Qi Fujin is also a straightforward person, seeing Shu Shu's determination, he accepted her kindness without any fuss.

Today is the first day of May, and after the Dragon Boat Festival, everyone will go to Elder Brother’s House in Haidian, where they will live next to each other, and there will be plenty of opportunities to talk, so Qi Fujin did not stay long, so he bid farewell and left.

Shu Shu sent him out of the mansion in person, watching Qi Fujin's carriage leave.

At this time, I saw two riders approaching the intersection, "da da" coming this way.

The two riders did not stop at the Sibeile Mansion, nor did they stop at the Babeizi Mansion, but came directly to the Ninth Prince's Mansion.

Shu Shu didn't go back to the house immediately, but looked over.

The two riders seemed to be saying something, pulled the reins, and speeded up.

Xiao Song has sharp eyesight and often goes out with Shu Shu, saying: "Fu Jin, it's Mr. Osmanthus Osmanthus..."

Shu Shu also saw the outline, the person on one of the burgundy horses looked familiar.

It's just that I haven't seen each other for half a year, and Osmanthus Dan has become a osmanthus branch. I have lost most of my body weight, and my facial features have become clearer. The nose and chin actually look a bit like Concubine Yi.

It's normal for my nephew to look like an aunt, but he was a little fat before, so it didn't show.

The person next to Guidan looks dark and thin, but his features are clear and his eyes are black and bright.

At this moment, the two of them had already stopped a few feet away and got off their horses.

"Slave Gui Dan has seen Jiufu Jin, please let Jiufu Jin be safe..."

Guidan stepped forward and greeted Qianqian.

Shu Shu nodded and said: "Uncle Gui, get up quickly, I haven't seen you for a while, why are you polite..."

Gui Dan calmed down, pointed to the people around him and said, "Jiufujin, this is the servant's cousin Guiyuan, who was also Jiuye's haha ​​bead earlier..."

As he spoke, he looked at Gui Yuan and said, "What are you doing standing there stupidly? Haven't you met Master Fujin yet?"

Gui Yuan was a bit shy, and also gave Shu Shu a thousand presents.

Shu Shu also yelled, and said: "Master Jiu mentioned you a few days ago, and he estimated that it's time to arrive in Beijing, and you're not an outsider, come in quickly..."

Gui Yuan felt ashamed, and said, "It's the slave who acted carelessly and caused trouble for Master Jiu."

Shu Shu couldn't say anything about the matter involving the three officials and security guards, so she invited the two of them in.

Both of them looked dusty.

No wonder Gui Dan was silent except for the guards. Did he go to Shengjing?

Brother Jiu is currently in the study.

Yesterday he asked someone to look for Fu Qing, but it was a step too late, Fu Qing had already brought back homework.

That is a book called "Hundred Proverbs of Encouraging Forbearance".

Copy books, but also write reading notes.

Knowing that elder brother Jiu didn't like reading, Ma Qi gave him a limit, asking him to hand in two copies of the book every ten days, plus two notes.

Last year, after Brother Jiu cut horses at Haidian Yumachang, Ma Qi also gave a book, which was "Ninja Classic", and asked him to copy it a hundred times.

This time, it's the old trick again.

Brother Jiu regretted it.

Who has a good life but is willing to copy books?

Isn't it too conspicuous to send someone to look for Elder Brother Twelve now?

Be honest.

It happened that Qi Fujin came to visit, so he escaped from the main courtyard and went to the front study to read books.

Flipping through it, Brother Jiu thinks it makes sense. For example, this sentence, "The way of a righteous family begins with the husband and wife. The ancestors are sacrificed and the parents are raised. Only the husband is righteous and the wife is obedient, and the family is rich."

Whose life is as smooth as theirs?

Fujin loves him, and he also loves Fujin, and he has both sons and daughters.

Not to mention that there are no bastards, there is only one person next to him.

He and Fujin are the "one generation, one pair for a lifetime" in Nalan Rongruo's poems.

It's a pity that he doesn't know how to write poems, otherwise he really wanted to write a poem for Fujin, which will be passed down through the ages and let people know how much they love each other.

