My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 925 Lifting the ban

Chapter 925 Unban

Sheng Jia hadn't arrived in Beijing yet, but brother Jiu's papers had been approved.

Brother Nine watched and didn't say anything, only said that according to the rules, choose the right person from the newly assigned leader.

Brother Jiu is not in a hurry.

He handed the booklet directly to Elder Brother Twelve and said, "Follow the booklet..."

Brother Twelve said, "Is this the right person?"

Brother Nine said: "Khan Ama didn't mention the world management, so I will choose the person with the highest internal rank officer in my command to report."

Brother Twelve agreed.

After Brother Jiu finished speaking, he realized something was wrong.

Khan Ama didn't mention Shiguan, so is the old Gao's Shiguan?
He asked Bi Tie Shi to find the assistant collar booklet of the House of Internal Affairs.

There are three types of Manchurian Zuoring here, just like the Eight Banners Zuoling.

The assistant leader of the world management, the same family inherits the position of assistant leader.

Mutual management of Zuo Ling, the two families took turns inheriting the position of Zuo Ling.

There is no fixed candidate for the assistant leader in the public office, and they are all selected from the population of the assistant leader.

When it came to Qigu Zuoling, it was a little different.

It seems that there is no single surname, it looks like mutual management, and it is not limited to two surnames, there are three or four.

For example, Cao Yin's family is located in Zhengbai Banner, the fifth official leader and the first assistant leader, which was also established at the beginning of the country. The replacement of this assistant leader includes the Cao family, the Zhang family, and the Zheng family.

He planned to come back to the imperial court to ask Shengjia, so don't be fooled.

A few days passed by in a hurry, and it was April 27th in a blink of an eye.

Shu Shu pinched her fingers and counted the days, she was just waiting for this day, this day was like an escape.

She gave birth on February 28, and it has been two months since then.

As early as the 42nd day, Mrs. Uncle released the ban and let her take a bath, but she still controlled the frequency and time.

But it is summer now, the rainy season has not yet arrived, and it is dry and hot.

I can't use ice, I'm really sweating all over the place.

Shu Shu asked someone to prepare a bathtub, and took a bath for more than half an hour before she came out.

From today onwards, confinement is considered.

Both Xiaochun and Walnut saw Shu Shu's joy.

Xiao Chun couldn't help laughing and said, "Fu Jin, is it really that difficult?"

Shu Shu was already tilted on the couch, Xiao Song was massaging her calves, and Walnut was wiping her hair behind her.

Shu Shu snorted softly: "This confinement, who knows who is sitting, I didn't get sick, it's because I have a big heart..."

After hearing this, Xiao Chun stopped laughing and said with concern, "Is there something uncomfortable? Do you want to send it to the imperial physician?"

Since Shu Shu gave birth, Brother Nine asked for an order to arrange for an imperial doctor from the Imperial Hospital to take a rotation to take care of Shu Shu's body.

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "It's not on the body, it's in the heart. At this time, it's easy to get into a dead end, and just sit down and get sick..."

This is a place completely unfamiliar to these girls.

Xiao Song thought for a while, and said: "Is Fujin afraid that the county lord will be better to the young masters? Don't worry, the slaves are serious, the county lord loves Fujin the most..."

Shu Shu couldn't help laughing, and said: "It's not like playing house, just fighting for favor all day long..."

She thinks it should be because of being surrounded, holding back seeing people, and because of her body, which affects her mood.

After this time, it's fine.

Xiaotang came over with the bird's nest, Shu Shu took it and used it, remembering something, and ordered.

"I'll make more candied fruits this summer, and ask people to make dried vegetables..."

If it was an ordinary household, there would probably be more winter vegetables in abundance, but here in the Prince's Mansion, the Ministry of Internal Affairs still supplies them uniformly, and there are only two kinds of winter vegetables, cabbage and radish.

Masters like Shu Shu and the others are not in the way, there are also Dongzi dishes to serve, and the others are hurt from eating Chinese cabbage.

Xiaotang agreed, and said: "At the beginning of spring, people from Zhuangzi came over and talked about growing vegetables. They originally planned to make small pickles. If there are surplus, they can all be dried vegetables..."

Shu Shu nodded and said: "Anyway, if you think carefully, you can't always rely on the supply from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Who knows when it will stop. In the future, I will also inquire about the purchase and supply, and make a budget... "

Not to mention anything else, she went back to Haidian this time, but she was going to "make contributions".

If it goes well, maybe it will be effective by this time next year, and brother Jiu's title will come down earlier.

Xiaotang agreed.

Shu Shu looked at these girls.

Except for Walnut, who came later, the others have been together for more than ten years, which is more time than their parents.

Xiaochun will go out at the end of the year, and Walnut will go out next year.

Xiaotang has already said that she can't go out.

Komatsu is here...

She looked at Xiaosong, and Xiaosong said, "I'll massage Fujin's arm again..."


Shu Shu nodded and stretched out her arms.

I don't know if it's because of holding the baby, but Shu Shu feels that her right arm is thick.

After pressing her arm, Shu Shu turned over and lay down again, and Xiao Song pressed her neck again, rubbing both shoulders.

Shu Shu lost his eyes comfortably.

These days, it will be a little bit less enjoyable to be away from Xiaosong.

Shu Shu turned her head, looked at Xiaochun, and said, "Have you chosen someone? Choose someone who is strong and has strong hands. Give Xiaosong two, learn this hand massage well, and then call Ning'antang..."

