After a while, the two babies fell asleep.

Shu Shu didn't let anyone move her, so she just let them stay in the upper room.

She and Brother Jiu also took a nap for half an hour.

The days of summer are long, we got up early today, and after tossing and tossing for a long time, the two of them were exhausted.

When Shu Shu woke up, he saw Brother Jiu looking at the two children with disgust.

Walnut called the nanny to come in and carried the two children down.

Brother Jiu's expression was still unpredictable. Looking at the place where the two babies lay, he covered his nose and said, "Let's go out first..."

Seeing Shu Shu, she couldn't help laughing.

At the beginning, she also disliked it, but now... she is actually a little used to it...

The husband and wife went from the west room to the east room, only then did Brother Jiu exhale and said, "Let's go to the wing room to see them from now on..."

Shu Shu thought of diapers, but it seems that there is no way to do this, because the materials used are water-locking materials.

But growing up with such a handful of shit and urine made the grown-up feel uncomfortable, and the child also felt uncomfortable.

Now there is toilet paper, and straw paper is used.

It's okay for adults to use it, but it's rough for children to use it.

Therefore, after the three children landed, they usually use gauze cotton cloth to wipe their little buttocks, which can be washed repeatedly.

But think about it, it's disgusting enough.

What about toilet paper for kids?
Shu Shu thought of the court paper mentioned in "The Palace Maid's Talk", which used cotton paper.

The so-called cotton paper is a kind of calligraphy and painting paper. It is not made of cotton, but made of bark. It has good toughness and long and thin fibers like cotton, so it is called cotton paper.

This tissue paper, after rubbing, spraying water, ironing, and folding, can become a good toilet paper.

Shu Shu couldn't help being moved, but she remembered Mrs. Uncle's teaching that the rules should come first.

Now the emperor respects Confucianism, if they use calligraphy and painting paper to transform it into toilet paper, it will be a rumor if it is spread, and it will become a reason to be attacked later.

Shu Shu thought of the woodland of Baiwang Mountain, and said, "Master, is there a paper workshop in the inner building?"

Brother Jiu thought for a while and shook his head: "There are mounted works, there are paintings, but there is no paper workshop..."

Shu Shu said: "In a few days, let's go to Baiwang Mountain. The woodland over there is full of miscellaneous trees. Let's see if we can find a craftsman in the capital. Let's make a paper workshop by ourselves, and we won't do anything else." , just the straw paper that children can use..."

Brother Jiu looked at Shu Shu and said, "Will it be too much trouble? If the straw paper is not good, just ask someone to buy better tissue paper."

Shu Shu shook her head and said: "That's too much, they are just grandsons of the emperor. When the master was the little prince in the palace, he didn't say that he used tissue paper extravagantly."

Brother Jiu hesitated for a moment and said: "But it's made of miscellaneous wood, isn't it just tissue paper?"

Don't you just do it yourself?

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "When the time comes, add some reeds to it to make soft straw paper..."

I made it myself, and I don’t plan to send it to the study shop for sale, and I don’t bleach it. The original color grass and wood pulp paper is just straw paper. What can others say?
Haidian has a lot of water, and the most indispensable thing is reeds.

In this way, the cost of papermaking can also be reduced.

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "Well, it's up to you, it shouldn't be difficult to find a craftsman for this, many people made straw paper and sold it..."

Speaking of this, he was a little unhappy, looked at Shu Shu and said: "It was agreed before, I don't want to put the children in front of the master, now you are thinking about making paper workshops for them, why don't you think about it first?"

Shu Shu glared at him, and said, "Isn't it because of Grandpa? Seeing Grandpa's disdain just now, I wanted to solve these children's feces problems sooner!"

Brother Jiu looked better now, and said: "That's right, the two of us are going to live a lifetime."

Shu Shu thought of Gao Bin, and said, "Didn't you say that corn and potatoes are also grown here in Haidian? Then Gao Bin is also here?"

Brother Jiu thought for a while, and said, "Can we stay here for ten days every month? In addition to the land here in Haidian, we also chose the sandy land in Daxing and the mountainous land in Changping. Only by trying to plant in this way can we know the land in different places. Different yields."

