When Liang Jiugong arrived at the tenth prince's mansion, the tenth elder brother was not there.

When Shifujin got the news that someone was coming from the palace, when he got to the front, he stared at Liang Jiugong.

Shi Fujin asked someone to move a seat for Liang Jiugong, and said, "Master Shi is in the yamen, Manager Liang has to wait for a while."

Liang Jiugong thanked him and sat down, and said: "The emperor has an order for Master Shi, and my servant is waiting."

The Ten Fortunes immediately called for someone to send a message to the clan's mansion.

The guard at the front knew that Elder Brother Ten had gone to the next door, so he came over and told: "Fu Jin, Master Shi just returned from the yamen, and went to see Master Jiu next door."

Shi Fujin was confused and said, "What's wrong, Brother Nine?"

The guard said: "Jiu Ye was impeached by Yu Shi, and the Chief of the House of Internal Affairs was suspended."

Shi Fujin took a look at Liang Jiugong, and ordered: "Then go and ask Lord Shi to come back, and don't make Eunuch Liang wait."

The guard went in response.

After a while, not only the tenth brother came back, but the fifth brother also followed.

Ninth elder brother wanted to follow, but was stopped by tenth elder brother and fifth elder brother.

The emperor's father asked him to "go home and reflect on himself", which also meant to restrain his feet. It is better to stay at home honestly and don't attract attention at this time.

Liang Jiugong got up and asked Kangxi first: "The emperor asked Brother Shi, do you know the Law of the Qing Dynasty?"

Elder Brother Shi knelt down and listened, feeling a little embarrassed, and said, "I know a thing or two..."

Liang Jiugong said again: "The emperor also asked, is the ten princes blaming the censor or the emperor?"

Elder Brother Shi hurriedly said: "I was annoyed for a while, and blamed Yushi."

Liang Jiugong glanced at Elder Brother Ten and said: "The emperor ordered that Elder Elder Brother be banned from traveling errands in the clan's residence, and copy the "Law of the Qing Dynasty" ten times!"

Elder Brother Shi didn't bother to think about the number of words in the "Great Qing Law", so he got the order first, and then stood up.

The fifth elder brother was beside him, and said: "Ama Khan found out so soon? Those censors went to Qianqing Palace?"

Liang Jiugong kept his mouth shut, but he refused to say more.

Elder Brother Shi pulled off the purse and stuffed it into Liang Jiugong's hands, saying: "It's hot, please trouble Manager Liang."

Liang Jiugong squeezed lightly, his hands were fluttering, and the corners of his mouth curled up, saying: "Thank you Shiye for the reward, as a slave, there was too much movement at the west gate of Jingshan, the boy on duty at Shenwumen reported it to the police. "

Elder Brother Shi knew that the censor hadn't moved yet.
Khan Ama gave the punishment first...

During this morning, the Ninth Prince's Mansion and the Tenth Prince's Mansion have not stopped moving, and there are people from the palace.

People in the neighborhood naturally got the news.

Babeizi Mansion, go to the room.

Eight Fujin is looking at the account books, let alone this season, twelve pieces of yarn were delivered to her, what happened in the last few seasons?
Twelve horses of various kinds of good materials every season, why doesn't she remember seeing them?
"Look, mama, my Fujin is so rich and expensive, 48 bolts of clothes material are produced in a year, let outsiders know, they think I live extravagantly..."

Ba Fujin sarcastically said to Nanny Jin.

Nanny Jin said: "It has nothing to do with the East Hospital. The account books were only accepted last month."

Ba Fujin turned cold, nodded, and said: "Ge Ge, who was educated by the University Scholars' House, is a smart man, he doesn't even have a key, who would be willing to be his housekeeper!"

Nanny Yun and Yaqibu had already been beheaded, and Ba Fujin still had teeth itch when he thought of them.

But thinking of the eighth elder brother, her hatred for the servants became much less.

She said to Nanny Jin: "Mommy, I plan to choose someone to come in from the coat under the door."

Nanny Jin thought for a while, and said, "That's good, it's better than the beautiful girl in Banner Assistant Leader."

