My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 920 Rules Will Protect You

Chapter 920 Rules Will Protect You
In the Imperial Garden, Ten Fujin followed Eight Fujin, and the two sisters-in-law crossed the Imperial Garden towards Ningshou Palace.

It's just that the two are standing together, the gap is too big.

The eighth Fujin is taller than ordinary people, and the tenth Fujin is shorter than ordinary people. Now it looks like an adult with a fat baby.

The eight Fujin souls roamed the sky, and did not see the ten Fujin.

The eyes of the ten Fujin always involuntarily look at the feet of the eighth Fujin.

Ba Fujin stepped on the three-and-a-half-inch-high flag shoes, walking steadily.

Shi Fujin glanced at his feet, and saw that they were one-inch high ship-soled flag shoes.

She was born in boots and was not used to wearing flag shoes. Although she went to the country to do as the Romans did in the past few years, she did so to a limited extent.

In her heart, she compared her stature with that of Fujin Ba.

Bafujin was already half a head taller than her, and with the difference of the flag shoes, it was half a head taller.

That's really tall, it looks like she's an inch taller than Sister Jiu...

When the ten Fujins were in the third institute before, the palace people and the nuns mentioned that the eighth Fujin had a bright and beautiful appearance, and was one of the best among the prince Fujin.


Ten Fujin saw the brilliance of the eight Fujin, but he saw the flaws on the flowers, and felt a little sad.

She looked at her head and her feet for a while. In the past, Fujin was already annoyed. Now she just turned her head, looked at Fujin calmly and said, "Is it ugly?"

From the corner of her right mouth to her ear, there is a flesh-pink scar, which cannot be completely covered even with thick powder on her face.

She didn't know if she was afraid of touching the scar, or what, but there was no smile on her face, and she seemed to be a little tense.

Ten Fujin immediately shook his head and said, "It's not ugly, it's still better looking than ordinary people."

In order to cover up the scar, Fujin's powder was thickened, her eyebrows and eyes were drawn heavier, and her lips were also painted with lip balm.

Otherwise, just applying powder will look weird.

Now she has a plump body and a round oval face. Her eyes no longer have the previous arrogance, only an indescribable calmness.

Bafujin looked around, seeing red flowers and green willows, it seemed that this palace would never change.

Or is this aging?
Compared with the vivid ten Fujins, she can better understand what she has lost.

For the rest of the way, Ba Fujin didn't speak.

Shi Fujin's eyes were also honest, and he stopped looking around.

The sister-in-law arrived at Ningshou Palace.

Before the concubine came to pay her respects, Nanny Bai was already outside to welcome the ten Fujin.

Elder Brother Shi is different. He lost his biological mother and has no adoptive mother.

Here, the queen mother should show more love and affection to the ten elder brothers and his wife.

It's the same for the elderly, and she doesn't bother with other people who have mothers-in-law.

Seeing that Fujin Ba had followed, Nanny Bai's expression remained the same, she still paid her respects according to the rules, but she didn't directly lead Fujin in as usual.

When she reached the entrance of the main hall, she stopped, and said to Ten Fujin and Eight Fujin, "Two Fujin, wait a moment, this old slave goes in to report."

Ten Fujin nodded, then realized something was wrong, and looked at Eight Fujin.

Ba Fujin was no longer the arrogant and reserved look of the past, but lowered his eyes, and said very politely: "Please trouble me..."

Bai Momo said respectfully: "You are welcome..."

Then, Nanny Bai turned and went in.

The Empress Dowager was talking to the Crown Princess the next time, and she was talking about the ice cellar of Ningshou Palace.

"There is an ice cellar in the North Garden. I stored ice last winter. When you go there after the festival, you can just use the ice there. If you don't come back for two or three months, you won't be able to use the ice from Ningshou Palace. Turn around. When the weather is hot, you can use the ice from Ningshou Palace to add ice to the harem..."

The crown princess said: "The imperial grandmother is kind, but when the time comes, the holy car will move to the garden, and the elder brothers will follow, and there will be promises from the concubine and the Qianqing Palace. In this way, the palace will also save a lot of money." Ice, there is a lot of surplus..."

The Empress Dowager nodded and said: "Anyway, it's good that you know what you're doing, you'd rather be more relaxed than let someone pick you."

The princess felt sore and numb, and said softly: "The grandson's daughter-in-law is unfilial, which makes you worry..."

The queen mother took her hand, her eyes were full of kindness, and said: "Women in this world are inherently difficult. Compared with the daughter-in-laws of ordinary people outside, the royal family is not all shortcomings. They only look forward to the good and only think of the good. This day can be good." Boil it down..."

