about how much milk there is for the nanny... "

Brother Jiu snorted softly and said, "You are the smartest, why are you so stupid now? Nothing is more important than your body now, you are so worried and overwhelmed, how can you take care of your body? That's fine, I'll ask someone to clean it up in a while Main room, let's go back to live tonight, otherwise we won't be able to sleep well."

Shu Shu hesitated and said, "It's not even ten days away..."

Brother Nine insisted, saying: "I still listen to you! If you don't sleep well, no matter how much tonic you take, it's useless."

Shu Shu also knew this truth, so she no longer objected.

She does have symptoms of a nervous breakdown.

But when she got to the back building, she picked up the second elder brother who was looking for Er Nie, Shu Shu hesitated again, now she came here more than ten times a day, and she arrived in just a few steps, moving to the main courtyard would certainly not be as convenient as it is now.

Seeing this, Brother Nine ordered Xiaochun and Hetao directly, "Clean up the main bedroom, put on a new tent, and move Fujin to the front at night."

Xiaochun and Walnut also knew that Shu Shu couldn't sleep well these days, so they agreed and went out happily to tidy up the house.

Shu Shu glanced at Brother Jiu, seeing that he was upright, she didn't say anything.

Anyway, the weather is getting warmer now, at worst, she will make two more trips to the back room...

After the couple used it later, the house in the front yard was sorted out.

The three babies had just had a round of milk, and they were all lying on the car and fell asleep.

Shu Shu looked around, feeling sad, and went back to the main room with Brother Jiu.

After sitting on the kang, she couldn't help but keep looking to the west.

Westinghouse was quiet, which made her a little uncomfortable.

Seeing this, Brother Jiu mentioned Gao Yanzhong's appearance just now, and said: "It's not easy, he is also a son of an official family, but because the elders in the family are gone, there is no end, and he has spent more than 20 years in the imperial dining room. The yamen, it might be possible to get ahead, the vacancies in the imperial dining room were dominated by the Wuya family, the Wei family, and the Zhang family at that time, and their own children were not enough, so how could outsiders be allowed to stand out..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu thought of something else.

If the Gao family got the position of assistant leader, they would be in charge of seventy or eighty families.

The future of these people's children and the selection of women are all controlled by Zuo Ling.

The Gao family became a middle-level family in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Gao Bin, marriage is going to be hot.

Although the character of the Gao family is not enough to regret the marriage, since it was consensual, there is no need to drag walnuts for too long.

The next day, when Brother Jiu went to the Yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Shu Shu called Xiaochun and Walnut, and said, "If you have to choose someone, you should choose someone. Don't delay any longer. They are the same age as that of the Ministry of Internal Affairs." , for candidates over the age of 13, first count as twelve, and it has been agreed that when the errand reaches twenty, you will be released, and it happens that you also take along..."

Xiaochun agreed with Walnut.

Then Shu Shu looked at Walnut and said: "In the future, if Gao Bin asks you about the time when he will leave the house, he will say that in March next year, after three small 'catch weeks'..."

Walnut is the same age as her, and will be 19 years old next year.

Walnut hesitated: "Fu Jin, didn't you say the year after tomorrow?"

Shu Shu said: "There is no difference, it's like coming in after becoming a relative..."

Saying that, Shu Shu looked at Xiao Chun again and said: "You are two years older than Walnut, and you are not younger than twenty, don't call me an old girl, just go out at the end of the year, and pick out the people in the house along the way, whoever is suitable Pick out a few candidates for Xiaoyu, she wants an honest son-in-law..."

Xiaochun didn't hold back, and said: "That's a deal, the maidservant will come back to work, and if it's inconvenient for the main room, the servantgirl will take care of the little master..."

When they get married, they will be daughters-in-law. For such young and tender women, they must avoid the main house.

After hearing this, Shu Shu fell into thought.

The ones she trusts most, of course, are the little Chuns who grew up together.

After all, Nanny Qi is getting old, and there are times when her energy is low.

But it's outrageous to come in to work as an errand when you go out to get married.

Shu Shu shook his head and said: "I can come back when I come back, but I don't need this time, when I get married, don't delay the heirs, the children can let go later, come in and enlighten the little ones..."

The girls followed her, and they also learned Mandarin, Mongolian, and Chinese when they were young.

