Coming out of Yuqing Palace, the doctor kept his mouth shut.

Since the crown prince ordered the sentence to be "theft of property", then obey the order.

It's just that the Li family has a title, which can be redeemed according to the "Great Qing Regulations", which is contrary to the prince's original intention.

I have to think of a way, first set a charge and reduce the title, and then talk about other things.

There is also the palace lady Li, even if she is downgraded to an ordinary palace lady, she is still a family member of the prince, and she has a grandson of the emperor, so she cannot be withdrawn from the palace register, so she can only find a place to settle in Jingshan...

In Yuqing Palace, the crown prince went to the main courtyard in a "deng, deng, deng" manner.

The princess confiscated the confession of the Li family, what does she want to do?
The prince was concerned, but he was confused and lost his composure.

After all, there is a precedent for the crown princess to directly pass him the paperwork to Yuqian.

That feeling is not good.

Even if the husband and wife are one, Kefu is also ahead.

This is his Yuqing Palace, and he is the master of this palace.

If the crown princess acts beyond him, it will appear that he, the crown prince, is incompetent.

The princess has already put away the brochures, and asked the mother to make a cup of rose tea with rock sugar, which was given to her by Shu Shu last year, and she hasn't finished it yet.

Mammy felt sorry for her and put two more rock candies.

The Crown Princess drank it, her mouth was sweet, the fragrance of flowers was not too strong, but her heart calmed down.

Not to mention that her Ama is dead, her natal brother is an ordinary person; even if her Ama is still there, can she still reason with the royal family?

The emperor seems to value her and give her face, but this is because of "loving the house and the crow", and giving her the face of Concubine Yuqing.

What the emperor valued was a well-behaved princess.

If there was a rift between her and the prince, making the husband and wife's quarrel public and making the prince a joke, the emperor might be the first to be dissatisfied.

Her smile was a little bitter.

Hearing the movement outside, she didn't stand up to greet her as usual.

The prince picked up the curtain and came in, looking at the princess sadly.

The princess raised her head and looked back, her expression as calm as ever.

She wore a tinsel headband on her head, without flowers on it, she looked very plain, and she was wearing a blue Ning silk shirt that was not old.

When the prince saw it, he couldn't help feeling angry, and said with a sneer, "Who are you showing this behavior to?"

The Crown Princess looked at him as if she were a vexatious urchin.

The prince was even more ashamed and annoyed, and said, "Are you mocking the lonely and extravagant if you don't decorate with pearls and jade?"

After the beginning of summer, the clothes were changed, and the gold ornaments of the women in the capital were also replaced with jewelry and jade, but the princess was bald.

The princess looked at the prince, who wore an apricot-yellow taped silk robe, a hollow suet jade sachet hanging around his waist, a belt inlaid with suet jade inlaid with gems, and a jade wrench on his finger.

It looks really luxurious.

Especially the apricot-yellow clothes are the exclusive color of the prince, and the other princes can only say golden yellow.

This is not a dress, but homely clothes.

It's just that the prince wears apricot yellow on weekdays in order to show his unique status.

Seeing that the Crown Princess didn't speak, the Crown Prince's face stretched even longer, and he said, "What are you doing withholding the Li family's confession? Do you want to make an offer again?"

The Crown Princess frowned. She had thought that the Crown Prince would come over, but at this moment, the Crown Prince's first consideration was actually whether she should file a complaint.

"Isn't the Lord going to say anything to me? About the Li family, about Madam He?"

The princess said slowly.

Prince: "..."

He frowned, and said: "What is there to say, the slave is greedy, didn't Khan Ama deal with it all? I just didn't expect there to be an 'inner ghost'..."

The princess reached out and touched her stomach.

The prince looked away, impatient on his face, and said: "There have been a lot of jokes in Yuqing Palace in the past two years, and it finally calmed down now, it's better to be quiet!"

The princess couldn't help laughing.

Listening to this, it seems that she is the culprit.

When the matter was uncovered, he knew right from wrong, but for the sake of face, he still beat back and bit back.

This is actually the prince...

The princess felt a little cold in her heart, and her face also turned cold.

As soon as she was solemn, the prince felt a little guilty.

This princess is too dignified, she is not only herself, but also the queen mother and the emperor's father are supporting her.

If it was necessary to bring up a lawsuit in front of the imperial court, the emperor's father would only reprimand himself in order to appease the princess, and might even drive Akton and Hong Xi out of the upper study.

