My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 950 Someone Has an Illness

Chapter 950 Someone Is Ill

North Fifth School, backyard.

Mrs. Uncle has brought three little ones, and they have settled down.

She brought Big Gege in the north room, and the wet nurse and babysitter followed by the third child were placed in the east and west rooms of the backyard.

The elder brother and the second elder brother are in the east and west compartments of the main courtyard.

Different from the capital city, here is probably because there are many lakes outside, and there are also many trees, so it is obviously much cooler.

"Look at the screen window first, do you want to change the password again later, so as to save 'little bites' from getting in and biting people..."

Mrs. Uncle stood in front of the window, looking at the light green screen with some uneasiness.

Shu Shu said: "It will be boring in the closed room, I made a tent for them and put it outside the car."

There are also insect repellent mosquito coils, but they cannot be used in the room of the three children, and can only be used in Mrs. Uncle's room.

Shu Shu felt cramped, and said angrily: "I told you to go to the front, if you don't go, it will be crowded in the backyard."

The north room in the backyard is one and a half feet shorter than the main courtyard, and not as wide and cool as the main courtyard.

What Shu Shu thought before was to move her living to the front yard, Mrs. Uncle took the three children in the front yard, and placed the accompanying people in the back yard.

Mrs. Uncle refused, saying it was against the rules.

"There are no foreigners here..." Shu Shu recalled this and said to Mrs. Uncle.

Mrs. Uncle said solemnly: "Rules are rules, especially the royal family. You have to remember that rules come first. You are the heads of the family. There is no reason to give up the main house. Those who come are not foreigners, but whether it is uncles or sisters-in-law , Uncle and aunt, you also need to avoid the relationship, this is respect..."

Shu Shu couldn't help but said: "The yard is still small, it will be great when we have our own other yard."

Mrs. Uncle said: "There are only a few people here, and you feel crowded. Think about Zhijun Wang and the others, they stayed in Elder Brother's place for so many years before moving out."

Shu Shu remembered something and couldn't help whispering to Mrs. Uncle: "A Mou, the backyard of my brother's house is a structure with five sides and four ears, and there are no wing rooms. Then tell me, at that time, the eight masters, two princesses, and four concubines , how to arrange the six people?"

Before, she really thought that the head office was the same as the second office, with only two court ladies, but she never thought that two waves were given, a total of six.

Last year, there was news one after another on the eighth prince's side, and later it was said to be "illness", and the backyard was also gossip.

When the eighth Fujin first married into the palace, she was like a balloon all day long, which made sense, and no one would be upset when they saw it.

Mrs. Uncle patted her and said, "What's wrong? Gossiping about others?"

Shu Shu was patted straight on, looked at Mrs. Uncle with accusations, and said: "Amu, you are wrong, why don't you learn if you are good, and start to do something if you are not good at learning?"

Mrs. Uncle snorted softly: "I still want to talk about you, why are there more and more problems, and you have become self-willed!"

Shu Shu let out a breath, and said: "This is in front of Ah Mou, I don't want people to relax, you go outside to inquire, who won't praise me?"

It's all too thorough.

Mrs. Uncle said: "A lot of right and wrong come from the tongue. If you say it smoothly at home, what should you do if you talk nonsense outside?"

Shu Shu was obedient, and nodded honestly: "Okay, I won't mention this, I just feel that we can't live in it, we have two princesses in the second house, and there were four court ladies at the time, and six over there. With eight people serving, fourteen masters and servants, only nine rooms..."

According to the rules of the palace, when the prince lands, there will be dozens of people guarding him; the grandson of the prince will be reduced to one No. 20 people.

When it comes to the Prince's Mansion, everything is really simple.

There are two wet nurses and two nannies around each person in shifts. The elder brother and the second elder brother have a Nanny Qi with a ginkgo staring at them in turn;

In addition, there are six rough envoys, two of whom are responsible for cleaning the clothes of the three young masters, and four who are responsible for the daily life of the wet nurses and nannies.

