Entertainment: Taking her daughter out of the house, it is popular on the Internet

Chapter 4 Yang Jiao was Shocked, She Was Spotted by the Director

Chapter 4 Yang Jiao was shocked, and was spotted by the director (seeking to pursue reading and investment)
Gu Chenfeng looked back after hearing the sound, and suddenly realized that the person who came was actually the leading actor of this TV series, Deng Lun, a famous domestic star, and quickly replied: "It's been five years."

Of course, he would definitely not say that during these five years, he spent most of his time taking care of his children.

After all, now that he has A-level acting skills, people will believe him even if he says he has ten years of experience.

Deng Lun raised his hand and patted Gu Chenfeng's shoulder, with a look of appreciation in his eyes, he said, "I think you have a special temperament, please work hard."

"What?" Gu Chenfeng was confused.

Deng Lun smiled and said, "Stick to your dream, I believe you will succeed one day."

After speaking, he walked away.

However, just as he walked away, Gu Chenfeng was still in a state of confusion.

Another person walked towards him, and asked in a low voice with a haughty look: "Gu Chenfeng, I really didn't expect that you would chase after the crew."

"I can tell you, even if you kneel down and apologize to me in front of everyone, I won't accept it."

"The road you choose, you go on your own, and I won't be soft-hearted anymore."

"Unless you give me back your daughter."

Hearing this domineering voice, Gu Chenfeng knew it was Yang Jiao even without looking.

It's just that her rambling nonsense made Gu Chenfeng a little amused, and looked back and said, "You feel so good about yourself."

"Also, I'm here for work, not for you. As for your daughter, don't even think about it. I will support her, and I will support her better than you."

Gu Chenfeng left after speaking.

For a woman like Yang Jiao who is not responsible for her children at all, even if Gu Chenfeng was killed, she would not let her take care of her daughter.

Looking at the background of Gu Chenfeng's departure, Yang Jiao stomped her feet angrily, gritted her teeth and said, "Gu Chenfeng, I will definitely make you regret it."

A man with soft rice, who had just been kicked out, unexpectedly came to look for a job, and he was on the same crew as him?
Why do I always feel that there is an inexplicable aura about him?
Is it my delusion?
Gu Chenfeng didn't pay attention to Yang Jiao. In his opinion, although Yang Jiao is now a second-tier player in the entertainment industry, rich and famous, her character is not good.

As for Yang Jiao's status in the entertainment circle, Gu Chenfeng believes that he will reach or even surpass it soon.


The scene began to be filmed.

"Sweet Honey Ashes Like Frost", the battle between the heaven and the devil.

Gu Chenfeng plays the young general of the devil world, hiding in the crowd.

The shooting scene this time is huge. According to Gu Chenfeng's observation, there are dozens of camera positions alone. It seems that the director Zhu Bing wants to shoot this big scene in all directions.

Gu Chenfeng, who was standing in the crowd, now has A-level acting skills, and he is quite keen on controlling the camera.

Therefore, while he can always play his own role well, he can also control the camera very well, showing his relatively perfect side in the camera.

Director Zhu Bing, who was sitting in front of the monitor, saw Gu Chenfeng's performance in the camera, he was stunned for a moment, and then burst into ecstasy.

Recalling what Deng Lun said to himself just now: "Among this group of ensemble performers, there is someone who is very good, Director Zhu can pay attention to it."

Probably Deng Lun was talking about him!

As a well-known great director, Zhu Bing knows countless people. He can basically tell what kind of people are suitable to be actors at a glance.

Apparently, Gu Chenfeng's performance is absolutely exceptionally talented, and he was born for acting.

Not only is he popular with the audience, but his acting skills are also online. More importantly, he is also very good at controlling the camera and can always show his perfect side.

A young general in the demon world, let Gu Chenfeng perform vividly. He is passionate about the demon king and dissatisfied with the heavens. He wants to dedicate himself just to protect the demon world.

What makes Zhu Bing, a great director, feel a little unbelievable is that this guy seems to be playing with his eyes.

A person with such acting skills cannot be underestimated.

Are the acting skills of the group actors so good now?

Do not!
Only he, the ensemble actor, has good acting skills and is a good seedling.

At this moment, director Zhu Bing has made a decision in his heart.

For such a talented guy, there is nothing to miss.

Zhu Bing, who made up his mind, continued to shoot with a faint smile on his face.


Yang Jiao, who was behind him, saw Gu Chenfeng's performance on the monitor, and her delicate body trembled.

As an 'actor' with a non-major background, although Yang Jiao can't see much, she can still tell that Gu Chenfeng's acting skills are definitely not bad.

Not to mention anything else, as a bystander, Yang Jiao would involuntarily look at Gu Chenfeng in the crowd through the monitor screen.

Yang Jiao knew that she couldn't do such a skill.

"how come?"

"Hasn't he been taking care of Tangtang at home these past few years? How can his acting skills be so good?"

Yang Jiao was puzzled in her heart.

Ever since she married Gu Chenfeng, Yang Jiao has been working in the entertainment industry all the time. She has accumulated a certain amount of acting experience, coupled with her communication skills, to get the role of Jin Mi.

But looking at Gu Chenfeng's acting skills, if he can get the audition qualification, he can be a supporting actor no matter what.

An hour later.

The battle between the heaven and the devil world is finally over.

During this period, many problems also appeared, but Zhu Bing, a great director, still has a very strong overall planning ability.

No matter what difficulties he encounters, he can solve them quickly.

After all, it is quite difficult to shoot such a big scene. Even Zhang Yimou, the national teacher, can't guarantee that he can take one shot to the end.

On Gu Chenfeng's side, after filming the scene, he huddled with the extras in a corner of the set to take off his makeup.

At this moment, the group leader came over, found him, and said, "Hey, boy, come with me, Director Zhu is looking for you."

Gu Chenfeng raised his finger and pointed to the tip of his nose in astonishment when he heard the words, and asked in disbelief, "Director Zhu is looking for me?"

The group heads nodded heavily, with a charming smile on their faces, and said: "Your name is Gu Chenfeng, right? You should have been spotted by Director Zhu. If you become famous in the future, don't forget me !"

Hearing what the group leader said, the other group performers gave Gu Chenfeng envious looks.

They all came together, but this Gu Chenfeng was actually taken by Director Zhu?
Is it because he is more handsome?

Under the envious eyes of the group performers, Gu Chenfeng followed the group leader to director Zhu Bing.

"Your name is Gu Chenfeng?" Zhu Bing carefully looked at Gu Chenfeng up and down, left and right, feeling very satisfied.

Gu Chenfeng nodded and said, "Yes!"

Zhu Bing asked again: "How long have you been a group performer?"

Gu Chenfeng replied without changing his face: "It's been five years."

"What roles did you play during this period?" Zhu Bing asked.

Gu Chenfeng replied very calmly: "As a group performer, I have played many roles, most of which are eunuchs, soldiers, corpses, passers-by, small traders, etc."

(End of this chapter)

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