My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 930 Symptoms

Compared with the joy of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in Yikun Palace, the atmosphere in Changchun Palace is solemn.

After Ba Fujin invited Ann, he also got a seat, which was a round stool.

She looked at her nose with her eyes and her mouth with her nose, and she looked very demure and dignified.

Nanny Jin followed behind.

Concubine Liang couldn't help frowning as she looked at Ba Fujin's curled hair.

The first time I paid my respects, I didn’t enter the palace for a year and a half, so I don’t know the current fashion styles in the palace; the second time I didn’t change the makeup, it’s justified, it’s a woman’s jewelry, whether it’s buying or customizing, it takes effort.

It's the third time now.

Ten days have passed, and if I want to clean up, I should clean up quickly.

Concubine Liang suppressed her anger, glanced at the nanny behind Fujin, and then said softly to Fujin: "It's better to follow the crowd when dressing up."

Bafujin raised his head, looked at Concubine Liang, and said, "Your Majesty wants to teach your daughter-in-law how to dress?"

Concubine Liang saw the scar on her face, she looked away, and said: "Every time I pay my respects, several princes Fujin are there, it's better to go with the crowd."

Ba Fujin lowered his eyes, and said: "The daughter-in-law there will follow your mother's orders, and will tell Ba Ye after returning home."

Concubine Liang glanced at Fujin Ba, feeling unhappy.

What is this called?

It seems that the eighth elder brother treats her badly...

Tens of thousands of taels of silver in the press box, seven or eight marriages, and two pieces of jewelry, and the eighth brother has to pay for the silver?
But Concubine Liang also knew that Nanny Jin was a coat of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and a member of King Fujin of An County, so she couldn't say anything about her complaints.

Between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, there was a complete silence.

It is estimated that the time is almost the same, and the outer chariot is also ready.

Concubine Liang brought out the eight blessings.

Hepin Guerjia has already waited with the nobles in the apse.

Seeing this, Bafu Jin respectfully blessed Fu and said, "Please be safe, concubine."

The concubine moved away without receiving the full ceremony, and said, "Hello."

There was no delay in asking for peace, and the Changchun Palace and his party set off immediately.

By the time they left for half a cup of tea, there was movement in Yikun Palace.

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are also ready to go.

There are already a few coarse envoys and eunuchs waiting outside, and three shoulder chariots are placed on the ground.

Besides Yifei's own chariot, she also asked someone to prepare two chariots.

With shame on Wu Fujin's face, he said: "It's all because of the whim of the daughter-in-law, causing trouble for the empress."

Concubine Yi said: "You are filial, what's wrong? Even if you don't come, the Queen Mother and I will send people to see you..."

Shu Shu took Wu Fujin's hand, and said: "I want to thank my sister-in-law. If my sister-in-law didn't come and my mother called for the chariot, I wouldn't dare to sit down. Otherwise, there might be news that I'm dying..."

Wu Fujin hurriedly said: "Tong Yan Wuji!"

Shu Shu was taken aback for a moment, then couldn't help laughing.

Concubine Yi gave her a sidelong glance, and said angrily: "There is no taboo, dare to say anything!"

Shu Shu hurriedly admitted her mistake honestly.

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law got on the shoulder chariot and walked slowly all the way.

It is estimated that at the third quarter of Chenchu, a group of people arrived at Ningshou Palace.

As soon as Concubine Rong got out of the chariot, she stopped when she saw this, and went in with Concubine Yi.

Shu Shu, Wu Fujin and San Fujin fell behind.

Sanfujin grabbed her wrist, a little annoyed, and said: "I never heard of anyone who lost weight during confinement, so just ruin yourself!"

Shu Shu smiled and said, "You touched the wrong place. If you touch the belly and waist, it's still a circle of flesh."

Seeing that she still had the energy to speak, Sanfujin's face turned better, and he said, "Anyway, it's your own body, so it's up to you to bear it yourself, but there are many people waiting to make cheap stepmothers for 'Xiangrui'!"

Hearing this, Shu Shu felt unhappy, and said: "I have to let them see my heroic posture of pulling the ten-strength bow. Who dares to shamelessly daydream and cry directly!"

Sanfujin snorted softly: "With your dry appearance now, don't be beaten and cried again."

Wu Fujin watched the sisters bickering and didn't interrupt.

But she has also heard the rumors outside, which is wicked enough.

Because the fifth elder brother was very worried, and even talked to Wu Fujin in private a few times, thinking that his younger brother was promising because he married Shu Shu;

After a while, Qifu Jin also arrived with Concubine Hui's shoulder chariot.

She took Shu Shu's hand, touched it up and down several times, and said, "I can't help it, I guess it will be raised in autumn and winter."

Summer is not the time to replenish flesh, Shu Shu is also a bitter summer.

Shu Shu pointed to her bouquet and earrings, and said, "I'm wearing new jewelry, and I'm wearing new clothes, sister-in-law Seven, please praise me..."

Only then did Qi Fujin look her up and down, and said, "Why is she dressed like this? Don't you think pink is timid?"

