My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 924 Longkou

Chapter 924 Longkou
Early the next morning, Brother Nine came out after breakfast, and saw Brother Ten standing beside the carriage, looking in a daze.

"what happened?"

Brother Jiu frowned and said, "Did someone bully you at the yamen of the clan's residence, or did Niu Hulu's family disobedient again?"

Brother Ten shook his head and said, "It's okay, it's not because of that, let's talk about it after getting in the car."

When the two brothers got into the carriage, the carriage moved.

Elder Brother Ten lowered his voice and said: "Brother Ninth, don't check the Yufeng Building, my brother will go there, it seems to be related to Prince Yu's Mansion..."

Brother Jiu was not surprised when he heard this.

With such a big restaurant, it always has to show its backing to the outside world, so as to stop others from worrying about it.

Khan Ama is not easy to show in the face, that is Prince Yu's mansion.

The ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother have always talked about everything, and they have mentioned Yufeng Building before.

So as soon as the tenth elder brother said to bring ten Fujin over for dinner, the ninth elder brother knew that the younger brother had gone to the bottom for himself.

He wanted to uncover the details of Yufeng Tower, but when the words came to his lips, Brother Jiu stopped.

This involves Seventh Prince.

He nodded and said: "I don't want to check, the accounting department is controlled by the Dong family and the Li family. The Dong family is now the internal management leader under the Ningshou Palace, and the Li family is Li Xu's Li family, and Khan Ama's." people……"

Brother Ten said: "If it weren't for them, I wouldn't dare to be so bold. Speaking of which, they are no different from Ling Pu and Yaqibu."

Those with senior qualifications who are favored by their masters, who come and go once in a while, regard themselves as "second masters".

Brother Jiu is most concerned about Shu Shu's body right now, and said: "To replenish Qi and blood, what else can I do besides taking tonics?"

Elder Brother Ten thought for a while, and said, "Do you move more? Sister-in-law Nine looks healthier than other sister-in-laws. Does it have something to do with practicing arrows every day?"

Brother Jiu heard this, and said: "That's right. When she was in the second institute, she felt bored and had no place to move around. She also set up an archery target and took the girl to shoot arrows every day..."

When she was on the southern cruise ship, she would drag him to do "Baduanjin" every day, not because she "likes to be active or not to be quiet", but because she read too many books and took extra care of her body.

When she moved out, she started raising her baby, and Shu Shu stopped doing both.

Brother Ten glanced at Brother Nine and said: "When we get to the garden, there are horse farms and school grounds next to it. Brother Nine and Sister-in-law Nine should move more, maybe they will get better soon."

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "That's good, just in time for your sister-in-law to finish her confinement."

If others pay attention, say that Shu Shu is with him.

Avoid the heat at noon, and move around when it is cool in the morning and evening...

On this day, Shengjia had landed and headed towards Longkou of the mausoleum.

In addition to patrolling the Yongding River, Shengjia also visited the Mausoleum during this trip.

The reason for visiting the mausoleum at this time is because the mausoleum manager has written a booklet, and the mausoleum is full of water.

This is the imperial mausoleum built by Kangxi for himself. Construction started in February 15 and was completed in February 20. It took six years to complete.

It's not the rainy season yet, only a few spring rains, and there is water in Longkou, which shows that the drainage is not smooth, and the responsibility is heavy, so the mausoleum manager hastily wrote the report.

Regarding his own imperial mausoleum, Kangxi went there himself.

The thirteenth elder brother followed the fourth elder brother and accompanied Sheng Jia.

Seeing the stagnant water in Longkou, he felt very strange, and asked in a low voice, "Fourth brother, when this side was built before, didn't trenches be arranged for drainage?"

The fourth elder brother shook his head and said: "At the time when the emperor's mausoleum was completed, someone from the Ministry of Industry mentioned that the underground palace did not repair the 'Longxugou', but Khan Ama didn't think it was a waste of money, so he didn't ask someone to reform it..."

Brother Thirteen looked at Kangxi's back and felt uncomfortable.

It would be great if the Son of Heaven could really live forever.

Is it too early to build this imperial mausoleum?
I hope that it will not be used in 50 or [-] years...

The fourth elder brother looked at the thirteenth elder brother, but did not speak.

In his early years, he had the same thoughts as Brother Thirteen, and every time he saw this unnamed emperor's mausoleum, he felt very complicated.

"Long live the emperor" is deceitful, but there are many people with long lives among the people.

Centenarians are rare, octogenarians are rare, and ancients are common.


The emperor's father is 47 this year, 13 years away from sixty years, and 23 years away from ancient times.

When the emperor's father was seventy years old, he was already 46 years old, and the prince was 50 years old...

50 years prince...

The fourth elder brother couldn't help being stunned.

Shengjia left most of the accompanying ministers, bodyguards, guards and others to repair the roads and ditches near Longkou.

Early the next morning, Kangxi took the two princes and the rest of the guards to visit the Xiaoling Mausoleum, and returned to Longkou after offering sacrifices.

When the Longkou project was completed, Kangxi ordered Fu Shandao: "The order will be passed down. From now on, in Longkou area, vehicles, horses and pedestrians will be prohibited, and all people will come and go from Shimen..."

Fu Shan responded, and the Eight Banners garrison guarding the spirit immediately blocked the roads on both sides of Longkou to prevent the road from being crushed and deposited with water.

Sheng Jia stayed in Qingchi, Jizhou that night, and when he arrived at the place where he was placed, the people from the Chariot and Horse Division of the Ministry of War had already arrived.

In addition to the brochures handed over from the South Study Room, he also brought the brochures from Brother Jiu.

