My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 932 Six Armors

Zhang Bao was standing beside him, and he couldn't help but nodded when he heard Brother Jiu's words.

Throughout the dynasties, all dynasties with clear government affairs did not target the imperial historian.

This time, the censor directly took the ninth elder brother for surgery. Although it was a bit unexpected, there was no way out.

The relationship between the Ministry of Internal Affairs is intricate, forming aristocratic families of all sizes.

The censor guessed that he had nowhere to start, so he used the impeachment of Brother Jiu to frighten the whole House of Internal Affairs.

Elder Brother Twelve is a little weird in his heart.

Why is Brother Jiu so generous and tolerant?
Isn't it the meanest?

The censor didn't hold grudges when he slapped him directly in the face?
To be lazy...

What kind of laziness is being late and leaving early? !

This official sits in the Yamen and is also divided into ranks.

The Lang official below has to stay up for a while, and I haven't heard that the chief officer must be on guard.

Brother Twelve felt something was wrong, and looked at Brother Nine suspiciously.

Brother Jiu waved his hand and said, "Okay, work hard, what are you thinking about so much?"

After all, he asked He Yuzhu to pack his things.

If you don't come for two months, don't let people take away his things.

In the drawer of the desk, there is his golden abacus.

On the desk, there are inkstones with lotus flowers on both sides, mandarin duck pen washers, pen holders with straight branches, and pen holders with lilies.

They were all brought by Brother Jiu from home, some were given by Shu Shu, and some were exchanged by Brother Jiu.

In Shu Shu's study, brother Jiu also changed the same.

There is no other way, I live a happy life, I just like to see a pair.

Brother Nine told He Yuzhu: "Put it away carefully, if you bump it, you will be punished for half a year!"

He Yuzhu became more careful, and said: "Don't worry, master, everything is fine, if the servant is broken, I dare not break my treasure!"

Elder Brother Twelfth looked puzzled and said, "Brother Ninth, didn't you say two months?"

Brother Nine rubbed his neck and said: "Who knows, if Khan Ama finds out that I have a great talent, maybe I will arrange it to be reused in other places!"

Elder Brother Twelve: "..."

I always feel that my ninth brother is somewhat ignorant of himself.

After finishing packing up and leaving the Yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Brother Nine had a drooping face.

At the gate of Xihua Gate, when the guards who were changing shifts came to say hello, brother Jiu also ignored him, and walked towards the carriage without stopping.

Then look at the eunuchs and servants following behind, all with big bags and small bags, their hands are not idle.

What's the news about Lord Jiu again?

Brother Nine got into the carriage, but his expression didn't improve.

He felt a little aggrieved.

He himself was timid, Khan Ama also sympathized with him, and his wife also warned him, in the final analysis, it was because those slaves were bold and reckless.

If they were really going to be driven into a hurry, they would go crazy and dare to attack him, the prince.

Did Nahan Ama not dare to persecute them?

The carriage was passing through the imperial city, Brother Jiu lifted the curtain of the carriage, his eyes fell on the two guards standing beside him,
You must know that according to statistics in the year of Shunzhi, among the Eight Banners, Manchuria accounted for [-]% of the population, the Mongolian Eight Banners accounted for eight percent, and the remaining [-]% were Han troops and coats.

Of the seventy-five percent, the population of the Han army was almost equal to that of Baoyi.

In this way, the coating population accounts for [-]% of the Eight Banners.

Thirty percent of these coatings are coated by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In the imperial city, there are tens of thousands of households with a population of 6 to [-].

Brother Jiu's face sank, and his hands and feet felt cold.

At the gate of the Ninth Prince's Mansion, just as Shu Shu got out of the carriage, he heard the sound of wheels coming from the street.

Xiao Song looked around and said, "Fu Jin, Master Jiu is back."

Shu Shu was taken aback, leaving early again?
She came out of Ningshou Palace at the third quarter of Chenzheng, and it should be around the second quarter of the sixth day now.

She went in in no hurry, and waited at the door.

He Yuzhu followed the car, saw it, and reminded him: "Master, Fujin is back, waiting at the gate of the mansion."

Brother Jiu let out a long breath, and said, "Hurry up, don't tell Fujin to wait, the sun is shining!"

The carriage picked up speed.

In the time of speaking, he arrived at the gate of the Prince's Mansion.

Shu Shu looked at the carriage, but didn't see brother Jiu, so she felt something was wrong.

The faces of the people who followed were not very good-looking.

Rebuked again?
Brother Jiu got out of the carriage, looked at Shu Shu and said, "It's getting hot, why don't you go in..."

As he said that, he became worried again, and said, "Are you tired of your feet? Firstly, it belongs to the West Sixth Palace and then Ningshou Palace. You have walked a lot today?"

Shu Shu didn't answer in a hurry, but held Brother Jiu's hand, and replied with a smile: "Your Majesty, I'm not tired..."

