My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 946 Please stop

Chapter 946 I beg you to stop
In the Yonghe Palace, Concubine De was also meeting her natal family members, and today her younger sister-in-law, Mrs. Wu Ya, and her concubine, Mrs. Guogong, entered the palace.

"It's a great joy for the whole family to carry the upper three banners..."

Mrs. Uya said.

Wu Ya's family is different from ordinary Bao Yi, their ancestors have military exploits.

The great-grandfather was Emperor Taizu's coat, and the grandfather was the first manager of the Shengjing Imperial Dining Room. Later, he went to the battlefield, accumulated a lot of military merits, was awarded a noble title, and was promoted to a first-rank internal minister. Clothes, the result is "the cause of cutting the noble".

Wu Ya's family fell silent, Concubine De's father was only a member of the guard army before his death, but when he came to his younger brother Bai Qi's place, his rank was even lower, he was a sixth-rank guard military academy.

Lifting out the coating is also the obsession of several generations of the Wu Ya family.

Concubine De frowned and said: "What's so gratifying, I didn't give Zuo Ling alone like Guo Luoluo's family..."

This branch of them doesn't have a world job in Baoyi, and Zuoling belongs to the branch of Concubine De's uncle.

Mrs. Uya didn't know what to say.

The Duke's wife came to the side to make a rescue, and said: "When we get to Shangsanqi, it will sound decent in the future. It's better than being suppressed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Then we can watch and help our master."

Concubine De took a look at Shumei, and said: "Go back today, don't hand over the sign to enter the palace in the future, even if you do, I won't see you."

The Duke's wife blushed and said, "Eldest sister..."

There is a ten-year age difference between the two sisters. When Concubine De entered the palace, this concubine was just as old as she could remember.

To say that sisters love each other deeply is a bit of a stretch.

Concubine De said with a cold face: "What do you think this palace is? How dare you meddle in elder brother's house? You haven't been honest at home for a few years, and you confuse this matter because you are afraid that the emperor will not remember it?"

The Duke's wife said uncomfortably: "How long has it been..."

Concubine De's eyes were full of gloom, she looked at Mrs. Guogong.

Now the emperor seems to have given grace to lift the Wuya family out of the coat, but it was last year that the Wuya family was removed from the imperial dining room.

Thinking about it further, when the Duke's wife intervened in the affairs of the palace, she might have been one of the leads of the palace.

Mrs. Guo was stared away, so she became honest, grabbed her handkerchief, and muttered in a low voice: "I have also been punished. Jin Zhu pointed out the Mongolian boy, who is still poor and biased in Bahrain!"

Concubine De frowned and said: "Stop talking about such foolish words in the future, that is the grandson of Princess Dachang, Princess Rongxian's uncle, and also your master's nephew."

Mrs. Guogong said angrily: "It's all because of Zhenglan, that damn girl. She took advantage of her and hid in Shengjing. I don't believe she won't come back!"

Concubine De was impatient to hear this, she just looked at her sister-in-law and said: "Okay, what are you going to please the third elder brother's house for?"

You know, in the harem ranking, she is ahead of Concubine Rong.

She also has two princes under her knees, and the fourth elder brother's knighthood is the same as that of the third elder brother, both of whom are Baylor.

Mrs. Wu Ya said embarrassingly: "At that time, I only heard that Sanbeile was in charge of the House of Internal Affairs, but I didn't know about the matter of raising the flag. Previously, Brother Nine was stuck filling in the vacancy, and there were many complaints from the clan. The master thought that there are many people who are polite. Don't send less..."

Concubine De looked at Mrs. Wu Ya, and said, "What are you guys thinking? At this moment, I think of conforming to the crowd. When I sent the New Year gift to Brother Jiu's house last year, why did you make some fools?"

Mrs. Wu Ya had a troubled expression on her face, and she glanced at Mrs. Guogong.

Mrs. Guo touched her temples, and said: "Who would have thought that the prince's elder brother is so narrow-minded, and because of the lack of annual rituals, he will hinder people's future!"

When she was a little older, the elder sister was made a concubine, and the family life got better, and when she was young, she married directly into the Duke's mansion, which made her look arrogant.

Concubine De didn't like it, so she reprimanded directly: "That's the prince elder brother, it's your turn to talk? If you don't know the heights of heaven and earth like this, you won't be allowed to enter the palace in the future!"

