My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 916 Surprisingly Smart

After Brother Nine finished handling the official business that he was going to deal with today, the doctor of the Department of Punishment came.

He held a thick document in his hand, his face was pale, and there was cold sweat on his forehead.

"Ninth Master..."

When he saw Brother Nine, his hand holding the document trembled.

Brother Jiu sized him up and said, "What's so great about asking, that you're so frightened into such a virtue?"

The Langzhong smiled wryly, and said: "Yesterday, the slave led people to arrest the Li family and everyone in the Li family, and also ordered people to search the Li family. They planned to search according to the books, but the relevant property was gone..."

Brother Jiu heard that something was wrong, and said: "Someone is hooking up with the Li family to gamble?"

The Li family still has a middle title. Li's Ama retired due to illness, and the title was given to Li's eldest son. This is a benefit.

The private property under Li's name was also operated by the Li family before.

The rewards from the palace were given five times a year by Li Shi to his nephew De Ning, most of them were gold and silver wares and decorations from Li Shi's house.

Those things in the inner warehouse are mainly Hongxi's. A little elder brother who didn't enter the study, most of the private storage is gold collars, zithers and other objects, and a few dolls made by the inner house, but they didn't leave it.

Li's items here are from the palace book, and there are two other antiques from the previous dynasty.

Are these things gone?

De Ning is Akton's haha ​​bead. Last year he fought in the upper study room, was fined forty boards, and haha ​​bead was dismissed.

The doctor said: "According to the confession of the second son of the Li family, Talba, all the property sent from the palace was sent by the Li family to Ling Pu's house..."

Brother Nine felt that the name sounded familiar, and asked in surprise, "That...the grandpa of the crown prince?"

When he first took over the Ministry of Internal Affairs before, one of the three places that Yifei told him to avoid was the internal control area, which was managed by the crown prince's grandpa Ling Pu.

It's Ling Pu who is talking about the power of the dog.

Just because they are backed by Yuqing Palace, they can actually sit on an equal footing with other relatives.

Later, when he learned that the Hesheli family had a layout in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he paid attention to Ling Pu.

Given the nature of the Hesheli family, even if the prince's wet nurse was not from the Hesheli family before, she can only be from the Hesheli family later on.

Otherwise, how could they be happy to watch the prince value Ling Pu and his wife.

The status of Ling Pu and his wife in Yuqing Palace is no different from the status of Yaqibu and his wife in Baage Mansion. They are both in charge of the outside and the inside, and are in charge of the internal affairs of Yuqing Palace.

Until the prince's wedding...

However, in the first month of last year, the couple were executed for the crime of embezzlement of property bestowed by Mo Yuqing Palace.

The doctor nodded, not daring to say anything else.

Brother Jiu signaled He Yuzhu to bring up those documents, quickly flipped through them, and read directly from Talba's confession.

"On October 37, 20, I gave 200 taels of Ling Pu gold, [-] taels of silver, and two decorations..."

"In 37 years, on October 25, I will give you 50 taels of Ling Pu gold, 500 taels of silver, and four decorations..."

"On the second day of November 37, I will give you 80 taels of Lingpu gold, 800 taels of silver, and eight decorations..."

"November 37th, 80, I will give you 800 taels of Lingpu gold, [-] taels of silver, and eight decorations..."

Brother Jiu looked at it and knew why the doctor was afraid.

Courtesy to people, there must be something to ask for.

For such a heavy gift, it took a month to give it four times in a row, adding up to 230 taels of gold, 300 taels of silver, and 22 ornaments.

Just talking about gold and silver is a lot of money.

Adding those antique ornaments, it is a small 1 taels of silver.

Brother Jiu continued to look through, but the statement below was gone.

He even confessed to the crime of embezzling the property of the East Palace, but he couldn't tell the reason for inviting Tuo Lingpu?
That is a bigger crime than embezzling the property of the Eastern Palace...

In November of the year before last, what news was there in Yuqing Palace?
I really didn't notice, when everyone came back with their followers, then my brothers moved, Dafu Jin passed away, and the funeral was until the twelfth lunar month, so busy...

Brother Jiu took a look at He Yuzhu, and was about to tell him to go out and inquire, but then he froze.

Holy ride back to Luang...

brothers moving...

Dafujin died...

The princess didn't even show up!

At that time, it was called sickness, and it was all the grandmothers who came forward.

In the past, Brother Nine thought he was sick and didn't care, but Xing He just heard the rumors a few days ago that the crown princess had a miscarriage the year before and hurt her body, and her heirs were difficult or something.

Brother Jiu took a breath of cold air in his heart, but didn't show it on his face, he just scolded: "That's how you ask questions, why don't you turn around and pass your endless things to the imperial court, and you go to the imperial court to answer?"

The doctor hurriedly said: "I dare not..."

Brother Jiu snorted softly: "Ling Pu and his wife have not been together for more than a year, and they really know how to play tricks and push them directly on the head of the dead. Why didn't he say to send Suo'etu home?"

Seeing that the doctor's forehead was sweating more and more, Brother Jiu also looked a little dignified.

If the Crown Princess was not involved, his solution would be very simple, just keep punching the board and ask.

Knowing that the Li family was sneaky, they naturally pursued it to the end.

But when the Crown Princess was involved, Brother Jiu's heart softened.

No matter how annoying the prince is, the princess is always kind to the couple.

Even last year when he faced the prince, it was also the princess who stepped down.

Otherwise, if there is a real stalemate, with the emperor's father's eccentric virtues, he will be reprimanded in the end.

