My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 929 Black Sesame Pills

The ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother did not go to the gate of Ba Beizi's mansion, and the eighth elder brother did not come over either.

The carriage ahead moved.

Brother Jiu helped Shu Shu into the carriage, and said: "It's so good, if you have to put them together, everyone will feel uncomfortable."

Shu Shu said: "Just let it go."

Brother Nine nodded and said, "Even Han Ama still treats us as one family, but after opening the mansion, the family is also separated."

Everyone is no longer mixing food in the same pot, and they all have their own selfishness, not only for themselves, but also for the children.

Thinking of this, Brother Nine became worried again, and said: "In the future, we will have to ask someone to find out who sells the house in the boundary of Xianghuang Banner. , and don’t be too far away, there is also a big dowry house, it’s best to be inlaid with yellow flags..."

Shu Shu was speechless, it was too early to think.

The Eight Banners have the old custom of dividing families into families, but they can also be divided into different families. The common people are like that. The nobles and clans have been sinicized over the years, and they have also begun to pay attention to "the parents do not separate the families".

The younger generation of Prince Yu's Mansion and Prince Gong's Mansion have married several times, and they have also been conferred titles, but they are not separated.

Brother Jiu said: "Didn't you say to save money for them before? Master thought about it, it's not good to keep money for nothing, if we keep scrambling, it will be eye-catching if we have too much business, look back and see which shop is not doing well, just change it." a bank."

Before they had a bank under their name, which was the prince's property that was allocated early last year.

"Looking at the account at the end of last year, the bank here has less throwing fees, so you don't have to worry about getting the money..."

Brother Jiu said.

Shu Shu reminded: "When it comes to money, it is the easiest to be corrupted. You have to be careful about this. If you really want to deceive the top and the bottom, it will ruin the reputation of the master."

If a good bank turns into usury, it would be a crime.

Brother Nine shook his head and said: "My lord will tell you not to lend money to private individuals, but only to deal with merchants. If you want to borrow money, you can directly use the house deed and land deed of the shop to pressure it, and the interest will not exceed three cents..."

Shu Shu glanced at Brother Jiu and knew that this was killing two birds with one stone.

One is that money does not need to be held down, money can be used to generate money; the other is that after experiencing the purchase of property the year before last, brother Jiu has also learned a lesson, knowing that shops in the inner city are priceless, and you can't find them.

Allowing merchants to mortgage loans is also waiting on the sidelines.

When word of mouth gets out, people who are in urgent need of money will first think of Brother Jiu's bank.

The couple walked into Di'anmen after talking about their daily life.

When they reached Shenwumen, the carriage stopped.

Brother Jiu got out of the carriage and helped Shu Shu down.

Later, Shi Fujin's carriage also arrived.

The eight Fujins in front had already got off the carriage and stood there without moving.

Shu Shu said goodbye to Brother Nine, and asked Shi Fujin to follow, and the two stepped forward together.

After the sisters-in-law met, they entered the Shenwumen together.

Ten Fujin went directly to Ningshou Palace, but Shu Shu and Ba Fujin had to go to West Sixth Palace to pay their respects to their respective mothers-in-law.

Shi Fujin took a look at Shu Shu, saw her gentle and calm appearance, and then led people to the east.

Bafujin and Shu Shu walked side by side, and when they reached the right door of Guangsheng, Shu Shu stopped and said, "Eighth Sister-in-law goes first, I'll wait for Fifth Sister-in-law..."

A few days ago, Wu Fujin sent someone to the Prince's Mansion to ask when Shu Shu entered the palace to pay his respects, and wanted to come in on the same day.

Ever since Wu Fujin found out she was pregnant, she was exempted from asking for peace in the palace, and it had been several months.

This is to take advantage of the fact that the Empress Dowager did not come to Changchun Garden to pay her respects, so as to save the elders from living in Haidian, which is even more inconvenient.

Now that she is five and a half months pregnant, she is already stable and not so clumsy.

That's why Shu Shu thought of waiting for someone here.

Ba Fujin glanced at her tinsel and clothes, nodded slightly, and helped the girl to step over the threshold.

Shu Shu also looked at the eighth Fujin's head. There was no tin, but ordinary braided hair with ruby ​​flowers on it.

Looking at it, it was almost the same as the previous year's makeup, but it made people feel awkward.

When Wu Fujin came over and saw Wu Fujin's makeup clearly, Shu Shu understood the reason why Ba Fujin looked awkward.

The year before last, Concubine Yi only started using tin hair, and there were very few others.

Even if other concubines want to learn, they have to take into account Concubine Yi's wishes.

Last year, Concubine Yi rewarded Shu Shu and Wufu Jin's hair, and the younger sister-in-law used it, and the other princes Fujin also started to use it, and the low-ranking concubines in the palace also started to use it.

Now that there are many tianzi hairstyles, Bafujin's hair style is not very fashionable.

shouldn't be...

Didn't the eight blessings enter the palace to pay their respects on April [-]?

Then there was another April 25...

If you want to ask someone to prepare new jewelry, you can also prepare it.

A woman is the face of someone who pleases herself, and a woman is the face of someone who pleases herself.

On the contrary, Fujin's temperament is really calm, and he doesn't even care about the clothes he cares about the most.

"Fifth sister-in-law..."

Shu Shu took a few steps forward, and shook hands with Wu Fujin.

The last time the sister-in-law and sister-in-law met was just after Shu Shu gave birth.

After a while, I haven't seen each other for two months.

After picking it up, Shu Shu found that Wu Fujin's palms were warm, and looking at Wu Fujin's forehead, it was also dripping with sweat.

Pregnant women body heat.

Shu Shu glanced at Wu Fujin's stomach, and said: "There are still four months left to give birth, and it's going to be hotter now, or sister-in-law Wu can live in the garden."