Shu Shu is looking forward to the corn and potatoes, so spread them quickly, and then you can eat green corn.

It's getting dark now, and when the ten princes and his wife came over, it was still bright.

In addition to the smoked sauce that Shu Shu mentioned, sauced elbow, pine nut tripe, garlic sausage, and pig ears, there are also a few side dishes added here, such as spicy shredded pork, stir-fried mixed vegetables, stir-fried shredded beans, and scrambled eggs with green onions.

In addition to zongzi, the staple food also includes lotus leaf cakes and seaweed egg drop soup.

The lotus leaf cake is convenient for adding meat and vegetables, and it tastes good.

Shi Fujin was fed up again, so he dragged Shushu around the left and right wing rooms, visited Fengsheng and Akdan, and then dragged her to look at the other empty courtyards.

The first and second offices are reserved for the third and seventh elder brothers, and the third and fourth offices are reserved for the thirteenth and fourteenth elder brothers.

There are already people in the first house and the second house, and it was the two Baylor houses that sent people over to clean up.

But three and four are still vacant.

But before dinner, brother Jiu also asked someone to open the door, and asked someone to simply sweep it over.

Shi Fujin said with regret: "It would be great if the fourth sister-in-law and the fifth sister-in-law were here..."

Shu Shu said: "The queen mother and concubine will be here tomorrow, if you are bored, go to the garden."

Shi Fujin shook his head and said: "It's not good to get old, you can't even play cards with the queen mother and the concubine, they are too slow to read the cards, it makes people anxious."

Shu Shu said: "Then take a good rest for a while, and then think about where to go for a walk after a while."

Nominally, Brother Nine and Brother Ten are both under "foot restraint". It's not good to be too ostentatious, it will take a while.

Shi Fujin nodded and said, "Don't worry, let's talk..."

The sister-in-law and the sister-in-law walked around the North Fifth Institute, and Brother Jiu sent Sun Jin out to find someone.

"Fu Jin, the master said, don't be tired, the sun is full now..." Sun Jin bowed.

Shu Shu touched her forehead, she was sweating finely, but her body was warm and comfortable.

People still have to move more, so that the blood can be alive.

But today is almost the same, she nodded, and beckoned Shi Fujin to go back.

When the tenth elder brother and his wife left, the ninth elder brother looked a little unhappy, and complained: "You are only a few days old, and the old ten Fujin is making you wander around, and you don't know how to take care of others at all!"

Holding a bowl of dendrobium tea in Shu Shu's hand, she said with a smile, "Don't worry about it, take a few more steps. This body feels much more comfortable. It was rusty before, a little woody, and there is shade. After walking around for two laps, I feel a lot more relaxed..."

Starting tomorrow, you can go around more in the evening, even if you don't go out, it's good to take a walk in the yard.

Shu Shu remembered the target, and said: "Master, let's ask someone to set up the target tomorrow, shall we pick up the arrow?"

If it was before, Brother Jiu would definitely not be very happy, but now thinking about Shu Shu's hands and feet getting cold after giving birth, he said: "Okay, support!"

In a few years, he will be enlightening the little elder brother and little Gege. He must not let go of timidity, and he still needs the five-strength bow.

The evening breeze is blowing, cool and pleasant.

Unlike the sweltering heat in the capital, the temperature here is much lower, and the windows have to be closed sooner or later.

Husband and wife sleep together.

Silent all night.

Early the next morning, when the two woke up, it was already Chenzheng.

Walnut was already waiting at the door with ginkgo.

Xiaochun didn't come over, she chose the little girl to enter the mansion, and these days she will stay in the mansion with Madam Xing to teach the little girls how to behave.

When Shu Shu called the two of them in, Walnut said: "Fujin, there are movements in the third and fourth institutes."

Shu Shu nodded, it was the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother who had arrived.

She told Bai Guo: "Speak to the dining room and prepare two food boxes for delivery."