The news came from the front, knowing that there was movement in the Ninth Prince's Mansion, Ba Fujin didn't care too much, and said: "Understood."

What the mother said is right, when the mansion is opened, each family lives its own life.

Others are doing well, and they won't get caught up.

Other people's lives are not good, and they can't be hurt...

Four Baylor House.

There was also news at the gate to the main courtyard.

After hearing this, Si Fujin hesitated for a moment, and looked at Si elder brother who was resting on the kang.

Shengjia returned to Luang this morning, and everyone with him got up early.

When the emperor returned to the palace, the people who followed the patrol dispersed.

The fourth elder brother simply used food, and after asking about the situation of the family for more than half a month, he was a little tired, so he just took a nap in the main room.

Si Fujin looked at the clock on the Baibao Pavilion again, and it had been resting for about an hour, so he stepped forward to wake up the fourth elder brother, and said: "Master, I will report from the front that there is something wrong with the Ninth Prince's residence. The fifth elder brother and the tenth elder brother have both passed, and there are still people from the palace..."

The fourth elder brother turned over and sat up, was taken aback when he heard the words, and said, "How many young elder brothers are you Fengsheng?"

Children are difficult to raise, and he also broke his son, so this is the first thing he thought of.

Si Fujin shook his head and said: "It should not be this, if that is the case, the imperial physicians would have been dispatched earlier."

The fourth elder brother rubbed his forehead, but he couldn't think of the reason, got up and got off the kang and said: "Master, go and have a look."

When the fourth elder brother left the Sibeile mansion, he bumped into the eighth elder brother who came back on horseback.

"Fourth Brother is going to see Ninth Brother..."

The eighth elder brother took the reins and got off the horse.

The fourth elder brother nodded, without stopping, and said, "What have you heard? What's the matter?"

The eighth elder brother handed the reins to the guards, followed him, and said: "The rumors spread outside, that is to say, what was said was not true, it was only said that the censor of the Ministry of Internal Affairs impeached the ninth brother for his lack of work, and Khan Ama punished the ninth brother from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Steward."

The fourth elder brother frowned and said, "Is there any news from the Ministry of Internal Affairs?"

Sheng Jia just entered the palace, and with just one pass, he dismissed Lao Jiu's head of the House of Internal Affairs?

Brother Ba thought for a while, and said: "In February, a censor's office was added, and a few man censors were dispatched from the Inspector's Office. It seems that I have never heard of the others."

This is also why outsiders regard this matter as the reason for the censor's yamen's prestige.

It's been the past two months, and I'm planning to stand up.

The fourth elder brother frowned, dissatisfied with Yushi Yamen.

There is no need for Liwei to stare at Brother Nine.

Ma Qi and Hayartu are also linked to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, why don't they want to join those two Liwei? !
Just because the former is a bachelor, the head of hundreds of officials; the latter is the censor of Zuodu of the Inspectorate, their immediate boss.

On the contrary, Brother Jiu, even if the prince is noble, he can't control them.


While talking, the two walked through Babeizi's Mansion and arrived at Ninth Prince's Mansion.

Brother Nine was worried about Brother Ten, who was still in the front yard, listening to Brother Five talking about Liang Jiugong's message and the imperial punishment in the living room.

Hearing that he had copied "Daqinglu" ten times, Brother Nine was dumbfounded, and said: "Hasn't Khan Ama not read "Daqinglu" for a long time? I thought it was like the Four Books and Five Classics, there are not many words in total, so the "Daqinglu" "Qing Lu" has thirty volumes, ten volumes, and it takes effort to copy it once, when will it take to copy it ten times?"

The fifth elder brother was not worried, and said: "It is better than other punishments, so copy it slowly."

Ninth elder brother glanced at fifth elder brother and said dissatisfiedly: "Fifth elder brother, you don't feel pain in your back when you stand and talk, if you copy it again, you have to go to Ningshou Palace to file a complaint..."

The fifth elder brother said: "I am different from you, my fingers are hard, I write slowly, and my hands hurt after writing too much..."

Just as he was talking, the fourth elder brother had already brought the eighth elder brother in directly.