Shu Shu smiled and said: "That was before, when I was young, I liked to pretend to be an adult, but now I am a child, Ernie, how many years younger..."

It was almost time for greetings, the sisters-in-law exchanged greetings at the gate of the palace, and then went in.

Behind all the concubines and concubines, there are small stools.

The position of the eight blessings is still behind Concubine Hui.

As soon as Shu Shu and Wu Fujin came in, everyone's eyes came to him vaguely.

Now the news is too strong. At the end of February and the beginning of March, the news from the Ninth Prince's Mansion was one after another.

It was not until Jiufu Jin gave birth to "Xiangrui" that it came to an abrupt end.

The outside world's guesses about Jiufu Jin were not good, and they thought it was more ominous than good, and it was the same in the palace.

But they all said a few words in private, no one dared to reveal it in front of others, and there was Concubine Yi.

If you really want to be caught, there is no good fruit to eat.

After seeing someone today, everyone will know that the rumors outside are not true.

Although she had lost a lot of weight, Jiufujin's spirit was there.

For a while, the Queen Mother brought the Crown Princess and Shi Fujin out, and also went to look behind Yifei first.

She smiled reassuringly after seeing clearly what Wu Fujin and Shu Shu looked like.

Now the fourth concubine is not in charge of palace affairs, but only manages the affairs of each palace, and Zhaoxiang is here.

The Empress Dowager didn't ask any more questions, she just told Concubine Hui a few words about what Zhaoxiang said.

The eighteenth elder brother's birthday is at the end of May. According to the rules, he was moved to the Yikun Palace after the "catch the week". Because he will go to the Changchun Garden after the Dragon Boat Festival, he will be moved to the previous palace.

There are also candidates to go to Changchun Garden, which has also been decided.

Among the four concubines, apart from Concubine Yi, Concubine Hui went to the garden.

The two young princes next to Concubine Yi have no time to do so, and need a concubine to take care of the concubine's affairs, this time it is Concubine Hui.

The remaining concubines and concubines are Min concubine and He concubine, nobles include Wang Guiren, Chen Guiren, Gao Guiren, Wang Shufei and Liu Shufei, and eight others from the Qianqing Palace.

This candidate is somewhat familiar, and there are a few others that sound unfamiliar.

Concubine Wang Shu belonged to Chuxiu Palace, the mother of Shiliu Gege, and moved from Changchun Palace to Chuxiu Palace with Concubine Min.

Concubine Liu Shu belongs to Zhongcui Palace and is the mother of Seventeen Gege.

The young nobles looked at each other, puzzled.

The four concubines are all old people in the palace, and they exchanged glances, probably knowing it well.

This is the emperor looking forward to the heir of the harem.

In the past two years, although the emperor did not only favor Hefei, but most of the time he turned over the brand of Hefei, the rest were Wang Guiren, Concubine Min and Concubine Yi, and the others did not take turns every two or three months.

As a result, in the past two years, there was no news of the concubine's meeting with the palace.

Concubine Wang Shu and Concubine Liu were selected this time. They were Concubine Concubine who planned to turn her cards around and wanted to ask for a son.

Several people were speechless, the prince had reached eighteen, and the emperor's grandchildren were more than a dozen, yet he still wanted to ask the prince...

After a while, the Queen Mother left Yifei, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, and the others dispersed.

Everyone turned to Dongci Room, the Empress Dowager took Wu Fujin's hand first, looked up and down, her eyes fell on her stomach for a while, she was a little worried, and asked Concubine Yi, "Is this stomach small? Do you want to raise the child again?" keep?"

She hasn't given birth, so it's hard to judge.

Concubine Yi shook her head and said: "It's not small, it's almost the same size, and it will grow rapidly in the first three months."

The queen mother felt relieved after hearing this, and told Wu Fujin, "Not only do you have to take care of your children, but you also have to take care of yourself, so that you can be happy, and have more children in the future, so that you can have both children."

Wu Fujin nodded, and said: "Don't worry, Grandmother, the granddaughter-in-law will take good care of the baby."

After the queen mother instructed Wu Fujin, she looked at Shu Shu carefully, and said, "I'm well dressed today, I look at Shui Ling, and I look like Xiao Jiu's younger sister."

Concubine Yi laughed beside her and said, "Speaking of birthdays, these aunts and sisters-in-law are supposed to be bigger than Jiugege."

The Empress Dowager pulled Shu Shu closer and said, "What did the imperial doctor say? When will it be mended? Don't learn from those people outside. Always think about being thin or not. Your body should be strong. That's a blessing."

Shu Shu said with a smile: "The grandson's daughter-in-law has a bitter summer, and she can only raise her back in autumn. First, she pretends to be a little girl, and when she returns to the garden, she walks around with her younger sister."

The queen mother nodded and said: "Okay, then I will send you an errand to send messages to various royal gardens to give gifts..."

Knowing that Shu Shu would go to Haidian with her in a few days, the Queen Mother didn't say anything else, and told Wu Fujin to go back, and told them to come back...

Qianqing Palace, Xinuang Pavilion.

Brother Jiu stood there, feeling his neck was going to be stiff.

