Chapter 919 Talking to People (Second Monthly Pass)

After lunch, the couple took a nap.

Brother Nine remembered one thing and said: "Karkatu Xietu Khan passed away. Sister Kejing's brother-in-law succeeded the new Khan. She wrote a booklet and asked to return the court, and Ama Khan has already agreed..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu's reaction was similar to Brother Jiu's, with a slightly complicated mood.

Shu Shu herself has admiration and curiosity for this outstanding princess among the Fumeng princesses in the Qing Dynasty, but because of Guo Luoluo's family and Guo Guiren's sake, they are not close.

"Don't worry, Old Ten is right. Sister Kejing is a smart person, and she won't turn against us. She has to face it."

Brother Jiu said.

Shu Shu nodded. Yikun Palace has a favorite concubine and four princes.

It would be unwise for Princess Kejing to put her suspicions on the surface.

For Concubine Yi's mother and son, she, the princess of Fumeng, is not necessary; but for her, a princess of low birth, she needs someone who can speak in front of the imperial court.

Shu Shu wanted to understand this, so she persuaded Brother Nine: "My lord, don't always think about Guo Guiren, think about the emperor, the emperor will definitely not like the separation of siblings..."

Brother Nine nodded and said: "Don't worry, Master is no longer Wuxia Amon, and he will talk to people and talk nonsense."

Shu Shu didn't say anything else, she needs to grow up little by little.

If he only compares himself with Brother Nine, he still has improved.

There was nothing to say all night, and the next day was April [-], the day when the female relatives entered the palace to pay their respects.

When Brother Nine went to the yamen, Shu Shu said to Xiao Chun, "How many sets of clothes did you make this summer?"

Xiaochun said: "Twenty sets, four sets of spun silk clothes in April, four sets of Zhiluo clothes in May, twelve sets of real yarn, bright ground yarn, and fragrant cloud yarn in June and July... "

I love to sweat in summer, so I have to wash my upper body clothes after changing them.

With the current dye, the clothes are not easy to wear when going out after two or three washes.

Therefore, new clothes are changed every year, the most in summer, followed by spring and autumn, and appropriate additions in winter.

Shu Shu said: "Hang up two sets of bright colors before the end of the month. I haven't entered the palace for half a year. Please be safe. I want to look good..."

Xiaochun thought for a while and said: "There is a set of camellia red clothes, it is said that red is more like pink, it looks pink and tender; there is also a set of bamboo green clothes, which make the face white..."

Shu Shu said without hesitation: "I want the camellia red one, it's pink and tender..."

As she spoke, she took a hand mirror and took a good look in the mirror.

Except for the pointed chin, there are no other problems, and the face is still shiny and elastic.

But there is no solution for dry hair, we can only grow it slowly...

In the Ninth Prince's Mansion, Brother Nine's carriage has not left yet.

Today is the tenth day, and the tenth Fujin is going to enter the palace to pay his respects.

Elder Brother Ten had to follow Shi Fujin in the carriage first, and then get off in the carriage of Elder Brother Nine when he arrived at Shenwu Gate.

Brother Jiu looked at the two people's laziness and chirping, crossed their arms, and rolled their eyes.

As soon as he was about to get in the car, there was movement in front of him. It was the eighth elder brother riding over.

"Nine younger brothers, ten younger brothers, ten younger siblings..."

Brother Nine also leaned forward and said, "Brother..."

Elder Brother Ten and Elder Fujin were also going to get on the car, so they also stopped their movements to greet Eighth Brother.

Brother Nine didn't want to look at Brother Eight, so he looked around, only to find a carriage parked at the gate of Babeizi's Mansion.

Is there a female family member in Babeizi's mansion who wants to enter the palace to pay her respects?

Is it the Eight Fujin or the Fucha family?
If it's the Fucha family, do you have to send an invitation letter to Ningshou Palace first?
Brother Jiu was thinking wildly.

The eighth elder brother has already looked at the ten Fujins and said: "I, Fujin, will also enter the palace today, so I can go with my younger siblings."

