Chapter 918 Pastry (the first monthly ticket is requested)

After a short time, it was the beginning of noon.

Even though the twelfth elder brother came back, he didn't stop the ninth elder brother.

He said: "Don't just worry about checking the population, don't forget to deal with the daily official documents, do it well, don't keep thinking about going back to Brother's office..."

Brother Twelve looked at Brother Nine, and couldn't help complaining: "What about Brother Nine?"

Staying here by myself, from morning to night, brother Jiu is only half a day younger, this difference makes people uncomfortable.

Brother Jiu rubbed his wrists, and said: "Master is different from you. He has left his family behind. If you don't go back, your sister-in-law Jiu will not eat properly."

Elder Brother Twelve: "..."

Why do you think brother Jiu is a bit stubborn.

Sister-in-law Jiu is not such a clingy sister-in-law, but brother Jiu is a bit too clingy.

Brother Jiu left the palace through the Xihua Gate, and ordered the carriage to drive through the imperial city.

In addition to Xi'anmen Street, there is also a row of shops in Di'anmen Inner Street, and the business in both places is good.

Here in Di'anmen Inner Street, the last shop is a five-room bakery shop. The storefront is half old and not new, with "Guixiangzhai" written on the board.

In my memory, this is an old pastry shop.

Brother Jiu asked someone to stop the carriage, and told He Yuzhu: "Go and see what kind of cakes are there, buy a few more, and give Fujin a taste..."

He Yuzhu agreed, and took Baoshan and Xinghe in to buy pastries.

Estimated the effort of half a cup of tea, a few of them came out with big and small bags.

"Master, there are dozens of kinds of fruit in their house. The servant asked them to pick and sell the best ones and bought twelve packs, as well as some Nantang and small dishes. The servant also asked someone to pack..."

He Yuzhu said.

Brother Jiu nodded, and with only half a cup of tea, several waves of guests went in empty-handed and came out full-handed.

This is another prosperous shop.

The location is good, plus the sweet smell of the baked pastry here, I guess passers-by will have to pay more attention.

How much rent does this shop pay to the Ministry of Internal Affairs?
Could it be 48 taels too?
Brother Jiu put down the car curtain, planning to check it out tomorrow.

The carriage left Di'anmen and arrived at the Prince's Mansion in a short while.

Brother Jiu looked at the yellow sand field at the door, which was a bit of an eyesore.

That's all for now, it's not the rainy season, if it's the rainy season, the road will be muddy.

But in spring and autumn, the dust is also annoying.

He didn't take care of this before, so he had to think of a way to make the road clean and not too boring.

Although Shu Shu moved to the main courtyard, she is not used to being in the main courtyard anymore, and she also misses the children.

When Brother Jiu went to the Yamen, she went to the back room.

Mrs. Uncle has arrived and is asking someone to pack up Da Gege's things.

Seeing this, Shu Shu couldn't help hesitating, and said, "How about moving at the end of the month?"

Mrs. Uncle glanced at her, thought for a while, and said, "Then at the end of the month, so you won't have to worry about it."

She was afraid that Shu Shu would have to run to Ning'an Hall at that time, and she would be exhausted.

Shu Shu hugged Mrs. Uncle's arm, looked at the three Youche, and said: "I wish they would grow up when they see the wind, and I'm afraid they will be big and mischievous, so why not be obedient now."

Mrs. Uncle said: "Don't worry, a child who is taught well will not grow up to be crooked; if he becomes naughty, he will follow Ama and Ernie. Don't dislike the child because of this pickiness..."

Shu Shu recalled her childhood, and said, "That's the same as Jiuye, how good was I when I was young?"

Mrs. Uncle snorted softly, "Did you forget that time when Ernie beat you up?"

Shu Shu couldn't help complaining: "Enie is too cruel, just slap him twice, and even use a feather duster to whip people..."

At that time, she was only five and a half years old, and it was the time when Xiao Zui Ba Ba loved to talk.

In addition to Fusong and Zhuliang, the family has just added twin brothers.

At that time, I had no memories of my previous life, so I was really like a child, a little silly and cute, and I had to ask my parents some questions, such as where did the child come from.

After all, there were only two younger brothers before, and after living in the uncle's house for a few days, there were two more.

At that time, the adults were not easy to answer, so they said they picked it up.

Shu Shu believed it.

When visiting Nala's house in the back street, she told Mrs. Nala that she "picked up children".

He also said that he didn't pick up any good ones, and the ones he picked up were all skinny children, who were sobbing and unattractive, and made the female family members of the Nala family so annoying.

He also said that Fu Song and Zhu Liang were also picked up, from the smelly ditch at the door.

When the adults heard this, they just smiled knowingly. They also fooled their children in the same way.

It's a child, take it seriously.

When I saw Fu Song and Zhu Liang, I stopped them and asked them if they knew that I picked them up.

Fu Song is one year younger than Shu Shu, even though he is raised here, he also knows that he still has Ama, so he cries aggrieved.

Zhu Liang was two years younger than Shu Shu, so she was fooled. She really thought that she was picked up in the ditch at the door, rolled in it, and said she wanted to kiss Ama and Ernie...

It's so noisy that it turns against the sky.

Mrs. Nala sent Shushu out, and felt very guilty to accompany Jue Luoshi.

After the guests left, Shu Shu learned how to use the feather duster correctly.

Although more than ten years have passed, Shu Shu still feels a little pain in her arm.

She rubbed her arms, and snorted softly, "Ernie is okay, but this is not good, how can you beat a child? I was young at the time, so I should be reasonable..."

