Chapter 1 The entertainment daddy system, leaving the house without leaving the house (for further reading and investment)

"It's been five years, and you're still just playing tricks. Do you think your daughter will be happy if she follows you?"

"I'm still living a precarious life, so let my daughter drink the northwest wind with you?"

"I was really blind at the beginning, how could I fall in love with such an unmotivated man like you."

In the luxuriously decorated living room of the villa, a woman with heavy makeup, wearing a white silk skirt, and stepping on the height of the sky, roared loudly at the silent man sitting on the sofa with an arrogant face.

The words were full of disdain and ridicule.

The woman's name is Yang Jiao, a domestic second-tier actress who has risen rapidly in the past five years. She has starred in two youth idol dramas and gained a lot of popularity.

In the past two years, I have received many endorsements and business announcements, and earned a lot of soft sister coins.

The man's name is Gu Chenfeng. He came to this world that is very similar to the earth five years ago. Because he was a group performer when he was on the earth, so after coming to this world, he went to Hengdian as a group performer.

When I first went to Hengdian to join the first crew, I met Yang Jiao who was only [-]th line at the time. Because of his handsome appearance and sunny smile, Gu Chenfeng was attracted by Yang Jiao.

At the production team's wrap-up banquet, after drinking some wine, the two of them became passionately together.

Not long after, Yang Jiao found out that she was pregnant. With an attitude of being responsible for herself and others, Gu Chenfeng chose to marry Yang Jiao.

After the child was born, Gu Chenfeng chose to become a baby daddy at home in order to support Yang Jiao's career.

I thought that life would continue like this, but as Yang Jiao's fame grew and she earned more and more money, family conflicts became more prominent.

To this day, the marriage of the two has completely broken down, and a battle for custody of their daughter Tangtang has been staged.

"Gu Chenfeng, I will give you one last chance to repent. My daughter and I will give you this house. I will introduce you to suitable roles in the future."

"According to the current price of this house, 200 square meters, it can be sold for at least 1000 million. Even if you don't become an actor in the future, it will be enough for you to live comfortably for the rest of your life."

"As long as you agree, you can sign and transfer the property right away."

"Of course, you can also go to the court to sue for divorce. In that way, you may get more money, but your daughter will definitely be awarded to me. At that time, you will never even think about seeing her in this life."

"Even if you expose me online, I'll take it for granted. I've always earned the family's money. You're just a softie."

Just when Yang Jiao was chattering non-stop.

In Gu Chenfeng's mind, an electronic prompt sounded suddenly.

[Ding, the entertainment daddy system is being bound...]

[The system binding is successful. 】

[If you agree to a divorce, you will get [-] in cash and a gift package for newbies; if you admit it, you will get the title of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and a green hat. 】



"Multiple choice?"

Hearing the system notification sound that was five years late, Gu Chenfeng almost jumped up in excitement.

As for this multiple choice question?
Even kindergarten children know how to choose.

"I agree to divorce." Gu Chenfeng suppressed the excitement in his heart, raised his head, and said to Yang Jiao lightly: "I don't want any house, car or money."

"But, my daughter must follow me."

Hearing Gu Chenfeng's words, Yang Jiao couldn't help but rolled her eyes, and laughed, "Daughter with you? Do you want her to follow you to live in the bridge hole and drink northwest wind?"

"Gu Chenfeng, you are still selfish as always, you are useless and do not seek to make progress, and now you are dragging your daughter down, do you think you love her?"

"No, you are harming her, you are trying to ruin her life."

Gu Chenfeng didn't try to defend himself, and said very calmly: "The child is five years old now, and knows how to make choices, so let her make her own choice."

From his point of view, respecting the child's own choice is the love for her.

"Okay!" Yang Jiao had a victorious smile on her face when she heard that, and then added: "However, let's say it first, if your daughter chooses to follow me, you will get nothing, so get out."

In her opinion, she is sitting on hundreds of millions of property and can give her daughter a better life in the future, even a child will make the right choice.

At this time, a five-year-old girl who was as cute as an elf walked down the stairs, holding on to the railing.

There were tears in those nimble eyes, the sockets were red, and he ran straight to Gu Chenfeng, holding his cuffs tightly with a pair of small white hands.

With tears in her eyes, she said, "Dad, Dad, I want to follow you. Don't leave Tangtang behind?"

Gu Chenfeng bent down and hugged Tangtang, raised his hand to gently wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes, and comforted softly: "Don't worry, Dad will never leave you, never."

Seeing that her daughter actually chose that wimp, Yang Jiao's face turned livid in an instant, and she said viciously, "Okay, okay, okay, it really is father and daughter, choose him, don't regret it in the future."

"Go away, go away, go live in the bridge hole and drink the northwest wind!"

At this time, Yang Jiao was already a little crazy. On her fair neck, the veins were bulging, and it could be seen that she was very angry.


Gu Chenfeng smiled confidently: "Yang Jiao, don't worry, our father and daughter will never live in the bridge hole and drink the northwest wind."

After finishing speaking, he picked up Tangtang and walked towards the door.

When he walked to the door, he turned around, with a mysterious smile on the corner of his mouth, and said word by word: "By the way, don't always regard yourself as the savior. We feel that we can't live without you."

"It won't be long before our father and daughter will live a better life than now."

"Tomorrow at ten o'clock in the morning, at the gate of the Civil Affairs Bureau, waiting for you."

After the words fell, Gu Chenfeng left the villa without looking back while holding Tangtang in his arms.

Behind him came Yang Jiao's hysterical roar and the sound of broken glass:

"Blow, Gu Chenfeng, just blow hard, you know how to brag in front of me all day long."

"I see you left me with your daughter, how can you live better than now..."


Regarding these roars, Gu Chenfeng, who had already walked out of the villa gate, did not hear clearly.

I only heard the system's prompt sound again in my mind.

[Ding, the host chose to agree to the divorce, and received a cash reward of 10 yuan, and a gift package for beginners, please pay attention to check. 】

[Would you like to open the novice gift pack now? 】

"Not for now!" Gu Chenfeng denied it in his heart.

Regarding this system, Gu Chenfeng still has some complaints.

It's been five years since I came to this world, my grandma has such a leg, and now she's only successfully bound.

How much crime have I suffered in the past five years, don't you have any AC in the system?

Just as Gu Chenfeng was complaining about the system angrily, a text message came up on his phone.

The 10 yuan rewarded by the system just now has arrived in the account.

"Is there any problem with the money?" Gu Chenfeng asked with surprise and concern.

[All rewards in this system are reasonable and legal, and the host can use them with confidence. 】

(End of this chapter)

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