Chapter 947 Near Vermilion Zhechi

"Sister-in-law Jiu, I ate four big rice dumplings in the morning, and the fresh meat rice dumplings are so delicious..."

Ten Fujin pulled Shu Shu, mentioned the breakfast, but still couldn't get enough of it.

Shu Shu couldn't help but glanced at Shi Fujin's stomach.

The whole body of the flag is not visible, but the glutinous rice is not easy to restrain.

"It's okay, I walked a lot today..." Shi Fujin laughed.

Shu Shu said: "If you are overwhelmed, I will arrive at Ningshou Palace in a while and ask Mother Bai to make you a cup of strong tea."

Shi Fujin smiled and shook his head, "No, I brought hawthorn candies..."

As she said that, she took the purse, which contained hawthorn balls wrapped in glutinous rice paper, and directly handed one to Shu Shu.

Shu Shu was sweet and salty in the morning, and she was a little bored, so she received Shi Fujin's kindness.

This kind of hawthorn ball is only covered with a thin layer of icing sugar, and there is no sugar added inside. It is very sour and appetizing.

The ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother are on the side, neither of them need to go to the Yamen, so they can be regarded as "difficult brothers".

"Okay, I've got you in trouble..." Brother Jiu felt a little guilty.

Elder Brother Ten waved his hand and said, "Okay, what did Brother Ninth say about this? It was my younger brother who jumped out of the game by himself. It's fine now. Let's go to Elder Brother's place in Haidian tomorrow and the day after tomorrow..."

Speaking of this, he raised his eyebrows and said: "When the time comes, show Brother Jiu to see my newly replaced land. If Brother Jiu thinks the location is good, we can divide it into two and let's repair the garden together."

Brother Jiu asked curiously: "Who did you replace it with? Is there anyone willing to change the land in Haidian?"

Elder Brother Shi said: "Sonu Beizi, nine of his twelve sons are married, and they haven't separated yet. It's because they can't afford to separate. There are only eight legitimate sons. How to divide? The younger brother will replace him with the land in Tongzhou. I bought a [-]-acre village in Haidian..."

Brother Jiu remembered Shu Shu's words, and said: "Don't make a big fuss about repairing the garden, just build a small courtyard. When the brothers above repair the garden, let's follow suit. What if it's a gift from the emperor?"

Elder Brother Ten said: "Let's put it away for now. There are two Haizi in the middle, which add up to twenty or thirty acres of land. This Haizi is worth a lot of money. It's not far from Changchun Garden, which is five or six miles to the northeast. .”

Brother Nine became interested and said: "Don't let it go in vain, raise more fish, or ask someone to raise ducks."

Elder Brother Shi laughed and said: "There is a lotus pond there, it has been there for many years, and it was planted from the lotus root that was taken from here when the Changchang Spring Garden was built back then. It is a waste to raise ducks in the fish farming business."

Brother Jiu heard this and said: "The lotus pond is also good, and we will also add winter vegetables in the future."

At this moment, Shu Shu and Shi Fujin got into the carriage hand in hand.

Although both of their carriages are there, they also want to talk on the road.

"Hehe, Master Shi said, when we get to Elder Brother's place in Haidian, we will quietly go to Hongluo Temple..." Shi Fujin said joyfully.

After hearing this, Shu Shu was very moved.

She still remembers that when she went to Hongluo Temple in July last year, she lived in the guest courtyard of the temple where the mountain breeze was cool.

However, Hongluo Temple is still far away, and I can't go back and forth on the same day. I am afraid that the little ones will be inseparable from others.

"Wait until next year, we will also go to fulfill our wish..."

Shushu said.

At that time, the child will be one year old and can take it with him.

Shi Fujin thought of the bamboo at home, which was growing well, and asked curiously, "I wonder if the bamboo forest in Hongluo Temple is bald?"

Shu Shu thought of Prince Zhuang.

There is still no movement.

