My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 927 Western Medicine

Chapter 927 Western Medicine

Shu Shu looked at Ba Fujin, and said: "Right is right, wrong is wrong, you can't be the first sister-in-law's fault, and ignore the latter. Today, I received the apology from the eighth sister-in-law, and I also give it to the eighth sister-in-law." Sorry, the past is the past."

Bafujin's lips moved, but he didn't say anything, just nodded slightly.

When leaving the Ninth Prince's Mansion, Bafujin was in a daze.

When she returned to Babeizi Mansion, she looked at Nanny Jin and said, "Dong E's family is different from what I thought..."

She thought Dong E would be very proud.

The two married into the royal family in the same year, one gave birth to "auspiciousness", the husband and wife loved each other and was liked by the elders;

Nanny Jin said: "Fujin and Jiufujin didn't have any big grievances at first, it was just young sisters-in-law bickering and bickering. Now that they are grown up and calm, there is nothing to worry about before. Everyone's day."

Speaking of this, she looked towards the south direction and said: "No matter what Fujin thinks in his heart, the world is divided into heaven and earth, there are yin and yang, and the royal family is more honorable than husbands and wives. If Fujin wants to live smoothly, he must not only be right Relatives bow their heads, and they should also bow their heads to Eighth Master..."

Ba Fujin then looked in that direction, but his heart was cold...

The Ninth Prince's Mansion, the upper room.

Brother Jiu left early again.

He was worried about entertaining guests comfortably, afraid that Fujin would be uneasy and kind, and also worried that Fujin would haunt the children.

What if you see a few babies, get mad with jealousy, and secretly pinch the children behind someone's back?
Shu Shu is looking at the list of rituals.

They were received under the Ministry of Internal Affairs before, but now they are preparing to send them out.

Prince's mansions, Dong E's house, Prince Kang's mansion, Prince Yu's mansion, Prince Gong's mansion, Ma Qi's mansion...

There are also three places in the palace.

The main thing is the rice dumpling gift box, this one came directly from the pastry shop, and made eight kinds of rice dumplings.

There are also sachets from the rouge shop.

Tea from a tea shop.

There is also the lotus leaf roast chicken of Baiweizhai.

They are all from their own shop, the cost is not high, but they look decent and thoughtful.

On weekdays, visiting relatives is different from going to the third level of the Yamen, and the Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival are originally small gifts.

Even if the annual ceremony is more important, there is still a reciprocal gift, which is almost the same.

In this way, there is no cost for the rituals of the Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival.

For the rest of the New Year's gift, the relatives add up to five or six thousand taels, but the ones who come back are about the same.

Shu Shu felt that after a year like this, there would be a lot of savings.

Seeing that everything was quiet at home, Brother Jiu was not in a hurry to mention Ba Fujin, looked at Shu Shu sorting out the gift list, and said, "You bring the rituals in the palace the day after tomorrow?"

Shu Shu nodded and said: "My lady loves to eat sticky food, so Yikun Palace will add two boxes of zongzi; the eighteenth brother will soon return to Yikun Palace, and with the two children of the seventeenth brother, we will add two more boxes of sachets..."

The sachet repells mosquitoes and can be worn with you or hung in a tent.

"The emperor's grandmother loves to eat roast chicken, and there are two concubines here, so the roast chicken in Ningshou Palace will be doubled, and eight will be offered directly; there will be two more boxes of sachets, for Jiugege..."

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "Then Qianqing Palace can just add a few more boxes of rice dumplings. If Khan Ama can't finish eating, you can reward the guards..."

Shu Shudao: "My lord is back, I didn't come here, and my master didn't pay a visit, how should we go about the ceremony in the future, should I ask your mother for an idea?"

If it was changed before, brother Jiu would definitely stop him, thinking that there is no need to do so.

Now brother Jiu feels that Guo Luoluo's family is not important, but the mood of the empress is very important.

If it makes the empress feel uncomfortable because they ignore Guo Luoluo's family, then the loss outweighs the gain.

In addition, Guo Luoluo's family can't be freed, who knows what they are tossing about in private.

For someone like Gui Dan, it is impossible to turn around and give two sweet dates to be an insider.

Brother Jiu said: "Let's see what the empress means, even if we don't pay attention, in the eyes of outsiders, it's still half-grand relatives of the emperor!"

After talking about the etiquette, Brother Jiu asked about the hospitality today.

Shu Shu told Bafujin to apologize, and she followed suit.

Brother Jiu was not very happy when he heard this, and said: "What if she climbs along the pole? Or go outside and tell people who have nothing to do with it, and think you are really wrong."

Shu Shu said: "It's good to settle the past, I did have something wrong at the time."

Brother Jiu snorted softly: "If we say we are wrong, we should not spoil her. As early as the first time she was rude, she just scolded her. You should be honest!"

It was all in the past, and Shu Shu felt that there was no need to make a fuss.

Since the tenth elder brother and his wife and the twelfth elder brother sent fish over a few days ago, the purchases here in the dining room of the Prince's Mansion often go to the fish market. There are several grass carp in the fireproof water tank at the entrance of the dining room. , black fish.

For lunch at noon today, there was a fish fillet with peppercorns, but just as the table was set, there was movement outside.

Elder Brother Ten came with ten Fujin.

"Ji Hong sent someone to Beijing, and brought the western tonic 'chocolate'. I heard that it is popular in Europa. It nourishes Qi and nourishes the stomach. It happens that Ninth Brother and Ninth Sister-in-law can use it..."

