Chapter 921 Machine Front

The Dong family is the old family of the Compassionate Ning Palace, and the Li family belongs to the emperor's father.

Brother Nine understands why the accounting department is monolithic.

Even if there were injustices before, the status of these two companies could not be shaken.

Instead he calmed down.

He directly took a pen and paper, and simply copied down the shops with problems on the file.

What is the location, what is the rent, when is the lease, who is the renter, and what is the current market rent.

With these two prosperous shops as benchmarks, none of them has a normal rent.

Like Yufeng Building, there are a total of 31 shops with rent reductions and exemptions that say "houses are dilapidated", accounting for [-]% of the total shop floor.

Like Guixiangzhai, there are 50 houses that have not raised their rent in the past 97 years, accounting for nearly [-]%.

For the remaining 50% of the shops, the rent has been adjusted twice, but only [-]% each time. After more than [-] years, the rent has been increased by [-]%.

Brother Jiu laughed.

Land prices have doubled in 50 years, and rice prices have also doubled.

Compared with the early years of Shunzhi, the household registration population in the capital seems to have not increased much. The Eight Banners only increased by more than 5000 households, or more than 7 people;

The total population inside and outside the capital has changed from 45 in the early years of Shunzhi to the current 60.

In fact, the number of people living in the inner and outer cities is far more than this number.

The eight banners from other places returned to Beijing after changing defenses, and the continuous influx of officials, officials, and businessmen all increased the number of people in the capital.

Living in the capital is not easy. Outsiders live in rented houses. Over the past few decades, the rent has doubled several times.

Under such circumstances, it seems ridiculous that the rent of these government-run shops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs only increased by [-]%.

Brother Nine marked it all down, and then thought of the fact that the bannermen were not good at economy.

There are still a few banner people who directly run shops like Guixiangzhai, and the shops in the few shopping streets in the imperial city are still mainly run by people.

The people's merchants who mixed in in the imperial city were mainly the operators of those shops.

Brother Nine wanted to understand why.

These shops should be rented by Baoyi, and then sublet them to common people and merchants with additional money.

"Heh! You really are a second-floor master!"

Brother Jiu couldn't help laughing out loud.

Just like the officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, I am afraid that they come and go again and again. Those people regard the more than 300 official shops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs as private.

Brother Twelve was copying at the desk next to him, when he heard the words, he looked up.

Brother Nine lowered his head to the drawer, took out a small box, and took out a palm-sized golden abacus.

This is the New Year's gift that Shu Shu asked Shun'an Silver House to order for Brother Jiu.

As soon as the abacus sounded, ten thousand taels of gold.

Taking it is a good sign, and it is also a small interest between husband and wife.

The sound of the golden abacus beads was not crisp, but it rang for a long time.

Brother Jiu didn't do anything else, but made a table of these shops and calculated the rent difference of the shops.

In the years before the 22nd year of Kangxi, about 5000 taels of rent were underpaid each year.

Since the beginning of Kangxi 23, the annual rent has been reduced by 500 taels.

Counting from the early years of Shunzhi, this number exceeds 100 million taels!
It is necessary to know that the silver deposits in the internal treasury are in and out, and the balance is the silver.

Greed for an internal library!
Brother Jiu looked at this number, and felt relieved.

If it's three or two thousand taels a year, it's impossible to make a fuss, and the emperor's father will feel like making a big fuss, thinking about "the water is so clear that there will be no fish".

But with such a large sum, the prince's family can be divided into several, and the emperor's father will not tolerate it.

Immediately, Brother Jiu was stunned.

This is the Ministry of Internal Affairs, with more than 4000 officials. In addition to serving the court, they also take care of the royal private property.

In the huge private property of the royal family, what are the three hundred shops in the imperial city?
This is not a big head.

His brow furrowed.

What did the royal father think...

After the twelfth elder brother finished his official duties, he saw the gloomy appearance of the ninth elder brother.

He was a little worried, and called softly: "Brother Ninth..."

The ninth elder brother glanced at him, thinking about the more than 1 taels of silver that the twelve elder brothers had saved in the past ten years after the division of the palace, he felt more and more uncomfortable.

No wonder there are so many dandies in the House of Internal Affairs, they are living a fucking better life than the prince.

What is this called?
He folded the papers he had calculated and put them in his purse. Zhang kept the other files and sent them back. He also ordered, "If anyone asks you why you are looking at these things, you should tell the truth, this is what you ordered. The dowry for Jiugegequan for rent..."

Zhang Baozhu bowed and agreed.

When he returned to the value room, there were indeed a few notes that came to Zhang Baozhu's side to inquire about the reason.

Zhang Baozhu also said "truthfully"...

Everyone is not surprised, after all, Jiugege's dowry is undertaken by the Ministry of Internal Affairs...

In Yikun Palace, next to the main hall.

Concubine Yi, who came back from the Ningshou Palace, was talking to Shi Fujin.

"The back room has been vacated for eldest brother, and sister-in-law Jiu has moved to the main courtyard..."

"Big Brother weighs seven and a half catties. His eyebrows and eyes are the same as that of Sister-in-law Nine, as white as Sister-in-law Nine, like a piece of dough..."

"Second elder brother looks like a concubine! He also has apricot eyes, a melon-shaped face, and a straight nose! He weighs nearly five catties, and he already knows people. He is the most delicate, and I only let sister-in-law Jiu hug her..."

"Big Gege weighs nine catties. He has long hands and long feet, but he is very strong. He looks like Brother Jiu, with Ruifeng eyes..."

It also became routine.