Shi Fujin blinked, but did not answer immediately, but looked at Elder Brother Ten.

As for that eighth Fujin, she hadn't even met him yet.

When we got engaged the year before last, the female relatives I met were Si Fujin and Shu Shu.

When they got married at the beginning of last year, Bafujin was in confinement and did not show up.

Later, when the Ten Fortunes came back from their tour to the south, they went to live in Changchun Garden.

The eight Fujin stopped here to pay their respects, and suffered accidents one after another, and then "recovered" and did not come out.

Elder Brother Ten said: "That's my sister-in-law, please respect me."

Ten Fujin immediately nodded and said, "I see..."

The last time Elder Brother Ten said this, he was talking about Sanfujin during his southern tour.

Since you want to be respectful, of course you don't need to be too intimate.

Brother Nine listened to Brother Eight and took a look at Brother Eight.

It is indeed a good opportunity to release Ba Fujin at this time.

Although Bafu Jin was arrogant and willful before, the elders did not like it.

But now that the Yaqibu couple's case has come out, everyone will feel a little sympathy and tolerance for Bafujin when they think of the reason.

People are weak.

The eighth elder brother noticed the gaze of the ninth elder brother, looked at him, hesitated, and said: "Ninth brother, the hot spring palace..."

Brother Jiu looked at him and said: "I made my own decisions, and I didn't discuss it with everyone. I just thought about jointly dedicating to the palace. Last time I returned your village ticket and withheld the money from the practice palace. 1 taels, if you don't have enough money, I will send it back to you later..."

Brother Eight quickly shook his head and said, "I'm not asking about the palace, but I'm thinking about Xiaotangshan..."

Brother Jiu said: "You also want to build a hot spring village? Then you have to send the ceremony as soon as possible, and let others pick out the good places."

As for the price, it is still high anyway, and there is no discount for the time being.

Or didn't he cheat the other brothers?
He paired up with Prince Zhuang and Prince Xin, and the eldest brother, fourth brother and tenth brother asked someone to buy the land in Xiaotangshan at a high price, fearing that the two would collude with the clan and trip him up.

At that time, the land of Xiaotangshan will fall in his hands, and Brother Jiu will suffer from famine.

Fifth Brother and Seventh Brother followed suit.

Then like a gust of wind, the clan princes rushed to buy land.

The brothers were kind, but Brother Jiu couldn't really take advantage of that.

It just so happened that the two boats of lake stones that Ji Hong had transported before arrived. In addition to the needs of the palace, there was also wealth, so Brother Jiu directly divided it among his brothers.

When I got to the eighth elder brother, there was no subsidy.

Eighth Prince's smile was a bit forced.

What he wanted to talk about was whether the 14 taels of banknotes could continue to be used as the principal, and he couldn’t be ashamed. It’s not good to take advantage of it like this, and he didn’t understand what Brother Jiu said. I really didn’t expect it , or deliberately diverge.

As for the monastery, more than ten taels and one mu of land?
Eighth brother still can't make up his mind.

Others have it, but if he doesn't, it's too eye-catching.

But if you really want to build it, it will be a waste of money.

There are only 23+ taels of the 10,000 taels of family money left.

Before the remaining tens of thousands of taels, Yaqibu was asked to buy more property, but it was only found out a few days ago that the property was reported as a false account, and Yaqibu was greedy for 3 taels of silver.

Yaqibu used the money to support his concubine and purchase private property.

It was already half a quarter of an hour when the carriage set off.

Sitting in the carriage, Brother Nine curled his lips.

Isn't this just talking about people when you see people, talking nonsense when you see ghosts?

What's so hard about it?
It’s just that the eighth elder brother is quite funny, he still seems to be fine, and he still wants to mention Xiaotangshan, his face is much thicker than before, it seems that he is not eating fireworks before, how can he mention money...

There was no words all the way, the carriage drove for a quarter of an hour, and arrived at the gate of Shenwu.