"Well! The granddaughter-in-law is content, Han Ama believes in the granddaughter-in-law, and the emperor's grandmother loves the granddaughter-in-law, it is the blessing of the granddaughter-in-law, and the granddaughter-in-law will cherish the blessing..." The princess said softly.

The Empress Dowager nodded slightly and didn't say anything more.

The princess acted generously, as long as she didn't get into the horns, she could live a leisurely life.

It's just a pity.

In this harem, there is a difference between having a son to support her and not having a son.

Bai Momo stood at the door, and when she heard the voice of the voice stopped, she came in and said: "Madam, the eighth and tenth blessings have arrived, and they are waiting at the door..."

When the queen mother heard the eight blessings, she woke up after a while, looked at the princess and said, "Why is she here?"

The Crown Princess didn't know the reason, so she could only say: "Xu Shi has recovered from his illness, and wants to come over to greet you..."

The Queen Mother frowned and said: "But I said the year before last that she would not be allowed to come!"

A few days ago, when Yaqibu's incident came out, there was a lot of rumors in the palace, and the Queen Mother also heard about it.

Although she felt that Fujin was pitiful, she was still too lazy to deal with it.

She is not old and confused, but she can clearly remember how Fujin looked down on Wu Fujin at that time relying on her status.

Husband and wife are one, and to despise Wu Fujin is to despise Fifth Elder Brother.

Originally, she had an unpleasant temperament, but if she remained like this, she disliked Fujin even more.

With her current status, people who don't like her naturally don't have to socialize.

If Ba Fujin handed over the sign to come in, she would definitely send a message not to come in.

But when the person arrived outside the Ningshou Palace, it was the prince Fujin after all, and it also involved the dignity of the eighth elder brother. The queen mother finally softened her heart, and said to Nanny Bai: "Call in..."

Nanny Bai complied and withdrew.

After a while, Nanny Bai led the two of them in.

This time, the ten Fujin had a long memory, so he was not in a hurry to speak, and took half a step back from the eighth Fujin, waiting to act from the eighth Fujin.

Ba Fujin no longer bowed his head.

She raised her head, instead of looking at the Crown Princess, she looked at the Queen Mother.

The Empress Dowager pulled her face, looked at Bafu Jin and said stiffly: "Didn't I tell you not to come to Ningshou Palace?"

She was getting older, her eyes were not as good as those of young people, and she couldn't see the scars on Fujin's face clearly.

Even if she saw it, she wouldn't take it seriously.

It's not that there are missing arms and legs, or there are other defects on the face, or there are scars more than an inch long, which really doesn't hinder anything.

Bafujin knelt down "Putong", put his hands on the ground, and said, "My grandson's daughter-in-law is unfilial, I'm here to apologize..."

The queen mother was taken aback by her reaction, and looked at the princess next to her.

Just now the Crown Princess said that she was unfilial, but it was only in a polite way, and the Eighth Fortune Jin is truly unfilial.

Is it too late to apologize?
It's all happened the year before last, and I just remembered to apologize?

The Crown Princess used to sit on the stool next to the kang, but now she couldn't sit down anymore, or else she seemed to have received half a gift from the Eight Fujin, and stood up and retreated to the side of the Ten Fujin.

Shi Fujin pursed his lips and restrained his breathing.

She reacted wrongly.

No wonder Ba Ge let Ba Fujin enter the palace with her!
Eighth brother is bad!

Nanny Bai didn't directly bring them in just now because the Queen Mother didn't like the Fujin!
Ten Fujin was so angry that he wished he could go to Brother Ba to settle the score.

His face was blank for nothing, and his actions were too dishonest.

Even if you want to ask someone for help, you should talk about it first. How can there be such a thing?
The Empress Dowager valued her in order to show respect to Master Shi.

If the Queen Mother doesn't like her because of this, will she also like Master Shi?
Ten Fujin became worried about gains and losses, and regretted not asking Elder Brother Ten more.

The queen mother looked at the appearance of the eight Fujins, and for a moment didn't know where to start.

Bafujin looked at the queen mother and said: "The granddaughter-in-law lost Amma in Ernie's womb, and she lost Ernie when she was three years old. Guo Luomafa felt sorry for the loneliness of the granddaughter-in-law. She was so pampered, and the granddaughter-in-law would not look at it." His complexion, he grew up arrogant and domineering, and when Guo Luoma died later, the granddaughter-in-law was afraid of being bullied, so she even bluffed, I don't know that there are still flattery in this world..."

Speaking of this, she paused, and said: "When she married into the palace the year before last, the sisters-in-law's families were all outstanding in character, and the granddaughter-in-law was also afraid of falling behind and being looked down upon by others, so she barked her teeth and claws fiercely. Jealous of Jiufu Jin, who came from a famous family, loved by his parents, and had a rich dowry. Later, he lost face by being competitive, and blamed his wife Wu. In the end, he was bullying the weak and fearing the hard..."

