My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 949 Newcomer

The princess looked at the imperial physician and said, "That means 'insomnia', did you add soothing medicine to the prescription?"

The imperial doctor said: "Added Shouwu vine and acacia skin."

The princess nodded, looked at the nanny and said, "Take care of elder brother with medicine."

Shengjia will move to Changchun Garden tomorrow, and the East Palace will also be moved to West Garden.

Acton was ill and could not move for the time being.

The princess hesitated for a moment, but went into Akdon's bedroom to visit.

Akdon sat halfway on the kang, his eyes were blue, and his plump cheeks were shriveled.

Children in their teens were frivolous and arrogant before, which made people dislike it, but now they look much more honest.

"My lady..."

Seeing the princess, Akdon murmured, struggling to get up.

The princess sat down on the edge of the kang, looked at Akdun and said, "Brother, lie down, even if you want to practice archery, you can't get tired. If you hurt your tendons, the loss outweighs the gain."

"My lady..."

Akedun looked at the crown princess, with pleading in his eyes: "Hongxi and the third elder brother are both in Yuqing Palace, leaving only the son in the Xiefang Palace. There are mostly female relatives here. If there is any inconvenience, the son can move." Are you going to Yuqing Palace?"

He was already ten years old, and he looked like a teenager. He had been enlightened long before he went to study, and he also knew some ethical taboos.

It was okay when my biological mother and younger brother were there before.

Now the biological mother was sent away, and the younger brother moved to Yuqing Palace, leaving him here alone.

The princess looked at Akdon and said nothing.

At that time, the crown prince asked Gege to bring three young elder brothers to move to Xiefang Palace because of the narrowness of Yuqing Palace.

Now the second elder brother and the third elder brother are only housed in wing rooms, and there was no place in Akdon in the past.

Akdon's eyes dimmed, his head drooped, his chin almost reached his chest.

The Crown Princess glanced at the direction of Qianqing Palace, no matter what crimes Li had committed, the emperor's grandson was the emperor's grandson, the emperor could dislike her, but he would not allow her, the aunt, to be unkind.

She looked at Akton, her voice softened, and said: "I will mention this to the prince, but you also have to take good care of your health, don't be brave, wait until you are sick, otherwise you can only talk about it when you are sick." Recover from illness here, so as not to give the crown prince the sickness."

Akdon's eyes were bright, he nodded and said: "Son, listen to your mother, take medicine well, and get well soon."

The princess nodded and said: "If you want to eat anything, let the nanny send a message to the dining room..."

Speaking of this, she saw the book next to Akton's pillow, paused, and said, "You are not allowed to lie down and read a book. If you are exhausted, of course you won't be able to fall asleep, and your body will not be well maintained..."

Akton said obediently: "I won't read the book anymore, I'll let the nanny take it down in a while."

The princess didn't say much, and got up to leave.

"Ene, I'm sorry..." Akdon's sobs came from behind.

The princess stopped at the door and looked back at Akdon.

Akdon said in a crying voice: "I'll pay Uncle Fifteen later, my son is wrong."

The Crown Princess glanced at him and said, "Okay, then you can tell Uncle Fifteen yourself later."


Akdon responded, with tears in his eyes.

The Crown Princess left without changing her expression, and left the Hall of Harvesting Fang.

After returning to Yuqing Palace, the Crown Princess went to the study.

Akdon left to recuperate and told the prince.

At the door of the study, there are two eunuchs who are the prince's writers.

Seeing the Crown Princess approaching, the two of them were a little flustered.

One of them took a few quick steps, stepped forward and whispered, "Ma'am, the master is taking a nap..."

The princess stopped walking, her stomach was churning, she nodded and turned to leave.

It was not until she returned to the main room and drank a cup of rose tea that the princess finally recovered.

She told the nanny: "Go back and ask, is the eunuch Haha Zhu in the front yard again?"

The grandma heard this, but didn't respond, and looked at the princess carefully, and said: "It's the little eunuch from the cat and dog room. He only entered the palace last year. He was originally assigned to the Xiefang Palace. The prince met him a few years later." , and then transferred to Yuqing Palace..."

The princess let out a long breath, disgusted.

The nanny whispered: "Mother, this is not a bad thing, it's better than another Li Gege..."

The Crown Princess waved her hand and said, "Mommy, go and rest first, I'm tired, take a rest..."

For a woman, this is simply humiliating.

A greater humiliation than a husband not loving himself.

If the prince is not a prince, but just an ordinary clan, then what the nanny said is not wrong.

But that is the prince, the emperor will not allow this "hobby" of the prince...

The Ninth Prince's Mansion, the upper room.

Brother Nine was bored, and when he heard that Concubine Yi asked them to move in advance, he was immediately moved, and said: "Then move, we will leave after lunch, everything is ready."

Shu Shu had no objection, and said, "Then I'll go to Ning'an Hall..."

