Chapter 926 Bending Over
Next, everyone moved the big grid to a place.

Mrs. Uncle asked someone to tidy up here, just waiting for Da Gege to move in.

I thought Da Gege would make trouble if he changed places, but he just lay obediently in Shu Shu's arms, his black grape-like eyes followed Shu Shu.

Shu Shu looked at the fat girl with joy, her arms were several joints, like a tire baby.

Sure enough, the cub form is cuter.

Shu Shu said to Mrs. Uncle, "Master Jiu should have been like this when he was young, right?"

Mrs. Uncle touched Da Gege's small hand, and said, "I shouldn't worry about Da Gege..."

It should be like the second elder brother's temperament, delicate and clingy.

Thinking of the rearing system in the palace, Shu Shu couldn't help complaining to Mrs. Uncle, saying: "I don't blame the prince for being close to the babysitter. The biological mother is allowed to give birth and not allowed to raise her. The babysitter takes care of her..."

Mrs. Uncle glanced at her and said, "It's better to be more honest, and don't need to be a shadow of a snake."

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "That can't all be handed over to the babysitter. I'm really going to get close to the babysitter later, I'll be so mad..."

After suffering such a great crime and giving birth to these three precious bumps, I can't let others take advantage of it.

Mrs. Uncle said: "Then don't keep thinking about running out, and spend more time with them, children will naturally be brought closer to whoever they are..."

After chatting a few gossips, seeing Da Gege sleeping in the car, Shu Shu went back to the main courtyard.

As soon as she sat down and drank two sips of milk tea, Walnut came in and said: "Fujin, Bafujin sent his mother over to deliver the post, and wait in front."

Shu Shu put down the teacup, not surprised.

A few days ago, Ten Fujin came over and said that on April [-]th, the Eighth Fujin entered the palace to pay his respects.

Ba Fujin did what he said, and on April 21, he went to Wubeile Mansion to make amends.

Shu Shu originally thought that she would be on her side next, but she didn't expect Ba Fujin to be very patient and waited until she was confinement before sending someone over.

Compared with the previous recklessness, Ba Fujin acted more politely.

Shu Shu nodded and said, "Call me in..."

After a short while, Walnut brought someone over. It was a nanny in her fifties, with Sichuan-shaped lines between her eyebrows, she looked a little serious, and she acted with a sense of order. She was wearing a gray-blue gown that was not old , looks very simple, completely different from the style of wearing gold and silver like that of Bafujin's wet nurse.

"Slave Jin has seen Jiufu Jin, please give Jiufu Jin peace..."

Shu Shu raised her hand and said, "Mom, get up, it looks strange."

As she spoke, she motioned for Walnut to move a small stool.

Calling it this way is a coat, not a householder.

Is it the coating of Anjun Palace?

Shu Shu was curious, but she didn't ask.

I always feel that it doesn't match the family tradition of the Prince's Mansion in Anjun.

It is estimated that the nanny next to Wang Fujin of An Jun came from the Tong family.

Anjun Wang Jifujin Tong Jiashi is also Kangxi's cousin, Tong Guogang's daughter, Jiugege's future great-aunt.

The nanny sat next to the stool, took the post and said: "We Fujin wanted to come here a long time ago, but you can rest up now, so don't bother me. I think you should give birth today, so I sent my servants to deliver the post , if it's convenient, we Fujin will come over tomorrow morning..."

Shu Shu looked at Walnut, and Walnut stepped forward to accept the post.

This is really "Three days after farewell, you should look at each other with admiration", Ba Fujin's behavior is unexpected.

They are sisters-in-law, so what is the relationship between posting posts and being guests?

But Bafujin did just that.

This also draws a line between the two, being polite and not intimacy required.

Very sense of proportion.

Shu Shu nodded and said: "It's time to be free, the eighth sister-in-law is free, so come and have a sit..."

The nanny got the permission letter, didn't stay any longer, got up and left.

Shu Shu ordered Walnut to give tea bags and send them out on her behalf.

Shu Shu picked up the greeting card, the words on it looked like they were written by a child, it looked stiff and clumsy.

Is this written by Ba Fujin?
It is not easy to reverse the current situation of Bafu Jin.

Guo Luoluo's family has become a deadly enemy.

Easing relations with Anjun Palace is the only choice.

She was running away, when she heard the human say: "What are you thinking?"

It was Brother Jiu who came back, with his hands behind his back, looking mysteriously.

Shu Shu glanced at the clock, it was only a quarter, and she came back nearly an hour earlier than every day.

But when we set off this morning, it was almost morning.

It was only an hour before and after.

Excluding the delay on the way, it was only half an hour in the yamen.

"Didn't you say Shengjia will be back in the next few days? Why did you come back so early?"

Shu Shu asked curiously.

Brother Nine smiled and said: "It's okay, my master asked He Yuzhu to ask, the holy driver will not come back until thirty, the day after tomorrow!"

His posture was somewhat deliberate, as if he was hiding something.

Shu Shu reached out to reach.

Brother Nine avoids it, and proudly says, "Guess what it is?"

Shu Shu blinked her eyes, but she really couldn't guess.

If it is food, it should be put directly in the front dining room.

Designation was useful.

Shu Shu looked at Brother Jiu with a smile, but felt a little annoyed.

It seems so stupid!
I can't even guess it!
Brother Jiu couldn't wait to present the treasure, and took out the brocade box behind him.

"Isn't this confinement? Ye Tao changed something good for you to wear when you go out..."

As he spoke, he opened the brocade box, revealing the contents inside.