Xiaochun said: "A total of 16 people have been selected. Now I will learn the rules from Madam Xing. After a month, I will choose 12 people to come in as errands."

In this way, I was also afraid that the girl who was selected would be lazy and slack.

Corporal punishment is not practiced in their house, there must always be a deterrent.

This selection of twelve out of sixteen is just to stretch the strings for them.

Shu Shu felt that she had become a nirvana, and her heart became softer, and said: "The four who were not selected at that time will be said to be candidates, and they are ready to be used, so as not to be beaten and scolded by family members later."

Little girl, you have to have face, and those who directly say that they are eliminated are easy to be talked about.

Xiaochun nodded and said, "I understand."

Xiao Song said from the side: "Fu Jin, are you only allocating two slaves? What about archery? No apprentices?"

She was excited and looking forward to it.

Shu Shu thought for a while and said: "I don't want to wear it anymore. I didn't learn it when I was a child, but now I'm learning how to embroider my legs. It shouldn't be used..."

She looked at Xiaosong, feeling more and more reluctant.

I didn't expect that Komatsu was irreplaceable.

Before, I always felt that she was just for me as a companion, unlike Xiaochun and the others who all had their strengths.

In fact, Komatsu's strengths are irreplaceable.

Don't talk about anything else, just say that when going out, Xiaosong is with you, and you don't worry about three or five young adults.

Komatsu not only inherited Black Mountain's dark skin and height, but also inherited Black Mountain's strength.

The master and the servants spoke cheerfully, Mrs. Uncle stood at the door and laughed too.

"Finally relax, did you forget something?" Mrs. Uncle came in.

Shu Shu turned over and sat up, said with a smile: "Forget everything else, just remember to be filial to Ah Mou, just now I was thinking of picking a girl to massage Ah Mou..."

Mrs. Uncle's current age is at the end of the day, and she has some symptoms of insomnia and liver depression.

Mrs. Uncle rolled her eyes and said, "Have you forgotten that you are the person of Ernie? The second elder brother couldn't find anyone, so he was crying..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu felt uneasy, got up and said, "Hurry up and have a look..."

A group of people came back to cover the building again.

Since Shu Shu moved back to the main courtyard, the three children also separated.

Da Gege, who had a loud voice, occupied the west room by himself, and the eldest brother and second elder brother moved to the east room.

When Shu Shu arrived at Dongshao Room, the second elder brother was wearing a bellyband, wrapped in Shu Shu's old clothes, his mouth was twitching, and there were tears in his eyes, looking pitiful.

Who can stand this?
Shu Shu quickly reached out and hugged her.

Compared with his brother and sister, he is light and fluffy, but the warm feeling is almost the same.

The second elder brother came into her arms, smelled the familiar smell, grinned, and cried "Wow",

Shu Shu was bewildered by crying and looked at Mrs. Uncle.

Mrs. Uncle said: "This is because you didn't come over this morning..."

Shu Shu's pity turned into helplessness, looking at the little baby in his hand, he had a premonition that he wanted more followers.

If she hadn't personally experienced this experience, Shu Shu would think this rhetoric is too metaphysical.

How can a two-month-old baby look for his mother if his eyesight is not yet perfect?
Miraculously, they really looked for it, and they were able to tell the difference.

Not only the second elder brother clings to her, but also the eldest elder brother and the eldest brother, every time she hugs her, it is different from other people's hugs.

How to do it?

Shu Shu had no choice but to gently pat the second elder brother's back, soothing her.

It took a while for the second elder brother to stop crying, and was hugged by the nanny to nurse.

Sitting comfortably on the chair, she glanced at Mrs. Uncle, and complained softly, "Will you be clingy like this in the future? Isn't that holding me down?"

Mrs. Uncle glanced at her, and said, "Where do you want to fly? It's only five or six years, and when you get to Kaimeng, you want someone to cling to you, and you don't bother to cling to you..."

Shu Shu felt that it was difficult to raise a child, so she sighed heavily.

She doesn't want to raise her child into a mother's treasure, nor does she want to become a fan of her own.

She didn't want to change her living conditions, but she had to change to adapt to being a mother.

"Children are debts..."

Shu Shu muttered softly.

Mrs. Uncle hesitated for a moment, and said: "In the afternoon, I will move over."

Shu Shu nodded happily and said, "Move..."

The Dragon Boat Festival will be celebrated in less than ten days, and after the Dragon Boat Festival, Shengjia will go to the Changchun Garden with the Empress Dowager, and they will also go to stay with Elder Brother.

Shu Shu looked forward to it.

Thinking about it now, the relaxed time after the wedding was actually more than a year before pregnancy.

Seeing Shu Shu like this, Mrs. Uncle felt a little bit annoyed, and said, "Are you willing? You have been favored since you were a child, so why don't you follow the example of those foolish people outside who 'prefer boys over girls'?"

Shu Shu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said: "Don't worry, our family is designated as Ge Ge Jingui, I'm already confinement, and it's not like before, if I walk a few more steps, I will be afraid of this and that, and it's no different if I go to Ning'an Hall or Houbao Lou A few steps..."

Only then did Mrs. Bo feel relieved, and said: "Raising children is easy, but teaching them is difficult. When you don't know how to teach them in the future, think about how you, Enie, teach children..."

Shu Shu remembered the feather duster in her memory, and the corners of her mouth twitched.

How does Ernie teach children?
Reasonable, and then upgrade force to reason...

(End of this chapter)

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