Brother Nine said: "Let He Yuzhu ask Old Ten and the others..."

Shu Shu went to Ning'an Hall.

Big Gege has already woken up, got out of the car, and is lying on the mat at the door basking in the sun.

Mrs. Uncle was sitting on the small twig next to her, fanning Big Ge with a fan.

Now that it is hot, the time to bask in the sun is moved to morning and evening.

"Amu, Shengjia will be sent to Haidian tomorrow by the Queen Mother. Our mother is urging us to move early. Master Jiu means to move this afternoon..." Shu Shu said.

Although Mrs. Uncle felt that the child was too young, she also felt sorry for Shu Shu. She was afraid of the heat and couldn't use ice. She was depressed these days, so she nodded and said, "Then move, just need a few more carriages. Youche still needs to take it with you."

"Well, don't worry..." Shu Shu said.

Here in the Prince's Mansion, there are eight carriages.

Apart from Shu Shu and Brother Nine, Mrs. Uncle's carriage is also here.

In addition, there are three carriages for people in reserve, and two carts for loading.

Moving in the afternoon, these carriages are definitely not enough, but you can borrow a carriage from Sibeile Mansion.

There is also the carriage of the Tenth Prince's Mansion, there should be spares, which can be used.

When Shu Shu returned to the main courtyard, He Yuzhu also came back, saying: "Master Shi said, they will also move with them, and when the time comes, they will be able to afford a few carriages."

Xiaochun went to the apse to help Nanny Qi tidy up.

Walnut counts the clothes and daily necessities of Shu Shu and Brother Nine.

Xiao Song went around the carriage yard, and said to Shu Shu: "Six nurses and six nurses are following, this will require several cars, or the servants will take half of Fujin's luggage The nanny and the nanny will go first, and then come back in the carriage?"

Walnut also said: "That's right, Fujin, it's impossible for the masters to lay out the house now, and the slaves should go with Xiaosong..."

Shu Shu nodded and said: "Then tell the dining room to eat before leaving."

Xiao Song said: "No need, just take two zongzi. The zongzi in the morning are still warm."

Shu Shu nodded in agreement, and Xiao Song went to the back room to tell Nanny Qi about it.

The eldest brother and the second elder brother each left a nanny and a wet nurse, and the rest followed Xiaosong to Haidian first.

The same goes for the people on Big Grid's side.

After a short while, the five carriages in front were all full, with two carts of goods and three carts of people sitting in them.

Besides Xiaosong and Walnut, there were two eunuchs, Li Yin and Zhou Song, and four servants. Chunlin and Cao Shun also brought five guards with them.

There was so much commotion here that it immediately alarmed Sibeile Mansion and Babeizi Mansion.

Today is the Dragon Boat Festival, which is also the summer solstice among the 24 solar terms.

The emperor sacrificed to the ground at Fangze altar.

The eldest brother, the third elder brother, the fourth elder brother, and the fifth elder brother followed the clan princes and came to accompany the sacrifice.

After returning to the city, the fourth elder brother went back to the house to change because he was wearing auspicious clothes, but he heard the news that the Ninth Prince's mansion had moved.

The fourth elder brother just came out of the regular clothes and went directly to the Ninth Prince's Mansion.

"It's getting hotter and hotter, and Haidian is getting cooler..."

Nine elder brothers got the news, went to the front and said: "Fourth brother, you can also move, so as to save the hot weather, the troubles in and out of the city..."

The fourth elder brother was a little hesitant, because Si Fujin was pregnant, so he didn't plan to move.

Brother Jiu said: "The more this is the case, the fourth brother should go, the fourth sister-in-law is also afraid of the heat! Besides, when the time comes, all the brothers will go, but you and fifth brother will not go, it doesn't look right... "

The fourth elder brother glanced at the ninth elder brother, and said: "When you arrive in Haidian, you will be honest, don't forget, you and the tenth elder brother are still grounded..."

Brother Nine smiled and said, "Don't worry, fourth brother, even if we go out, we won't go into the garden."

The fourth elder brother thought of Feng Sheng and the others, and said: "Go slowly on the road, don't squeeze the carriage, and ask someone to bring me and your fourth sister-in-law's carriage here, you guys use it first."

Brother Nine was also not polite, and said: "Then I won't be polite to you. I was thinking about it in the next afternoon to see if the carriage is enough. If it is not enough, Lao Ten and I will ride horses..."

Fourth elder brother: "..."

I don't really want to borrow it.

I'm eighteen, why can't I ride a horse?

After returning to the Sibeile Mansion, the fourth elder brother asked the steward to pack the carriage, and sent it to the Ninth Prince’s Mansion after lunch, and then went to the main room, saying: "The holy driver will move to the Changchun Garden tomorrow, and the master will go and have a look. If the elder brother There are still vacant houses, let's go and live there for two months, and come back at the end of June or July?"

Si Fujin was a little surprised, and said: "When I asked Master before, didn't Master say he didn't want to go?"