It is a set of pink tourmaline jewellery, a pair of flowers the size of a child's fist, three pairs of earrings, a string of [-] diamonds, and a ring.

It is not inlaid with gold, but with silver, which makes this set of accessories more beautiful and lovely.

"Didn't you start to like wearing pink? It just matched your pink clothes. I even asked someone to go find pink coral and pink beeswax. I'll make a few more sets later..."

Shu Shu picked up a bunch of flowers, the pink and tender color reminded her of when she first grew her hair, the elders bought her several boxes of such accessories suitable for little girls.

She couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth, and said, "Is it appropriate? Will it appear inappropriate?"

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "It's just right, we are still young, so we don't need to be too dignified."

Shu Shu thinks about her age, and also thinks that she can be tender for two years.

Sitting on the edge of the kang, Brother Jiu saw the post beside him and said, "Who sent the post?"

The couple's social circle is very small, basically relatives and in-laws.

Most likely they sent someone over to let them know and make an appointment to come over.

Sending posts like this is rare.

Shu Shu pointed to the east and said, "It's a post sent by Bafujin from the mother."

Brother Jiu couldn't help frowning when he heard this, and said, "Why bother, it's better if we don't communicate with each other forever?"

Shu Shu said: "And the emperor is watching, he must resolve the previous suspicions, and make things go well."

If it had nothing to do with his family, brother Jiu would have some sympathy for Ba Fujin; but if it had something to do with his family, he didn't want to sympathize.

"Anyway, you don't have to be like before. I always think that my sister-in-law has to tolerate a little bit, and just keep a respectful distance from the future..."

Nine princes asked.

Shu Shu nodded, she also meant the same thing.

Early the next morning, Shu Shu sat in front of the dressing table, letting Bai Guo dress herself up.

On the clothes rack next to it, hung a lotus-colored shirt that had been washed in water.

Brother Jiu remembered that every time she entered the palace to pay her respects, she would tidy up more carefully, and said, "Isn't there a guest today? Don't you want to change into new clothes?"

In that case, you can wear the new jewelry he gave you.

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "No, save it for the day after tomorrow..."

When Brother Nine heard this, he felt a little uncomfortable.

Or do less new clothes.

Brother Nine made up his mind and ordered the sewing room to make another twelve sets of clothes for Fujin.

The couple had breakfast, elder brother Jiu left, and Shu Shu went to the back room to pick up the baby with Ning An Tang as a matter of routine.

If you forget again, the little ancestor will cry again.

Knowing that Fujin is coming, Mrs. Uncle reminded: "Be gentle, don't compete with her at this time, barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes, she is paranoid, this is not easy to change, when it comes to this point, be more respectful from the back These are not bad..."

Shu Shu nodded and said, "Don't worry, Ah Mou, it's just a formality."

When she returned to the main courtyard, it was almost the second quarter of the first lunar month, when Cui Baisui came over and said, "Fujin, the eighth Fujin is here."

After hearing this, Shu Shu brought walnuts to the front yard to greet her.

Eight Fujin stood there, followed by Nanny Jin.

Seeing Shu Shu, she stroked her temples and said, "Siblings..."

"Sister-in-law eight..." Shu Shu returned a temple stroke.

If the other sisters-in-law came, they had to shake hands and go in affectionately.

It's really not speculative to change two people.

All the way silent.

In the second room of the principal landlord, Shu Shu invites the Eighth Fortune to sit up.

Bafujin sat down and looked at Shu Shu.

Shu Shu didn't dodge or dodge, looking back at the past.

Before that, Fujin's brows and eyes were a little sharp, and she raised her chin to look at it, as if she was not easy to mess with.Now the waist is still straight, but the chin is not so high, and the face shape is much rounder, and it looks much more peaceful.

The scar around her mouth was not real when she stood about a foot before, but now there is a Kang table in the middle, with a distance of three or four feet, there is nowhere to hide.

Ba Fujin was also looking at Shu Shu.

There was an uproar outside, and rumors spread "all kinds of things", wishing to say that she was terminally ill, now looking at it, I know that the rumors are not credible.

But it did lose a lot of weight, and the neck looked much thinner.

The sister-in-law looked away, and Bafujin stood up.

Shu Shu couldn't sit still anymore, so she got up.

Ba Fujin knelt down and said: "I was young and aggressive the year before last, and I hated in my heart that your dowry was richer than mine, and your words were so mean, I can't pay you here..."

Shu Shu didn't evade, and took it sternly, and then knelt down and said: "I just married into the palace at that time, and I was also guilty, for fear that I would be bullied if I was weak. None."

Ba Fujin was stunned, he really didn't expect Shu Shu to react like this.

Shu Shu mainly wanted to comfort Ba Fujin.

Even if Mrs. Uncle didn't tell her, she wouldn't provoke Ba Fujin.

Not to mention that Fujin's mental state was not very healthy before, even if it was good before, after more than a year, something went wrong.

The resentment in my heart should be directed at the eighth elder brother.

Shu Shu didn't want to get angry.

It took a while for Fujin to react, looked at Shu Shu and said, "You...are you sorry...this..."

Isn't it very arrogant?

Besides, Dong E's did not do anything wrong, and he treats himself with more courtesy every time...

At noon, the adapter was changed, and the laptop could not be connected to the monitor and keyboard, and then the phone froze, and fainted. I took my mother’s phone to log in to the writer’s assistant to correct the typo, and then went to repair the phone and buy an adapter. I was in a panic. one day.

(End of this chapter)

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