Although Sifujin knew that the fourth elder brother was talking about Bafujin, he still heard it harshly, and couldn't help saying: "The ancients also said that a man is the head of the family. Whether a woman is virtuous or not depends on her husband. Righteousness, that virtuousness has become a joke, just like a princess..."

Okay, what did the prince's wet nurse harm the prince's concubine?
If there is no one behind the scenes, the prince's wet nurse will go against the prince's thoughts and kill the emperor's grandson or granddaughter?

There are only those few people in Yuqing Palace, and it's clear at a glance who the instigator is.

The results of it?
Only Li's status was demoted, and the two grandsons stood there.

Sifujin's eyes turned red as he thought about it.

The fourth elder brother just wanted to remind her, don't talk about the princess, it's disrespectful, seeing her expression, he couldn't tell, and said: "It's all unexpected, the prince is also looking forward to the son-in-law first."

Si Fujin sneered and said: "For a man, what's the point of not being a heir? His blood is on both sides. If you really want to have a heir, it's not a joke to have a four or five-year-old eldest son before the wedding?"

The fourth elder brother thought about his family, and after a while, he said: "Back then, Mrs. Song and Mrs. Li were pregnant, did you feel uncomfortable?"

At that time, Si Fujin had already married into the palace, but she was three years younger than the fourth elder brother. The two of them had not consummated the house. On weekdays, the two elder brothers Gege Song and Li were the ones who served the fourth elder brother.

The two became pregnant successively, and gave birth to a daughter in 33 and 34 respectively.

Song's son Da Gege died before full term, and Li's son Er Gege.

Si Fujin lowered his eyes, feeling uncomfortable, and said: "The situation is different, I am three years younger than my grandfather, and I was still young at that time."

The past is over.

The fourth elder brother felt that it was not the time to talk about this, so he said: "Anyway, the husband and wife are one, and the family must live together."

Si Fujin thought of Ba Fujin who came to thank him in person a few days ago, as if he had changed, she used to be such a proud and lively noble lady, but now her temper is quiet, and she couldn't help sighing: "There is another sentence, called' It’s not a family, don’t enter a family’, if you really want to live a rough life, you can’t just rely on one person.”

Seeing her defending Bafujin again and again, the fourth elder brother glanced at her, and said, "You have a broad heart, you only look good at people."

Si Fujin looked at Si Age and said: "The emperor ordered the marriage. I heard that after the crown princess was chosen, the palace arranged someone to teach the princess, why didn't he think of teaching Ba Fujin?"

The marriage between Fujin and Brother Ba was finalized before Yue Le passed away. At that time, Fujin was only eight or nine years old. At that time, he started to teach, and he taught it well.

As a result, the grandfather died, and the grandmother was not in charge of the family, so she fell into the hands of the first-line grandmother, who was just killing her.

The fourth elder brother shook his head and said, "That's different."

The Crown Princess was born with honorable status under the Three Banners, and she is the mother of a country in the future, so the palace should pay more attention to it.

Arranging for the nanny to go there will not let the people of the Guarja family object.

It's different with the Eight Fujin. They fly under the Five Banners, which means marriage.

If the palace sends someone, it seems to be picking on the tutor of the palace.

The fourth elder brother patiently told Si Fujin the reason.

Si Fujin sighed and said: "She has received the punishment she deserved, so don't be picky in the future."

It is not easy for the royal family to be a daughter-in-law. There are several types of mother-in-law, mother-in-law, mother-in-law, mother-in-law, mother-in-law, uncle...

The fourth elder brother thought of the wailing cries he heard in the Ninth Prince's Mansion last year. He was not hard-hearted, and felt boring...

The Ninth Prince's Mansion, the upper room.

Brother Jiu came back, sent the girls away, and said to Shu Shu: "I just didn't say anything, it seems that the master can't show too much kindness to the third child, or they should think about it later... ..."

Speaking of this, he raised his eyebrows and said: "I found out, it's not difficult to fool people, just mix the truth and falsehood!"

Shu Shu praised: "That master is really powerful, but the fourth brother came here out of kindness, and it's irrelevant in the future, it's better to tell the truth."

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "Of course, forget it this time, let's get out of the muddy water, don't get involved, Khan Ama is going to make a big move, and the natal families of the other three concubines will raise the flag gone."

This has nothing to do with the Ninth Prince's Mansion, and there is no contact with those houses here.

The weather has gotten hotter these two days, so Shu Shu asked Walnut to lead someone to start packing.

After the Dragon Boat Festival, the Empress Dowager will move to North Garden, and they will follow to Haidian.

Zhenghongqi, Sanbeile Mansion, main house.

Sanfujin had seen the female family members of several families, so he looked at the gift list happily, and said with emotion to the nanny: "It's really better for the county magistrate to take care of it now, this is the Dragon Boat Festival, how much money will you get for this 'three festivals and two lives'? "

Nanny said: "Nala's family is calm and didn't come."

San Fujin curled her lips and said: "Watching the eldest son and nephew of the emperor, of course he won't put the third master in his eyes."

The nanny said: "Today, there are two more nobles' natal families handing over posts."

Sanfujin was a little proud, and said: "Just wait, you have to go through it all again, and the doctors who gave gifts to the Ninth Prince's Mansion before should not be left behind this time."

This is the case with the gift of favor. It is better to give more than less.

As she expected, in the afternoon, a dozen more posts arrived.

It's just that not everyone is qualified to be at the gate of the Dumbele Mansion, and there are many coated officials, and this etiquette follows the post.

