My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 928 How did we meet again

Sensing Brother Jiu's eyes, Shu Shu smiled and stuffed the bowl in her hand.

Life still needs a sense of ritual, and you can't just look like an old couple.

Otherwise, expectations turn into disappointment, and I don't know when I will be novelty with others.

Brother Jiu took the bowl and was very satisfied. Before he drank it, he felt that it was sweet.

The two of them don't need to talk, they are connected with each other, and they can communicate with each other with their eyes. It's not like Shi Fujin and Shi elder brother, one is bluffing, and the other has to coax.

Shu Shu also looked at Elder Brother Shi and his wife, and saw that Fujin was full of liking, and had to remind him: "Just try this tenth brother and sister, there is too much sugar."

She was already losing weight to prepare for pregnancy, and she really couldn't continue to gain weight.

Ten Fujin immediately closed his mouth, nodded and said, "Just this time..."

Sister-in-law Jiu has already told her that if she wants to lose weight, she needs to reduce oil and sugar.

When eating lamb, choose lamb leg and tenderloin, and eat less fat and thin lamb chops.

The same goes for all kinds of Mongolian fruits, just try it occasionally, and it is better to steam the pastry for daily use.

Brother Jiu thought for a while, and said to Shu Shu: "The effect of the medicine is not yet clear, so let's stop taking it. Later, the holy car will return to the palace. Yours sincerely, let the imperial doctor of the imperial hospital study it carefully and see See how effective it is, how to eat it, it is so simple and easy now, but it has to be incompatible, and the effect of the medicine has also lost..."

Shu Shu: "..."

I dare not think how the imperial physicians will do research.

She struggled for a while, and said, "Aren't those spices and medicinal materials from overseas? Even if you are too hospital, you may not understand everything..."

Brother Jiu said: "It's okay, there are Xu Risheng and Zhang Cheng..."

These two are missionaries, one is Portuguese and the other is French; the former is in the Qin Tianjian, and the latter walks in the court and once offered the Western medicine Cinchona cream.

Shu Shu looked at the box of chocolates.

A total of 100 yuan, four used, and 96 left.

Let the imperial physicians and missionaries try it later, is there anything left?
Her reluctance was written all over her face. Brother Nine hesitated a little, but then he said firmly: "If you don't understand, you can't eat indiscriminately. It's okay. If Khan Ama uses it well, he will call Guangzhou Customs, Fuzhou There will be more tribute from the customs and Hangzhou customs..."

Shu Shu glanced at Brother Jiu.

She knew that as long as she said a word, she compiled a non-existent book, and Brother Jiu would believe what it said, but she still endured it.

How can there be so many unnecessary books?

Also, the husband and wife have been together for three years, even if they can't be completely honest, they don't want to tell such little lies.

She nodded and said: "I was greedy for a while, listen to me..."

Brother Jiu heard this, and immediately asked Walnut to collect the box of chocolates.

He found that his Fujin grew smaller and smaller.

Perhaps because of confinement and being stared at by the elders, she was a little rebellious and naughty.

If you really don't stare at it, you will feel uneasy.

With Shi Fujin beside him, the chocolate milk in his mouth felt a bit greasy.

Is brother Jiu coaxing sister-in-law Jiu, or sister-in-law coaxing brother Jiu?

In the future, she should also coax master ten...

Otherwise, how pitiful would Master Shi be if no one coaxed him?
Since it is time to catch up with the meal, there is no reason not to leave a meal.

Just in the morning, I smoked pine nut belly and chicken sausage, so I cut the platter and made two side dishes of egg rolls and spinach with nuts.

The four of them did not share a table and simply had lunch.

After the tenth elder brother and his wife left, Shu Shu took a nap with the ninth elder brother.

Brother Nine said: "Zhang Cheng's Church of the Savior is inside the Xi'an Gate. Master Huihui will take you there to see if you can get some French books back..."

Speaking of this, he paused, and said: "The nobles of the Eight Banners don't believe in foreign medicines. In fact, foreign medicines are faster in terms of curative effect, such as the malaria in Khan Ama's 32 years, and the 31 years of the Lord. Second ear carbuncle, all used Western medicine."

Shu Shu asked curiously: "Many years ago, I heard someone mention it, saying that the emperor built a church for foreigners, but I haven't heard much about it since then, has it been repaired?"

Brother Nine shook his head and said, "It's not finished yet. We used Western artisans. They are working slowly, but there are people living in the back, so we can go and have a look."

Shu Shu naturally had no objection.

This should be the predecessor of the "Beitang" in the capital of later generations...

In a blink of an eye, it was April [-]th, the day when Shu Shu entered the palace to pay his respects.

That set of camellia red clothes was hung up and ironed yesterday.

Today, Shu Shu upper body for the first time, wearing tinsel on her head, nothing else, just two pink tourmaline flowers on her hairpin, looking refreshing.

One ear and three clamps are tourmaline earrings of the same color.

Shu Shu looked at the mirror happily.

Xiao Chun said from the side: "This dress, like the [-]th or [-]th of Fujin..."

Shu Shu touched her face and said with a smile, "Really?"

Xiaochun nodded and said: "Of course, the county head used to make pink clothes for Fujin all the time, and Fujin didn't like to wear them..."

This time and that time also.

Shu Shu looked at it in the mirror, and took off the eighteen son bracelet and the ring on her hand.

It's just for regular clothes, so you don't need too many accessories.

Brother Jiu looked at Shu Shu's makeup and noticed her joy, and praised: "This color is good, it makes you whiter."

Write a letter to Cao Yin and ask him to help buy some pink materials.

