Entertainment: Taking her daughter out of the house, it is popular on the Internet

Chapter 3 Fusion of acting skills, inexplicably selected

Chapter 3 Integrating acting skills, inexplicably selected (for further reading and investment)
In an instant.

Countless knowledge about acting frantically flooded into Gu Chenfeng's mind.

At this moment, he is like a warrior who has opened up the two veins of Ren and Du, and his acting skills have reached the point of perfection.

Life is like a drama, drama is like life.

Even compared with those first-line stars, Gu Chenfeng feels that he is not much worse.

Of course, if compared with those old actors, there may still be a certain gap.

However, this is enough for Gu Chenfeng who is just a group performer now.

"Don't bully me with web articles, the products produced by the system must be high-quality goods!" Gu Chenfeng exclaimed.

Then began to swallow the "Charm Fruit".

A blue fruit was put into Gu Chenfeng's mouth.

It melts in the mouth, tastes sweet and delicious, and it's quite delicious.

There's no after that.


Gu Chenfeng was a little confused, isn't this too perfunctory?

I don't feel anything!
Thinking about it carefully, if I can get an A-level acting skill, it is already very good. I can't be too greedy and easily despised.

Next, he learned a little bit about the so-called Shenhao entertainment system.

In the system, there is a system store in which many things can be exchanged.

Investment information, singing skills, dancing skills, ventriloquism, director skills...

Not only have many skills, but also a variety of resources.

Sci-fi scripts such as "The Wandering Planet", "Interstellar", etc., and war-themed scripts: "Wolf Warrior Series", "Operation Red Sea", "Sniper" and so on.

Of course, there are also categories such as costume dramas and urban dramas. There are countless works in it, and they are all very classic on earth.

Of course, there are not only movie script resources, but also song resources and business investment resources.

Anyway, looking at the entire system store, Gu Chenfeng was very excited.

It's just that when he clicked in to see the prices of these resources, he felt a little bad.

Just a simple piece of investment information requires 100 million reputation points.

And a singing skill, even if it is A-level, requires 50 reputation points.

However, for Gu Chenfeng now, the number in the reputation column is: 0.

In other words, seeing so many good things, he couldn't exchange them for anything.

And according to the system's explanation, prestige points can only be obtained through popularity and exposure.

Now, apart from the neighbors and family members on the ancient street, the only ones who know Gu Chenfeng is Yang Jiao.

The system judged that his reputation value was 0, which made sense.

"Father, there are too many customers in the store now, why don't you go down to help?" At this moment, Tangtang ran upstairs, poked a small head in from the door, and asked curiously.

Hearing Tangtang's voice, Gu Chenfeng came back to his senses, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go down right away."

Although now that I have A-level acting skills, I can definitely go out and find a job as a group performer, but since I am back, if I can help, I still have to help first.

After Gu Chenfeng went downstairs with Tangtang in his arms, he asked Tangtang to watch cartoons at the bar, and then he went to help.

Although the shop at home is small, my father has opened the shop here for more than ten years, and the business is still very good.

And there is no one invited at home. My mother helps chop vegetables in the back kitchen, and my younger sister is responsible for ordering and collecting money for guests.

The family of three cooperated quite tacitly.

Gu Chenfeng originally planned to help chop vegetables in the back kitchen, but his father Gu Jianguo disliked his poor knife skills and asked him to go to the cashier to collect money.

As a man, Gu Chenfeng would definitely not do such an easy thing.


This kind of tiring work is what a big man should do.

Soon, the handsome Gu Chenfeng became the handsome waiter in the small restaurant.

do not know why.

He always felt that he was being stared at all the time, and that kind of gaze was somewhat indescribable.

Even his younger sister looked at him with less resentment and more appreciation.

All of this, Gu Chenfeng attributed to his hard work, which attracted everyone's attention.

Two in the afternoon.

The small restaurant is finally busy.

Gu Chenfeng took a simple bite of the meal, handed Tangtang to his mother Deng Junmei, and then ran to Hengdian Film and Television Base to try his luck.

After all, my dream is to be an actor, and now that I have A-level acting skills, I can't always be a waiter in a small restaurant at home!
Just ran outside the Hengdian film and television base, the small square where group performances gather.

Gu Chenfeng, who was about to buy a bottle of water, suddenly saw a van driving by not far away, and a group leader got out of the car.

Holding a loudspeaker, he shouted: "Five group performers, 100 yuan for a play, if you want young and handsome, come and raise your hand."

When Gu Chenfeng heard the 100 yuan scene, he subconsciously wanted to walk over.

Although he has 10 yuan in his hand, that little money can't give Tangtang a better life than Yang Jiaona.

And 100 yuan for a play is not a lot.

However, at this time the van was already surrounded by group performers, Gu Chenfeng wanted to go there, but he couldn't.

The group performers shouted excitedly:
"I, I, group leader, I'll go."

"What the hell are you sweating? You don't take a picture of your piss. What kind of virtue is it? I didn't express it clearly enough, or do you have a problem with your ears?" The man cursed angrily.

Then he randomly ordered a few, and said: "You, you, you, you, and the person standing behind, it's just you."

Gu Chenfeng looked at the direction of the group of heads and fingers with a face full of surprise, a little confused.

Why am I standing so far away to be selected?

"Why are you in a daze, hurry up and get in the car!" The group leader urged when they saw Gu Chenfeng standing there motionless in a daze.

"Oh, here we come!" Gu Chenfeng came back to his senses, and hurriedly ran towards the van.

As for the other group performers, seeing that they had already been selected, they could only swear and leave.

15 minutes later.

Gu Chenfeng followed the group leader to the crew of "Sweet Honey, Ashes Like Frost", which is a large-scale costume myth drama directed by Zhu Bing, a famous TV drama director.

Gu Chenfeng has also heard of this drama, and he also watched it when he was on earth. The score on a certain website reached 8.8 points, and the number of views on the entire network reached 89 billion. It can be said that it is a very good movie. Many TV shows.

It's just that on Earth it's starring Yang Zi, while in this world it's starring his ex-wife, Yang Jiao.

However, for Gu Chenfeng, it doesn't matter whoever plays the leading role.

After all, he is a group performer, playing the role of a young general from the devil world, without lines, the kind who will die as soon as he plays a few times on stage.

After putting on makeup and putting on costumes, Gu Chenfeng stood on the set waiting boredly.

Because the next thing to be filmed is the battle between the heaven and the devil, and it takes a long time to prepare, so everyone is quite bored.

"My little brother, how long have you been a group performer?" At this moment, a strange voice sounded in Gu Chenfeng's ear.

 During the new book period, there will be at least two updates a day, and a maximum of three to five updates. The more you read, the more you will get.

(End of this chapter)

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