Brother Jiu's hands and palms were covered with cold sweat, and he looked frightened.

Isn't today the day for Sheng Jia to return to the palace?

What's wrong?

Shu Shu was in doubt, but she didn't show it. She only said with annoyance: "I'm really getting more and more stupid. I agreed to ask my mother how to go to Guo Luoluo's house today, but I forgot I went, I didn’t think of this until I left Di’anmen.”

Brother Nine comforted: "Next time there is still time to ask, they have not paid their respects at the mansion, they are already negligent, dare to challenge our ceremony?"

Shu Shu said: "My lord is right, they should have come to the door first, but now I see that I have been young for two months and I don't see anyone, this is a resentment."

Brother Jiu sneered and said: "It should be a guilty conscience. When I took Gui Yuan to top the vat, I had bad intentions. I didn't ask them to settle accounts. I already took advantage of them!"

Speaking of this, he hated it so much, he said: "I shouldn't have given them a face, and they exploded directly, and the whole family was sent to Ninggu Pagoda to be honest!"

Guo Guiren's cruelty to the prince is "very irreversible", and the whole family's family status is not considered light.

He was shaking with anger.

Shu Shu followed, and echoed, "It's because I was thinking about going left, so I shouldn't have thought about asking your mother. When the time comes, what should your mother say? If you say I don't care about them, it would seem like your mother is not filial; if you say Paying attention to them seems to be embarrassing us, so be it, if you don't talk to them, don't talk to them!"

Brother Nine nodded and said: "That's right! Filial piety is not an issue. If you really want to be stuck with them again, if you don't pester Master and Fifth Brother, you will also pester Shiba..."

Thinking of the "nest case" of the Accounting Department, Brother Jiu thought of the corruption in the Construction Department the year before last.

A palace can swallow thousands of taels of repair costs.

Since Guo Luoluo's family occupies the construction company's territory, how much money will they get?

Most of the savings in the empress's hands were given to their brothers, and the total was not 2 taels.

Guo Luoluo's family gave Guidan 60 taels of pocket money every year, which was just pocket money, not including food and clothing.

In Guo Luoluo's family's gift house, there are about ten or twenty people who look after the house.

The old house in Shengjing is a mansion with five entrances and three spans.

The sons of the few houses are not separated, and the population of the household below is estimated to be around a hundred people.

"I want to go to the Ministry of Criminal Justice..."

When we got to the house, Brother Jiu couldn't help but talk to Shu Shu.

Shu Shu didn't know how to answer the question. Didn't she go to the Ministry of Criminal Justice to look at the case before and was so scared that she couldn't sleep at night?

Brother Jiu sat on the edge of the kang and said angrily: "If the Lord is in the Ministry of Punishment, he will directly raid Guo Luoluo's house and see how much money he has embezzled!"

Shu Shu couldn't help laughing and said: "But the Criminal Department can't control Guo Luoluo's family!"

If Sanguanbao was still the assistant leader of the Shengjing House of Internal Affairs, he would go directly to the Department of Punishment if he committed a crime;

Brother Jiu remembered the situation when he went to Shengjing over there, and said: "I really think that I am a relative of the emperor, and the uncles and wives are not imperial orders, but looking at the clothes, they are no worse than the Shangsanqi family."

Seeing him talking more and more vigorously, Shu Shu said: "Master, it's not a good time to kill relatives now, even if you want to clean up Guo Luoluo's family, you should not take action!"

Brother Jiu sighed, and said: "My lord just said that, he is also bullying the weak and fearing the hard, Daobao and Guidan have both been slapped, so it can be regarded as punishment..."

Speaking of this, he whispered about the matter of Xinuang Pavilion in the morning, and said: "I felt aggrieved before, but when I came from the imperial city, I knew why Khan Ama was careful. There are many people, 5000 to 1000 people in the guard barracks, and these 6000 people are all working as guards in the palace..."

In addition to the hundreds of guards on the Three Banners, these 6000 people are the closest to Yuqian.

"I think about it for a while, even if Khan Ama moves the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he won't make a big move..." Brother Nine said.

But Shu Shu was thinking in his heart that it was the 39th year of Kangxi, and Kangxi was 47 years old this year, still in his prime.

If the matter was uncovered ten years later, he might have dealt with it softer.

Now, this thunder and rain is really hard to say.

"Don't worry too much, Lord. The population of Baoyi is very scattered. A family with a large number of people will end up with one leader. At most, it will overflow to the second leader. Therefore, the influence of each family is in this leader. Among them, unlike the nobles of the Eight Banners, there are six or seven assistant leaders at every turn, and now the hardcore crops are eaten, how many of them really dare to take the risk of rebellion?" Shu Shu comforted.