Mrs. Uncle looked at her and said: "Okay, remember what you said, don't think about doing it later, be patient."

Shu Shu stopped talking.

She was a little unsure of herself.

Although her zodiac sign is a pig, her temperament is like that of a monkey, a little impatient.

After coming out of the back room, Shu Shu went to the study.

It's all a little strange.

She sat behind the desk, took a new notebook, and wrote a parenting diary.

Time passed both fast and slow.

Before I couldn't take a bath, I felt uncomfortable, and my heart was gloomy, and the days seemed like years.

In addition to the discomfort in the body, there is also the dislike of myself in my heart.

But after being able to take a bath, I changed my mood, and after watching a few more children, I felt that they were growing faster.

In nine days, it will be two months.

Tomorrow is April [-]th, the day when Prince Fujin enters the palace to pay his respects.

But right now, it seems that only Sanfujin, Qifujin and Shifujin can go.

She put down her pen and really wanted to enter the palace.

It's not a year or a festival, and there is no other entertainment, and there is no chance to go out except to enter the palace to pay respects.

Enter the palace at the end of the month to say hello, and then wait until the first and second day of the next month to go back to my mother's house to give the boxing gift.

After the Dragon Boat Festival, it's time for Shengjia to go to the Changchun Garden with the Empress Dowager, and they can follow.

Shu Shu felt that she was suffocated, and wished to stay outside for half a year before coming back.

Brother Jiu came back, and He Yuzhu and Sun Jin who followed behind still had big bags and small bags.

Looking at the packaging outside, Shu Shu knew it wasn't from her shop.

In their shop, in addition to oiled paper, there will also be a piece of red paper, which looks very festive.

"The pastry shop in the imperial city is on Di'anmen Inner Street. It's been many years. I remember that I loved their peach cakes when I was young..."

Brother Jiu said.

At that time, he was the little prince, so naturally he didn't have the chance to leave the palace city, and he was brought in by Nanny Liu.

"At that time, there was no pasta in the sub-clause, and I loved eating. Fortunately, my grandfather loved cleaning. Every time I ate, I rinsed my mouth and brushed my teeth. Otherwise, my teeth would be rotten..."

Brother Nine also remembered talking about it when he was a child.

Shu Shu glanced at him, seeing that it was very common for him to mention Nanny Liu, and obviously he didn't take Nanny Liu seriously.

She said: "Whose business is it? Our house is located on the street outside Di'anmen, has the business collided?"

Brother Nine shook his head and said, "It's okay, there are a lot of pastry shops, two or three on a single street are common..."

After all, a full seat is a pastry seat.

In addition to daily eating and drinking, all kinds of weddings and funerals, ancestor worship and so on, are inseparable from the cake.

Brother Jiu remembered what happened to Yuqing Palace, glanced at the walnut at the door, and waved her off.

Then, he lowered his volume and talked about the Li family's entry into the Punishment Division, and the Li family's bribery of Ling Pu and his wife.

"The princess is a smart person, she should know what's going on, it's pitiful, if she is born, she will be older than eighteen..."

Brother Nine sighed and said: "Ama Khan looks forward to the emperor's grandson so much, I'm afraid there will be no direct heirs, next year's draft, Yuqing Palace will appoint people to enter, but I don't know which family Ama Khan will choose from. "

Shu Shu listened, becoming more vigilant.

My three children all have breast insurance.

Then Nanny He was selected by Kangxi as the wet nurse of the crown prince, and stayed in Yuqing Palace when the crown prince stopped breastfeeding, she must have done her duty very well earlier.

The crown prince also attached great importance to this wet nurse, so he let the wet nurse take charge of the internal affairs of Yuqing Palace.

That's how people's hearts are raised.

Brother Jiu said gloatingly, and said, "The crown prince is really funny. If you really want to clean up the Li family, you can't send it to the Punishment Department..."

What is the difference between sending it to the Department of Punishment and spreading it out in front of Qianqing Palace?
Brother Jiu said, and explained himself: "I guess I didn't think of this incident, the princess will not complain, but Khan Ama will know about it, and Zhao Chang is still in the palace..."

Shu Shu said: "Even if you don't spread it out, the Crown Princess is embarrassing enough."

The story about the difficulties of the heirs of the crown princess and concubine has been spread outside, and the noble families of the Eight Banners are also aware of it.

For an ordinary family, with the support of her mother's family, childlessness is nothing.

But the imperial concubine, who has no children, lacks confidence.

That is to say, there are few women in Yuqing Palace now, so there is no one to mention it. If there is a prince concubine and a prince noble, it is hard to say what will happen to the prince concubine in the future.

Brother Jiu said: "You have to think about it for yourself, like the emperor's grandmother, isn't it also very good..."

After a short time, lunch was served, and a dish was placed in the pastry.

The current bakery, the best ones are rich in oil and sugar, so the bakery shops in the capital are classified as "sugar cake shops".

This plate of pastry is no exception, most of them are filled with pastry.

There is also a special kind of banquet for sacrifices. The raw dough used is baked without deformation, bright in color, and durable to storage.

It is similar to the pastry in the market outside, not as exquisite as Baiweizhai.

In addition to the usual hard-faced pastry and pastry pastry, Baiweizhai’s pastries also include soft-faced pastry and butter pastry.

Shu Shu tasted two yuan and put it down, saying: "No wonder the business is good, but I'm willing to put sugar..."

It's not to their taste, but to ordinary people, it should be to their taste...

(End of this chapter)

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