Chapter 941 Hu Liai Lie (the first change asks for a monthly pass)

When Brother Jiu returned to the room, Shu Shu was already tilted, her eyes were a little wandering, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Brother Jiu sat on the edge of the kang, thinking of Qi Fujin who had just left, and said: "Sister-in-law Qi has learned gossip from outsiders? It's not good for me, or something, don't take it to heart..."

Shu Shu turned over and sat up, looked at Brother Jiu, shook his head and said: "I didn't say anything, I just mentioned that San Gege will stay in the capital in the future, and our Da Gege also asked for grace to stay in the capital, right? If you want to marry Mongolia and Manchuria, you don't care about princes and county kings, just choose from among the children of the Mongolian Eight Banners in the capital..."

To be honest, Shu Shu doesn't object to the Manchu-Mongolian marriage, but she doesn't want Da Gege to "touch Meng".

In that case, the flesh and blood will be separated, and I can't stand it even thinking about it.

Now that the Eight Banners are Sinicized, except for the princess who opens the mansion alone and discusses national etiquette with her in-laws, other clan daughters still have to discuss family etiquette.

Even the daughter of the clan must be required to be virtuous and virtuous.

On the contrary, the Mongols kept the simple tradition, and the status of women was higher.

Brother Jiu touched his chest and said, "Okay, why mention this? It makes people uncomfortable!"

Shu Shu sighed and said, "As long as we have the final say, I'd rather have three older brothers..."

It's not patriarchal, but it's not very friendly to women now.

At that time, it will be like reincarnation, and if it is not comprehensive, it will make people suspense.

Brother Jiu pondered and said: "For the dowry silver of 20 taels, we have to pick and choose carefully. When we are in our teens, we can choose a comparable family. Let's take a closer look. If we really want to choose the Mongolian Eight Banners, we can choose it." Those from Horqin, if they were from Manchuria, they would pick the second son and the third son who could be separated from the family, let alone the Han army, there are too many red tapes..."

Now it is popular for Zong girls to marry late, and they will be on the [-]th or [-]th.

Shu Shu sighed and put it down, thinking about the two people he saw just now, he said curiously: "Gui Yuan is fine, he has been in the yoke of Shengjing Yamen for several months, and he is haggard when he looks haggard. What's the matter with Guidan? Don’t even dare to admit it?”

Brother Jiu said: "Little two months have not been idle, he has been on the road, and he has been drilling in the mountains for more than half a month, he is young, if he is older, he will have fallen down long ago, it is still cold outside the pass, and there is no snow in the mountains What about..."

As he said that, he talked about Sanguanbao's private cultivation of ginseng.

"Now the price of ginseng has doubled compared to previous years, I dare not think how much money the old man has secreted..." Brother Jiu gritted his teeth.

Shu Shu was a little confused.

If the money is okay in the hands of Guo Luoluo's family, it's nothing more than greed.

As for the private cultivation of ginseng, although it seems to be prohibited, it is not a serious crime of decapitation.

I'm afraid that these money will be treated as political investment and flow into Yuqing Palace in private.

If that's the case, Guo Luoluo's family didn't run away when they turned over old accounts.

Immediately Shu Shu thought about the age of Sanguan Bao, and he was over sixty years old.

She was not in a hurry, and said: "It's not appropriate to reveal this matter, and it's not appropriate for the master to reveal it. I'd better ask the empress what she means, or discuss it with the fifth brother..."

It's nothing for a family who has lost their job. If they really want to become sinners, they will still hurt the dignity of the mother and son.

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "Don't worry, Master, let's talk about it when we have a proper solution. It's Gui Dan. This time, the man gave me a hand, which really impresses the master. He is always a coward, and there are times when he is so ruthless. "

Shu Shu recalled Tanchun's words in "Dream of Red Mansions", "'A centipede is dead but not stiff', you must first commit suicide at home before you can be completely defeated."

This is the case with Guo Luoluo's family.

They have been operating in Shengjing for several generations, and the sky is as high as the emperor is far away. If Guidan hadn't uncovered this matter, who would have thought that there would be such a mine buried.

"If Grandpa invites the old man over in private and scares him a little bit, can he spit out the money?" Brother Jiu was a little moved.

This is illegal wealth, and I don't feel guilty when I think about it.

Shu Shu hurriedly said: "My lord, I'd better say goodbye. If you don't say anything, it's easy to cause trouble."

Barefoot people are not afraid of wearing shoes, and Guo Luoluo's family is now also barefoot.

Brother Jiu curled his lips and said: "Okay, master, let's rest for a while, if this time Khan Ama cleans up the House of Internal Affairs, he can also clean up Guo Luoluo's house by the way, so we can rest easy!"

Shu Shu didn't answer, feeling hopeless.

There are really too many concubines in Kangxi. Now in the harem, apart from Concubine Tong and Concubine He, who are from the Eight Banners, and Wang Guiren and Gao Guiren are civilian daughters, the other concubines are almost all beautiful women from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The relatives involved There are twenty or thirty families...

Yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The third elder brother sat behind the desk, full of ambition.

He just looked around yesterday, and there was nothing but desks and chairs.

When he came here this morning, he asked the eunuch in the study to pack up the pens, inks, papers and inkstones, as well as the scrolls, and brought over a pair.

Now on the wall behind his desk, there is a picture written by him on the wall, which reads "good morals carry things".

On the desk, there are also pen holders, pen holders and inkstones.

As for the table and chairs in the corner where Elder Brother Twelve sat, he had already carried them out with a note.

