My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 939 Please give me an idea

Chapter 939 I beg you to give me an idea
The Ninth Prince's Mansion, the upper room.

Brother Nine was talking to Shu Shu about Brother Three falling into the trap, and said: "This person really can't be too bad. If he has bad intentions, his luck will be bad. You say that the third brother is unlucky, and I will sweat it when I look back." There is one more thing to keep in mind!"

Shu Shu was also surprised, and said: "This... Isn't the third elder brother famous for his literary talents? He also had an errand in the Ministry of Rites before?"

Brother Jiu snorted softly and said, "Why else? Greedy, being in the Ministry of Rites is greedy for fame, and coming to the Ministry of Internal Affairs is greedy for money. Compared with fame, money is naturally more desirable..."

Speaking of this, he shook his head and said: "It's really a death. At another time, Khan Ama would not care about him. This time he is planning to clean up people. It may not be true to 'kill monkeys and frighten chickens'."

Shu Shu thinks that the third elder brother may not be that courageous and greedy, maybe it's just a small fight.

Ninth elder brother saw her disapproval, and said: "He is not greedy, someone dragged him to be greedy, and the people of the Ma family all quit before, this time third elder brother is in charge, so he will definitely post it."

Shu Shu said: "Since the emperor wants to clean up the House of Internal Affairs, he should be aware of it, but it is the tenth younger brother who has been implicated this time, and the Yushi is afraid to make a note of it."

Brother Nine said: "If someone really stares at Old Ten and bites, Master asks someone to say hello."

After hearing this, Shu Shu felt relieved.

If it is a Han Yushi, righteousness is overwhelming, a gentleman will do something and not do something, he may not succumb to the power of the prince elder brother, Man Yushi is different.

Going around, you can find a relationship, just ask someone to come over and talk...

The gate of Qianqing Palace.

Several censors of the Ministry of Internal Affairs came out with serious expressions.

In the eyes of the guards and guards, there are many guesses.

Is this a complaint?

I'm afraid it won't be of much use.

The prince elder brother who has changed other titles can still stop his salary and downgrade, but the tenth elder brother has not been knighted yet, so there is no way to descend, and there is no way to stop.

Qianqing Palace, Xinuang Pavilion.

Kangxi thought about it for a while, looked at Prince Jian and said, "It's really rude for the emperor's ten sons to whip the censor. The clan's family discussed it and demoted it to a first-class title because of a big mistake."

Prince Jane was stunned.

When was it discussed?
Sununa, the old boy, skipped himself and gave the imperial examination directly?
Kangxi said: "The clan's mansion will play up here."

Only then did Prince Jane realize that it was a misunderstanding and there was no discussion yet.

He hurriedly bowed and said, "Hey!"

When he left the Qianqing Palace, Prince Jane's waist was straight, without the slightest resentment of being a scapegoat.

Taking the blame for the emperor, is that still called taking the blame?

As for Elder Brother Ten, Prince Jane is not worried about offending him.

Elder Brother Ten has also been in the clan's mansion for three years, so he is a peace of mind.

Even if you don't worry, there is nothing you can do.

Elder Brother Ten's Prince's Mansion was built according to the county king, and now he has been recited on his body, and Baylor was the first to be lowered to the first rank.

Even if the emperor gives more "grace" at that time, he will still be crowned the county king, and he will be inferior to the hereditary prince...

In Yuqing Palace, study room.

The prince felt a little gloomy when he heard the news from outside.

The third elder brother is different from the ninth elder brother. He is one of the sons most valued by the emperor.

Concubine Rong...

She seems to be the last of the four concubines, but she is the first concubine in the harem, and she grew up with the emperor's father in the palace, and her affection is different.

The third elder brother has always been close to him, but the prince does not care about this kind of closeness.

Now, he wants to think about his relationship with the third elder brother.

He called the chief eunuch of Yuqing Palace, and said: "Dragon Boat Festival, what did Sanbeile Mansion send over?"

The chief eunuch thought about it, and said, "Zongzi, realgar wine, tea leaves, fans..."

"Where is the Ninth Prince's Mansion?" the prince asked again.

"There are also four kinds, rice dumplings, roast chicken, tea leaves, sachets..." said the chief eunuch.

They are all four, and they look about the same.

Fans are suitable for the occasion, but in terms of spices, they are more expensive.

"How did the princess return the gift?" the prince asked.

"Except for the prince's mansion outside the palace, there are four gifts in return, rice dumplings, daughter's tea, palace fans, and sachets; the prince's mansion in Zhijun adds two more, four pieces of Taixi gauze, and four strings of agate eighteen sons... " said the eunuch in charge.

The prince frowned when he heard this.

Although he understands that the extra difference is for a few little princesses who lost their mothers, he still feels uncomfortable.

Who doesn't know that the boss has been fighting him tit for tat all these years?

The crown princess is like this, it seems that Yuqing Palace is afraid of the boss, first bowed her head.

But in the eyes of the elders in the palace, they would think that the Crown Princess did the right thing.

The prince couldn't help but feel blocked.

He also hoped that the husband and wife would raise their eyebrows in the same case, but the princess is a person with ideas, and she does not act according to his preferences.

She just looked gentle.The outer circle and the inner square are not as virtuous as the elders saw...

If it was only the well-informed people who got the news that day, they half believed it. On the next day, the third elder brother went to the Ministry of Internal Affairs under the watchful eyes of everyone.

The Ninth Prince's Mansion, the upper room.

There are guests.

Seven Fujin is here.

"My master is a shut-up gourd, I can't ask anything, I'm really worried, so I came here by myself..."