Ten Fujin got out of the carriage, feeling a bit reluctant, and said to Elder Brother Ten, "Are you still going to the restaurant at noon?"

Elder Brother Shi nodded and said patiently, "Go! I ordered someone to reserve the private room in Yufeng Building. There just happened to be live fish today. I'll pick you up here at the beginning of noon. You don't have to rush out of the palace. You can talk to the Queen Mother, and you'll be fine." Go and say hello to my concubine."

Ten Fujin immediately became happy and nodded endlessly.

Mongolia doesn't eat fish, and Shi Fujin didn't eat it before, but after spending a lot of time at Shu Shu's place, he also started to love fish.

Since it is a restaurant's dish, it must be full of expectations compared with my own.

Seeing the sticky appearance of the two, Brother Jiu snorted softly and looked away.

Out of the corner of his eye, he happened to see Ba ​​Fujin get off the carriage.

Brother Ba personally helped him up, and he also looked like he loved Chong Ba Fujin very much.

Ba Fujin seemed to be a different person, still wearing the red flag, but the whole person fell silent, his head drooped, and he didn't intend to come over to say hello to everyone.

It's just that this stature does not look very graceful, the clothes are propped up, and the stature is still tall, but it looks a bit strong. It seems that the "recovery" is well taken care of, and it is not the downcast appearance as imagined.

Brother Jiu looked away.

Irrelevant, irrelevant.

Now thinking about the days in the second institute the year before last, he seemed to have a convulsion, always thinking about preserving the face of the eighth elder brother, and tolerated Guo Luoluo's family time and time again.

Thinking about it now, the arrogance of the Guo Luoluo family was also cultivated little by little.

If you don't get used to her at the beginning, maybe she will be timid, to be honest.

Shi Fujin felt that the atmosphere was a bit strange, but Shi elder brother didn't say anything, so she didn't take it seriously.

She brought a nanny and a girl into the palace.

Nanny is an old person in Ningshou Palace and one of the nannies of elder brothers.

Coincidentally, Eight Fujins also brought a nanny and a girl with them.

It's just that this nanny is a stranger, not Bafujin's wet nurse.

When Shifujin and Bafujin entered the Shenwumen, the ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother also said goodbye to the eighth elder brother.

"Guo Luoluo didn't even greet us. It doesn't look like he has learned a lesson. He just put it in the palace like this. Aren't you afraid of offending the elders again?" Brother Jiu asked puzzled.

Elder Brother Shi thought for a while and said, "Perhaps I want to let the elders in the palace see what she looks like now..."

Brother Nine frowned and said, "What do you mean? Let the elders dislike him again, and give him a side Fujin later?"

Didn't you have the Fucha family? !

Elder Brother Ten said: "The Fucha family is a well-behaved family. They have been in the mansion for a year and have not overstepped. If the elders in the palace say that they will not let the Eighth Fortune come to pay their respects, then the Eighth Brother can change to the side Fujin to go out to socialize. The Fucha family will not be criticized by others; if the elders in the palace are soft-hearted and comfort Ba Fujin a little more, it will be a turning point, and it will be better than the current situation..."

Not a widower, he lived like a widower, lost the news of the harem, and lost a layer of communication with other brothers.

Brother Jiu's face drooped, and he said: "How can this be? It is beneficial and harmless to him, but is he too cruel to Guo Luoluo?"

Isn't that the first wife who made a small engagement?
Even though Brother Nine doesn't like Guo Luoluo's family, he doesn't like Brother Eight's actions either.

Elder Brother Ten said: "I'm downgraded, I'm going to lose my sense of normalcy..."

This is different from the third elder brother's conferment.

The third elder brother was Gao Feng back then, and he was supposed to be equal to the fourth and fifth elder brothers, so he jumped out and was equal to the eldest elder brother.

Even if he was demoted, he would only return to his proper position.

It's very embarrassing for the eighth brother.

The princes of the two dynasties were knighted, and the lowest was Baylor. He was suddenly reduced to Beizi, the only one among the princes...

(End of this chapter)

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