The myth of seeking a child in Hongluo Temple has not been shattered.

Who said that there is Shushu in the front, and Wufujin and Sifujin in the back.

Because of Prince Zhuang's age, many people privately mentioned that it was not that the gods and Buddhas were not effective, but that Prince Zhuang himself was "powerless".

The two sisters-in-law were talking, the carriage entered Di'anmen, and stopped outside Shenwumen.

The two sisters-in-law got out of the carriage and entered the palace. One went to Ningshou Palace and the other to West Sixth Palace.

When they arrived at the Yikun Gate, Pei Lan was already at the gate to meet him.

"Trouble aunt..."

Shu Shu nodded.

"You're welcome..." Perrin said respectfully.

"It's been hot for the past few days, how is your majesty resting?" Shu Shu thought about it.

The news about Brother Jiu's "participation in the revolution" as the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was widely circulated outside, and the palace was no exception.

Pei Lan said: "The Eighteenth Lord has brought me back. Your Majesty has been busy for the past few days, taking the Seventeenth Lord to teach the Eighteenth Lord how to speak."

After hearing this, Shu Shu was not surprised.

Who is easy to survive until the fourth concubine?

If things get chaotic, the fourth concubine can't sit still.

While talking, the two entered Yikun Palace.

Concubine Yi was sitting next time, the room was different from usual, the floor was covered with carpets, and there were two cloth tigers on the kang.

Brother Eighteen is not in the house, but he seems to be everywhere.

Concubine Yi's eyebrows softened a bit.

"May the lady be well..."

Shu Shu bowed his knees.

Concubine Yi pointed to the seat opposite, and said: "Come on, let's have a good talk..."

There are prepared tea and fruit on the small table.

Pei Lan knew the situation and signaled the two palace servants to retreat with him.

Only the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are left in the house
Only then did Concubine Yi rubbed her brows, and said: "Is Lao Jiu making trouble again?"

About how to tell Concubine Yi, Shu Shu and Brother Jiu also discussed, it is not good for Concubine Yi to worry too much, so they can only relax.

Shu Shu lowered his volume and said, "It's none of Jiu Ye's business, Jiu Ye was also in a cloud of mist before, and later saw that the emperor mentioned Yushi, so I guessed one or two, how many houses in the House of Internal Affairs were with Suo'etu, Tong The family is deeply involved, and they haven't been cleared yet, so they should be cleared..."

Concubine Yi was startled.

I thought it was Brother Jiu who had poked something wrong, but the emperor didn't punish him explicitly, and found an excuse to punish him, but he didn't expect that those two families were involved.

She thought about it for a while, and said, "Fu Cha's family?"

Shu Shu nodded and said: "It seems that our master is also uncomfortable, it seems that Master Ma's family..."

Concubine Yi looked at Shu Shu and said: "Turn back and tell him to be honest, don't just jump out and get burned."

Shu Shu nodded and said: "The tenth master has persuaded our master. In the morning, they were still thinking about the summer vacation in Haidian..."

After hearing this, Concubine Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

Shu Shu hesitated for a while, and came here today, but there are other matters for Concubine Yi to make up her mind.

Seeing her expression, Concubine Yi said: "Have you encountered a problem? Did someone who is not open to you come to make a fuss?"

Shu Shu hurriedly shook her head, got up and changed places, leaned close to Concubine Yi, and whispered in her ear: "I know about such a thing... If I don't care about it, who knows if there are other illegal things out there; I don't know how far I should take care of it... Our master doesn't dare to be self-sufficient, and you still need to make up your mind..."

This is about Sanguanbao raising ginseng in private.

Yifei listened, her face turned livid, she lowered her voice for a while and said: "Did Guidan tell you about the scale and age limit over there?"

Shu Shudao: "It's an official village under the Shengjing House of Internal Affairs. The members of Guo Luoluo's family are in charge there. It involves two hills and several ginseng gardens. This period should exceed 20 years..."