Live for two months, just to avoid the hottest time.

Wu Fujin felt ashamed, and whispered: "I always want to change clothes, and I'm impatient to move, I'd rather be more comfortable at home."

Shu Shu stopped persuading her.

If I really want to live here with Elder Brother, I have to pay my respects to the Empress Dowager and deal with their sisters-in-law who live next to each other.

Shu Shu thought for a while, and said: "It should be no problem to use ice now, and it's better to use ice in the capital..."

There are many ice cellars in the capital, in addition to government-run ones, there are also those of outside businessmen, it is convenient to have more or less.

When Wufu Jin gives birth, it is around the Mid-Autumn Festival, and it is already cool.

Both sisters-in-law and confinement time are good, avoiding the heat.

When they arrived at the right gate of Guangsheng, Shu Shu helped Wu Fujin, and his sister-in-law entered the West Sixth Palace.

After a while, he entered the Yikun gate, Pei Lan was coming out of the main hall, and hurried forward a few steps, going to help the other side of Wufu Jin.

Wu Fujin chuckled lightly and said, "No, just keep it safe."

Only then did Perrin put down his hands, and welcomed the two of them in.

Concubine Yi was already dressed, and she was sitting on the kang in the East room, eating black sesame balls in her mouth.

Seeing the two daughter-in-laws coming in, she put down the remaining half of the black sesame ball and said, "Don't greet me, just sit down..."

Shu Shu looked at Wu Fujin's actions, but Wu Fujin didn't stop, and slightly blessed Fu to get up.

It was inconvenient for Wu Fujin to hold his stomach, but Shu Shu didn't feel any inconvenience here, he just saluted normally, and then supported Wu Fujin, and the sister-in-law sat on the prepared chair.

Concubine Yi looked directly at Shu Shu's face, half of it was blood loss, half was covered by confinement, her complexion was snow-white.

In addition to this pink head flower, pink clothes on her body, and a slender figure, she looks like a delicate little girl.

Concubine Yi nodded and said: "This dress matches well. At the age of a flower, one should wear pink and tender."

Shu Shu said with a smile: "During the [-]th and [-]rd, the family made pink clothes and didn't wear them. They thought they looked too small, but now they like to wear them and pretend to be young."

Concubine Yi couldn't help laughing when she heard this, and said: "This remark made others listen, and they thought you were 28 or 38..."

But for women, Dang Ernie is different, the childishness has faded a lot, the clothes are delicate, but they look much calmer.

Concubine Yi looked at Wu Fujin again, took a good look, and said: "It's just right now, there is no need to raise too plump, the child will suffer when he is born."

Wu Fujin nodded, and said: "After the morning sickness stopped, I was still greedy, and I wanted to eat everything all day long. Thanks to my brother and sister, I sent two cookbooks over. They are all suitable for pregnant women. They will not only warm and nourish the body, but will not make you fat."

Shu Shu said: "It's all as it should be. I have eaten a lot of good things from my fifth brother and my fifth sister-in-law in the past six months."

Seeing that the sister-in-law and sister-in-law are very affectionate, Concubine Yi is also in a somewhat joyful mood.

Brothers from the same mother are different after all, which is good.

But in the end they become two families, whether they can be close for a long time or not depends on the affection between the sister-in-law and sister-in-law.

When it came to her grandson's generation, she closed her eyes and stopped worrying about it.

Concubine Yi pointed to the black sesame balls on the kang table, and said: "This is a new black sesame ball made by the imperial pharmacy, except for the black sesame seeds that have been steamed and sun-dried for nine times, it is honey, nothing else, it nourishes the liver and kidneys, and nourishes the hair. , I asked the imperial doctor, it can be eaten before and after childbirth, and you will each take a box back to taste it later, if it is ready, ask Lao Wu and Lao Jiu to go to the imperial pharmacy to get it..."

Wu Fujin's face flushed a little, and he said, "Recently, I have some symptoms of yang knot, and the imperial doctor ordered me to use honey. It's good to eat this."

After hearing this, Concubine Yi felt worried, and instructed: "Although black sesame is mild in nature, you still have to ask the imperial physician before taking it."

Wu Fujin respectfully agreed.

Concubine Yi looked at Shu Shu again.

Shu Shu couldn't help touching her temples, and said: "Your Majesty is really a savior, my daughter-in-law is worrying about this dead grass."

This is also a strange rule of the Manchus. Except for national funerals and observing the filial piety of parents and husbands, women are not allowed to cut their hair.

Especially the royal family, they have to be more careful in their actions. If you want to repair a withered hair, you are suspected of cursing the emperor.

Even if Shu Shu is uncomfortable, she will not let herself take a big shame.

Concubine Yi said: "You don't like to use hair oil. Refreshing is refreshing, and it has lost its maintenance. The Tai Hospital also has some hair care prescriptions. Later, you can ask Lao Jiu to change it for you. External application follows internal administration. This kind of hair can only be raised well."

Shu Shu nodded, and then said: "When I am out of the ambush, I will ask someone to get some non-greasy hair oil..."

Concubine Yi knew that she owned a rouge shop, and said: "Have you figured out something good again?"

Shu Shu smiled and said: "I asked my mother to ask, there are really, one set is unscented face cream and hand cream, and the other is a face cream and hand cream that can be used by children. I will greet my mother next time and bring a copy to me." Empress."

Concubine Yi didn't need to think about it, she also knew that the tasteless face and hand creams were for brother Jiu, not to mention children's ones.

This daughter-in-law really didn't choose. Before she didn't have children, she put Lao Jiu first in everything; now that she has children, Lao Jiu's share is not left behind.

She laughed and said, "I want two copies, and I'll 'borrow flowers to present Buddha' later..."

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