It's been two quarters of an hour, right?
Have you been caught with any braids recently?

Ninth elder brother was suspicious, while looking at seventh elder brother next to him.

Seventh brother won't be idle, so he wrote down his early departure every day in the booklet, right?
Seventh elder brother noticed his eyes and looked back, seeming to ask questions.

Brother Jiu frowned and stared, expressing his dissatisfaction.

Kangxi sat on the kang, his face sank like water, but his right hand was retracted into the cuff, and his fingertips felt numb for a while.

No one knows his anger.

Self-proclaimed that he has eyes and ears, he is not the kind of emperor who is raised high, but he was fooled by his own servants unexpectedly.

In addition to anger, he was also a little worried.

Earlier he had read Seventh Brother's booklet.

It has been more than ten days since Brother Nine and Brother Seven mentioned the "nest case" of the Accounting Department, which is enough for Brother Seven to investigate the Gao family of Yufeng Lou.

It turned out that as early as 30 years ago, the Gao family had been involved with the Hesheli family in private.

The Gao family is still a citizen, but they have a daughter who is married to a concubine of the Fucha family.

The two families secretly became related by marriage many years ago.

This Fucha's family is Suo'etu's uncle's family.

Suo'etu, the Hesheli family...

Kangxi felt a little cramped in his heart, and he endured it so that he didn't lose color.

Is Suo'etu making his own claim?

But the Gao family belonged to him, Suo'etu should die!

He was annoyed, and when he saw Brother Jiu winking, he said coldly, "What the hell are you doing?"

Brother Nine immediately became honest.

The old man has an evil fire, and he feels a little wronged.

He was complaining, but Kangxi had already stared at him and said, "Okay, why do you think of Zha Yufeng Building?"

Brother Jiu glanced at Kangxi and said: "My son was ordered to marry Jiugegequan, so I wanted to see if there is any suitable one in Xi'anmen Inner Street, and I didn't choose Di'anmen Inner Street. These two places have the best business. , the official store rent is also high, but when I saw the annual rent of 48 taels of silver, I was shocked..."

Kangxi snorted coldly and said, "It's fine if it's a serious business. If you dare to rely on your status to find fault with other merchants for your Fujin shop, be careful of my business!"

Brother Jiu hurriedly said: "You look down on your son too much. The son remembers the emperor's hadith, how can he compete with the people for profit? Besides, the son is not short of money now. There is no problem with his son Fujin’s marriage income, adding up to 3 to 15 taels of silver a year, and after [-] years, Akdan’s branch silver and Niguzhu’s dowry have all been saved!”

Kangxi said displeasedly: "It's not the best, if you lose the dignity of the royal family, I won't care about saving your face!"

After hearing this, Brother Nine became entangled, hesitating whether to report the matter of the bank to the police first, so as not to cause maggots.

Kangxi saw it in his eyes, and pondered: "Is there something that makes people pick?"

Brother Jiu shook his head and said, "How could it be? My son is familiar with the "Laws of the Great Qing Dynasty" and "Shuli of the Eight Banners" by heart, so I won't give others a chance to criticize."

"Then why are you guilty?" Kangxi asked.

Brother Jiu felt that it was not a good time to talk about Qianzhuang.

The ones on the left and right have to wait for the matter of Xiaotangshan, and the remaining money in his hand can only be collected, he said: "The son is just doing calculations in his heart, thinking about whether he can save money for the separation and marriage without adding Fujin's dowry. ..."

Kangxi frowned and said, "You've been thinking about these things all day without doing business?"

Hearing this, Brother Nine sighed heavily, glanced at Kangxi, and said, "Son, isn't this heartbroken? After two years of tossing and breaking up, I thought it was open source, more or less It's a small credit, but in the end... hey... my son wants to calm down in the future, and if he continues to make money, his son will become a big shopkeeper who makes money for the slaves, and it will become a big joke!"

Kangxi's eyes fell on a few forms, which came up with the Seventh Brother's booklet, and the two pages of forms written by the Nineth Brother.

"What is your reference for estimating the rent of this shop?"

Kangxi asked.

Brother Jiu said: "I didn't compare with other places, only compared with the street outside Di'anmen. Now the gates of the imperial city are loose, and the soldiers and civilians of the Eight Banners are not restricted from entering and leaving. The street inside Di'anmen is as prosperous as outside Di'anmen. Then, comparing Xi'anmennei Street and Di'anmennei Street, the passenger flow of Xi'anmen is even more, but the rent of the official house has always been cheap, and the son did not convert it according to the market price, but calculated it according to [-]% of the previous rent. The price is checked from the Hongqi of the Eight Banners Division of the Ministry of Households. It is subject to tax, and the rent reported to the yamen will only be less, not higher, so it will not be overestimated..."

There are 500 official shops in the imperial city, and the annual rent reported is only [-] taels.

If you compare it with the rental price on Di'anmen Wai Street, it can be directly increased by fifteen to twenty times...

It's the middle of the month, roll around and ask for a monthly pass, ^_^.

The next update will be at 3:17 noon on November 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

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