Brother Nine thought for a while, and said: "That's right, there is also the fact that the Eight Banners separated early, even if they come from one family, the brothers have different futures, and they may not be in the same heart..."

Shu Shu said: "Since the emperor is sympathetic, I'll be honest and ground my feet."

Brother Nine nodded and said: "I understand."

He lay down on the kang outside, and said: "Master, I really thought that Khan Ama had raped the chief of the House of Internal Affairs, and I was thinking about the front courtyard. I don't want to go to other places except Lifan courtyard. If it's not possible, just go Go to the mansion of the old ten mixed clan..."

Shu Shu used to think that the Ministry of Internal Affairs was not involved in the previous dynasty and was a safe place, but now that she thinks about it, it is also a big pit.

She thought for a while, and said: "When this time passes, if the Lord wants to go to the Li Fan Yuan, how about telling the emperor?"

Brother Jiu was a little moved, and then shook his head and said: "Forget it, the eldest brother is 28 or [-], and he still walks in the department. In the past, don't expect to supervise the affairs of the department for ten or eight years. He will still do odd jobs at that time. Now the teacher is Shang Shu, I guess it won't last long, there are too many concurrent errands..."

He looked at Shu Shu and said, "Don't worry, after Khan Ama has finished dealing with the House of Internal Affairs, the place is also clean, and I can't bear to vacate space..."

The main office of the House of Internal Affairs.

The tenth elder brother's face was livid, and he heard the twelfth elder brother say that the ninth elder brother was suspended as the general manager.

Elder Brother Twelve still said angrily: "They are just bullying and afraid of being tough. They know that Brother Jiu will not get angry, so they attack Brother Jiu. They are all villains!"

Elder Brother Shi didn't say anything, but he understood what was going on in his heart.

This is Khan Ama going to tidy up the House of Internal Affairs!

It's better to have a censor to uncover this matter than Brother Jiu to uncover this matter.

Holding grudges together is not a good thing.

But before the ninth brother checked Yufeng Building, he showed some whereabouts outside, so he might not be able to hide it from those who are interested.

Looking back, the old foxes were vigilant, saying that they might not be able to guess Brother Jiu.

Elder Brother Shi didn't show it on his face, he gritted his teeth and said: "What a censor, an official who is as big as a sesame seed, I really don't know how high or low..."

After all, he turned and left.

Elder Brother Twelve was taken aback for a moment, then chased after him, saying: "Brother Ten, Brother Ninth is not upset..."

Elder Brother Ten frowned and said, "Brother Ninth is lenient, I can't stand this!"

After leaving the Xihua Gate, Elder Brother Shi asked the guards for a horse, got on the horse and walked quickly.

Brother Twelve was at a loss, but he didn't know how to stop him. Seeing Brother Ten's horse getting further and further away, he hurriedly trotted to keep up.

Fortunately, there is Jingshan West Street in the middle, and there are also shops. There are many people coming and going, so brother ten can't ride the horse, so he slows down.

Brother Twelve was out of breath, and barely put it on.

After a while, the ten elder brothers arrived at the Yushi Yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

This is a courtyard with three entrances, and there is a plaque hanging at the door, which reads "Inspecting the Imperial History Department of the House of Internal Affairs".

He got off his horse, grabbed the whip and walked in.

"Damn slave, get out!"

Elder Brother Shi entered the yard, ran to the entrance of the main hall and shouted "Deng Deng Deng Deng".

With such a big commotion, the two censors and pen posts in the front hall were startled and came out of the main hall.

Elder Brother Shi was wearing regular clothes, but he was wearing a yellow belt, so he looked like a patriarch.

The foreman, Yu Shi, stepped forward and said respectfully: "This is where the yamen is located. May I ask who this master is..."

Elder Brother Shi didn't wait for the man to finish speaking, the whip had already swung over, wiped the sleeve of the man's clothes, and landed heavily on the stone floor with a "snap".

The censor was startled, and hurriedly hid, and did not dare to stop other pen posts if he wanted to.

Elder Brother Ten's whip flew wildly, cursing as he whipped: "I'm giving you shame, right? It's not good to stare at someone, Brother Ninth who is staring at Master, what? Is it a bald prince who bullies our brothers?"

The yard was a mess.

With just these two sentences, anyone who understands knows the identity of this person. This is the tenth elder brother who has the best relationship with the ninth elder brother.

Everyone looked at the two censors with complaints.

How daring you are, you dare to push hard at elder brother Jiu, and the "three fires for new officials" did not set off like this.

The twelfth elder brother stood at the door, looking thoughtfully at the place where the tenth elder brother's whip fell.

Is Brother Ten's whip so accurate?
After beating for a long time, only the two of them received the whip, and the whip was still light.

Such a big movement has already alarmed the people around.

All of a sudden, the gate of the Yamen of the House of Internal Affairs was full of young and old watching the excitement...

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