Shu Shu would not remind Ninth Brother Kangxi of his problem.

It's good to be so tender.

Even though he misunderstood that Kangxi was partial to the crown prince, he felt a little sour, but he got used to it.

Cui Baisui came over and said: "Master, Fourth Master is here and sat down in the front hall."

Brother Jiu and Shu Shu looked at each other, got up and said: "I guess fourth brother just heard about the third child, so I'll go ahead and have a look."

Shu Shu nodded, glanced at the clock, and said: "It's time for dinner, why don't you ask someone to bring the table to the front?"

Brother Nine nodded and said, "Fourth brother has a bland taste, so ask someone to add two side dishes."

Shu Shu agreed.

Brother Jiu picked up the curtain and went out.

Shu Shu thought for a while, then ordered Walnut, "Ask the dining room to add egg rolls, red dates sandwiched with rice cakes, a box of assorted vegetarian tofu, fried cabbage..."

Walnut responded and went to the dining room to send a message.

At this moment, brother Jiu also arrived at the front hall.

"Fourth Brother!"

He went to bed early last night and woke up late this morning, looking very energetic.

The fourth elder brother took a closer look at his face, his complexion was rosy, and he was speechless.

Really heartless.

"I just asked the dining room to make ice powder. It's delicious, but it's not so cold..."

After speaking, Brother Jiu ordered the people at the door to pass the message to the dining room, saying: "Put more taro balls in one bowl, and honey red beans in one bowl..."

Cui Baisui responded and went.

The fourth elder brother waved his hand and said, "No need."

The ninth elder brother sat opposite the fourth elder brother, and said: "Why are you being polite? I was arguing yesterday and didn't think of this, so I asked the dining room to copy a recipe and send it to you. This child eats better, and I will like it. "

The fourth elder brother glanced at him.

What's the rule about serving guests with food from children?
It's just that it's not the time to talk about this right now, so he said: "I went to the Ministry of Internal Affairs just now, and only then did I know that the third brother is a member of the Ministry of Internal Affairs..."

Brother Nine had just vomited this to his wife, and couldn't help showing sympathy on his face.

The fourth elder brother was stunned, what was that expression?
He looked at Brother Nine and stopped talking.

Brother Nine smiled and said: "I just think that third brother is very pitiful. It's hot every day, and the errands of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are still trivial. Master Ma and Master Ha are just playing by name. After passing by third brother, he has to sit all day long. Ya."

The fourth elder brother looked the ninth elder brother up and down, but he really didn't see that he had such a good character.

Like the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother, the little elder brothers who were watching felt that the third elder brother was not kind, but the ninth elder brother was not annoyed. The sun came out from the west?
"What did you, Fujin advise you?"

The fourth elder brother pondered, thinking of this possibility.

Brother Jiu's heart moved, he nodded and said: "I, Fujin, said that this is Khan Ama who is kind and caring about my body. I had a mid-summer summer the year before last, and I was afraid of the heat. It's good to take a rest. Tell me to be more filial to Khan in the future." Ama also said that she is busy taking care of the three younger ones now, and she feels more at ease with her younger brother at home..."

The fourth elder brother didn't show it on the face, but he felt comfortable in his heart.

The so-called good wife is what it should be.

If "fuel is added to the fire" at this time, there will be rifts between father and son, and conflicts between brothers will become more and more serious.

He looked at Brother Nine again, and felt that his facial features had softened, completely different from his aggressive and rude appearance in previous years.

Elder Brother Nine was taken aback, so he couldn't help touching his chin, and said, "Fourth brother sees that my brother is getting fat? Hey! It's all caused by my brother Fujin. She was in confinement a while ago and sent good medicinal materials over , I asked the imperial doctor to see it, and took my younger brother to nourish it together. She hasn't recuperated well, and my younger brother has grown seven or eight catties..."

It's just that he was already thin, seven or eight catties is not very obvious.

The fourth elder brother nodded and said: "Siblings are not bad..."

It's not good to leave your husband aside if you have children.

Nine years old is here, still a half-grown child, just the time when someone needs to be watched.

"Third brother, you don't need to be sympathetic if you seek benevolence, but you don't have to worry. I just went to Yuqian and told Khan Ama that I will call you Twelve for a few things you made and the Xiaotangshan Palace. Brother is in charge, as for the third brother, he should not care about this for the time being, he is busy with raising the flag for several relatives..." said the fourth elder brother.


Brother Jiu was surprised, and said: "Which concubine's mother's parents are mourning, or which concubine's mother is not feeling well?"

The fourth elder brother frowned, glared at him, and said: "Everything is fine, guess what?"

Brother Jiu said: "Doesn't this remind you of the time when Guo Luoluo's family raised the flag? Our mother lost her mother, and her health is not good..."

Speaking of this, he was a little dazed.

I didn't pay attention to it before, but now I realized that it was after the Double Ninth Festival in the 35th year of Kangxi.

In July of that year, the eleventh elder brother died.

The empress's serious illness was due to the loss of her mother, and it is estimated that it was more due to the loss of her son.

The fourth elder brother also thought of this, so he couldn't say anything, he just said: "All three families raise their flags..."

Brother Jiu blinked and said, "Is this a good thing?"

The fourth elder brother rolled his eyes at him.

Isn't this nonsense?

Although Bao Yi is also a straight banner man, it is different after all.

Otherwise, how can it be called "raising the flag", who doesn't look forward to going up.

"But once you lift it, you will lose your job in the Ministry of Internal Affairs? With the lessons learned from Guo Luoluo's family, how can it be so easy to gain a foothold in Shangsanqi?"

Brother Jiu said.

The fourth elder brother thought for a while, and said: "Shang San Banner has more candidates, and it's easy to make up for errands in the army. The future is better than that of the Ministry of Internal Affairs."

