My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 952 Can't Wait

Chapter 952 Can't wait
Today's breakfast is mutton siu mai and vegetarian assorted siu mai, served with lamb tripe soup and grilled lamb chops.

The rest are four small dishes of shrimp and cabbage, fried vermicelli with minced meat, sweet and sour water radish, and spinach and walnuts.

Fourteenth elder brother entered the room, seeing the milky white lamb tripe soup, the golden grilled lamb chops, and the enticing aroma, he couldn't take his eyes off it.

Brother Jiu felt that he didn't see it, so he snorted and said, "Didn't I send you a food box?"

Brother Fourteen laughed and said, "Eat it by yourself, it's tasteless, and there's no soup..."

Shu Shu ordered Walnut to bring towels and water basins, and clean hands for Brother Thirteen and Fourteen.

These things on the dining table can be eaten by Shu Shu and Brother Ninth, but not enough for Brother Thirteen and Brother Fourteen.

Just in time, Ginkgo came back, so Shu Shu ordered at the door: "Steam a few trays of siu mai over here, cut the leftover smoked sauce into a platter, and cook two bowls of noodles with mutton soup..."

After giving instructions to Bai Guo, Shu Shu went back to the house and said to the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Elder Brothers: "Big Gege is making a fuss and wants to find me, you should accompany your Ninth Brother to eat first, I'll go later..."

The thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother both got up.

"Go and do it..." Brother Thirteen said.

The fourteenth brother said: "Yes, yes, you don't need to call us, we can just deal with Brother Ninth, and there is another meal at noon!"

Shu Shu nodded with a smile, and said: "What do you want to eat, you can tell the girl later, I will let you eat delicious food at noon..."

With that said, she picked out the curtain and went out.

Ninth elder brother gave fourteenth elder brother a white look, and said: "Just now you said you missed the child, now you only care about eating?"

One breakfast is not enough, even the noon appointments are made, and it is too late to see others.

Brother Fourteen sat down and said with a smile: "Eat first and then watch, so as not to let the food get cold."

After wiping their hands, the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother sat down.

When the ninth elder brother moved his chopsticks, the fourteenth elder brother couldn't wait to pick up the sheep tripe soup, took a sip, and said, "This seems to be better than the previous one..."

The smell of meat is tangy.

The cilantro on top was also green.

Brother Nine said: "We also put sheep's small intestines."

Elder Fourteen scooped up some dry chopsticks with chopsticks, put them in his mouth and started chewing, only to feel that his mouth was full of oil.

It turns out that lamb tripe soup is more delicious with lamb intestines, and I should remember this way of eating in my dining room in the future.

At this moment, Brother Thirteen has already eaten two lamb chops.

This lamb chop is also different from the usual lamb chops, it is very tender.

Brother Jiu proudly said: "This is a six-month-old lamb. It is the most tender. Your sister-in-law's farm has more than 100 sheep. Yesterday I asked someone to send a few of them over. There are still some left unkilled."

Elder Fourteen was surprised and said, "Sister-in-law, why are you raising so many sheep?"

In the past, I only heard about raising pigs and chickens.

Brother Nine said: "Those who are preparing to make milk cakes have raised some cows and sheep."

"Milk cake..."

The fourteenth brother remembered the shredded milk tofu that he had eaten at the No. [-] Institute, and said, "Is it shredded to eat?"

Brother Jiu gave him a sideways look, and said, "I prepared snacks for your nephew and niece, and they will be used for grinding your teeth."

Elder Fourteen smiled and said, "Then I don't want it anymore, just follow along and try it..."

The brothers were talking, and a smoked sauce platter with a diameter of one foot came, as well as two bowls of hot mutton soup stewed noodles.

Brother Fourteen immediately felt relieved when he saw this.

I was worried about being an "uninvited guest" before, so I could only get half full.

Brother Thirteen dared to stretch out his chopsticks...

In the back cover room, in the east second room.

Shu Shu drank the sheep tripe soup, also looking satisfied.

Mrs. Uncle's diet is light, she only drinks a bowl of millet porridge with assorted siu mai.

Seeing Shu Shu's delicious food, Mrs. Uncle didn't say anything else.

This is a loss, so I like to eat heavy oil things so much.

Thinking of the plump figure of the ten Fujin, Mrs. Bo really felt that it would be nice if she could get along with Shu Shu.

After Shu Shu finished drinking the sheep tripe soup, the dining room also brought over new siu mai, a drawer of mutton and green onions, and a drawer of assorted ones.