What is it like?
There are so many empty rooms in this yamen, why do we have to squeeze in here?

Little boy, ambitious and ill-intentioned.

The third elder brother was complaining, and there was movement outside.

It was the fourth elder brother who came and was standing at the door, looking at the third elder brother with cold eyes.

He often comes to the yamen of the House of Internal Affairs, so he naturally knows the layout of Brother Nine's chief supervisor.

The third elder brother noticed his gaze, raised his head, saw that it was the fourth elder brother, and said with a smile: "The fourth elder brother is here, and he is about to send someone to call you over. There is a big happy event to tell you!"

The fourth elder brother still drooped his face, looked at the third elder brother with cold eyes, and said: "I heard that the third elder brother took the initiative to ask Ying to ask Yuqian to be the head of the House of Internal Affairs?"

The third elder brother coughed lightly, and said: "Lao Jiu has dismissed the chief manager, there must always be someone watching over this House of Internal Affairs, and I'm also idle around, so I'm talking to Khan Ammat."

The fourth elder brother's face became even darker, and he said: "It is said outside that the third elder brother instigated the censor who participated in the ninth elder brother?"

The third elder brother was taken aback for a moment, and then almost jumped up, screaming: "Fuck the fuck! Who is spouting shit and laughing?"

He was so angry, who didn't know that brother Jiu was narrow-minded, and why did he put the shit on his head when he clearly had nothing to do with him?
The fourth elder brother looked slightly relaxed, he also felt that this rumor was unreliable.

Growing up in brother class against class, the third elder brother is indeed selfish, but he really doesn't have the brains to say that he hurts people secretly.

The third elder brother couldn't stand it any longer, and paced back and forth: "No, I can't take this blame. Lao Jiu loves to hold grudges the most. He still holds my 15 taels of silver in his hand. Don't find a reason to deduct my money. I'll find it." The censor insisted on..."

With that said, he was about to go out.

The fourth elder brother said: "There is no need to go, I just came from there, and the censors are on vacation for a few days."

The third elder brother said angrily: "Who is spreading rumors and who am I? If I really want to do that, Khan Ama can't tolerate me!"

The fourth elder brother came here with anger, but now he calmed down, looked at the third elder brother and said: "The third elder brother's actions are indeed not innocent. Khan Ama can't say that his anger will disappear after a while, and the ninth elder brother will punish you." That’s all for the big commandment, but if you meddle, how will Brother Nine come back?”

The third elder brother looked at the room and said: "Lao Jiu has been in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for three years. At worst, he can just go back to the Ministry. By the way, especially the Ministry of Household Affairs. Isn't it suitable for him to be in the economy?"

The four elder brothers were silent.

He also felt that the House of Internal Affairs was in chaos and he could not learn anything, so it was not as good as the Ministry.

But brother Jiu was lazy, and he mentioned it several times, but he was not interested.

The third elder brother regarded him as the fourth elder brother who was not happy, glanced at him, contemptuously in his heart, and said, "The good thing I just said is about to be announced to the outside world, in accordance with the emperor's grandmother's order, Khan Ama Order to raise the flag for Concubine Hui, Concubine De and our empress's mother's house..."

The fourth elder brother was stunned, and asked in confusion for a while: "The emperor's grandmother's order? The emperor's grandmother seldom interferes with the affairs of the harem..."

The third elder brother raised his eyebrows and said: "Anyway, what Han Ama said, let's just listen to it, this is the dignity of the concubines, because it is not just the Guo Luoluo family who have a daughter in the Glory family! "

This grace is indeed somewhat great.

You must know that you have to make great military achievements to coat and raise the flag before.

At that time, Guo Luoluo's family became the first to raise the flag for non-military achievements from Baoyi to Xianghuangqi.

Now, there are three more.

Although Wu Ya's family was among them, and it was the fourth elder brother's natal family, but he didn't feel happy, on the contrary, he was more worried.

If this is the case, I am afraid that the Baoyi family below will have a way out, and put all the family's hopes on their daughters, and the nepotism will become more prosperous.

Seeing the reaction of the fourth elder brother, the third elder brother took a few more glances.

Do you really treat the Tong family as a foreign family?

I don't mean to be happy for Wu Ya's family...

No wonder Wu Ya's family sent him a greeting card. This is because he is not close to the fourth child, knowing that there is no hope for the fourth child.

Really snobbish.

The elder brother who was educated in Jingren Palace back then was not just the fourth elder brother.

The fifth elder brother, the seventh elder brother, and the eighth elder brother were all raised in Jingren Palace.

snort!The adopted son of the queen really puts gold on his face...

San Age felt sore in his heart.

Where did the fourth elder brother think that the third elder brother had a narrow minded attack, he didn't want to provoke the brothers, so the reason why he came to ask the third elder brother was to verify it, so that he could go to appease the ninth elder brother.

If the ninth elder brother really believed the rumors outside and complained about the third elder brother, I'm afraid the emperor would not like it.

He left the Yamen of the House of Internal Affairs, but he didn't leave the palace right away, but went to Qianqingmen.

After entering the Qianqing Gate, he went up to the study to arrest Brother Fourteen.

You bastard, he's already thirteen years old, and he's still outspoken, saying everything.

He inquired carefully about the gossip and gossip in the palace for the past two days, half of which was rooted in Elder Fourteen.

It's like this when I was young, the dog's stomach can't hold two taels of sesame oil, and its mouth is as loose as a trouser belt.

If what he said is true, it's fine, but he still has his own guesses in it, adding oil and vinegar, lest the world will not be chaotic...

darn thing...

(End of this chapter)

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