In the afternoon, there were no cars and horses on the street in front of Sanbeile Mansion, and the movement was so loud that even the Zhijun Wang Mansion next door was alarmed.

The elder brother is still on the Yongdinghe construction site and has not returned to Beijing.

Shi Yuansong, the magistrate of Zhijun, asked people to inquire about it, only to find out about this great news.

Should this be a congratulations to Sanbeile Mansion?
Or go to the Ninth Prince's Mansion to get annoyed?
Yuan Song had no self-discipline, so he inquired about what happened before and after, wrote a letter, and arranged for the guards to deliver the letter to the Yongdinghe construction site.

In the evening of that day, Big Brother received a letter from Chang Shi in his camp.

He has lost a lot of weight. Although he is only a supervisor and does not need to do everything by himself, he has lost all his food and sleep.

As for the road dishes brought before, they were looted by other clans long ago.

Now, when it's time for dinner, Big Brother can only deal with pancakes and milk tea.

After reading Chang Shi's letter, the elder brother couldn't help frowning.

He wanted to go with the fourth elder brother, and he didn't like Yushi's style, thinking that they were "picking up soft persimmons", so he used the ninth elder brother as a raft.

Otherwise, it would be fair for Maqi and Hayartu to be impeached.

As for the third elder brother...

Is it stupid?

Is the Ministry of Internal Affairs a good place?

In the first month of last year, the Ministry of Internal Affairs cleaned up several houses.

Because it happened to be the period of Chinese New Year, everyone had a lot of rest and bathing, and then the holy driver went on the southern tour again, and there was no sound in the middle.

Is this going to clean up those people again?

Eldest brother was thoughtful, wishing he could write to ask Mingzhu.

But he endured it.

At this time, don't set yourself on fire...

Before the Dragon Boat Festival, the biggest news in the palace was that the natal families of Concubine Hui, Concubine De, and Concubine Rong were going to raise the flag.

With such a great grace, the women of the three families would naturally invite An Zhezi into the palace.

The three concubines were also thoughtless, and somehow they were promoted to their natal family.

The emperor didn't turn over his cards, and no one mentioned this to them.

Is this the "mother is more valuable than the child"?
In order to promote the identities of several older princes?
Concubine Hui thought about it for a long time, but she didn't understand it, so she didn't want to.

When her sister-in-law entered the palace to pay her respects, Concubine Hui said: "It's good to calm down like this, and live frugally in the future. Don't be extravagant. If you attract people's attention, you can live a good life."

Mrs. Nala said: "Your Majesty, then our family's Princess is going to be drafted, do you think about it?"

When they were in the Ministry of Internal Affairs before, their relatives were of course reluctant to send their daughters to "Xiaoxuan".

Unless you have made a deal with your mother, otherwise, if you really choose to be a court lady, wouldn't you be so heartbroken?
However, it is different from the Ministry of Internal Affairs when it is carried to the Upper Three Banners. It is not that each family applies for the election, but when they reach the age, they have to participate in the "Eight Banners Draft".

Concubine Hui glanced at her sister-in-law, and said, "I've already said that the emperor won't let me intervene in the elder brother's place, and I have no reason to intervene in the lower elder brother. I will leave it until the second round, and I will let it go if I am decent." Just go home and choose your own relatives."

Mrs. Nala is honest, she is also a girl who loves girls, and said: "Then please trouble your mother..."

Speaking of this, she thought of her master's words, and said: "Wu Ya's family and Ma's family have gone to Sanbeile Mansion these days, but the master didn't go, what the master means is that Master Jiu is the first to be on top of Kaqi's children. It's Master Jiu's own idea, maybe it's his wish, and our family will raise the flag, and the rest of the cousins ​​will be the same as the ordinary Baoyi family from now on. Baylor House drill camp..."

Otherwise, it would be like slapping big brother in the face.

From the perspective of outsiders, it is impossible to say that there is a lot of discussion. The elder brother's uncle doesn't count on his own nephew, but wants to curry favor with others.

Concubine Hui nodded, and said: "That's fine, the emperor doesn't like to be ostentatious, whether it's Guo Luoluo's family or those two families, don't learn from them, just live your own life in peace, and let's talk about it after three or five months. There is no need to show your head at this time..."

Mrs. Nala took notes carefully before leaving.

Concubine Hui let out a breath and looked towards the Qianqing Palace.

In the first month of last year, Tong Guowei and Suo'etu were cleaned up, and the palace was also sorted out.

What is it for this time?
Concubine Hui thought about the recent affairs in the palace carefully, and the only thing that caught the eye was the rumor that the princess had a flawed body.

Could it be that the emperor suspected that outsiders interfered in the affairs of Yuqing Palace and harmed the grandson of the Crown Princess?

Concubine Hui's heart tightened.

That's why the three relatives were carried out of the House of Internal Affairs?

Is the emperor defending it for Yuqing Palace, or for Qianqing Palace?

Concubine Hui's mind was full of twists and turns, and she decided to go back and find someone to fill in the missing flags for her brother and nephew, and directly find the Eight Banners stationed outside, preferably far away from the capital, the farther the better.

Otherwise, the emperor might not be happy to make up for the shortage in the capital.

Why did the crown prince's uncle's title and title change?
It was because when Kangxi went out with his retinue in the 35th year, he had too close contacts with the soldiers of the firearms battalion. When he returned to the capital, the emperor immediately dismissed his chief bodyguard and inner minister, and his title stopped...

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