"Before the wedding, no one taught my granddaughter-in-law how to be a prince Fujin; after the wedding, no one taught my granddaughter-in-law..."

"Wife sister-in-law, Jiufujin, granddaughter-in-law will also plead guilty..."

"Now, my granddaughter-in-law wants to learn to be a decent Prince Fujin..."

"For the sake of granddaughter-in-law's loneliness and ignorance, please forgive granddaughter-in-law this time..."

Bafujin's eyes were red, and he kowtowed heavily after speaking at the end.

She has always been arrogant, when did she bend over?

Now not only bent over, but also very sincere attitude.

The queen mother sighed, she is not a cruel person.

She thought for a while, looked at Ba Fujin, and said solemnly: "You have to really know your mistake, if you fool me, I will be annoyed..."

Bafujin raised his head, Dou Da's tears rolled down, nodded and said: "My daughter-in-law really knows that I was wrong..."

The Queen Mother nodded, looked at Nanny Bai and said, "Help Bafu Jin up!"

Nanny Bai stepped forward and helped the eight blessings to get up.

Seeing Ba Fujin's stiff appearance, no longer the crispness of the past, the Queen Mother invited her to sit down and said: "Since you know that you are wrong, you must know that in order to be a human being, you must not go out of line, and you must abide by the rules. If you follow the rules, the rules will protect you; if you don't follow the rules, the rules will not protect you..."

Ba Fujin thought about what he did after entering the palace, and the most criticized thing was the matter with his concubine Liang.

At that time, she was angry and felt that she could justly ignore her mother-in-law, but she was not completely confused.

Now after hearing what the queen mother said, Bafujin also understood what the old lady meant, and said in shame: "It's my grandson's wife who made a mistake, and I won't do it again..."

If she hadn't made the mistake first, would Eighth Brother dare to treat her like this?

The fifth elder brother had a disagreement with Wu Fujin and his wife before, and he didn't say that he hurt Wu Fujin's dignity.

Even if the fifth elder brother really wanted to "dote on his concubine and destroy his wife", the elders in the palace would not watch.

The Empress Dowager is right, her identity can only be relied on the rules of etiquette.

She abides by the rules of etiquette, and her prince Fujin's status is as stable as a rock.

She jumped up and down by herself, making herself a joke, and the identity of the prince Fujin also existed in name only and was crumbling.

But besides this identity, what else does she have?

The aunt of Guo Luoluo's family?

I'm afraid it's her uncle and aunt who hate her to death.

The niece and daughter of Anjun Palace?
If the uncles were not in a rough situation, they would probably wish to stay away from her, and would not have arranged for the nanny to come over.

Now is probably the last chance.

If she doesn't struggle, there will still be a side Fujin on the eighth elder brother's side.

The Empress Dowager looked at Ba Fujin's face, and saw that she had really listened, so her expression eased, and she said: "There is an old saying on the grassland, 'A person with a good face is not beautiful, but a person with a good heart is truly beautiful'. I have suffered a lot. , is not a bad thing, you will cherish sweetness, since there are no parents in this world to love you, you should love yourself well..."


Bafujin nodded slightly, his eyes became firmer...

In the yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Brother Jiu still remembered the shop of Guixiangzhai, so he directly asked someone to pass Zhang Bao to come over.

"Look for the file of the shop on the street inside Di'anmen..."

Zhang Baozhu didn't say much, and went down to look for the files.

After a while, he sent the file over.

Brother Jiu didn't look at other places, and went directly to Guixiangzhai's shop. It wasn't 48 taels of silver, but it wasn't much, it was 96 taels.

This is still the price of the Shunzhi Dynasty.

What was the situation?
The Eight Banners had just entered the pass, and the war was still raging, and no one knew whether they could gain a foothold in the pass.

Brother Jiu went directly to the lessee, the Dong family.

From the Shunzhi Dynasty to the present, there has been no price increase or rent withdrawal, for more than 40 years.

This food looks better than that of Yufeng Building, but not much better.

Dong family...

Before that, he was a person under the name of the Empress Dowager.

Later, the Empress Dowager died, and the internal management leader under the name was transferred to the Empress Dowager's name.

The Duan concubine Dong who was deposed before the Changchun Palace is the Dong family.

The current successor of the Dong family is Dong Dianbang, the manager of Changchun Garden's dining room, and Dong's nephew.

Last year, Brother Jiu met him in Changchun Garden.

How did you forget this person? !

Dong Dianbang, who was in the accounting department before, was only transferred to the garden dining room in May last year.

It's not just the Dong family who has someone in the accounting department.

And Li Xu's third brother is also working in the accounting department...

The next update will be around 3:14 noon on February 12th, welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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