My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 923 She's Spirited Again

Chapter 923 She's Spirited Again

After leaving Di'anmen, Seventh Prince stopped the carriage.

His guard followed behind, leading the horse.

The seventh elder brother was afraid that the ninth elder brother would be impatient, and said: "Sheng Jia should return to the palace before the end of the month, and it will be only a few days..."

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "I'm not in a hurry, it's not from my purse, more or less will not reach my pocket!"

This is the truth.

At the beginning, he was really annoyed when he found out that the Accounting Department was monolithic and fooled his immediate boss as a fool.

But looking back and figuring out this time, it was much more peaceful.

He was appointed as the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and he said it was three years, but it was only one and a half years.

I'm used to greed over there, and it's not that I'm fooling him.

What they want to fool is the person in this position.

In the imperial family, Prince Gong also supervised the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the early years, and after thinking about it, he knew that it must be the same trick.

When he returned to the Prince's Mansion and went to the back room to look around at the children, Brother Jiu was a little itchy.

The second child lacks a title!

If he was named Baylor himself, then the boss would directly attack Beizi, and the second child would have to be awarded the title, and the "three excellent" would be named the second-class general of the town, and he would not even be able to qualify for the rank of eight cents.

He sighed.

Seeing him drooping, Shu Shu said, "Are you still thinking about the accounting department?"

Brother Jiu shook his head happily and said, "I don't want to, it's boring!"

He looked down on the credit for the Ministry of Internal Affairs here.

He tossed out several stalls in front of him, such as "imperial medicine", inner goldware, cashmere farm and so on.

The results of it?
The third one has not yet seen the money, and the first two have accumulated less than 10 taels of silver.

But compared with the ones from the Ministry of Internal Affairs who were coated with greedy ink, what are they? !

It's a joke.

Fortunately, the chicken blood stone was his own business, and he wanted to let the emperor's father share a share of it, and not let the people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs pass it by.

The same goes for Xiaotangshan.

"My lord is thinking, what else can I bypass the Ministry of Internal Affairs and directly exchange credit for?"

Brother Jiu rubbed his chin and said.

"It's the kind of real, undisguised credit, who doesn't let others take advantage of it, who can replace Baylor with the king of the county..."

Brother Nine's eyes flickered, thinking about it.

Shu Shu listened, her heart skipped a beat.

Looking towards the direction of the rear building.

The smallpox in Beijing comes in waves.

Now the royal heirs have begun to get used to vaccination.

But the risk of human pox is much higher.

Shu Shu cannot experiment with children's safety.

Smallpox can start now.

It's just that brother Jiu is not in the right mood now.

It seems to be very depressed, but it also seems to be very excited, which is not the time to talk about serious business.

What's more, Shu Shu has selfish intentions.

She is not her own size now, and has three children.

She couldn't put all her hopes on Brother Jiu.

In that case, one day the relationship between husband and wife will be weak, will she, Jiufu Jin, be as comfortable as she is now in front of the royal elders?

Will not.

In the eyes of the elders, she is kind because she is kind to brother Jiu.

When the couple's love is thin, this good is only embarrassing.

As for "auspiciousness", it is also a castle in the sky.

She is a woman, and her husband and wife are honorable, so she doesn't need icing on the cake, but this achievement can be sealed to her son.

Shu Shu regained her spirits all of a sudden.

Since giving birth to three children, she has been a little confused, feeling that she is living in chaos and can't find her direction.

Here is the direction...

Brother Haidian's office, Baiwangshan married Zhuangzi...

Then there are cows on the farm...

Shu Shu didn't say anything else, just said: "Have you asked the elder brother in the North Garden? Can we stay after the Dragon Boat Festival?"

Brother Nine said: "Ask Sun Jin to go over and have a look. According to the construction schedule, it's almost done now. Just let the house be dried over there to avoid the tide."

Shu Shu felt that she was a bit of a mother-in-law.

Even though she was looking forward to going to Haidian Garden before to avoid the sweltering heat in the capital, but thinking about the three children, she was still worried about the inconvenience.

Brother Jiu looked at Shu Shu, and when he saw her face clearly, he was startled and said, "Why are you sweating so much?"

There were tiny beads of sweat on Shu Shu's face.

Shu Shu wiped it with a handkerchief, and said, "I'm a little afraid of the heat..."

In the final analysis, it is still short of breath.

It is said that I am afraid of the heat, but in fact there is still a cool breeze in the waist and abdomen.

The ninth elder brother didn't care about making meritorious deeds, and said: "My elder brother's place is still narrow, and there are many ready-made gardens next to it, why don't we inquire and see which one is idle, and spend more money to rent it for a year?"

After hearing this, Shu Shu couldn't help but smile.

Those who can be around the Changchun Garden are either from this prince's mansion or that duke's mansion.

They are juniors, and they can't speak at all.

Besides, the noble family, who is short of money?
Bringing up money is like a "slap" slap in the face, and I'm afraid no one will pay them any attention.

Brother Jiu also thought of this after finishing speaking, and said, "It would be great if Narfo is still here!"

That was the nephew of the family. At that time, Neerfu "presented" the land in the North Garden, and replaced another piece of land, which was just five miles away from the northeast corner of Changchun Garden.

That became the new garden of Pingjun Wangfu.

In the past two years, the queen mother's north garden has been built, and the other side has also been built, and it will be completed around the same time.

It's a pity that after the completion of the Wangyuan, Narfur died.

Leaving Naer Su Yang in the inner court, it is difficult for Brother Jiu to speak.

If people who don't know see it, they will think that they are eyeing the private property of Pingjun Palace.