Every time Sheng Jia came to Changchun Garden, he would start from the palace early, and he must be hungry now.

Bai Guo responded and went down to pass on the message.

Ninth elder brother realized later, thought of twelve elder brother, patted his forehead and said: "I forgot twelve elder brother..."

When I was at Elder Brother’s Office in Xiubei Garden, the reason why there were six courtyards instead of five was because I thought there would be eleven courtyards. Just like in previous years, there is only one new fifth house and five yards, which cannot be separated and live in rotation.

Shu Shu was also speechless.

Elder Brother Twelve really has too little sense of existence. He doesn’t seem to belong to the second wave of elder brothers, but rather like elder brothers fifteen and sixteen. It’s easy for people to forget.

Brother Nine frowned, and said: "The holy driver moved to Changchun Garden, and the princes and grandsons who went to study in the study also followed, so there is only twelve elder brothers left in the palace..."

Shu Shu remembered that Twelfth Elder Brother still had some errands, so he said: "Master, don't worry about this, isn't Twelfth Elder Brother in charge of the errands of the Internal Construction Office, the Imperial Pharmacy and the Palace? It might be more convenient to stay in the palace. "

The key is that you don't have to get too close to Brother Twelve, as looking back in groups like that looks like a "clique".

It's okay now, watching the brothers go on a blind date, but after five or ten years, maybe there will be more suspicions and crimes.

Except for the tenth elder brother who is ferromagnetic, and the fifth elder brother who is a brother, it is better for the other princes to be close.

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "It's not my turn to speak, it just makes people feel uncomfortable. Is Khan Ama too partial? Brother Thirteen has been a follower since the year before last, and he is only 13 years old; Twelve Elder brother is sixteen years old, and he hasn't been out of the capital yet..."

Shu Shudao: "Brother Twelfth is calm and doesn't like to come to others. You don't have to worry too much, as long as you don't differ too much from other princes in the two major matters of marriage and title."

Brother Nine nodded and said: "You're right, they are all sons of Khan Ama, and the five fingers are short and long, but they are all fingers. Among the older brothers in the previous wave, Seventh Brother didn't suffer much when he was younger. Wait and see, there is no grace, but the marriage is also from a middle-class family, and it did not fall behind when it was enshrined, and it is equal to other brothers, that's enough..."

After the couple finished grooming, the dining table was set, and the thirteenth and fourteenth elder brothers came.

"Ninth Brother, Ninth Sister-in-Law, my younger brother came to see 'Xiangrui'..."

Before the people arrived, Brother Fourteen's male duck voice arrived first.

Brother Nine scratched his ears, and complained to Shu Shu: "This movement is too unpleasant, but I haven't realized it yet, so I like to talk at the top of my throat..."

But Shu Shu knows that during the voice change period, one should take good care of her voice, otherwise it will become a broken voice.

It seems that Tai Hospital will prescribe herbal tea for throat improvement. I remember that Brother Ten and Brother Thirteen have both drank it.

At this moment, the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother also arrived outside the door.

Shu Shu got up and greeted her, said with a smile: "I only want my nephew and niece, and I don't want your ninth brother?"

The fourteenth elder brother gave Qian'er a call, and said: "Please greet Jiu sister-in-law first, Jiu sister-in-law, you are really amazing, our Aixinjueluo family has been born for several generations, and you have three children at a time, you are the only one! "

Shu Shu bowed her head in return, and said with a smile, "It's all the grace of our ancestors. It's my pity that I'm tired and lazy, which saves us trouble."

Brother Fourteen felt that Sister-in-law Nine was really good at talking, and it was obvious that the ancestors felt sorry for Brother Nine and his offspring were not very prosperous, so they gave him such grace.

Elder Brother Thirteen was by his side, and also greeted Shu Shu.

Brother Jiu waited impatiently in the room, and said: "What are you dawdling for? If you don't come in and talk, if you delay, the food will be cold..."

Elder Fourteen heard this, and immediately responded: "Here we come, here we come, I got up early in the morning, and I was impatient to eat, so I made two bites carelessly, I'm already hungry..."

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