In the study room, Elder Fourteen couldn't sit still.

Last night, the [-]th and [-]th elder brothers brought back roasted chicken in lotus leaves and freshly made beef jerky in the food boxes.

This beef jerky is different from the previous Mongolian-style beef jerky. It is not in strips, but in slices, with dried chili paste on it.

The more chewy the more fragrant.

Brother Fourteen snatched most of it and put it in his purse.

There is also a kind of salt-baked egg, which looks like ordinary eggs on the outside. When the egg skin is peeled off, the inside is golden yellow, and it is also filled with salt. It tastes salty and elastic, and even the egg yolk is tasty.

In the drawer of his book, he put four of them as snacks between classes.

Although it is still early for lunch, there is still a class break in the middle, and Elder Fourteen feels hungry.

After a class was finally over, Fa Hai went back to the value room, and the haha ​​beads came over to change the tea.

The fourteenth elder brother put out the snacks, but he didn't eat alone. He and the thirteenth elder brother each had two eggs and half a handful of spicy beef jerky.

Chewing beef jerky in his mouth, poking egg skins in his hands, he said, "Aren't these two good dry food? If you go north, the weather is cool, and it can be stored for a long time. Can it be included in military supplies? "

Elder Brother Thirteen shook his head and said, "It's fine with dried pork. Beef is precious after all. Farmers outside are not good. Eggs are not good either, they can't be mass-produced..."

"Isn't Sister-in-law Nine's Zhuangzi mass-produced? I heard that there are a lot of chickens raised, and the eggs are stored in water tanks. Every time I go to the city to deliver eggs, there are several tanks..." Brother Fourteen said, Feeling hungry.

Elder Brother Thirteen said: "That's because Sister-in-law Nine doesn't expect this. It's good to keep them. If they can't keep them, it won't be affected much by chicken plague. Ordinary people's livelihood is difficult, so they don't dare to raise chickens like this..."

"The common people can't afford it, so the government will support it! If someone gives you the bottom line, you won't be afraid to support him to death." Elder Fourteen said.

Elder Brother Thirteen thought for a while, and said: "The government's money is also money. If it is really lost, it will also implicate the officials. No one is willing to be troublesome..."

Elder Fourteen said: "Anyway, they are all stupid enough. It's not as good as Ninth Brother and Ninth Sister. They also raised pigs, chickens, and watermelons..."

Speaking of this, he became even more greedy, and said: "After the Dragon Boat Festival, there will be sporadic watermelons to eat, right?"

The fourth elder brother walked to the door, heard this sentence, snorted softly, pushed the door open and came in.

When he saw the appearance of the fourteenth elder brother clearly, his face turned dark.

Brother Fourteen sat cross-legged on the desk, eating and talking while the egg skin was placed on the book.

"Fourth brother..."

The thirteenth brother was sitting behind the desk, and he was not as embarrassed as the fourteenth brother when he ate. When he heard the movement at the door, he looked over and hurriedly stood up.

The fourteenth elder brother turned his head and saw the black face of the fourth elder brother. He was startled, and wanted to swallow the egg in his mouth quickly, but he choked.

"Cough...cough...", he lowered his head and coughed violently, spat out half a mouthful of eggs, and scattered them directly on the desk, looking very messy.


The fourth elder brother scolded: "If you don't come down, what will it look like?"

The fourteenth elder brother glanced at the dirty desk with distaste, moved it down, looked at the fourth elder brother, and said unhappily: "Fourth elder brother, you really don't know that people are scary, scaring to death, you almost choked me to death just now! "

The fourth elder brother said with a cold face: "Is this a place to eat? Is it time to eat now?"

The fourteenth elder brother heard this, his eyes fluttered, and he felt a little guilty. He straightened his chest and said, "Isn't this the end of get out of class? You can drink water, but why can't you eat? Do you have to be hungry? What if you have a stomach problem?" , will you drink the medicine for me?"

The fourth elder brother saw that his mouth was stiff, and became even more unhappy, saying: "After six or seven years of school, how did you learn the rules? Don't you know what's wrong, don't listen or say anything wrong?"

The fourteenth elder brother was annoyed, and said: "The fourth brother should learn the rules and come here to teach people? Isn't this also indecent?"

The fourth elder brother held back his anger and said: "What nonsense are you talking about about the matter between the third brother and the ninth elder brother? There are so many discussions inside and outside the palace, and you know that nothing is going on all day long!"

The fourteenth elder brother was so angry that his face turned blue, and he looked at the fourth elder brother and said indignantly: "This is called injustice! The third brother is not kind, and you don't want me to complain about the ninth brother? I will say it! I will say it! I'm not like some people, I just put it in the middle and pretend to be a good person, how did brother Jiu treat you, I don't know how to make friends..."

As he spoke, he turned his head, hummed, and stopped looking at Brother Si.

The fourth elder brother was so angry that he couldn't speak when he saw the fourteenth elder brother.

The thirteenth elder brother looked at him worriedly, took two steps forward, stopped the fourteenth elder brother behind him, and said, "Fourth brother, there may be some misunderstanding, the fourteenth brother has been studying in the study every day these days. , did not see any outsiders..."

The fourth elder brother took a long breath, patiently, and said to the thirteenth elder brother: "It is Khan Ama's decree that the third brother should be the head of the House of Internal Affairs. If the ninth elder brother blames the third brother because of these nonsense, then Khan Ama It is impossible to misunderstand that he is dissatisfied with Khan Ama, this is not helping, this is chaotic!"

The thirteenth brother also knows that his fourth brother sometimes speaks badly, but he has a good heart.

He said: "The fourteenth brother has no bad intentions. I guess it was yesterday that I saw the twelve brother was kicked out. I was upset. I complained a few words on the way, which fell into the ears of others and spread the word. This is not intentional." .”

