My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 935 Little wolf cub is waiting

Qianqing Palace, Xinuang Pavilion.

Kangxi is watching news from Guo Luoluo's family.

The house of Sanguanbao has already raised the flag, but the in-laws and old relatives are all wrapped up.

After returning to Beijing for more than a month, Sanguanbao's family also held two banquets, which didn't look like a leisurely one.

Even if the errands of the whole family are relieved, they still have confidence.

Yes, there are three princes and grandchildren, whether relatives or not, the kinship cannot be severed.

Looking at the sociable family, Kangxi couldn't help but snort.

Fucha's house...

That's right, this is the in-law of Guo Luoluo's family.

Sanguanbao's second daughter-in-law is the daughter of the Fucha family.

The third daughter-in-law is the daughter of the Shang family.

This Shang family is not the Shang family of the three rebels, but the old surname in Bao Yi.

Kangxi's heart sank.

In the harem, the four concubines were all born in a coat, and he only carried the flag for Guo Luoluo's family before.

One is because Concubine Yi's biological mother died of illness at the time, and he was sad. He wanted to comfort and give grace; the other was to remove Guo Luoluo's family from the coat and cut off the relationship between Guo Luoluo's family and Hesheli's family.

As a result, the three officials rely on the old and sell the old, with two ends of the head rat.

Just as he was thinking, Liang Jiugong came in and said, "Your Majesty, the third master is asking to see you and is waiting outside."

After Kangxi heard this, his eyes fell on the booklet on the other side, on which was the family relationship of Concubine Rong's natal family.

Concubine Rong's natal family is an ordinary family, she was born in Baoyi Manchuria Zuoling, her father was only a member of the Ministry of Internal Affairs before his death, but his uncle was once the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and he also has a title of title.

There is also Tuhai, the late third-class public, who was Concubine Rong's uncle.

Among the four concubines before, it seemed that Concubine Rong's natal family was not prominent, but this arrangement was stronger than the other three.

"Let's pass it on..."

Kangxi pondered for a moment and said.

"Hey!" Liang Jiugong responded and retreated.

At the gate of Qianqing Palace, Third Elder Brother was a little nervous.

If I pick peaches now, I won't be hated by Lao Jiu, right?
Brother Nine should not be stingy about Xiaotangshan's dividends, nor dare he be stingy, otherwise his brothers will be offended.

Xiaotangshan's land has more than doubled, even if he secreted half of it, he should give everyone half of the bonus.

If there are fewer points, everyone is not a fool.

Then my share of dividends starts at 7 to [-] taels.

But here at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, after a year, there should be about 2 taels.

If the old nine is stuck with his dividends, will he be stuck with the supply of the Ninth Prince's Mansion...

"Third Master, Third Master..."

When Liang Jiugong came out, he saw the third elder brother wandering in the sky, and called out softly.

The third elder brother woke up and looked at Liang Jiugong.

"The emperor uploaded..."

Liang Jiugong said.

The third elder brother stuffed his purse over and said, "Please trouble Eunuch Liang..."

"You are welcome..."

Liang Jiugong said respectfully.

Light and fluffy, hard, you don't need to guess that it is two hollow silver ladles, adding up to one or two ends.

Liang Jiugong complained in his heart, but he didn't push it back.

With such a reward, I can't see him twice throughout the year, so I accept it by myself, and I don't want anything else, just trying to make the third master feel uncomfortable.

Picking at a young age, every time the reward is in vain, if you really want to return it, it will be the other party's wish.

The third elder brother couldn't care less about his pouch, he let out a sigh of relief, and entered the Xinuang Pavilion.

He has already made up his mind, expecting money from other people's fingers is definitely not as good as his own.

"Khan Amaan..."

The third elder brother greeted Kangxi first, then looked at Kangxi twice, and said with concern: "Khan Ama is exhausted, it seems that he has lost weight, and he should take care..."

Kangxi snorted coldly and said, "One by one, don't be angry with me, so I can take care of myself!"