When the child speaks, someone needs to be taught to speak. This requires a patient and steady person.

Xiaochun nodded.

Walnut had his own plans, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Didn't Fujin say before that there is no suitable foreign manager? When the slave gets married, can he learn to be a foreign manager?"

Shu Shu nodded and said: "Of course I can. Not only do I need someone to patrol the shop for me, but even Madam Xing's stall needs someone to take over..."

Madam Xing is Mrs. Uncle's dowry girl. She is two or three years older than Mrs. Uncle, and she is also in her early fifties. Now she is in charge of going out and giving gifts.

Walnut felt relieved after hearing this.

She is different from other people, she can't really let go of her natal family, it will take a few years for her brothers to become adults, and her sister-in-law to come in before she can feel at ease.

But there is no reason to reach out to the in-law's family for money to supplement the mother's family.

If you always have an errand and get paid for yourself, then you have enough confidence to speak...

In the yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, when the ninth elder brother came over, he saw the twelfth elder brother with a worried face, but he didn't even notice him coming in.

Brother Jiu glanced at him and said, "What are you worried about? Are you a little old man?"

Brother Twelve stood up and said, "Brother Ninth..."

Brother Nine said: "Is this a problem?"

Brother Twelve shook his head and said: "It's not a problem, but I went out to see my aunt yesterday, and asked if there will be more people selected in the small election palace next year..."

Next year's draft, next year his five schools will also be selected.

Elder Brother Twelve lowered his eyes, feeling quite complicated in his heart.

With female relatives, the prince's kitchen can be perfected, and it will be convenient to prepare all kinds of food in the future; but I always feel a little awkward, as if my place is about to be invaded, the house in the backyard has to be vacated for Gege, and the house in the main courtyard has to be vacated. Come out, ready to give to the prince Fujin, he only has the front study left.

If he could choose, he would rather maintain the status quo.

Brother Jiu couldn't help frowning when he heard this.

He was very resentful of this kind of family thinking about the prince's backyard, and said: "Missing about your backyard? How can it be reasonable, if you don't want to be a good prince's cousin, you have to come here and be a slave? Or do you want to come in and be a master if you call yourself a cousin?"

Elder Brother Twelve blushed, and said, "Brother Ninth misunderstood, my uncle's family doesn't have any good girls of the right age..."

Brother Nine snorted softly and said, "They don't have any, so what about the in-laws' old family? These uncles in the Ministry of Internal Affairs are all looking up, thinking about their nepotism. Do you think they treat you as a nephew, and if you are careful, they use you as a signboard? Selling favors outside..."

Brother Twelve said seriously: "They dare not, and my younger brother will not indulge..."

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "It's good that you know it in your heart, it's useless for you to keep going, Khan Ama will not allow it, and several concubines are also from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but do you think there is Gege from the Nala family in the backyard of eldest brother?" But there is Wu Yagege, who is the niece of Concubine De's family... The third brother, the fourth brother, and the fifth brother are also there. There is no such cousin who enters the house. Mother's distant relatives, when the time comes, they will be too light and heavy, so it's not easy to discipline..."

Elder Twelve's face flushed a little, and he said, "Your brother knows..."

He was a little ashamed and hurried out.

Keeping the ninth elder brother, looking at the back of the twelfth elder brother thoughtfully.

It is clearly written in the "Huangdi Neijing", "Men are twenty-eight, the kidney qi is strong, the heaven is guizhi, the essence is overflowing, the yin and yang are harmonious, so they can have children."

The other elder brothers, including him, were all given to Gege when they were fifteen or six.

Either the imperial father directly bestowed a beautiful daughter in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, or the imperial father ordered the concubine to choose a man for his son.

Elder Brother Twelve, the emperor probably didn't think about it.

Su Ma, who raised the twelfth elder brother, is an old girl who has never been married all her life. She only thinks that the twelfth elder brother has a young birthday, and she probably never thinks that the yin and yang will be reconciled.

Even if Brother Twelve's biological mother thought about it, she couldn't get past Mammy Su Ma to speak.

As a result, no one remembers whether Brother Twelve is an adult or not.

He also came at this age, so he naturally knows that young people are full of energy.

When the essence is full, it will overflow, and you can't hold it too hard, it will hurt your body like that.

But as an older brother, he is worried about his younger brother's relief, is he too old...

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