The prince just glanced at her, his tone was still tough, but his voice began to soften, and said: "What can I do? If we really want to reveal it, it's all a joke. Do we want people to know that you and I are blind and fooled by slaves? March When the case of Riyaqibu came out, what do outsiders think of Ba Ge and Ba Fujin? They are just a pair of idiots... The matter has come to this point, and the big things can only be made small and small. Don't worry, after this turmoil is over, So Gu asked Khan Ama for an order to let Jiang San go to Yuqing Palace to take care of your body..."

Jiang San is the old doctor Jiang who has retired from the palace, and is a well-known expert in gynecology in the capital.

The corner of the crown prince's mouth was raised slightly. If the crown prince could rest assured of her body, why would he be so impatient to want to enter the Eight Banners Noble Lady?

Those who believe this are fools.

She lowered her eyes and said: "Your Highness is kind and fatherly, and bought private property for both the elder brother and the second elder brother, but Ge Ge, who was born to me and raised by me, is not liked by His Highness..."

"That's different..."

The prince frowned.

The princess looked at him, waiting for him to continue.

But the crown prince couldn't say that the emperor's father didn't like the two elder brothers, and he wanted to see Hong Xi again.

"Okay, can't I make it up for you?"

The prince said angrily.

The princess nodded and said, "OK."

The prince didn't expect her to react like this, isn't she always aloof?
The Crown Princess looked at the Prince and said: "Your Highness is the son of the concubine, so you should know that the concubine has other reasons..."

Therefore, Sangege's private property should not be less than that of the eldest brother and the second elder brother.

The prince frowned and looked at her, and said, "How did you become like this?"

The princess looked at the prince and didn't want to say anything more.

She's just more awake.

The prince is so arrogant and short-sighted, and he doesn't know what will happen.

She is the princess, she will follow no matter what, but she has to leave a way out for her daughter.

Let's start with the preparation of private property...

There was a bit of compassion in her expression.

When the prince saw this, he felt uncomfortable all over, got up and said, "Here is it for you, my master will ask someone to give you a banknote later..."

The princess got up and said: "Then I will thank Your Highness on behalf of Sangege and Sange..."

The prince looked away, shook his sleeves and left.

The nanny looked at the princess with a bit of worry, and said: "Your Majesty is only 24, you should take care of your body, let's talk about it after a few years..."

Breaking up with the prince like this seems to be taking advantage, but in fact the relationship between husband and wife has weakened.

The princess looked at the nanny and said: "I miss San Gege, Mammy, please help me carry San Gege..."

The main hall of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Ninth elder brother has finished handling official duties, and it's time to start.

It was too early to go home at this time, and there were people coming and going at the gate of the palace to watch, if someone went to the imperial court to make small talk, it seemed that he was lazy and didn't sit in the office.

It's best to stay the same as before, go out when you're in a hurry, there are many people entering and leaving the palace, and no one will pay attention.

what to do?

The emperor's father asked him to draw up a report on the matter of the new leader, but Brother Twelve hadn't finished checking it yet, so it's too early to write that now.

Brother Nine was bored, and the doctor of the Department of Punishment came to see him again.

When he came in, he saw that there were only elder brother Jiu and He Yuzhu master and servant in the room, and the doctor knelt down "Putong".

Brother Nine stroked his chin, but didn't cry out.

This doctor's kneeling is not the same as Gao Yanzhong.

Gao Yanzhong is grateful to himself, why does this doctor feel like he didn't hold his fart well?

The doctor didn't dare to be long-winded, and told what he had seen and heard in Yuqing Palace in a few words.

Brother Jiu heard this, his face drooped, and he looked at the doctor a little bit unkindly.

"Okay, what's the fuss? Even if the crown prince knows that the master knows, so what? The master is the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so he can't control the Punishment Department?"

The doctor pleaded: "Jiuye, this is Yuqing Palace's secretiveness, I'm afraid the emperor will suppress it even if it comes to the imperial court."

Brother Jiu also knew this, but he still felt aggrieved, as if he was afraid of the prince.

What is there to be afraid of when it comes to your responsibilities?

Seeing that the doctor's body was about the same as that of Hei Shan, he was about forty years old, he was not young anymore, and he spoke more honestly today, so he didn't feel embarrassed, raised his arms and said: "Get up, look at you are full of people, look at you You are also strong, why didn't you go to make up for the lack of martial arts?"

The doctor got up and said: "The servant's family is just an ordinary coat. From the servant Ama, he started to be an official, a treasurer; when the servant became a small one, he passed the examination of the pen post of the Department of Punishment. After more than 20 years, he was promoted to a doctor. "

Brother Jiu looked at him and said: "Don't pretend to be a grandson for me. If you can make it to the middle school, you are a smart person. That's all right. If you are favored by me, just pretend you don't know about it..."