Shu Shu stood up and changed into a pair of one-inch-high pink flag shoes.

This is a lively dress, and you don't need too high flag shoes.

She turned around and asked Brother Jiu, "Is it really good-looking? Don't you think it's weird?"

Brother Jiu nodded and said, "It's pretty..."

This high-spirited look reminded Brother Jiu of every time he met before his wedding the year before last.

Later Shu Shu married into the palace, her words and deeds were watched in the eyes of others, she became much more stable.

From this point of view, it is good to leave the palace early, it can be less restrained and more natural.

Shu Shu is also looking at Brother Jiu.

Brother Jiu's clothes are also new, just matching Shu Shu, but it's not camellia red, but a lighter coral color.

Shu Shu smiled, and took out a purse from the small drawer of the dressing table. It was made of camellia-red Ningxia silk, which she made in her free time these days.

She took off the old purse from Brother Jiu's waist and put on this new one.

Brother Jiu was pleasantly surprised. He didn't say anything for a long time, then he took Shu Shu's hand and examined it carefully.

Shu Shu shook his head and said: "It's slow, it took about ten days of work, and it didn't hurt my hands."

Brother Nine wanted to say something, but it was a waste of time, but he was afraid to say it, because there would be no new wallets in the future.

He hesitated for a moment, and said: "Then from now on, big brother and the others don't touch their needlework, just do it for the master, so as not to tire your eyes."

Shu Shu nodded, and didn't intend to do it at all.

Everyone has strengths and weaknesses.

Shu Shu felt that her shortcoming was needlework.

Now, besides Brother Nine's small jobs throughout the year, Shu Shu also prepares some needlework for the elders.

Money can express one's heart, but one's heart cannot be expressed with money alone.

Therefore, the three elders, Qi Xi, Mrs. Bo and Mrs. Bo, would add a piece of needlework to Shu Shu's birthday gift every year.

In the past two years, the Empress Dowager and Concubine Yi have been added.

The elders all know that she is not good at needlework, and she does little work on weekdays, but the more she is like this, the more she can express her heart.

Filial piety sometimes has a form, not just coaxing people with your mouth.

The couple had breakfast and went out together,
Brother Jiu brought the box of chocolates with him.

Yuzhou was stationed in Tongzhou yesterday, and Shengjia returned to the palace this morning.

When the couple came out, the carriage was already waiting.

In addition to the carriage that Brother Nine rides in every day, there is also Shu Shu's carriage.

She took the girl with her, but she couldn't let Walnut and Xiaosong follow her.

Brother Jiu glanced at Walnut and Xiaosong, and said, "Go to the car behind..."

Walnut agreed with Xiaosongfu, but didn't leave immediately, because he wanted to help Shushu get on the carriage and then go back.

The ten princes and his wife came out.

"Sister-in-law Nine..."

Ten Fujin brought a surprise, trotted over, and said, "I forgot that Sister-in-law Nine can greet you today..."

As she said that, she saw Shu Shu's makeup clearly, and praised: "Wow! Sister-in-law Jiu looks really good-looking, her clothes are beautiful, her hair is also beautiful..."

Shu Shu took her hand and said: "I haven't entered the palace for half a year, please be safe, I'm tired, I changed into new clothes today, the head flower and ear pliers are prepared by our master..."

Shi Fujin said: "Sister-in-law Nine looks good in pink. I just got a few bolts of bright ground gauze, which are also pink. I will ask someone to send it to Sister-in-law Jiu later."

Shu Shu knew that Shifu Jin liked red, and she didn't like light-colored clothes, and she was not polite to her, said: "Okay, I happen to have a few stalks of hemp at my place, which can be used as shirts, and those are for younger brothers and sisters."

In May, everyone has to wear gauze clothes.

The gauze is light and thin, and a shirt should be worn underneath, made of summer cloth, Gebu, Doro linen and other materials.

Because of their plumpness, Ten Fujin loves to sweat a lot in summer, and prefers fine linen.

The sister-in-law and sister-in-law were very affectionate, and the ninth elder brother was very helpless, and complained to the tenth elder brother: "Aren't you still together at noon the day before yesterday? It's only been a day and a half since I saw each other, so I have a lot to say?"

Elder Brother Shi laughed and said, "Isn't this great? Like sisters, they talk and laugh, and they don't feel lonely when they have company."

While talking, there was movement in front of Babeizi's mansion.

Brother Jiu took out his pocket watch, looked at it, and was a little suspicious, and said, "Didn't we come out early? Why did we meet again?"

Elder Brother Ten said: "Sister-in-law Eight wants to go to Changchun Palace to pay her respects, so she also entered the palace half an hour earlier."

Brother Jiu curled his lips and stopped talking.

Ten Fujin held Shu Shu's hand tightly, looked in the direction of Babeizi's mansion as if on guard, and whispered: "Sister-in-law Jiu, don't they still want to go to Ningshou Palace with me? I don't want to go with her Together..."

With the intuition of a small animal, she could sense Ba Fujin's indifference to her.

In addition, this sister-in-law is a hands-on person, and Shi Fujin is also a little scared.

If you were in Mongolia, you would have nothing to fear, just fight back; when you arrive in the capital, this sister-in-law is the one who cannot fight back.

Shu Shu patted her hand and said: "That's sister-in-law, be more respectful in the future, eighth sister-in-law should come out this time to greet Changchun Palace, don't go with you, go in the same direction as me..."

After hearing this, Shi Fujin was a little worried about Shu Shu, but then he saw Xiao Song standing next to him, and felt relieved...

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