If this matter is investigated, it will be a slap in the face of the East Palace, and it will also hurt the dignity of the Crown Princess.

Brother Jiu looked at the Langzhong and said: "Since the Crown Princess ordered you to investigate the matter of Mrs. Li's theft of the Fang Palace property, then you should go to Yuqing Palace to see the Crown Princess. How to investigate and where to go, please Prince The concubine is in charge..."

Hearing the words, the doctor heaved a sigh of relief, left and went to Yuqing Palace.

Only brother Jiu and He Yuzhu were left in the room.

Brother Jiu also figured out the cause and effect.

It's no wonder that when the emperor's father cleaned up Suo'etu last year, he didn't even leave Ling Pu and his wife behind, and the whole family was executed.

At that time, I thought that the couple were executed because they had a close relationship with Suo'etu.

I didn't expect that there was also a secret in it.

Brother Nine frowned, showing some contempt for the prince.

He is still the crown prince taught by the emperor's father himself, and he can't even cultivate himself and manage his family.

But Ling Pu and his wife were too courageous.

"Eight thousand silver to buy the life of the emperor's grandson?"

Even if Brother Jiu didn't like the crown prince, he couldn't take pleasure in others' misfortunes, and said to He Yuzhu, "How dare they be so courageous? This emperor's grandson is too worthless..."

He Yuzhu hesitated for a moment, and said, "Maybe it's not a thousand and eight thousand?"

Brother Nine looked at him and said, "Is there anyone else who took the money? Whose family? The Hesheli family? But their family is a descendant family, so they are exempted?"

He felt that this reasoning was a little unreasonable.

He Yuzhu glanced in the direction of Qianqing Palace, and said in a low voice: "Maybe the picture is not right in front of you, but there is an example, a queen and a concubine came out of Duke Cheng'en's mansion..."

When the crown prince takes the throne, the princess concubine is a well-deserved candidate for empress.

If there is a son-in-law, then there is no one else's business.

If there is no child, when the daughter of the descendant family enters the palace, she will be the prince's cousin, with a noble status, and she will give birth to an elder brother, which is not comparable to other concubine elder brothers.

Brother Jiu looked at He Yuzhu and said, "Okay, little Hezi, you've become smarter!"

He Yuzhu patted himself on the mouth lightly, and said: "This slave is talkative..."

He was worried that Fujin had been exhausted recently, and he didn't care about his grandfather's side, and then his grandfather muddled in and fell into the pit, so he could speak clearly.

Brother Jiu glanced at him angrily, and said, "Don't make such a fuss, Master is the one who can't hear you?"

He Yuzhu said with a sneer: "The servant is just thinking, the family ugliness should not be publicized, the emperor is afraid that he will not like this matter to make a big fanfare, and ask the outsiders to watch the jokes in the palace."

Brother Jiu snorted softly: "Master still doesn't understand this? It's just that you can't keep shrinking blindly. Let's see what the Crown Princess means. After all, she is the one who suffers..."

Speaking of this, he said with lingering fears: "Fortunately, neither the master nor Fujin arranged to coat people around him. If anyone dares to play tricks on Fujin, it will kill the master..."

Yuqing Palace, the main courtyard.

The Crown Princess looked at the confession of the Li family, her expression remained unchanged, but the hand holding the book couldn't help but tightened.

Even though he had already guessed this matter before, seeing the actual evidence is still different.

The Crown Princess looked towards the Qianqing Palace.

The emperor also knew about it.

But after a year and a half, the emperor still valued her as his daughter-in-law as always, and did not find a reason to take back her palace power. On the contrary, he completely disliked Li's mother and son.

But the prince still wanted to be vague. At the beginning, he just stopped Li's double copy.

If it hadn't been for other things that happened later, and Li's position was demoted, then stopping the extra subsidies would be regarded as punishment.

It's ridiculous!

As much as the princess is grateful to the emperor, she hates the prince.

The Crown Princess raised her head, looked at Lang Zhong, and said, "Master Jiu sent you here?"

The doctor said: "Yes, Lord Jiu said, how to check and where to go, please decide..."

The Crown Princess let out a breath of foul air, closed the booklet, and said, "This case was ordered by the Crown Prince to investigate, you can go to the front and ask the Crown Prince for instructions..."

The doctor bent even more, he responded respectfully, and glanced at the brochure in the hands of the princess.

The princess did not intend to hand it back to him.

The doctor looked at the princess, and saw that the princess's face was cold.

He didn't dare to look any more, he hurriedly moved his eyes away, and stepped back obediently.

The grandma was by the side, and she knew half of what she heard, but at that time, the person who bribed...

Her eye circles were red, she looked at the princess, her lips were trembling and she couldn't speak.

The princess did not have tears in her eyes, she only held the Buddhist beads in her hand.

There are causes and effects in this world. People can deceive their hearts, but they cannot deceive the sky.

Li's retribution has arrived...

The front hall of Yuqing Palace.

After hearing the doctor's report, the prince's face sank like water.

"The confession of the Li family made the Crown Princess stay?"

He asked sharply, "Who else has seen it?"

Na Lang tugged in the center, hesitant.

Who doesn't know He Yi's fate?

At that time, maggots were laid between Lord Jiu and the crown prince, the emperor would not allow it, so he found an excuse to have a fit.

If it was because of him that the crown prince and the ninth master were confronted, the emperor would kill him.

He hurriedly said: "No one has seen it. The slave just asked the full confession in the morning and went to the yamen of the hall, but Lord Jiu was busy checking the breeding population, so he didn't care about it. He said it was a case ordered by the crown princess. Listen to the crown prince The imperial concubine ordered that..."

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