From this point of view, this "Hundred Admonitions for Persuading Forbearance" is more interesting than "Jingjing".

However, Brother Jiu still felt that seeing this would not improve him much, and that he should still lose his temper.

He can't do things without being surprised like a teacher.

Just as he was thinking, there was movement outside.

He Yuzhu came in and said, "Master, Uncle Gui and Gui Yuan are here, waiting in the yard."

Brother Jiu ignored "Uncle Gui", heard "Gui Yuan" clearly, stood up immediately, and strode out.

At the door of the study, both Gui Dan and Gui Yuan felt uneasy.

Seeing Brother Jiu come out, Gui Yuan immediately knelt down, kowtowed three times, and said with a sob: "Slave Gui Yuan thanks Master Jiu for his great kindness..."

If Brother Nine hadn't acted, he would have been beaten as the mastermind of stealing ginseng and given a heavy sentence. Whether he could save his life is another matter.

Brother Jiu felt uncomfortable, pulled Gui Yuan up, and said: "I'm not an outsider, what are you talking about? You belong to the master, if the master doesn't protect you, who will protect you?"

Gui Yuan said in shame: "Jiu Ye treats the slave leniently, but the slave abandoned Jiu Ye the year before last."

Brother Nine waved his hand and said: "The past is over. I was stupid at the time, and I was fooled by others. I can't think of anything else. If I ask you a few more questions, I won't let you be tricked back to Shengjing..."

Speaking of this, he looked at Gui Dan next to him, and said in surprise: "Hey! You have changed into a living person? Why are you so thin? Go back to Fifth Brother's house and teach Fifth Brother..."

Gui Dan grinned, but did not reply eagerly, but said: "I have private things, I want to report to Lord Jiu alone..."

Brother Jiu turned his eyes around Guidan's face, saw the rare seriousness in his eyes, nodded slightly, and told He Yuzhu: "Take Guiyuan to the guest room to freshen up, have a good rest, and take two of the clothes that the master didn't have on his upper body. Let him use it first..."

"Master Jiu, no need..." Gui Yuan hurriedly said.

Brother Jiu snorted softly: "I'm home, what are you talking about?"

I don't know if it's because of growing up, Brother Jiu also remembered that when he was a child, he was really close to Haha Bead's little friend.

When He Yuzhu took Gui Yuan to the guest house, Brother Jiu asked Gui Dan to follow him into the study.

"Finally, I've got my heart set. Is this because I want to bring Gui Yuan back and make amends?"

Brother Nine sat behind the desk and hummed softly.

Sending Gui Dan to the Punishment Department last year was just to scare people.

On the contrary, it was Gui Dan's mother, Jin Shi, who had a grudge against her. In early March, it was rumored that something bad happened to Shu Shu after giving birth, and Jin Shi was the one who chewed her tongue behind her, adding fuel to the flames.

Brother Nine was annoyed, so he kicked Guidan's guards.

Gui Dan smiled wryly and said, "This servant really wants to make amends, but it's not about taking over Guiyuan, but this time, this servant went to Shengjing, to Ula, Jilin, and found the place where Mafa secretly planted Yishan ginseng and garden ginseng. ..."

Brother Nine heard this, and his expression became serious.

Of course he knows what "Yishan ginseng" and "Yuan ginseng" are.

Speaking of ginseng, the former is to transplant small wild ginseng to a more suitable place to make it grow faster; the latter is to collect ginseng seeds, raise seedlings and sow seeds.

In the market, these two ginseng are regarded as fake ginseng because they are not as effective as wild ginseng. In fact, except for professional medicinal material merchants and pharmaceutical people, ordinary people have no way to distinguish the difference between the two.

Thinking about the price of ginseng, Brother Jiu gasped, looked at Guidan, and said, "You Mafa are using privately purchased ginseng as a cover to confuse those fake ginseng?"

Gui Dan nodded and said: "It should be so..."

Brother Nine looked at him, puzzled, and said, "How do you uncover this? You must know that privately growing ginseng is a serious crime, shouldn't it be 'hidden from each other'?"