Qifu Jin spoke quickly: "Okay, why did you let the censor follow? Whose family's children are so ignorant of the rules?"

Shu Shu held her hand, welcomed her into the room, and said: "It's nothing serious, the emperor used our grandfather as a raft for Yushi Liwei, it happened to be hot, and our grandfather wished he could rest."

Seeing Shu Shu like this, Qi Fujin heaved a sigh of relief and said: "It's so lively outside, even my brother Yan Qiang said it, I'm still worried that you won't go to the garden?"

Qi Fujin also wanted to follow, saying: "When the time comes, let's play leaf cards with the concubines."

Shu Shu thought about the brain-burning of playing cards, thanked him for not being sensitive, and said: "I can't sit still, when the time comes, you can use the third sister-in-law to make up the numbers..."

Qifujin glanced at her, and said nahan, "You are generous and don't hold grudges?"

Shu Shu laughed and said: "If the third master snatches our master's title or something, I still have a reason to hold grudges. This job doesn't mean that it belongs to someone else. How can there be such a reason? It's other elder brothers , and didn’t say what’s missing, isn’t it also six rounds?”

Qifujin snorted softly, and said: "It can be seen that life is going smoothly, and everyone has become generous."

Shu Shu smiled and said: "The little ones in my family are clingy, and they have to find someone every day. Now that our master is at home, I really wish..."

Speaking of this, she thought of Sangege of Qifujin, who was born on April 26 last year and turned 26 this year, but there was no wine.

"I haven't gone out for half a year, how is my niece doing now?" She asked with concern.

Qi Fujin lowered her volume and said: "Two nurses have been replaced, both of which are just born. I don't know if it's because the size of the three grids is too big, or it's really useful. It looks better than before. I want to make up for her first. , As for slow learning to walk and slow learning to speak, don’t worry, just don’t lose your health.”

Shu Shu was very unfamiliar with these parenting knowledge, so she just said: "Ask the imperial doctor about everything, it's not easy to be self-professional."

Qifujin nodded and said: "I can save it, our master has invited all the good doctors in the capital this year, even the foreign doctors..."

Speaking of this, she hesitated for a moment, and said: "There is something, I want to ask you to help me with an idea..."

Shu Shu hurriedly said: "If you have something to do, you can tell me to grow up like a little sister, and now she has become a sister-in-law again. It is heresy to say these things."

Qifujin sighed, and said: "San Gege is like this, I don't know where I will go in the future, I have to stay by my side to be at ease, I just want to save more dowry for her."

Among the sisters-in-law, her dowry is more than insufficient and more than inferior.

She had never paid much attention to this before, but seeing that Shu Shu's silver house, restaurant, and pastry shop were booming, and Shi Fujin's foreign goods shop was also making a lot of money, she followed suit.

"Several dowry shops were used to save worry before. Except for the silk and satin shop and the rice shop, the others are rented out and directly collected rent. There is not much money in a year..."

Shu Shu thought about it carefully, and wanted to earn money in a steady stream, with small investment and low risk, just for food and clothing.

But restaurants and bakery shops are nothing new, they have too much business with her, and with Qi Fujin's temper, even if she suggested it, she wouldn't do it.

Shu Shu thought of the ethos of the Bannerman, who loves to be decent, what to eat and what to wear should be in season.

But even if the Eight Banners are hard-core crops, not every family is noble, most of them are ordinary people.

Shu Shu said: "How many other shops are there for Seventh Sister-in-law?"

Qi Fujin said: "There are three more places. The land in Gyeonggi is hard to buy, and our family doesn't have much. Here in the dowry industry, there is only one Zhuangzi, five shops and two small courtyards."

Shu Shu was not in a hurry to speak, but looked at the tea tray.

There are six teacups in the tea tray, and now the sisters-in-law each use one, and there are four left.

Shu Shu took out one, and said: "Banner people like to be decent, but it's not easy to wear new clothes that are in season. If you want to buy materials, you have to find a needleworker. Seventh sister-in-law has a ready-made silk and satin shop, and the population in the house is very large." There are many, you can directly add a ready-made clothing store to catch new ones before the season changes, you don’t need too good materials, just moderate prices, as long as the styles are fashionable, and you can also undertake customization..."

Speaking of this, she picked up the second teacup and said: "Some people don't like to wear old clothes, or it's past the season, and they don't have enough money to change new clothes, then Seventh Sister-in-law, you can open a small shop and open a new one." A clothes shop, selling these old clothes is also a small income..."

Then she picked up the third teacup and said, "Apart from the clothes for daily wear, there are also some dresses and big clothes. They are not worn once in 800 years, and the price is also expensive. Ordinary people are reluctant to buy them, but weddings and funerals are still available." When you want to wear them, you can turn the remaining shop into a Baiyifang, make some expensive clothes and store them, and rent them out..."

"It's just a small amount of money, but the men and women of the Banner family love to save face. When these three shops open, the business will not be bad..."

"The key is that there are silk and satin factories for the fabrics, and there are needleworkers in Fuzhong for the staff, so it's easy to get started..."

Qi Fujin held Shu Shu's hand, unable to speak for a while.

This sounds like a way to make money.

Shu Shu has no shortage of money, and she can do it if she wants to.

Qi Fujin shook his head, and said: "No, I can't take advantage of you like this, let's forget about this matter, you have everything you want, so you can figure it out yourself."

Shu Shu shook his head and said: "I really just thought about it, it's just a little rough, if you want to make money, you have to perfect it, anyway, this idea is for Seventh Sister-in-law, you won't use it if you don't use me. Having said that, we won’t open new shops anymore, the shop is too big to be seen, it’s not a merchant after all, as long as we have enough money..."

(End of this chapter)

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