The fourth elder brother said: "Everyone go, it's better to follow the crowd..."

This is Sifujin's second child, and it is the right age, and the month is more than a month later than Wufujin's. She has just conceived, and it has not yet reached the inconvenient time.

She thought for a while, and said: "Then ask someone to tell Mrs. Li, let's go there together, the two Ge Ge on the left and the elder brother will also take them there."

The fourth elder brother felt a little more uncomfortable when he heard this, coughed lightly, and said: "Forget it, Mrs. Li, let's raise the baby in the mansion, and ask the steward to bring her more ice later."

He didn't expect it to be such a coincidence. When Fujin was pregnant with Honghui, he was pregnant with Li's front and rear feet. In the end, Honghui gave birth to Hongyu within a hundred days.

Coincidentally this time, the two of them were pregnant again, and Li Shi was a month later than Sifu Jin.

Si Fujin glanced at Si elder brother, and said: "Let's forget it, it's hard work for a woman to get pregnant, and it's hard to raise a baby if you think too much about it, so let's go together if you want to go!"

The fourth elder brother sighed and said, "You don't have to be so considerate all the time."

Si Fujin smiled wryly and said: "I learned from my childhood follower, I'm used to worrying..."

Besides, isn't it all right?
My master is not magnanimous, and he also likes to keep small accounts...

After lunch, Xiao Song followed the carriage and came back first.

Walnut brought people to stay there to spread out.

"The courtyard over there is the same as that of the No. [-] North School, and there is no difference in the number of rooms..." Xiao Song said to Shu Shu.

Shu Shu said: "This is for the convenience of everyone to live in. If there is a specification, it will be fixed and assigned. You can't live like this."

Although it was random, Shu Shu's family also gave up the first and second schools, vacated the third and fourth schools, and directly chose the fifth school.

Two carriages from the Four Baylor Mansion have arrived.

The carriages of Baylor and Mrs. Baylor are very spacious.

Nanny Qi took the nanny to take care of Fengsheng and took the fourth elder brother's carriage, and Bai Guo followed the nanny and took the second elder brother to ride in the fourth elder brother's carriage.

Mrs. Uncle took Da Gege into Shu Shu's carriage, and Shu Shu went directly to sit with Shi Fujin.

The two prefectures set off at the same time, and more than a dozen horse-drawn carriages left the city.

All the old and young men of the Eight Banners watched, and each had their own guesses.

When the guards on duty in Changchun Garden came back, everyone got the accurate news that the ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother both went to live in the elder brother's residence outside Changchun Garden.

Everyone has the same feeling, smelly and shameless.

Either one is "Takako" and the other is "Aizi", that's how willful they are.

They are all princes who have been relieved of their errands, and they are not willing to ground their feet at home honestly, insisting on "filial piety" to the Queen Mother.

Who can tell that the Fujin of the two is not ordinary.

One is Mongolia Gege, who is treated differently by the queen mother and concubine; the other is the mother of "Xiangrui", who is also very decent.

"Lao Jiu is in a hurry, he wants to rely on 'Xiangrui' to compete for favor..."

When the third elder brother got the news, he felt a little depressed. When he came back, he went straight to San Fujin and said, "Lao Jiu's daughter-in-law also entered the palace to pay her respects today, right? What do you mean, didn't Lao Jiu reflect at home? Why did he dare to make such a fuss? Didn't he?" The ninth daughter-in-law asked the Queen Mother?"

San Fujin thought about the situation in the morning, and said: "I didn't say anything in front of the person, but the words were thorny. It seems that I am not happy to take over the head of the House of Internal Affairs, and the Queen Mother left her to talk. It should be begging for mercy. .”

The third elder brother gritted his teeth and said: "You are really thick-skinned, you have only lived at home for a few days!"

Sanfujin said: "Even if I go to live with elder brother, it has nothing to do with us!"

The third elder brother shook his head and said: "The old nine chickens are thieves. If the 'Xiangrui' dares to show up, it can be seen that it has stood up. When the time comes, hug the queen mother, hug the concubine, and turn around and pretend to be pitiful. The imperial concubine must have helped him intercede in front of the imperial court..."

Sanfujin really didn't expect this.

She hurriedly asked, "Will it affect my grandfather?"

The third elder brother shook his head and said: "Probably not, but when the time comes to see those who look up and look down, it's also an eyesore, isn't it?"

Sanfujin hesitated for a moment, and said: "Then why don't we live next to Zhijun Wang and the others, and go to the new fifth office?"

The third elder brother thought for a while, then shook his head and said: "Forget it, I'm the elder brother, so I still have to avoid them?"

Besides, knowing yourself and the enemy is invincible.

Lao Jiu is a member of Qi Qing, so it's good to watch him from the sidelines, so as not to turn around and hold him back...

The next update, around 3:23 noon on March 12, welcome to Qidian APP to read.

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