The third elder brother sighed, and said: "My son heard about the ninth elder brother, and it can't be all due to the ninth elder brother. It was really rumored a while ago that the ninth younger siblings were all dying, and the ninth younger siblings also I haven't shown up all the time, maybe it's been difficult to take care of them in the past two months, and there are three little ones who need to take care of them for two or three years before they can be compared with single-born children.

Kangxi glanced at the third elder brother, feeling a little disappointed in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face, and said: "It's his fault to abolish the public for personal reasons. Even if the censor doesn't participate, I won't spoil him."

The third elder brother was not surprised. In the past few years, because of "laziness and not traveling on errands", a group of people have been dealt with in the clan, and a shellfish and two princes have also been dismissed.

To be strict with the clan and loose with his son is not the style of an imperial father.

Besides, the emperor himself is extremely diligent, so he naturally looks down on the lazy prince.

The third elder brother said: "Khan Ama has a public heart, even if the ninth elder brother is not angry, he will not complain."

Kangxi looked at the third elder brother, feeling a little stuffy in his chest.

Before anyone else got into trouble, my brother came first.

Is this reminding him that Brother Ninth will have resentment?
In the past six months, I have become a third elder brother with a long memory, and I know what is the way to get along with brothers, but in the end, I still reveal the truth when encountering things.

The third elder brother didn't notice it, and continued: "Ninth elder brother is smart. After these two years, the family has been sorted out, and you can let go, and then go back to the Ministry of Internal Affairs."

Kangxi raised his eyebrows.

What I said was to stop the ninth elder brother from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and when he arrived at the third elder brother, he was directly dismissed.

He laughed angrily, and said: "You are a good brother, you came here to 'help' him talk!"

The third elder brother said: "That's what it should be, who calls a son an elder brother..."

Speaking of this, he hesitated for a moment, looked at Kangxi, and pleaded: "Son, besides pleading for brother Jiu, he also wants to recommend himself to Khan Ama. My son has loved reading since he was a child, and the reason he knows is From the book, it is no more economical than other brothers. The people's livelihood is the shortcoming here. The son begged Khan Ama to give his son a chance, allowing his son to practice in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for two years, and he will also be down-to-earth, so as not to be like a nerd. I don’t know how much it costs for a fight…”

Kangxi looked at the third elder brother, looking up and down.

The third elder brother is tall, with a Chinese character face, and a good appearance. Because he keeps reading books all day long, he is a little more refined than other princes.

But it would be wrong to think of him as a scholar with no power to restrain himself.

Among the princes, the youngest is only inferior to the eldest in riding and shooting.

Both civil and military.

24 is old.

The order teeth are at the front again, and the birth among the princes is also at the front.

Kangxi's eyes were gloomy, and he thought a little more, looking like he was hesitating.

Sensing Kangxi's scrutiny, the third elder brother knelt down and said, "Khan Ama, my son was complacent because of being the king of the county before, and he has less patience with his brothers. If he goes to work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he must be with the ninth elder brother." Learn, treat my younger brothers well, and respect the crown prince and King Zhijun even more..."

Kangxi looked at him, and said after a while: "The errands of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are trivial and not as easy as you imagine."

The third elder brother saw that his voice was relaxed, suppressed his excitement, and said seriously: "My son will do his job well and dare not be self-reliant. If you encounter important problems, please ask Mr. Ma and Mr. Ha..."

Kangxi frowned, and said: "Get up, what will you look like!"

The third elder brother became honest, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up.

Kangxi's eyes fell on a few cases again, he pondered for a while, and said: "Since you volunteered, let's appoint the chief of the Ministry of Internal Affairs first!"

"Thank you, Ama, for your grace!" The third elder brother hurriedly responded.

Although he was not directly linked to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he was not disappointed.

When Lao Jiu first came to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he also started as the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Kangxi pondered and said: "The first errand I entrust to you is to raise the flag of the three mother families of Yanxi Palace, Yonghe Palace, and Zhongcui Palace."

The third elder brother couldn't help but widen his eyes when he heard this.

Concubine Yanxi Palace?Concubine Hui!

Concubine Yonghe?Concubine De!

Concubine Zhong Cui?My own wife!
Raise the flag for three relatives at once? !

Is it because of the empress dowager's [-]th birthday and the grace given to the concubine?