Ninth elder brother and fifth elder brother met and stood up.

The brothers saw each other, the fifth elder brother moved his seat, and the brothers sat down again.

Ninth elder brother said awkwardly: "It's nothing serious, let the brothers worry."

The fourth elder brother looked at the ninth elder brother and said: "Did you know about the excerpts in the royal history?"

Brother Nine immediately shook his head and said: "I don't know, I only know about it after hearing what Han Ama said."

The fourth elder brother's face turned even darker.

The eighth elder brother said with concern: "Don't you go to the Yamen every day? Why is it related to laziness and burnout?"

Brother Jiu coughed lightly, and said: "Isn't it because Sheng Jia is not in Beijing? The palace doesn't have any errands right now, so I'll be back at noon."

The eighth brother was silent.

Brothers walk in six parts, who doesn't go out early and return late?

Brother Jiu doesn't need to be on a foreign job here, and he is considered a leisurely errand, but he still tries to be lazy, which is also in line with his childhood temperament.

But everyone is getting older, who can be the same as when they were young?
The fourth elder brother glared at the ninth elder brother, and said: "When you go back to the garden, why can't you be lazy? It must be ten days and a half months?"

Besides, Brother Jiu stopped his errands at the end of February, and only started going to the Yamen at the beginning of April. In less than a month, he made such a mess again.

The braids are exposed outside, so don't blame the Yushi for taking the opportunity to "kill monkeys and frighten chickens".

Brother Nine said awkwardly: "Didn't you expect that Yu Shi would force his younger brother..."

It is estimated that the censor does not know either.

Poor insight.

But it's not a disadvantage, he can be named in front of the imperial court.

The fifth elder brother said from the side: "It's not all the fault of Lao Jiu, and no one said that the chief officer must sit for a full day. If that is the case, Ma Qi and Hayaltu will be split into pieces!"

Brother Jiu echoed: "Yes, yes, if there are regulations, my brother will not knowingly commit crimes. Even if there are no rules, he will be more casual! They are just picking bones from eggs. There is nothing wrong with them here, and they have to pick other things too. Problem, let them do it, as long as it is out of public interest, step on your younger brother, or else those uncles in the Ministry of Internal Affairs will not be afraid..."

The fourth elder brother looked slightly relaxed, and said: "It's good that you know this truth, you don't need to blame and hold grudges, it's like this in the officialdom, there are too many times to attack each other, if you don't involve personal grievances, you don't need to care about it."

Brother Jiu replied honestly: "Don't worry about it, I guess they are also frightened, it's not easy."

Fourth elder brother: "..."

Could it be because of being an Ama?

Is this still the old nine who must take revenge?
It's a little too reasonable, the fourth elder brother can't believe it.

Fifth elder brother said from the side: "Lao Jiu doesn't hold grudges, that's because Lao Shi has already vented his anger on him, so he went directly to the censor's office to pump him..."

As he said that, he talked about the ten princes making a fuss about the Censor's Office, as well as the punishment in front of the Censor.

The fourth elder brother's face turned black again.


You don't need to think about it, there must be a lot of stories about impeachment and bullying of the courtiers tomorrow...

The eighth elder brother was beside him, pursing his lips.

This is really something ten elder brothers can do.

He glanced west.

Elder Brother Ten is just a county king in his mansion, but he has not been conferred a title, otherwise, this time he will definitely have to be demoted...

Outside the Qianqing Palace.

The third elder brother walked slowly from the Qianqing gate.

Hearing that the ninth elder brother had replaced the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the third elder brother was overjoyed.

He could see clearly that after the past three years, Brother Nine, only the rituals of "three festivals and two longevity" can leave a lot.

Not to mention that "near water must be used first", in the name of an errand, you can go to the imperial court all the time.

Three years ago, Brother Jiu was just an ordinary little brother. Because of his inflexible teeth, he was not in the eyes of the emperor at all.

What about now?
The title of "Aiko" is mixed up!

Even if it is necessary to arrange a "love son" in Agori, the candidate is only between the boss and him.

Even the fifth one can't make it, let alone the ninth...

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