Brother Nine shook his head and said, "That was when there was a war. If there was no war, wouldn't it just be a share of money? What's the use of it?"

The fourth elder brother thought for a while, and said: "The chiefs stationed in the Eight Banners in the local area have gone to the Three Banners a lot in recent years."

Brother Jiu didn't worry about those three families, he just thought about it and said: "In this way, does Khan Ama love Third Brother a lot, fearing that these families will be hindered, so let's bring them out first?"

The fourth elder brother heard this, glanced at the ninth elder brother, and said, "Is there anything that needs to be moved by the Ministry of Internal Affairs?"

Brother Jiu endured so that he didn't lose his composure, nodded and said: "It should be, or else do something for Yushi Liwei, if you don't clean up a few, then my brother has lifted the sedan chair for nothing."

After listening to the fourth elder brother, he felt that it made sense.

He used to patrol the Yongding River with his escort, and then went to Yeling, but he didn't know much about it, so he asked Brother Jiu: "What happened to the Ministry of Internal Affairs recently?"

Otherwise, why did Yuqian think of sorting out the House of Internal Affairs?

Brother Nine thought about it carefully, and said: "It seems that there is nothing wrong, but Khan Ama asked a few words about the Fucha family..."

"The Fucha family?"

The fourth elder brother was a little stunned: "Master Ma?"

Brother Jiu shook his head and said: "It's not that, it's the Fucha family of the Accounting Department, the direct branch of the Shaji Fucha family, who is currently wrapping clothes, and is Suo'etu's mother family..."

The fourth elder brother didn't ask any more questions.

In this way, it makes sense.

It is estimated that the emperor's father wanted to purge Suo'etu's influence in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and he was afraid that Yuqing Palace would hate Brother Jiu, so he brought Brother Jiu up first.

He wasn't worried at all.

As for the third elder brother, if he jumped into the pit by himself, he probably had to learn a lesson before the emperor would send him out.

At this moment, the dishes and meals for the dining room can also be prepared and placed in the front hall.

The brothers moved over.

Seeing that a table had been set up, the fourth elder brother wanted to say a few words, but when he saw the dishes clearly, he stopped talking.

As for the meat dish, there was only one chicken meatball and cabbage pot, one shredded chicken, and the rest was cold radish skin and cold fungus, and four additional vegetables that Shu Shu ordered.

Except for the cabbage pot, all six-inch dishes are used, and there are not many dishes in each dish.

The staple food is Zamian steamed buns and millet porridge, and the dessert is the ice powder ordered by Brother Jiu.

Ninth elder brother remembered the diet of twelfth elder brother and thirteenth elder brother yesterday, there was a big difference.

Compared with those two idiot younger brothers, the fourth brother really doesn't have much appetite.

He complained like this, but forgot that he was not much stronger.

When it was time for him, he was more than half full after eating half a bowl of taro ball ice noodles, and he was almost full after eating two chicken balls and a chopstick of fungus.

The chicken meatballs are filled with crispy chicken bones, which are chewy.

With this stewed cabbage, the soup is light and not greasy in summer.

The fourth elder brother ate it to suit his appetite. He felt that it was more delicious than the usual fat chicken pot. The shredded chicken was also good. The red oil was put in it, and it was just a taste. It was not as greasy and spicy as expected, but it was appetizing.

It's just a habit of playing when I was young, I only eat seventy percent of my meals, and the fourth elder brother eats two bites of each food and it is almost enough.

Seeing that the ninth elder brother is no longer eating well, and is eating taro balls one by one, the fourth elder brother said with disapproval: "How old are you, and you still don't eat well, can these snacks satisfy your hunger?"

Brother Jiu swallowed the taro balls in his mouth, and said: "My brother is different from you. Now because my brother Fujin nourishes his body, my brother eats along with me. There are five meals a day, one meal of pastry in the morning, and one more meal in the afternoon." Meal meal, did not move the place, not hungry."

The fourth elder brother frowned and said: "What did the imperial doctor say? Wouldn't the stomach be ruined by eating like this?"

Brother Jiu said: "The imperial doctor said it's fine, it's indeed a tonic, just don't eat it before going to bed, it will hurt your stomach at that time, so don't overdo it..."

The fourth elder brother is relieved now.

Coming out of the Ninth Prince's Mansion, the fourth elder brother didn't go to the household department, but went directly back to Baylor's Mansion.

The ice cream is delicious.

Brother Jiu also asked the dining room to prepare materials to take, and Fang Zi also gave it.

Now Sifujin is five and a half months old, she is pregnant, and afraid of heat, she seems to have lost weight.

She saw that the fourth elder brother came back at this time, and she was still a little worried.

According to her husband's style, it is rare to spend half a day in the Yamen.

The fourth elder brother handed her the list and said, "Didn't you have a bad appetite recently? Try this?"

Si Fujin took it and looked at it, and said with a smile: "Isn't this ice powder? Oh, my brain, my siblings gave me the prescription last year, and I ate it a few times, but I didn't remember it this year..."

The fourth elder brother said unexpectedly: "Why don't you remember?"

Si Fujin said: "At that time, the master went to the outside of the Great Wall with his followers, not in Beijing."

The fourth elder brother thought of the red date rice cake from Ninth Prince's Mansion again, that was also delicious, Fujin and the two young ones should love it.

He couldn't help but glanced to the west, and sighed to Si Fujin: "Master, I found out, there is a huge difference between marrying the right Fujin and marrying the wrong Fujin, no wonder the ancients said, 'A good wife brings less misfortune'..."

There is another sentence in the sentence "a good wife and a good husband with less misfortune", which is "the son is filial to the father and the heart is lenient".

The fourth elder brother looked in the direction of the Forbidden City, whether the imperial father is lenient or not...

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