Or was it because Khan Ama annoyed Lao Jiu and regretted praising Concubine Yi, so he gave the other three concubines to En'en to stand shoulder to shoulder with Concubine Yi?

The third elder brother was entangled. As the son of Concubine Rong, he should thank his mother on behalf of his mother, but right now it's official business.

He calmed down a bit, and said, "Ama Khan, is it time for this relative to raise the flag before the Holy Birthday?"

Kangxi pondered for a while, Shengshou Festival is in October, and there are still five months before now, it has been delayed for too long.

He said: "Since it is the Empress Dowager's grace, there is no need to delay it too late, and finish it before the end of May."


The third elder brother responded crisply.

If he took on other errands, he would still feel apprehensive, worried that he would show his timidity and make people laugh; he didn't have to worry too much about the errand of carrying the flag, there is Yifei's example, just follow that.

Concubine Yi's raising the flag was the will of Ama Khan himself, and according to that, it should meet Ama Khan's wishes.

When the third elder brother left the Qianqing Palace, he stood at the square of the Qianqing Palace, hesitating whether to send the eunuch to Zhongcui Palace to announce the good news to his mother.

Immediately, thinking about the impeachment of Brother Nine, he changed his mind.

He is not only the son of the empress, but also the newly appointed head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Even if you pay filial piety to Zhong Cui Palace in the future, you don't need to put it in the open, and those who mention it will be flattered.

He went directly to the yamen of the House of Internal Affairs.

Haha ...

Only then did I discover the benefits of being an errand in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, being in the palace every day is different from walking in the six departments.

It's really close to Qianqing Palace, it's just a hundred or so steps away, and you can reach it by just lifting your feet.

Elder Brother Twelve has already dealt with the official affairs, which are all the daily affairs of each yamen, there is nothing special, just follow the rules.

Seeing the third elder brother coming in, the twelfth elder brother was surprised, but he still got up and said: "Third elder brother..."

The third elder brother was staring at the big book case in front of him, looking at it intently, and when he heard the movement, he saw the twelfth elder brother in the corner.

"Eh? You are studying in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, when did you come here?"

The third elder brother glanced at the small desk of the twelfth elder brother and walked over.

Brother Twelve said, "I'll be here after a year."

The third elder brother said: "I forgot that you have been out of the study, and you are also a grown-up, it is time to learn errands..."

He said in his mouth, but he was very fortunate in his heart. Fortunately, he took the initiative to invite Ying, otherwise, it is impossible to say that Khan Ama would no longer refer to the prince, and would choose someone with sufficient qualifications from the doctors below. After two years and ten years The second elder brother learned about the same, so he took over.

Cut off my brother's beard.

The third elder brother was not guilty, only complacent, coughed lightly, and said: "Starting today, Khan Ama asked me to appoint the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs..."

The twelfth elder brother looked at the third elder brother with a dull expression.

Are you coming this time?

What about Brother Nine?

The third elder brother raised his eyebrows and said: "Your ninth brother has dismissed the manager, someone must come over..."

Elder Brother Twelve mentally compared "stop" and "reform", and he still believed in Brother Nine more.

He didn't break up with the third elder brother, but handed over the processed official document and said, "Third elder brother, this is today's official document."

The third elder brother picked it up, picked up a file to look through, and couldn't help being stunned when he saw the instructions behind.

He looked at Elder Brother Twelve and put on his guard.

It's really a biting dog that doesn't bark. Less than half a day after the old nine changed, there was already a little wolf cub waiting for his position!
The third elder brother's face darkened, and he looked at the twelve elder elders seriously, and then said in a deep voice: "Come to the House of Internal Affairs to study errands, have you passed the seventh department and the third courtyard below?"

"No..." Brother Twelve answered truthfully.

The third elder brother showed disapproval on his face, and said: "What can I learn in the hall of the hall? You have to walk around to learn something. Let's start from the Guangchu Division starting tomorrow. Each office will last for a month. First learn the errands of each yamen, plus the office of book repairing and manufacturing in the palace, the imperial tea dining room, and the office of the three banners and the collar of the three banners will also take turns..."

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