There were ten siu mai in a drawer, Shu Shu ate both of them, and Mrs. Bo let her clean the remaining six.

"Amu, in Haidian Town next door, there is a big market on February [-]th, let's go to the big market later? See if there are any wild vegetables..."

Shushu said.

Since the greenhouse was withdrawn at home, there have been fewer vegetables.

The ones delivered by Zhuangzi yesterday were freshly grown side dishes like cabbage, radishes, and spinach.

Mrs. Bo thought for a while, and said, "When will you go over to pay respects to the Queen Mother and Concubine Yi?"

Shu Shu said: "It's not easy to go to the imperial grandmother's place too early. I still have to see Sanfujin and Qifujin, and I have to go there together; it's not convenient for the empress. When the emperor has something to go back to the palace temporarily, I will hand over the sign See you."

Mrs. Uncle said: "Then let's stop for a few days and send the steward to go shopping at the big market. Didn't you say that you want to take Jiu Gege for a stroll? When the time comes, tell the elders and go out with Jiu Gege."

Shu Shu nodded and said, "I listen to you."

Mrs. Uncle looked at her lovingly and said: "At this time, you have to be more prudent, otherwise, if you have shortcomings, others will think you are frivolous. After a few years, your 'sensible and well-behaved' appearance has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. If you want to relax, then relax in private..."

Shu Shu is very teachable.

It is said that it is not good to set up a person, and it is easy to collapse the house, but for the royal daughter-in-law, this persona is very important.

The positive ones are the Crown Princess and the Four Fortunes, and the negative ones are the Eight Fortunes.

As for the three Fujin, five Fujin, and ten Fujin, they all have some shortcomings.

Here at Qifu Jin, there was no bad thing to pick out before, but giving birth to unhealthy children is a deduction item, and now in front of the elders, they are a little quieter.

The couple were chatting homely, when there was the sound of messy footsteps outside, it was Walnut trotting over, panting, "Fu Jin, the Queen Mother brought the two concubines and Jiugege here..."

Shu Shu hurriedly stood up, and Mrs. Uncle was not good at following behind, so she followed closely.

In the front yard, many nuns and eunuchs stood at the door of the East Wing.

Shu Shu hurried over, seeing the momentum, knew that everyone was in the east chamber, so she followed in.

In the east chamber, Fengsheng was awake and had just fed his milk, when he saw a group of people coming in, he looked over curiously.

Seeing this small appearance similar to Shu Shuxiao, the Empress Dowager had a loving face, and said: "Our elder brother looks really good, so white!"

Brother Nine stepped forward, took Fengsheng from Nanny Qi, handed it directly to the Empress Dowager's arms, and said, "You can give me a hug, it's good, anyone can give me a hug."

The Empress Dowager hugged it, weighed it, and said: "It's still light, is it because the nanny is not enough?"

Brother Nine said: "That's enough, what about the two liners, they were born lighter than others, and you'll know when you see Niguzhu later, you bullied the two elder brothers in the womb..."

Fengsheng was lying in the arms of the queen mother, staring at the queen mother with dark eyes, and smiling with his mouth open.

Concubine Duan Shun and Concubine Shu Hui are both acquainted with Shu Shu. Seeing that the plump growth looks exactly like Nanny Bai said, and looks like Shu Shu, they both love her.

"Your Majesty, let's hug too..." Dowager Duan Shun said sideways.

The Empress Dowager smiled, handed Fengsheng to Concubine Duan Shun, and said: "Be obedient and clever, just like her Ernie, she is a good-tempered child."

Concubine Duan Shun took it carefully, it was so soft, she thought it was extremely cute.

It wasn't until Concubine Shuhui hugged her that everyone noticed that Shu Shu had come.

The queen mother took Shu Shu's hand and said: "I know they are here, I really can't wait for a day, the little elder brother is born and raised well, and you should be well."

Shu Shu said with a smile: "Just now I told Uncle Fourteen that it was my ancestors who blessed me to give birth to these three little ones; now that I have the love of you and my mother, sister-in-law, younger siblings are also friendly, my granddaughter-in-law is very happy with me these days. It’s not bad when I’m at home, I’m so comfortable, I’ve appointed it well!”

The Queen Mother also saw Mrs. Uncle, beckoned her to come closer, looked at her a few times, and said: "Looking energetic, it's almost the same as last year's Lantern Festival!"

Mrs. Uncle is a noble and patriarchal daughter who is qualified to receive palace banquets.

In addition, although she is the grandson of the empress dowager, but she is ten years old, she is considered the elder among the daughters of Jingzong, so the empress dowager also remembers her.

