To say that when he knew that the accounting department was cheating, Brother Jiu felt very angry and humiliated. When it came to Kangxi, it was [-]%.

Kangxi thought more than Brother Nine.

Two generations of young masters ascended the throne, and kept the emperor's position passed down from father to son, but did not transfer to the hands of the clan princes, indeed borrowing the strength of Shang Sanqi.

In order to balance the Shangsanqi, Kangxi began to reuse the coating again.

The decency of the coating only started in this dynasty.

In the end, Shangsanqi was obedient, but Baoyi made him, the emperor, a big joke.

From the prince who died in the palace, to this accountant...

Kangxi's eyes were turbulent.

He looked at Brother Jiu and said: "If the Huangcheng shop is handed over to you, what will you do?"

Brother Jiu's eyes lit up, and he said, "It's enough to sell directly to the government. If you rent it for five or ten years at a time, the highest price will get it."

When Kangxi heard this, he couldn't help frowning, and said: "If all the merchants from the southern city are brought into the inner city, wouldn't it be a mess?"

Brother Jiu looked at Kangxi and said, "But now the merchants in the imperial city are mostly common people..."

There are tens of thousands of people living in the imperial city, and the access control is loose.

Kangxi frowned and said, "What about Qingfeng Division, Qianliang Yamen, and Internal Construction Division? How can we increase revenue and reduce expenditure?"

Brother Jiu looked at Kangxi and hesitated for a moment.

He had been the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for three years, so he naturally thought about this, but he always felt that he said it now, and the credit cannot be guaranteed to fall on himself.

With the behavior of the emperor's father, he will not let him control so many things.

He was a little selfish, and then Qi Xi thought of him, and he couldn't help being taken aback.

This is the Imperial Father's House of Internal Affairs, why did he forget his duty for personal reasons?
Even if I am the prince elder brother, let alone other people.

"Huh?" Kangxi urged: "Is there no way?"

Brother Jiu thought for a while and said, "Why don't you add a few more vacancies in the Yushi Yamen of the House of Internal Affairs, and how many more inspection censors?"

The Qingfeng Division is in charge of the cattle and sheep pastures, the Qianliang Yamen is in charge of the rent and tax of the Huangzhuang, and the Construction Division is in charge of the repairs of the imperial palace, imperial garden, palace, and imperial tomb.

If you don't go to other places to check, you can't find anything in the file of each yamen.

Kangxi listened and didn't think it was a good idea.

Whenever people are involved, there are likely to be disadvantages.

If the inspector censor accepts bribes, he can continue to deceive the upper and lower.

He looked at Brother Nine, and saw Brother Nine's face was heavy and worried.

Kangxi thought of the Yushi Yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and also thought of Hayaltu.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs wants to conduct a thorough investigation, but Brother Nine cannot do the investigation. Ma Qi still has government affairs under his control, and he has no time to take care of him. The most suitable candidate is Hayaltu.

Brother Jiu had already thought it through, looked up at Kangxi, and said: "Ama, son, after thinking about it, most of this person's greed is in dressing and eating. Ordinary wrappers want to save some money, and food is even better." Better clothes, better clothes; upper-middle-class coats, in order to maintain the wealth of the family, prepare money for the children and grandchildren, and the top of these, you have to listen to the mind of the emperor, grasp the mind of Khan Ama, and ensure that you will not be replaced... ..."

Kangxi listened to it, especially caring about the last one.

"My son thought about it. An errand in the Ministry of Internal Affairs is different from wearing armor. There are no military merit awards, and many official vacancies are fixed, and there is no room for promotion. What else can I do besides making money? It's either money or power. It's always the same. ..."

With such an effect, the whole atmosphere is broken.

Kangxi hesitated in his heart.

The Three Banners of the House of Internal Affairs cannot be cleaned up, but we must be cautious about the extent of the cleanup.

You must know that the guards at the gates of the various palaces in the palace are all in the hands of the guards of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

If these people are bribed, Miyagi will lose its barrier...

Kangxi looked at Seventh Brother.

The seventh elder brother was like a clam shell, and did not intend to speak.

Kangxi looked at Brother Jiu.

Brother Jiu looked eager to try.

"What do you want to say?" Kangxi said.

Brother Jiu hesitated for a moment, and said: "My son just wants to settle a financial account with you. Sometimes it's not bad that they will make a move. This salary is not enough. The highest-ranked fifth-rank doctor has an annual salary of 80 taels of silver. Eighty dendrobium rice..."

"Let's talk about money first. 80 taels of silver looks like a lot, but raising a horse for transportation requires about ten taels of silver for fodder every year, and raising a few people around it costs 30 to [-] taels of silver per month. The old and the young of the family are barely able to eat, wear, chew, and use. This life is not only about eating and drinking, but the most important thing is the courtesy..."

Speaking of this, he thought about the "three festivals and two lives" he had received in the past two years, and sighed: "I should have discovered it a long time ago. Only my son's "three festivals and two lives" can't beat the throwing fee of 80 taels of silver for a doctor. Live, and there are Master Ma and Master Ha. Where does the money come from? From the miscellaneous officials of their respective divisions, layer by layer, to the small officials of the ninth rank, with an annual salary of 31 taels and five dollars, barely enough to eat and drink , what kind of filial piety should I take? There is no other way except to be greedy for ink..."

"So my son wanted to ask for mercy. If Khan Ama takes care of them, the little fish and shrimps below will be fine..."

Kangxi laughed angrily, and said, "Are you feeling compassionate? You are humble in clothes and do nothing to the country, but you are a bannerman. Is this not a kindness? Such a kindness, but they let you down, you should be severely punished!"