"We can't delay any longer. Let Cao Shun look around and find out how to replace the land. If it doesn't work, build one in Baiwang Mountain first, and use it..."

Brother Jiu said.

After thinking about it, Shu Shu also thought that one could be easily repaired in Baiwang Mountain.

"Just build a small courtyard, let the garden go first, and wait until the brothers above repair it. Maybe in a few years, the emperor will give the garden directly?"

Kangxi was a loving father. In his early years, perhaps he gave half of his love to the crown prince, and half to the older sons before him; as he got older, he was still fraternal.

That's what it means.

The prince has the West Garden, and the other princes will also have the gift garden, but it will take a few years.

When it was time for lunch, before the table was set, there was movement outside.

It was Elder Brother Ten who sent Wang Pingan over to deliver food.

Wang Pingan was holding a food box in his hand, which contained two bowls of steaming dishes, one was boiled fish fillet and the other was stewed tofu with fish roe.

Shu Shu saw that this dish looked familiar, it was the style of the second institute.

Later they opened a restaurant in Qianmen, and they served a lot of spicy dishes.

Wang Pingan said: "Our master said that Baiweiju is popular, and now the restaurants in the inner city are also starting to popularize the dishes of Baiweiju..."

Shu Shu motioned to Walnut to reward her.

It's hot and her appetite is low. She just wants to eat something heavy.

There are not many peppers in the boiled fish, which is more in line with the taste of the people in Beijing.

After all, in the boundary of the capital, there are only five flavors of sour, sweet, bitter, salty and fresh, and there is no spicy taste at all.

This kind of slightly spicy taste is just right, even Brother Jiu can eat it.

Instead of bean sprouts, magnolia slices are placed under the fish fillets, so that the whole dish is upgraded.

Not only is the boiled fish fillet delicious, but the tofu stewed with fish roe is also delicious. The fat and thin ham meat is put in it, which adds a special salty fragrance to the taste.

The couple ate the two bowls of food thoroughly.

Seeing that Shu Shu has a good appetite, brother Jiu said: "Why don't we send people to various restaurants outside to order food tomorrow? It's also good to change the taste. It would be good to eat two more bites."

Shu Shu shook her head and said: "It's better to eat good food, and I'll be confinement later, let's go to the restaurant to eat."

Last year, it was the fifth elder brother couple who went out to eat out, but this year it has become the ten elder brother couple.

Shu Shu felt that she shouldn't be called "Shu Shu", so she didn't get up anymore.

When it comes to the gourmet food in the capital, she only wants to open a restaurant and earn a little money, and her life is not relaxing enough.

The correct way to open the gourmet world is to visit the store and check in.

Thinking of this, she said to Brother Jiu: "When we come back from Changchun Garden, it's time to go out. Then let's go to Nancheng for a walk? I heard that there are many guild halls over there, and there are some restaurants around that specialize in foreign flavors. restaurant..."

That was the predecessor of the restaurant in Beijing.

More than 300 years later, Shu Shu is a frequent visitor of Chuanban.

In the middle of Shu, Huahua, Xiangxiang, Fubao...

Who wouldn't want to have a roll...

It’s just that the name of the national treasure is still called “貊”, commonly known as the panda, and it has not retreated to the Qinling Mountains and Sichuan, and it is still scattered in the Yangtze River Basin.

Shu Shu's heart moved slightly, and she restrained her desire.

That's a bear, not a cat.

If you really want to lead them to captivity in the capital, the process of domestication will be accompanied by blood and killing, so let's keep each other safe.

In the afternoon, Brother Twelve's Haha Bead brought over four more live fish.

Two grass carp, two black fish.

Continue to eat fish at night, and what I eat is grilled fish.

I made two of them, and the ones weighing more than a catty were given to Ning An Tang. They made perilla-flavored grilled fish.

The two of them ate about two catties, and it tasted like minced garlic.

"Brother Twelve is good, Master Huihui brought more food over there, the dining room at the fifth school is not complete..." Shu Shu said.

Brother Nine thought about Brother Twelve's efforts to save money, thoughtfully, and said: "It's so strange, it's also a trick. How come everyone knows that Brother Three deducted it? Twelve here, also It’s enough to deduct, the five institutes have never followed the example of other elder brothers’ institutes, and they have never been fully rewarded, but in the palace earlier, no one picked on the twelve..."

Shu Shu thought for a while, and said: "It should be the old man arranged by Madam Su Ma next to the twelfth brother, who can be intimidating, and no one chews his tongue."

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "It should be. We lived next to each other before, and we rarely heard from the five schools."

After resting at night, Brother Jiu couldn't hold back any longer, and complained to Shu Shu: "I have been thinking about it for two days, wondering who the Gao family is, after all, it has been open for so many years, so I just went to The old Wangfu was thinking about it, and the rest were a few princes from Shangsanqi, but I didn't expect that they were actually from the Qianqing Palace..."

"I used to think about contentment and happiness. I was on an errand in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. I made money every now and then. I don't have much credit, but I can make a lot of money. Khan Ama knows it well. Looking at it today, it's a joke. The feeling is given to me." The coat master has gone to be the shopkeeper..."

Brother Nine said sullenly.

Shu Shu stroked his back, but let go of his thoughts.

What Brother Jiu saw was only the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

She thought of the yamen of the former court.

That is the magnified Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The Eight Banners have the most military merit, but those who have been transferred to civilian jobs can no longer count on military merit, and the rest is to make money.

The first appearance of coating erosion is a corner of the Eight Banners corruption...

The next update, everyone will watch tomorrow morning.

(End of this chapter)

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