Brother Nine's brochures wrote about the inspection of the breeding population of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. There were not one or two people who adopted the children of ordinary people.

Those whose origins are outside the customs are fine, and few relatives and friends turn to them; those whose origins are inside the customs, have more relatives and friends who turn to them.

Nowadays, there are many people in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and few errands, which is also due to the surge in population.

According to two hundred Ding and one Zuo Ling, the total calculated breeding population can make up a total of new Zuo Ling.

Except for Gao Yanzhong, the other candidates for the new leader also invite the Holy Tribunal.

Kangxi's eyes fell on the adoption of people's children.

For a long time, the indiscrimination between the bannermen and the people was a hidden danger.

Qigu coating is different from Manchu coating and Mongolia coating.

Qigu coating can not be coated for Shiguan, otherwise it is easy to gather and cause trouble.

What everyone thinks of Shiguan now just looks like Shiguan, without changing Zuoling's surname.

What's more, it looks like mutual management. It's not about two surnames, but three or four surnames.

This is due to the status of the coating of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the coating of the three banners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs all enters from the dragon.

At that time, there were relatively few Han people outside the customs, so when they were compiled into Baoyi, most of them were Zuoling with mixed surnames.

If Brother Nine finds out about this later, he will probably be depressed.

After tossing around for a while, the Gao family still has no official position.

However, Kangxi intends to save some face for Brother Jiu and not expose the matter.

It's not right for anyone to be a leader.

If Gao Yanzhong's children and grandchildren are outstanding, it will be a trivial matter to manage the generations...

Ninth Prince's Mansion, Flower Hall in the front yard.

Gao Yanzhong sneezed heavily.

Brother Jiu glanced at him and said, "Heat and cold? I reminded you last time. You are already in your forties. It's time to take care of your health. Don't just see the bright future, close your eyes first!"

At that time, it is impossible to say that the children and grandchildren will have to struggle for another generation.

This is the case with officials and eunuchs. When the family members close their eyes, it is easy to be out of touch.

Gao Yanzhong said: "The slave is strong, maybe someone is talking about the slave."

Brother Jiu thought about the eyes and ears in the imperial city, and felt a little worried, and said, "Isn't it that you found out when you checked the accounting department in private?"

Before he planned to check Yufeng Building, he didn't do anything. He just stopped at the intersection downstairs of Yufeng Building in a carriage, and Seventh Brother guessed why.

Gao Yanzhong shook his head and said: "No, it was the slave who rejected a marriage yesterday. The other party was an old acquaintance, and he was a little annoyed. He was cursing when he left, and he probably hasn't calmed down yet..."

Brother Jiu glanced at Gao Yanzhong, and said: "When you make up the assistant collar, you will be at the fourth rank, and you will be able to form a more dignified marriage..."

Gao Yanzhong has three sons and two daughters, a total of five children. Now the eldest son is married, and the two daughters are also married. Only the two sons are not yet married.

The youngest son is young, and the Eight Banners are not popular with "baby relatives", so what the other party mentioned is Gao Bin's marriage.

The Walnut family is not even an official, and their family has been transferred to Zuo Ling under the name of Brother Jiu, not in the Three Banners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Gao Yanzhong hurriedly shook his head and said, "A person cannot be established without trust, how could this slave do such an act of treachery? My wife has already sent a message to Miss Walnut's house, and I want to find an auspicious day to wear it..."

Brother Nine was quite satisfied after hearing this.

No matter how poor Walnut's background was, she was also a member of Dagong around Fujin. She was the only one who picked and picked, and there was no reason to be picked by others.

This is Fujin's decency.

As for the families under his name, they were very picky about Xiaochun, and they were only willing to use their second son or nephew to marry him. Although Brother Jiu didn't like it, he didn't criticize him too much.

Xiaochun is a servant, not a bannerman, and he is different from Walnut.

The two of them got off topic and got back to business.

"In addition to Dong and Li, there is also the Fucha family in the Accounting Department. The Fucha family is later than the Dong family, and it is almost the same as the Li family. It is these 30 to [-] years of work..."

Gao Yan said in the middle.

"So it's their house..."

Brother Nine nodded and said, that's right.

The Fucha family of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is still of the same clan as Ma Qi's side, and the Fucha family of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is the big one, who was downgraded to a coat because of his involvement in the Blue Flag incident.

This house is Suo'etu's uncle's house.

Suo'etu's cousin should be in charge now.

Brother Jiu raised his eyebrows, gloating a little.

If it was other people, Yuqian would still be a little respectable, and this family would still escape if it slipped through the net?

The reason why Suo'etu was able to stretch his hands and feet into the palace was that apart from the influence of the Hesheli family in the early years, he might not have had the Fucha family as his minion.

"Okay, the matter of the Accounting Department is over here, there is no need to investigate any more, Brother Seven will take over..."

Brother Jiu said.

Gao Yanzhong bowed in response, heaving a sigh of relief.

Although he has the idea of ​​"a scholar should die for his confidant", it is better to live naturally.

If Brother Jiu really stabbed this hornet's nest, even if other people were concerned about Brother Jiu's status as a prince and didn't directly deal with Brother Jiu, a slave like himself would definitely not run away.

It's not that Gao Yanzhong is not afraid, but he doesn't want to persuade him.

If the master is worried, the minister will be humiliated, and if the master is humiliated, the minister will die.

The accounting department fooled Brother Jiu up and down, and hurt Brother Jiu's face, no matter how much Brother Jiu vented his anger, he should...

Thank you, the leader, and continue to add updates according to the small book.

The next update will be at 3:15 noon on March 12th, welcome to the Qidian APP to read
(End of this chapter)

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