Concubine Yi can't see her grandchildren, but the ten Fujin will see each other in three or two days. Every time she enters the palace to pay her respects, Concubine Yi will describe it carefully.

After hearing this, Concubine Yi really wanted to see it with her own eyes.

"Sister-in-law Jiu said that she will enter the palace at the end of the month to pay her respects to the imperial grandmother and concubine, and after the Dragon Boat Festival, she will take the children to Elder Brother's place..."

Shifujin saw Yifei's expectation and said.

Concubine Yi calculated the time in her mind, at most half a month before she could see her grandsons and granddaughters.

As for the daughter-in-law, it will take a year or so to make up for it.

But it's all about Ene, knowing that the child will be well at this time, the daughter-in-law will be more at ease.

Otherwise, delicacies from mountains and seas will make up for it, and it will not be easy to raise well if you have children in mind.

Thinking of what happened in the morning, Shi Fujin felt a little uneasy, and said, "Concubine, the emperor's grandmother won't be angry with me, right? I was confused and entered the palace with Ba Fujin..."

Concubine Yi shook her head and said: "Don't think too much, even if she enters the palace by herself today and blocks outside Ningshou Palace, the Empress Dowager will call her in."

Because of the eight blessings, the emperor has treated the eight princes mediocrely for the past two years, but that is also the son who has been taught for more than ten years, the youngest son of the first wave of princes, whom he really loved.

Ten Fujin said sullenly: "Our master didn't tell me to do it, I never thought of it, I'm too stupid..."

It was in front of the eighth elder brother. Even if the tenth master had other intentions, he probably wouldn't be able to say it directly.

Still she is not smart.

Even if you don't enter Ningshou Palace, it's better to wait for Sanfujin and Qifujin outside than to block people at the entrance of Ningshou Palace.

Concubine Yi comforted: "That's sister-in-law, just be more respectful in the future."

Ba Fujin's temper used to be like a plate, and he could see through it at a glance.

In the past two years, I have experienced a lot, and I have more cities. With Shi Fujin's simple temperament, it's better to keep a respectful distance away, so as not to suffer.

Shi Fujin felt that she understood.

The concubine's "respect" has the same meaning as Shi Ye's "respect"...

Changchun Palace, the east side of the main hall.

There was a bit of silence in the room, and the palace servants standing by the door had their chins up to their chests, and they didn't dare to breathe.

Concubine Liang sat on the seat beside the kang, looked at the eight Fujins on the stool, and frowned slightly.

Today's eight blessings entered the palace, it was very abrupt, and it was the first time seeing her mother-in-law.

Such gorgeous makeup, scars that cannot be completely covered up...

Originally, she had various shortcomings, but her appearance was more outstanding among the prince Fujin, and this one was gone.

Concubine Liang stroked her chest, feeling panicked.

Ba Fujin saw it in his eyes, his expression was still respectful, but he couldn't stop laughing in his heart.

Is this picky again?
In the past, he was picking on her for not being docile enough, and what he said was the virtuousness of the princess and Sifu Jin.

He also picks on her natal family's fragility, and the palace is not considered a serious natal family.

What now?
What are you picking on her for?
Before that, she didn't understand why the eighth elder brother had such a personality.

Now she understands, the roots are here.

I'm afraid that she is feeling uncomfortable. If she comes out by herself, the daughter-in-law who came out of the university scholar's mansion will shrink back.

Bafujin felt a little more happy.

Concubine Liang let out a long breath, her gaze fell on Fujin's face, and with pity, she said softly: "I have two boxes of rice beads, you can take them out and grind them into powder, for a woman to live like a face , this appearance is also the most important thing..."

Bafujin looked at Concubine Liang.

Here we go again, every time he pretends to be an honest person in a gentle and gentle manner, but this time he brings a knife.

The corner of her mouth twitched, and she said: "Don't worry, ma'am, you won't wrong Master Ba, your daughter-in-law will present a book, and ask Ba Ye to match you with a beautiful girl from the House of Internal Affairs..."

As for the Eight Banners Show Girls, go ahead and dream, it's better not to spoil good girls.

Concubine Liang didn't expect her to react like this, and hurriedly said: "There is no need to do anything extra, Brother Ba is just doing his job well, and there are quite a lot of female family members in the backyard!"

Ba Fujin shook his head, and said in a slow manner: "But the Han people said it well, there are three kinds of unfilial piety, and having no offspring is the greatest. Now there are eight people in the backyard of the eighth master. Although it is not a small number, they are not considered lucky. So far there is no happy event. When you come out, it's better to choose two other beauties, compared to Ba Ye's horoscope..."

Concubine Liang's expression was a little stiff, and there was a lot of unhappiness in her eyes. She frowned and said, "You are still young and have deep feelings, so you should be begging for your son..."

Ba Fujin looked at her and said: "My daughter-in-law originally suffered from palace cold, and she took cold medicine for her confinement child, I'm afraid she will disappoint her. If the eighth master only wants a son-in-law, then the daughter-in-law can only ask her to come down, so as not to waste money." It delays the opening of branches and leaves."

Concubine Liang: "..."

She really didn't expect that Fujin would face her shortcomings frankly.

This temperament is really different from before.

In the past, Bafujin was proud of the upbringing of the palace, and the concubine Liang mentioned Guo Luoluo's family inside and outside the words, reminding her of her status as the daughter of a criminal minister, don't rely on Anjun Wangfu to ride on the head of the eight elder brothers superior.

At that time, Ba Fujin was like a jumping cat, at a loss.

It's really different now...

(End of this chapter)

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