Brother Ten said, and took a wooden box from Wang Ping'an.

The wooden box was opened, and inside was a wax-sealed silver box embossed with an angel pattern.

When the wax seal on the top is opened, there is a piece of dark chocolate inside.

"It's 100 yuan in total, and it's all here..."

"Replenishing qi?" Brother Jiu looked at it, became interested, and said, "Is it hot or cold? Can your sister-in-law use it?"

Elder Brother Ten took out a folder and said, "It looks like there is cinnamon in the eight-flavored condiment, which seems to be hot, why don't you ask the imperial physician first?"

Brother Jiu has also read "Materia Medica" for the past two years, so he took the fold.

Seeing Shu Shu looking over, Brother Nine read: "Cinnamon, Gentiana, Xuetang, Gagao, Vaniliya, Anis, Ajuet, Moga Juche..."

Shu Shu was confused and asked, "What's behind?"

It was also the first time that Brother Nine knew these names, and he looked at Brother Ten.

Elder Brother Shi pointed to the wooden box in Wang Changshou's hand and said, "It's overseas spices, all prepared here, together with chocolate, put these together with chocolate into copper or silverware and grind them into powder. Then pour in sugar water and stir to make medicine..."

Brother Jiu was in a dilemma.

Stones from other hills, can learn.

But the efficacy of this medicine is unknown, so he dare not ask Shu Shu to try it.

Shu Shu swallowed.

It doesn't take that much trouble.

Hundreds of years later, it is still regarded as a medicine, which can make people feel happy after taking it.

Shu Shu looked at Brother Nine, and wanted to compile a book about his childhood, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it.

She said to Brother Jiu: "It looks like tea bricks, and the way to drink it is similar. Why don't you make a simple milk tea first and see what chocolate tastes like?"

Of course Brother Nine had no objection, nodded and said: "Then try it first, it must be a good thing that came across the ocean."

Bad things cannot be sold at a high price.

Shu Shu said to Walnut: "Cook it directly with the milk. After boiling, put out eight bowls, four bowls with sugar, four bowls with no sugar, and then bring a sugar bowl..."

Walnut agreed, took the tea bowl and parchment paper, carefully picked up four pieces of chocolate from the box, and carried them to the dining room.

Shi Fujin sat next to Shu Shu, and asked curiously, "Isn't it the medicine from the West? Can it be drunk as tea?"

Shu Shu smiled and said: "Try it, I just don't like to drink medicine, so I don't want to add those seven spices, if it can be drunk as tea, it will be great."

Shi Fujin also loves sweets and fears bitterness, with a lingering fear expression on his face, he nodded and said: "The medicine is not good, every time I drink it, I feel nauseous."

The chocolate chunks are pressed with chocolate powder and cook quickly.

While talking, Walnut and Xiaotang came in with trays.

"There's no sugar added to the walnuts, but sugar is added to the servant's side..." Xiaotang said.

In the bowl is brown chocolate milk.

Ten Fujin said: "It's really like tea, the color is the same..."

Shu Shu knew the bitterness of dark chocolate, so she was afraid of leaving a shadow on the three of them, so she said, "Try the one with sugar first..."

Milk, chocolate, sugar...

Shu Shu took a sip full of anticipation, and then felt that something was wrong, uncoordinated, it still had a strong bitter taste, and the sweet taste was suppressed.

Xiaotang is conservative.

Whether it is dark chocolate or black coffee, the taste is better when more sugar is added.

In the later generations, this kind of food has changed from a drink to a lump, everyone loves it, and it has become popular.

Shi Fujin frowned.

Brother Ten and Brother Nine looked at each other.

Judging by Shu Shu's pause and Shi Fujin's expression, the taste of the contents of this cup is not very exciting.

Shu Shu put down the chocolate bowl, took the sugar bowl, and put in two and a half spoonfuls of sugar.

When the white sugar was almost melted, she took another sip.

Familiar taste.

hot chocolate!

Nine Brothers, Ten Brothers, and Ten Fujin all watched Shu Shu's reaction eagerly.

Shu Shu sniffed the aroma of chocolate with a comfortable expression.

Shi Fujin swallowed his saliva, and imitated the Shu Shu movement to release the sugar.

The first two spoonfuls were full, but when it came to the third spoonful, she hesitated between the half spoonful and the full spoonful, and chose the full spoonful.

After stirring, Shi Fujin drank a big spoonful.

When it comes to delicious choices, she can always trust Mrs. Jiu.

After finishing this sip, she also had a smile on her face, and immediately took the bowl to Elder Brother Shi's side, and said, "It's so delicious! Master, taste it!"

Brother Ten smiled and nodded, took a spoon and drank half a spoonful.

The taste is silky and smooth.


Seeing that Shi Fujin was still waiting for his feedback, Elder Brother Shi nodded with a smile, "It's really delicious."

Ten Fujin smiled and said, "Then let's add sugar too..."

Elder Brother Shi nodded, but he didn't add that much sugar when adding sugar, he only added a spoonful, stirred it up, tried the taste, added another half spoonful, and stopped.

Brother Jiu was by the side, looking at Shu Shu, he felt a little resentful.

Ten Fujin thought about Elder Brother Ten, but Fujin seemed to have forgotten about it.

A series of chocolate recipes are appearing in Shu Shu's mind.

Chocolate Chip Cookies, Chocolate Cake, Chocolate Ice Cream…

The next update will be around 3:16 noon on February 12th, welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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