Brother Nine stopped talking.

Anyway, there are a lot of idlers in the coating population now, and after this batch is cleaned up, another batch can be made up.

The imperial father cleaned it up if he was happy.

Kangxi lowered his eyes and moved his right hand in his sleeve.

The crispness is over.

He raised his hand, supported the table, and told Liang Jiugong, "Tell Hayaltu..."

"Hey!" Liang Jiugong responded and retreated.

Kangxi looked at Brother Jiu with an unpredictable expression.

Brother Jiu felt that his hair was a little numb.

Obviously there is no ice basin in the room, but it feels chilly.

"The ninth son of the emperor, Yinzhen, is lazy. He joined the revolution because of his burnout and errands. He is the head of the House of Internal Affairs and goes home to reflect on himself!"

Kangxi said with a cold face.

Brother Jiu was dumbfounded, looking at Kangxi speechless.

Seventh elder brother reminded in a low voice: "Thank you for the decree..."

Brother Jiu knelt on both knees and said, "My son leads the decree...thank you..."

Kangxi glanced at Seventh Brother and said, "Kneel down!"

The two brothers came down from the imperial front.

Seeing Brother Nine's pale face and red eye circles, Brother Seven patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't think too much, Khan Ama is here to protect you..."

Brother Nine looked at Brother Seven, but was not comforted.

He is already eighteen, not eight, but in Han Ama's heart, he is still a prince who doesn't worry about anything.

He also wanted to face, wishing he could turn around and go back immediately, patted his chest, and told the emperor that he could bear it.

But thinking of Shu Shu and the three children, he still didn't turn around.

But without the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, what will he do in the future?
The emperor's father wanted to protect him, but his face also fell to the ground and he couldn't pick it up.

I'm glad that I'm a bald prince, and those clans who have been harassed will be demoted or transferred in serious cases.

The inner and outer guards of Qianqing Palace took a serious look at this distraught, as if mourning concubine.

As soon as Sheng Jia returned to the palace, within two quarters of an hour, he sent someone to pass on the news to Brother Jiu.

This master seems to have been scolded, looking pitiful.

Isn't it "Aiko"?

Everyone is also curious about Jiu Ye's mistakes and being reprimanded.

At this moment, brother Jiu has already returned to the Yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Brother Twelve is still at his desk handling official business.

After the population breeding investigation is over, Brother Twelve is left to deal with every official document. He wants to "see the best and think like others", and he also finishes it in half a day, and the rest is here to stay for a whole day.

Seeing Brother Nine coming back, Brother Twelve stood up and said, "Brother Ninth..."

Brother Jiu's face was deep, and he told He Yuzhu: "Tell Zhang to keep him here."

He Yuzhu went in response.

After a while, Zhang Bao arrived.

Ninth elder brother said: "Master Cai just stopped the head of the Internal Affairs Department due to burnout, and from now on, he will hand over to twelve elder brothers to handle his daily official duties..."

Speaking of this, he looked at Elder Brother Twelve and said: "There are rules and rules, and where you can't do it yourself, you can ask someone to deal with it."

The teacher has a good temper, and the twelfth elder brother is less cautious when getting along with him; Hayaltu is more serious, fearing that the twelfth elder brother will not adapt.

Zhang Baozhu was shocked.

Brother Twelve said, "How long will Brother Ninth stay?"

"How long?"

Brother Jiu heard this, and his heart skipped a beat.

Concern was chaotic before, because of the word "participate in the revolution", I thought it was the removal of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but now it seems that Khan Ama's words left a hole.

It's the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs!

This is to use him to carry the sedan chair for the Yushi Yamen, and it is also to lift him out of the muddy water.

He stood up again, and said: "Ama Khan loves me so much, there must be dog days!"

In that case, it will take about two months, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs should clean up the matter.

It has been delayed for a long time, and the surroundings are uneasy.

Speaking of this, he couldn't help worrying, and said: "You two have worked so hard, no matter how thoughtful you are, don't dislike being tired, don't ask the Yushi Yamen to pick out the faults, look at how wronged you are, even if you arrive late and leave early, you will be punished." The Yushi yamen is on the lookout, and he will directly take the knife!"

Zhang Baozhu and Twelve Elder Brothers listened with great solemnity.

Of course they knew what was going on with this censor’s yamen. They thought it was established by Hayartu, the censor of Zuodu and the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and wanted to take a share of the power of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but Zhang Baozhu knew that it was Brother Nine made a fuss about it.

Brother Nine regards him as a confidant and will not avoid anything.

On the other hand, Elder Brother Twelve misunderstood, pursed his lips, and looked a little ugly.

I heard that the six relatives of Yushi didn't recognize him, but I didn't expect that the No. 1 member of the Yushi Yamen was established more than two months ago, and it was actually Brother Jiu.

This is Liwei, and he used to slap Brother Nine in the face to establish his prestige, but he still managed to do so.

"Ninth brother, the censor monitors all the officials, so who will monitor the censor?" Brother Twelve said angrily.

Brother Jiu looked at him and said, "There will be their regulations inside the Yushi Yamen!"

Brother Twelve was still a little angry.

Brother Jiu looked at him like this, and said with awe-inspiring righteousness: "If everyone has your thoughts and thinks about taking revenge on the censor, then the censor will not dare to speak up in the future! Not bad for them, it's the Lord who is too contemptuous these days, Yinhan If Ma was not in the palace, she slacked off on her errands and was impeached, which is not wronged..."

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