This is calculated from the fact that Guo Luoluo's family members were the head of the village there.

Concubine Yi uses ginseng, and knows that the price of ginseng has doubled in recent years.

In the early years, two or three liang of silver was used for one or two ginseng, but now it costs seven or eight liang of silver and cannot be beat.

This is only the price of second-class ginseng, and the price of first-class ginseng and extra-class ginseng is even higher.

Concubine Yi has cold hands and feet, over 20 years, how much money will it cost?

She was a little flustered, and said: "Tell Lao Jiu, put this matter aside first, in case the dog over there jumps over the wall in a hurry and bites fifth elder brother and Lao Jiu."

Shu Shu nodded, and said: "Our master said, you don't have to worry too much. It's a good thing to find out now. If it's a few years later, I'm afraid it will really implicate Fifth Master and Jiu Master."

The fifth elder brother opened the mansion the year before last, and the ninth elder brother opened the mansion last year. The relationship between the two brothers and Guo Luoluo's family has been very tense in the past two years, and there has been little contact.

Otherwise, who would believe that Guo Luoluo's family secretly raising ginseng has nothing to do with the two princes?
Concubine Yi let out a sigh of relief and said, "Yes, let's be optimistic."

Wu Fujin didn't come today, and Concubine Yi didn't call for the chariot, even walking with her.

In addition, it was still early and cooler, so the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law left the Yikun Palace.

"Shengjia will be entrusted to the Empress Dowager Xingchang Spring Garden tomorrow morning, when will you go there?"

Outside, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law speak common language.

Shu Shu said: "We are also looking forward to it. I can't use ice. It's fine for adults to take a bath and change clothes. The children are careful, so I'm afraid of prickly heat."

Concubine Yi thought of the three precious grandchildren and granddaughters, and put the troubles of Guo Luoluo's family behind her, and said: "Then don't procrastinate, when you go back later, you should move there first, so as to save tomorrow's mess, It has to be delayed."

The left and right luggage were also packed, Shu Shu nodded and said, "Go back and discuss with our master later."

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law walked through the imperial garden and arrived near the Zhongcui Palace while talking homely.

Concubine Rong brought Sanfujin out, but she didn't call for a chariot either.

The two concubines looked at each other and walked ahead side by side.

"Lao Jiu is fine, why did he leave the House of Internal Affairs?" Concubine Rong asked.

Concubine Yi said: "He himself is also confused, I don't know why the censor has followed him!"

Sanfujin and Shu Shu lag behind.

That's all for Shu Shu, Sanfujin's face became more uncomfortable, and he said in a low voice: "It's been rumored outside these days, many people poured dirty water on our grandfather's head, it's all because of others' eyes that our grandfather got an errand , it can’t be true.”

Shu Shu took a look at Sanfujin, and said: "The one who cleans up will clean up by himself, San sister-in-law doesn't have to worry."

Sanfujin thought about this word in his mind, and looked at Shu Shu's expression. Is this the literal meaning, or is it a sarcasm?
As a result, after looking at it, I saw Shu Shu's new jewelry.

"Xintianzi, it's not the same thing!" Sanfujin was distracted.

Shu Shu said with a slight smile: "The coral material our master is looking for outside is made by the Shun'an Silver Building. If you like it, just send someone there."

Now the business of Shun'an Bank is better, because it has signed a few big jobs that have been retired from the internal construction office.

Sanfujin felt sour in his heart, and said, "How much money will I spend on my head this year?"

Shu Shu said: "These are not foolish."

Earlier, Sanfujin didn't have this problem, and he kept talking about money.

It's really a person who can't sleep in the same bed.

Those who are close to ink are black...

Shu Shu couldn't help but want to stab her a few words, then closed her mouth.

I seem to be "close to Zhu Zhechi"...

I can't speak well...

Fuck off and continue to ask for monthly tickets.

(End of this chapter)

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