The Department of Punishment and Punishment is not an ordinary yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it is directly connected to the Qianqing Palace.

Zhao Chang, the chief eunuch of Qianqing Palace, also often went to the Punishment Department.

The doctor hurriedly said: "Slave Xie Jiuye is sympathetic..."

Brother Nine snorted softly, and really wanted to ask if he would go to Yufeng Tower on weekdays, but then he felt bored again, waved his hand and said, "Don't be an eyesore, get out!"

The doctor bowed and went down.

Brother Jiu became interested in this person.

Common coat, no hereditary collar.

In charge of the Punishment Department, it is not a position where you can socialize around.

He told He Yuzhu: "Find a pen post style, and turn over the resume of that kid Dutu..."

Dutu is the name of the doctor of the Department of Punishment.

He Yuzhu went in response.

After a while, he came back with the document.

Brother Jiu opened it and read it.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs is a Manchurian with a white banner, under the leadership of the Ninth Assistant.

The Manchurian old surname is Suo Chuo Luo, Kangxi 13 years, Kaobu Punishment Department Bi Tie Shi, [-] years old.

He looked at the name for a long time before putting down the document and ordering He Yuzhu to send it back.

After a short time, Brother Twelve came back.

He was afraid that he would come back late, and the ninth brother would "fall into the yamen", so he came back in a hurry.

Brother Jiu saw that he was out of breath, and said, "There's nothing to worry about, there's an errand right there, and I don't ask you to finish it within a limited date..."

Brother Twelve pursed his lips and said nothing.

But he still wanted to finish early and explain the errands that brother Jiu had ordered.

Brother Nine remembered the matter of drawing up a report, and said: "You have time to draw up a report at night, and summarize the situation of population reproduction, such as the number of concubines, stepchildren's naturalization, etc., all marked."

Brother Twelve didn't respond immediately, but looked at Brother Ninth puzzled, and said, "Since it's an excerpt, shouldn't Brother Nine write it himself?"

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "It's my own handwriting, you have drawn it up, and I will copy it directly, won't it save trouble?"

Elder Brother Twelve: "..."

I don't really want to write.

Brother Jiu saw this, and said, "Do you still want Ge Ge? You can't be manipulated, can you?"

Brother Twelve was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head and said, "I don't want it! I don't want it!"

Brother Jiu looked at him, looked up and down, and said, "Is this because he didn't understand? It's because he didn't come... This looks like an adult, is it because of what Mammy said?"

Twelfth elder brother blushed, he really didn't expect ninth elder brother to say this, and said, "I don't even want to come here!"

Brother Jiu heard this, frowned and said: "You don't want to learn well, do you want to go crooked?"

Brother Twelve couldn't understand.

Brother Jiu saw that he was ignorant, so he didn't go into details, but said: "Even if the birthday is small, it will be delayed for a year, and it will be early next year at the latest."

Elder Brother Twelve knew that this elder brother was not joking, but really loved his younger brother, so he said: "Then hurry up, if you can be like Brother Nine and Brother Ten, it would be better if you only have one princess."

Ninth elder brother was puzzled and said: "What is there to learn? Your tenth brother's situation is different, and he has to take care of the concubine's face; there were two of them at the time, but there was an irregularity, so they were sent to the Punishment Department! "

Brother Twelve looked at Brother Nine and always felt weird.

Is it fashionable to send a family member to the Punishment Department?
The crown prince gave it to me, and brother Jiu also gave it to me before.

Brother Twelve said truthfully: "I don't want too many people..."

Brother Nine jokingly said: "Good boy, clever, this is to please the future father-in-law and mother-in-law, isn't it? Later, when Han Ama proposed marriage, the other party inquired, our twelfth master is a womanizer, and the backyard is clean ..."

Brother Twelve shook his head and said, "It's not to please people, but it's because I'm afraid of noise, and I don't want too many people."

Brother Jiu remembered that this younger brother was someone who could save pocket money, so it seemed that he didn't want to have too many people.

He nodded and said: "If you want to surpass my brothers, it would be too eye-catching to point you to two more, and I can't do it; but if you want to say that you have one less, this should be fine..."

Brother Twelve was afraid that he would be too enthusiastic, so he hurriedly reminded: "Brother Ninth, don't hurry up, wait until the emperor gives orders to choose someone..."

The next update will be around 3:13 noon on March 12, welcome to Qidian APP to read.

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