The fourth elder brother was startled, then rubbed his forehead.

And the matter of Brother Twelve being kicked out?

He thought for a while that the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was on duty, but he did not see the desk and chairs of Elder Brother Twelve.

He frowned, and said: "Did Brother Twelve misunderstand? Did Third Brother ask him to go to the lower yamen to practice?"

The fourteenth elder brother sneered and said, "Yeah! I misunderstood, the third brother was kind. Seeing that it was getting hot, I was afraid that the twelve brothers would suffer from heat stroke, so I gave him a long vacation! How kind, I will love my brother!"

The fourth elder brother frowned, and wanted to reprimand him.

Elder Fourteen already straightened his neck, and continued: "Hmph! Your elder brothers are all in the same group. What else will they do besides bullying the younger brother behind us? What was the quality of the Ministry of Internal Affairs before, but now What is the quality of the Ministry of Internal Affairs? No one in the palace dares to despise, and the official vacancies in the Ministry of Internal Affairs are filled by capable people, and nepotism is useless. Even the Imperial History Office, without Brother Nine nodding, can it fall into the Ministry of Internal Affairs?"

"When I'm in front of Han Ama, I dare to say, this is wrong! If you don't bring such a bully, the third brother is not kind..."

He began to change his voice, his voice was high-pitched and high-pitched, very harsh.

The fourth elder brother felt his head "buzzing", and scolded: "Shut up!"

Elder Fourteen looked at him sideways, and said contemptuously, "What else can I do besides teach people? If you love to teach people so much, why don't you teach Third Brother how to be a big brother? It's all about bullying the weak and fearing the hard!"

The fourth elder brother saw the expression on the fourteenth elder brother, and felt itchy.

The thirteenth elder brother knew that the fourteenth elder brother had a "crazy" temper, and the more he persuaded him, the higher he jumped.

He just smiled, looked at the fourth elder brother and said: "I see that the master is coming, if there is something else, you can talk about it after school..."

The fourth elder brother held his breath, glanced at the thirteenth elder brother, showed disapproval, and said, "You are also an older brother, and the fourteenth elder brother is such a bastard, you should be disciplined as well..."

The thirteenth elder brother is a little embarrassed. Although he is older than the fourteenth elder brother, this little ancestor can't be heard when he was young.

The fourteenth elder brother was so angry that he glared at the fourth elder brother, and said, "What do you mean? Using the banner of taking care of my younger brother, to provoke the relationship between the thirteenth elder brother and me, it's so bad, so bad!"

Seeing his rambunctious appearance, the fourth elder brother also aroused his anger, and said: "Who cares about you?"

The fourteenth elder brother straightened his neck and said: "I don't care if you care! There are Khan Ama, there is the empress, and if it is impossible, there is also the elder brother. Have you forgotten your ranking, mere fourth, what are you worrying about?"

The fourth elder brother looked at the fourteenth elder brother, his eyes were about to breathe fire.

The thirteenth elder brother couldn't bear it anymore, he turned his head and stared at the fourteenth elder brother and said, "Shut up! Do you still want to have a good lunch!"

Brother Fourteen wanted to retaliate, but he blinked his eyes and closed his mouth reluctantly.

He only brought snacks, the roasted chicken in lotus leaf and the buttered chicken sausage are still on his head, and the eunuch of Brother Thirteen will bring them over at noon.

Seeing the honest appearance of the fourteenth elder brother, the fourth elder brother was also disheartened.

Say one sentence to him, and wait for ten sentences; if others say one sentence, they will listen honestly.

The fourth elder brother turned coldly and walked out.

Seeing this, Elder Fourteen couldn't help complaining in a "whispered voice": "I'm full, I have nothing to do to teach others! Huh! What's wrong!"

The fourth elder brother felt that his fists were hardened, and his breathing was a little short.


Next, the sound is gone.

The thirteenth elder brother has already blocked the fourteenth elder brother's mouth to prevent him from continuing to provoke.

The fourth elder brother turned his head and glanced at the two younger brothers.

Brother Fourteen rolled his eyes.

The thirteenth elder brother smiled flatteringly.

Due to the commotion in the room, the emperor's grandson from the next class had already come over to watch the commotion at the door.

The fourth elder brother let out a long breath and strode away.

Brother Thirteen waited for a while before letting go.

"Fourth brother is also kind. If things get serious, Khan Ama will discipline him..." Thirteenth elder brother persuaded in a low voice.

Fourteenth brother pouted and said: "It's not rare! Isn't he ten years older than me? He's like an old man, babbling endlessly. When he sees him, he will scold others. I'm not used to his stinky habit. ..."

In the Qianqing Palace Square, the fourth elder brother calmed down for a while.

This younger brother doesn't know how to take care of it, and the fourth elder brother doesn't want to take care of it either.

Those who are flattered when they are young, do not know the heights of the sky and the earth.

Now relying on his smallness, Khan Ama will tolerate him, and dare to be such an asshole when Cheng Ding?
darn thing...

They are also naughty, but compared with the fourteenth elder brother, the ninth elder brother is more sensible and well-behaved.

The fourth elder brother looked in the direction of Qianqing Palace, hesitated for a moment, and planned to see him.

Not to mention anything else, just a few things that the ninth elder brother did before, and the third elder brother should not be disturbed.

Especially the Xiaotangshan Palace, it is the filial piety of the ninth elder brother, and there is also their brotherhood here. The total amount of money involved is more than 10,000+ taels. It has only started for two months now. If the third elder brother is allowed to intervene, I am afraid it may not be possible As good as it gets.

There is also Elder Brother Twelve, the grown-up Prince Elder Brother, who is just at the age of learning errands, so there is no need to delay...

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