Adding up this way, there are about twenty people.

"Sure enough, if there are too many people, the money will be thrown away, no matter if there are many female relatives or heirs..."

Shu Shu said to Mrs. Uncle.

When Mrs. Uncle mentioned this, she felt distressed, and said: "Now they are still young, so you can deal with them as you like. When they are older, they will be fully staffed. Don't wrong the children. How can you be so frugal?"

She is the concubine's daughter of the county prince's mansion, and she grew up with gold and jade. When she grows up, she will be the housewife, guarding the ancestral property, and living a comfortable and undisciplined life, never worrying about money.

Shu Shu hurriedly said wronged: "It's not because of frugality, isn't it because of worrying about the chaos?"

Mrs. Uncle said: "It can't be like this in the future, it's better to train the manpower earlier..."

Speaking of this, she thought of Xiao Chun and said: "The girl who beats up young is different from the one who comes in when she grows up. The love is here, and you can use it with peace of mind. When you choose someone in the future, don't always think about picking the big one. The younger ones still have to come in, and they are optimistic about their character and behavior, and it will be at ease for a few younger ones in a few years..."

Shu Shu nodded and said: "Well, I will choose according to the selection in the past few years."

After talking with Mrs. Uncle for a while, Shu Shu went back to the main room.

In the main room, besides Brother Nine, Brother Ten is also there.

The two brothers were sitting on the edge of the kang, looking at Fengsheng and Akdan lying on it.

Putting the two brothers together, the size is obvious.

When the two children were awake, Brother Nine asked someone to carry them to the main room and show off to Brother Ten.

Although Fengsheng is not as big as Big Gege, he is still like a normal child, looking fleshy, with a small mouth grinning, showing his gums, and smiling with a good temper.

Akdan was covered with comfortable old clothes, motionless, looking cute and cute.

Elder Brother Ten was beside him, and said in surprise: "I didn't think it was good when I saw other children before, but I felt impatient. Now I look at Feng Sheng and A Kedan, I just feel that they are rare and not close enough... ..."

Brother Nine raised his eyebrows and said brazenly: "This is called 'Ai Wu Ji Wu', who told us brothers to be good; when your elder brother is born, I will feel the same pain."

Having said that, he felt a little weird when he remembered that he had been thinking about getting his tenth son.

At that time, Old Ten was so generous, so he nodded happily, shouldn't he be more generous?
If Lao Shi had no son, would he give Xiao Er to him?

Will Shu Shu be annoyed?

But I will discuss it with her carefully, so I should still give Xiaoer to him, right?
Otherwise, the old ten would be too pitiful.

Brother Jiu felt that he seemed a bit bad.

At that time, Shu Shu's fist will probably be hard...

But Shu Shu has always loved Lao Shi, so she may not be able to deny it, but she feels uncomfortable in her heart.

Brother Nine immediately said: "In a few days, you all go to Hongluo Temple, to save the road from raining for a while, stay for two more nights, and donate more money..."

It's best for the younger brother to have his own flesh and blood, so he won't have to be in the middle of it.

Even if Shu Shu agrees, he will feel uncomfortable.

As I said before, we must be fair to the three children and be unbiased parents.

But if you really want to give away one, can you still call it impartial?

When Akdan grows up, how uncomfortable is it to think that he is the one abandoned by his parents?
Elder Brother Ten listened, and said: "My younger brother asked the imperial doctor in private, my younger brother Fujin is not suitable for conceiving in the past two years, and it is estimated that it will be two years later..."

Brother Jiu heard this, and said, "Is it because of your health? What prescription did the imperial physician prescribe?"

He has toured the north with Shengjia twice, and he also knows that there is a lack of doctors on the grasslands, and even the children of the Mongolian princes are somewhat born.

In a place of bitter cold, women are prone to cold.

Now Brother Jiu doesn't say he is familiar with Materia Medica, but also knows some medical principles.

For women, body cold is a big problem, and it will be difficult to conceive.