The Duke's Madam couldn't sit still, she hurriedly stood up and said, "Elder Sister, I was wrong."

Concubine De said with a straight face: "Let's not say that he is the prince who has been valued by the emperor for the past few years, even the immature brother born by the concubine is not something you can take lightly! If you are not troublesome, Arson Aben It should be the reading companion of Brother Fifteen!"

Arson is the second son of the Duke's wife. He is nine years old this year. In the 37th year of Kangxi, he also entered the palace to meet him. He was ordered by the emperor to accompany the fifteenth elder brother to read, and it turned out that the Duke's wife intervened in the matter of the elder brother. , was replaced.

Fortunately, Elder Sixteen was still there, and at the pleading of Concubine De, the emperor once again allowed Alsona to enter the palace.

The Duke's wife froze immediately, and said: "I know I was wrong, I don't dare anymore..."

In Zhongcui Palace, Concubine Rong also saw her natal family, and no one was left around, and the windows in the second room of the main hall were also open.

Her younger sister-in-law was from the palace in her early years, the daughter-in-law she had chosen for her brother, and she had always followed her lead.

"Your Majesty, is there a trace over there..."

Mrs. Ma lowered her volume and said in a vibrato.

Concubine Rong glared at her, and said: "Shut up! What are you worrying about, there is nothing at all."

Mrs. Ma stroked her chest, but her heart trembled wildly.

Thinking of the children and grandchildren at home, she sat up, knelt directly, and begged in a low voice: "Mother, let it be like this...don't...think about the third master, think about the grandchildren..."

Hong Qing, the eldest son of Sanbeile Mansion, is one of the grandsons who entered the study in the next year, and now lives in Ganxi No. [-] with the elder brother of Zhijun Wangfu.

The elder brother's office here is just behind the Zhongcui Palace, and there are two corridors in the middle.

During the monthly rest period, Concubine Rong would also ask the palace staff to take Hong Qing to Zhongcui Palace.

Concubine Rong gritted her teeth, thinking of her sons who died young, especially the eldest son Chengrui.

Cheng Rui was born in the sixth year of Kangxi, died in the ninth year of Kangxi, and is already four years old.

Everyone said that the queen's elder brother Chenghu was smart, but no one mentioned his own Chengrui.

My own Chengrui is clever and pleasant, no worse than elder brother Chenghu.

Or because of this, the Hesheli family can't accommodate Chengrui.

If Chengrui was still there, at the age of 34, he wouldn't have had great-grandchildren.

Concubine Rong can't wait to hate her, but she can see that the younger sister-in-law is frightened and has selfish intentions.

She lowered her eyes and said, "Okay, it's not proper to be stung by scorpions, let's do this first..."

After hearing this, Mrs. Ma breathed a sigh of relief, slumped on the ground, and wept silently...

In a blink of an eye, it is the fifth day of May, the day of the Dragon Boat Festival.

Waking up early in the morning, Shu Shu tied a colorful rope for Brother Jiu.

Brother Jiu also took the colorful thread to tie Shu Shu up.

This was compiled last night and kept ready next to the pillow.

This is originally a Chinese custom. On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, colorful ropes should be tied to pray for blessings and auspiciousness.

After the Eight Banners entered the customs, many festival customs began to blend with Manchu and Han, and there was this one.

The couple simply washed up and went to the back together.

Adults tie colorful ropes to make up the number, but children are very solemn.

It should be tied before the child wakes up. The colorful ropes are selected according to the yin and yang and the five elements, and the selected colors are blue, white, red, black and yellow, which are used to cure diseases and strengthen the body, and wish the baby a healthy growth.

In the back room, the elder brother was lying on the car, sleeping soundly.

Shu Shu tied the prepared colorful rope to the big brother's ankle.

The little guy didn't realize it, and still slept soundly.

Brother Jiu whispered, "Why don't you tie your wrists?"

Shu Shu whispered: "I'm starting to eat my hands, biting this is not clean..."

After the eldest brother was tied, the two went to tie the second elder brother's ankle again.

Even though Shu Shu relaxed his movements, the second elder brother still woke up, without opening his eyes, kicking his little feet, and drooping his mouth, looking aggrieved.

Shu Shu had no choice but to sit down next to the car, gently patted the second elder brother, and hummed a lullaby in a low voice: "September fox and October wolf, Lidong raccoons have long fluff, Xiaoxue has no livelihood in the land, clean up the customs and beat the old yellow……"

This is the lullaby she listened to the most when she was a child, and now she hums it naturally when she coaxes the three little ones.