The queen mother knew that she was a widow last year, and her concubine was gone, her title was transferred, and now she is taken over by Shu Shu to live.

Mrs. Uncle said openly: "Days must be lived day by day."

The queen mother nodded and said: "If you want to open up more, it's time to enjoy the blessings of your children and grandchildren. Before, I thought that Brother Jiu and Shu Shu didn't have any old adults by their side. It would be more worry-free to have you watching .”

Mrs. Uncle took a look at Shu Shu and said, "It's all because of your kindness. You treat your granddaughter-in-law like a granddaughter. After all, you are a little too delicate."

The Queen Mother smiled and said: "Shu Shu is filial and sensible, such a good child, who wouldn't spoil her?"

The fourteenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother are both beside Concubine Shuhui, and they are also waiting to embrace Fengsheng.

Concubine Shuhui thought about the ages of the two of them, and was a little afraid to give it.

He just looked like an adult, but he was actually a child.

Mao Mao was stunned, what should I do if I can't hold it steady?
She handed Fengsheng into Jiugege's arms and said, "Little Jiu should be hugged the most!"

Jiugege hugged him carefully, and looked at Fengsheng.

The last time I watched it was in mid-April, and this month has passed, and it has become more white and tender.

Fourteenth Elder Brother didn't have the turn to hug him, and couldn't wait, so he took Fengsheng's little hand and said, "I'm Uncle Fourteen. When it's your birthday, Uncle Fourteen will find you a pony to raise..."

Feng Sheng let him pull him, opened his small mouth, and said "Yah Yah" loudly, as if he was interacting with Fourteenth Elder Brother.

The fourteenth elder brother said happily: "Oh, you are really smart, I understand it!"

Brother Thirteen was beside him, watching Jiu Gege's arm sinking, worried that she was not strong enough, and said, "Jiu Gege, can I hug her?"

Jiugege didn't dare to make up his mind, so he looked at Shushu.

Shu Shu was about to lead the queen mother to the west chamber, seeing this, said: "Let them both be uncles to hug each other, and let's go see Akdan..."

Then Jiu Gege carefully handed it to Brother Thirteen.

The thirteenth brother felt wet in his arms and was a little nervous, looking at the fourteenth brother.

Fourteenth elder brother is a man of Ye Gong who is fond of dragons. Seeing this, he immediately took a step back and said, "It looks too soft, I dare not hug it. I will hug it when I'm one year old..."

Such a reaction caused everyone to smile.

Nanny Qi picked up Fengsheng, and everyone left the East Wing.

Brother Nine took the vaccination and said, "Grandmother, the second child is so delicate, she won't let anyone hug her, and won't let her grandson..."

The Empress Dowager glanced at Brother Jiu and said with a smile, "Who is with your temper?"

Nine princes laughed twice and said: "Follow our empress, or follow fifth brother?"

While speaking, a group of people arrived in the West Wing.

The second elder brother also got off the U-car and was burping milk.

Everyone was a little curious when they saw the half-new Ning silk gown on Nanny's arm, which looked a little messy.

Brother Jiu said: "There's no way, otherwise, he won't even let the nanny hug..."

The queen mother saw Akdan's appearance clearly, and said "Aiya", unable to move her eyes away.

Concubine Shuhui said: "This little appearance really looks like Fifth Elder Brother when he was a child."

Concubine Duan Shun said: "They are all the same as Concubine Yi, the three generations of grandparents came out of the same mold."

Akdan's eyes began to recognize people, and he kept looking this way.

However, the distance he can see is limited, so he still can't tell which one is Shu Shu.

It wasn't until Shu Shu approached that he shrunk down and pushed hard in Shu Shu's direction.

Shu Shu stretched out his hand to take Akdan from the hand of the nanny, hugged it to the Queen Mother, and said: "Of the three children, the eldest and him both have apricot eyes, but he is a circle bigger than the eldest, and his skin Also whiter, he will be a handsome young man in the future..."

The queen mother felt distressed on her face, touched Akdan's little hand, and said, "How many catties?"

It looked like a two-month-old child, but it looked about the same size as a newborn child.

It is also white, Fengsheng is white and powdery, and Akdan is white and green, looking thin.

"Five catties and four taels..."

I really measured it yesterday, and the imperial doctor also said that I look pretty good.

There was more pity in the Queen Mother's eyes. She remembered clearly that the Fifth Elder Brother weighed thirteen catties when he was two and a half months old...

The cold is not healed, so the code word is super slow.

The next update will be at 3:24 noon on November 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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