With sullen expression on Guidan's face, he said: "Mafa disliked our father and son's incompetence, and couldn't hold on to his support, so he gave the two assistants in the family to the servant's second uncle and third uncle. If it's just this matter, the slave has nothing to complain about, but Mafa wrote a letter, saying that the family was divided in Shengjing, and the family property was divided equally. He also left us 5000 taels of split money. He wrote that he would keep his second uncle by his side for the elderly, and asked us to find a house. move out……"

Guidan claimed to be the grandson of the eldest son when he was young, and he was also raised pampered. Now he is treated like a discarded shoe by the family, so he can't stand it.

"The slave is thinking, since Mafa is reluctant to part with his belongings, then no one should part with them. I wonder if this can redeem the crime with Master Jiu?" Gui Dan said in a muffled voice.

He was originally a heartless person, but he has experienced a lot of turmoil in the past half a year, and he looks much more stable.

Brother Jiu snorted coldly: "It deserves it! I can't tell who is far and who is near!"

Daobao is the younger brother of the empress, and the head of Guo Luoluo's family should be the most confident branch with the most backing and a promising future, so they are separated from each other as a family.

They have no backer, and it is expected that they will be abandoned by the family.

Gui Dan's eyes were red, and he said: "The servant E Nie has already regretted it, I am a new concubine..."

Brother Jiu rolled his eyes and said, "Your Mama has a big heart, you lost your errand, and you still have the mood to be a groom!"

Gui Dan smiled wryly and said: "I was afraid of shame, so I dare not go outside, I drank at home all day, and then I went to the little wife's house, hoping to give birth to a little one to make haha ​​beads for the eighteenth master, I was dazed when I saw it."

Nine princes are not sympathetic.

Daobao is the head of the family, so it is his fault that he cannot restrain his wife.

Also, between Guo Luoluo's house and the two prince's nephews, he was at both ends of the fence, he wanted to get all the benefits, how could there be such a good thing?

If you don't deal with him, do you want Brother Jiu and Brother Fifth to break up with that gossip of the Jin family?
Daobao and his wife deserve it, but here in Guidan, Brother Jiu planned to use it before...

It was to put a pair of eyes and a pair of ears in Guo Luoluo's house, so as not to cause a big incident in private and make them lose face.

There is also Gui Dan who grew up with him, without a city mansion, so he can see through.

He looked at Gui Dan with disdain, and said, "Look at your prospects, you Mafa and the others, what else do you have besides two assistant leaders? For the sake of your rare cleverness, Master Huihui will make up for you as a bodyguard." After a few years of experience, let’s talk about other things.”

Osmanthus Dan is also here for this.

After all, Guo Luoluo's family used to wear clothes to carry the flag, not the old surname of Xianghuangqi, so it would be extremely difficult to make up for the lack of the flag.

If the family does not support and mediate, there is no hope.

On the contrary, here in the Ninth Prince's Mansion, as long as Brother Nine nods, he can make up for his future.

Gui Dan's eyes were red, and he knelt down on his knees and said, "Thank you Lord Jiu for taking in this servant, and this servant will definitely do his duty faithfully."

Brother Jiu warned: "I don't support idlers here, and I don't see people taking advantage of others. You and Gui Yuan don't have much credit. You should start as a third-class guard. If you are capable, you can be promoted to second-class. If you dare to be like before , bluffing and deceiving outside under the banner of the master, the master will not send you to the Punishment Department, but directly send you to the respect room!"

Gui Dan couldn't help pinching his legs, and said solemnly: "I dare not, I was young at that time, I was a bastard and ignorant, I have been working as a servant in the palace for the past two years, and I have learned the rules..."

Brother Nine raised his chin and said: "Anyway, you have seen my temper, and I don't like others to talk about old love with you. You don't have any old love to talk about here..."

Thank you, the leader, and thank you all the book friends who voted. There is an activity in the book friend circle to share the starting point currency, and interested book friends can participate.

The next update will be around 3:20 noon on February 12th, welcome to Qidian APP to read.

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