During the time of Emperor Shizu, there were no Mongolian concubines who were pregnant in the harem, and this may be the reason.

Brother Jiu was a little worried that Shi Fujin was in poor health.

Elder Brother Shi nodded and said, "It's just some symptoms. After the three-volt period, I'll take good care of it."

Ninth elder brother couldn't ask in detail, so he just looked tenth elder brother up and down, and said: "It's not your fault, if it's your fault, you are not allowed to avoid medical treatment!"

Elder Brother Shi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said: "Don't worry about it, my brother asks for the Ping'an pulse every ten days, if there is something wrong, the imperial doctor will report to the imperial court."

Besides, they are all men, so if there is something wrong, let the imperial doctor see?
Brother Nine hesitated for a moment, and said: "Then, mynah should be fine, so why are there 'no crops' all these years?"

Elder Brother Shi paused for a moment, pondered for a while, and said, "Maybe there is nothing wrong..."

Brother Jiu looked over and said, "What have you heard?"

The ten princes said: "In the 34th year of Kangxi, Han Ama pointed out the palace people to the elder brothers, and the starlings pointed out four..."

"Huh?" Ninth Brother was surprised: "Isn't that because Myna is the youngest of the first wave of elder brothers?"

Looking at how the emperor's father loves the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother, one can see that the youngest son is different.

"Mynah was only fifteen back then, so this 'eccentric love' was a little unexpected. Even if someone taught me about human affairs, shouldn't I also think about caring for mynah's body? The old thirteen has been favored for the past few years, and he is also fifteen. Give the palace lady to go down..."

Brother Ten analyzed.

Brother Jiu was dumbfounded, it sounded very reasonable.

Elder Brother Ten said: "Half and half, if it's not because of health, then it's because of something else, maybe Khan Ama didn't want mynah to get too close to Anjun Prince's Mansion, that's for sure."

Although Guo Luoluo hadn't married into the palace back then, she already had a somewhat extravagant reputation outside.

Brother Jiu nodded and said, "Both reasons make sense."

Just when Shu Shu came back, Elder Brother Shi got up to say goodbye, and was going to go back to No. [-] Institute first.

Everyone moved in a hurry this afternoon, and it's getting late, Shu Shu said: "The dining room is messy, you will come here to eat in a while, in the morning there is a stove full of smoked sauce, and there are all kinds of rice dumplings, let's deal with it first... ..."

Elder Brother Shi responded with a smile, and said without being polite, "Then we'll come over when the time comes..."

After speaking, he went out.

At this moment, Akdan had already heard Shu Shu's voice, his little arms and legs were kicking wildly, and his little head turned sideways.

Shu Shu watched, her heart melted, and she hurried forward to hug her.

When Akdan got into her arms, he immediately became quiet, and raised his head just like that, staring at Shu Shu's face with big black grape-like eyes.

Shu Shu looked at the apricot eyes that were exactly the same as Yifei's, and said, "Akdan looks really good..."

Having said that, she glanced at Brother Jiu.

Slender brows and fine eyes, it's not ugly when you get used to it, but when it falls on Da Gege's face, it makes people feel a little regretful.

Brother Nine leaned over, looked at Akdan and said, "This is a mistake, I am more delicate than Da Gege, this should be the youngest..."

Parents were talking around Akdan, Fengsheng quit, stretched out his small arms to grab Brother Jiu's yellow belt, and put it in his mouth.

Seeing Shu Shu, she hurriedly put down Akdan and pulled the yellow belt from Fengsheng's hand.

Brother Jiu saw his drooling, wiped it lightly with a handkerchief, disliked him, and said, "This little boy loves to drool too much."

Shu Shu said: "This is just the beginning, it will be better after the teeth grow..."

She knows a lot about the theory of parenting, and now she has witnessed it with her own eyes.

Fortunately, the bibs were prepared by Xiaochun earlier, they are all triangular towels made of soft cotton gauze, and I change three or four pieces a day to keep my chest dry...

(End of this chapter)

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