Chapter 2 Going Home, A-Level Acting and Charm Fruit

After Gu Chenfeng left Yang Jiao's villa, he took Tangtang and took a taxi directly to the ancient street outside the Hengdian film and television base.

My parents in this world opened a restaurant on the ancient street. Because it is close to the film and television base, the restaurant's business is pretty good.

But the family did not save any money.

Because when Tangtang was three years old, he was diagnosed with leukemia. In order to treat Tangtang's disease, Gu Chenfeng left the ensemble team to concentrate on taking care of the children.

Not only did he spend all his savings, but he also spent all of the more than 100 million yuan his parents had saved for decades.

At that time, Yang Jiao was only busy with her career, she didn't really take care of Tangtang for a day, and she didn't even pay much money, so just now Tangtang chose Gu Chenfeng without thinking about it.

Before, it was to find a matching bone marrow for Tangtang, so Gu Chenfeng, as a big man, endured all kinds of faults from Yang Jiao every day.

Fortunately, Tangtang found a matching bone marrow donor. In the end, the bone marrow transplant was successful and she recovered and was discharged from the hospital.

At that time, Yang Jiao had been trying to get a divorce, but now that Tangtang had fully recovered, she wanted to take over Tangtang's custody.

However, for Gu Chenfeng, he can do nothing, but his daughter must never leave him.

Originally, Gu Chenfeng himself only had a few hundred yuan, and he was still thinking about how to tell his parents. Now the system has given him 10 yuan all at once, which can be regarded as a solution to his urgent need.

An hour later.

Gu Chenfeng returned to his parents' small restaurant with Tangtang in his arms.

This was originally allocated during the demolition, one dragged two, and a large hotel could have been renovated here, but in order to save money, the old couple rented out the allocated suite and separated the second floor as a house.

"Grandpa, grandma, I'm back!" Before entering the door, Tangtang sat on Gu Chenfeng's arm and shouted loudly.

"Ouch, is my precious granddaughter back?"

At the entrance of the small restaurant, before seeing anyone, I heard an excited female voice.

Needless to say, this voice belonged to Gu Chenfeng's mother, Deng Junmei.

Sure enough, Deng Junmei came out of the small restaurant and saw Tangtang in Gu Chenfeng's arms, with a bright smile on her face, and her eyes, which were not that big, were completely narrowed.

Tangtang was also very affectionate when she saw her grandma, she broke free from Gu Chenfeng's embrace, ran towards Deng Junmei cheerfully, and shouted childishly, "Grandma, I miss you!"

Hearing her granddaughter's lovely and heart-warming voice, Deng Junmei was so happy, she bent down and hugged Tangtang, saying, "Grandma misses you very much too!"

Tangtang giggled and said, "Grandma, Dad and I will live at home from now on, okay?"

It has to be said that Tangtang is very sensible, she knew that Gu Chenfeng was too embarrassed to talk about it, so she said it in advance.

No matter how unhappy grandparents are, they can't say that their good granddaughter is not?

Deng Junmei glanced at her son Gu Chenfeng, the smile on her face froze slightly, and said: "I'm back, I will work hard from now on."

When Tangtang was ill, Yang Jiao didn't work hard or spend money, which made the old couple very uncomfortable. They tried to persuade Gu Chenfeng more than once, but this kid didn't listen at all.

The old couple felt that their son was a worthless softie, and they were very angry.

At this time, Gu Chenfeng's father Gu Jianguo and his younger sister Gu Juan also came out of the small restaurant.

They just went to the market to buy goods, and when they heard Tangtang's voice, they came out to have a look.

Seeing Tangtang, Gu Jianguo showed a loyal smile, but when he saw Gu Chenfeng, he seemed to want to say something, but he opened his mouth, closed it again, and his face turned cold.

The younger sister, Gu Juan, also had an uneasy expression at the moment.

Originally, she could go to university, but because of Tangtang's illness, Gu Chenfeng took all the family money to save others.

Gu Juan definitely wouldn't blame her little niece for failing to go to college, but she still hated Gu Chenfeng in her heart.

If it weren't for Gu Chenfeng's incompetence, Tangtang wouldn't get sick and spend all the family savings.

Seeing his family's expressions, Gu Chenfeng felt a little embarrassed. After all, his family used to be considered a well-off family, but now it has returned to poverty. All of this is due to his own incompetence.

"Dad, Mom, little sister, I..." Gu Chenfeng really didn't know what to say.

He also thought about taking Tangtang to live outside, but he wanted to give Tangtang a better life in the future, so he couldn't stay at home every day and wait for the system to help him!

So in the end, I decided to go home. This place is close to the Hengdian film and television base, which is convenient for me to work and make money.

Moreover, although my parents and younger sister were a little cold towards me, they were sincerely kind to Tangtang.


The soft-hearted Deng Junmei hugged the child and said to Gu Chenfeng: "Okay, the past is over, you haven't eaten yet, hurry up and eat."

"Hey, good!" Gu Chenfeng quickly borrowed the slope to get off the donkey.

At home, my mother has the absolute right to speak, as long as she speaks, everything will be fine.

Seeing this, Tangtang kissed Deng Junmei on the face, and said with a smile: "I knew it, grandma is the best, thank you grandma."

Deng Junmei's originally cold face showed a bright smile again, raised her hand to scratch Tangtang's nose, and said, "You are the only little girl who can coax people, and grandma will buy you candy later."

"Thank you, grandma!" Tangtang kissed Deng Junmei's face again, and then said with the appearance of a little adult: "But grandma, dad said that children's teeth will hurt if they eat candy."

"Leave him alone, it's fine to eat a little." Deng Junmei said dotingly.

In this way, Gu Chenfeng returned home smoothly with the help of his daughter Tangtang.

But during the meal, he was completely reduced to a foil, the whole family was laughing around Tangtang, but looked coldly at him.

Although Gu Chenfeng felt a little aggrieved after eating this meal, he was very happy in his heart.

After eating, Gu Chenfeng went back to the room where he lived before.

"Open the novice spree!"

[Congratulations to the host for opening the novice gift package and getting "A-Level Acting Skills" and "Charming Fruit". 】

The first thing Gu Chenfeng did when he came back was to open the novice gift bag.

When the system notification sounded, a mirror-sized screen appeared in front of his eyes, which only he could see.

There are introductions about "Level A Acting" and "Fruit of Charm".

["A-Level Acting Skills": After using it, the host can achieve the state where words and deeds are all drama, and what he acts is like anything; it can be upgraded to SSS-level acting skills at the highest level, reaching the state where he is what he acts, and his whole body is drama. 】

[Reminder: To upgrade from A-level acting skills to S-level acting skills requires [-] reputation points, from S to SS requires a million reputation points, and from SS to SSS requires tens of millions of reputation points. 】

["Charming Fruit": After the host swallows it, the charm value will increase, and people will involuntarily develop a good impression of the host. 】

After reading the introduction of these two things, Gu Chenfeng shuddered all over, and his blood boiled a little.

These are all good things!

Even if there is no such system in the future, with these two things alone, he can make a name for himself in the entertainment industry, and his dream of living a good life with Tang Tang will come true.

Excited hearts, trembling hands, fusion skills start now.

(End of this chapter)

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