As she chanted in a low voice, the second elder brother's brows relaxed, and he fell asleep again.

The couple tiptoed out and looked at each other with lingering fear.

Fortunately, I didn't cry!

The couple went to Ning'an Hall again.

Mrs. Uncle is getting old, she always sleeps lightly and wakes up early.

When Shu Shu and Brother Nine passed by, Mrs. Uncle was out of Ning'an Hall with scissors, cutting roses in the garden.

When I moved in last year, it was already winter and the grass and trees were dying.

After the beginning of spring this year, Shu Shu was in confinement again, and no one cared about tidying up the garden. The garden here was not done much. Except for a few clumps of bamboo, the most planted was the rose.

Now Da Gege's eyes are beginning to love to see people, and he also likes bright colors. Mrs. Uncle cuts rose flowers every morning and tie them on the rope of Da Gege's car.

Seeing their husband and wife coming, Madam Bo stood up and asked in surprise, "Why do you get up so early?"

Even if he entered the palace, it was too early.

Shu Shu took two steps forward, grabbed Mrs. Uncle's arm, and said, "Come and tie a colorful rope for Ah Mou and Da Ge Ge."

Mrs. Uncle hurriedly said: "I don't want to tie it, just tie it for the children."

Shu Shu stretched out her wrist and said, "I tied it too, it's all tied..."

As she spoke, she ignored Mrs. Uncle's refusal, and tied the colorful thread around Mrs. Uncle's wrist.

"It's good for a family to be neat and tidy, but it's a big gap..." Shu Shu said.

Mrs. Uncle had nothing to do with her, she glanced at the colorful rope on her wrist.

It really is getting smaller and smaller.

After Shu Shu and Brother Jiu tied up the colorful ropes for Da Gege, they went back to the main courtyard first.

Shu Shu still has to enter the palace and get ready.

The previous boxing ceremony had already been sent to the palace.

But after all, it was a holiday, so Shu Shu asked Walnut and Xiaosong to pack a lot of purses, which contained small gold and silver zongzi-shaped dumplings, ready to be rewarded by others.

The breakfast is zongzi, Shu Shu’s favorite fresh meat zongzi and fresh meat salted egg yolk zongzi. The large piece of pork belly in the middle is marinated with soy sauce and pepper powder, which is very tasty, and the glutinous rice is also soaked in oil .

In addition to the salty rice dumplings, Shu Shu dipped in sugar and ate a rice dumpling with red dates.

Shu Shu ate two and a half of the zongzi the size of an adult's fist. As for the lesser half, it was two meaty zongzi each with a corner cut off by Brother Jiu to satisfy his greed.

Nine Elder Brothers ate with a face full of confusion, and said: "The people in the south are really strange, they actually eat salty rice dumplings, the same goes for Lantern Festival, and rice dumplings too, sticky dumplings are dry with salty mouth..."

Shu Shu looked at him and said: "But the yellow rice porridge we eat also has a salty taste, and that one is also sticky."

This is also a way of eating that has been handed down from outside the customs. The old yellow rice is boiled into thick porridge, put it in a bowl, and when it is hot, add pork and pickles, stir it together and eat it, it is a bowl of lard porridge.

It is also eaten with lard when dipped in yellow rice.

Brother Jiu said: "Anyway, it's weird. I always feel that it's not salty when it should be salty, and it's not sweet when it should be sweet. It's always salty, and when it's time to stir-fry, you put sugar in it..."

It was getting late, Shu Shu had breakfast, adjusted her makeup in front of the mirror, and was ready to go.

Today she wears a half tin, on which are five gourds of pink coral.

Along with the tin, there is also a skirt, which is also a small coral gourd the size of a fingernail.

When the couple left the Prince's Mansion, Shi Fujin and his wife were already there.

The two looked in the direction of Babeizi Mansion, not knowing what to say.

Shu Shu and Brother Jiu followed their line of sight, and it turned out that the carriage from the Babeizi Mansion had gone ahead and set off for the palace.

Brother Jiu looked at Shu Shu and said, "That's fine, there's no need to go in and out together, you and your younger siblings will be half a cup of tea late before leaving..."

Shu Shu nodded, no objection...

The next update will be around 3:22 noon on February 12th, welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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