Chapter 17 The selection of scripts is not suitable (recommendation ticket for further reading)
After arriving at the company, agent Zhang Qingqing and assistant Wu Xiaoxiao were already waiting in the office.

"Mr. Gu, you are on the hot search again, congratulations!" Seeing Gu Chenfeng coming in, Wu Xiaoxiao said to him with a smile.

Gu Chenfeng waved his hand and said, "Low-key, low-key!"

"Mr. Gu, when is the song "The Hill"..." Wu Xiaoxiao was about to ask something, but suddenly a sharp gaze swept over her, she quickly closed her mouth, and stuck out her pink tongue.

Zhang Qingqing said: "It's not bad to be able to be on the trending searches for two consecutive days before debuting."

"The two songs are okay. I'll reserve the company's recording studio for you in the afternoon, and then I'll reveal these two singles and release them while they're hot."

"Also, move to the company as soon as possible, I will find some scripts for you, you can have a look."

After speaking, he took out several scripts from the bag and threw them in front of Gu Chenfeng.

Seeing the script in front of him, Gu Chenfeng was stunned.

I just signed the contract yesterday, so I found a few scripts for myself today?

Is it because I have been on two hot searches in a row, or is it because Tianmang Entertainment has too many resources?
Let's read these scripts first!

So, Gu Chenfeng sat on the sofa and began to read the script.

This time Zhang Qingqing found a total of five scripts for Gu Chenfeng, three of which were for TV dramas and two for movies.

For Gu Chenfeng, who has A-level acting skills, he really doesn't have much interest in the scripts of TV dramas. If he wants to hone his acting skills, big-screen movies are definitely the most suitable.

Therefore, Gu Chenfeng passed the scripts of the three TV dramas without even reading them.

The remaining two movie scripts, one is "Grand Thief", and the role given to Gu Chenfeng is the male number three, which is considered a relatively important role, but after he read the content of the script.

I found that this script is very general, and the role of the male number three does not have much room to play.

The second film script is called "For Life", which is an inspirational youth film. Gu Chenfeng's role is the male number two, which is the legend that he will give endlessly, but the heroine will never take a look Tragic character.

After he finished reading the script, he exclaimed: "The plot is too bloody, it just rubs the IQ of all movie fans on the ground." '

In this regard, Gu Chenfeng felt a little disappointed.

Tianmang Entertainment has a lot of resources, is this the quality?

It's a bit of a stretch.

If it was another newcomer, as long as a movie script came to him, he would be eager to agree immediately.

But for Gu Chenfeng, he would never be so hasty.

The first play of a newcomer is very important to an actor. Gu Chenfeng, who is a time traveler, understands this very well.

"Sister Zhang, tell me something you might not want to hear, do you want to hear it?" Gu Chenfeng put down the script, looked at Zhang Qingqing who was drinking tea with Wu Xiaoxiao and said.

Zhang Qingqing put down the teacup and stared at Gu Chenfeng suspiciously.

Gu Chenfeng continued: "None of these five scripts is suitable for me."

"What?" Before Zhang Qingqing could speak, Wu Xiaoxiao beside her exclaimed.

Seeing Zhang Qingqing's sharp gaze, Wu Xiaoxiao hastily covered her mouth with her hands and stopped speaking.

Zhang Qingqing said calmly: "The reason!"

It took her a lot of effort to get these five scripts from Minister Liu, and it was only because Gu Chenfeng topped Weibo's most searched list for two consecutive days that she could get them.

Gu Chenfeng is a good guy, but he actually said that none of them are suitable for him.

It just doesn't make sense.

Gu Chenfeng explained patiently: "I don't want to act in TV dramas for the time being. As for these two movies, I don't have room to play the third male lead in the first one. It would be a waste of time to go."

"The second part, the plot is really bloody. If I go, won't I be shooting myself in the foot?"

Zhang Qingqing frowned, and after pondering for a while, said in a deep voice: "Do you know how much effort I spent to find the scripts of these two movies?"

"I don't know!" Gu Chenfeng shook his head resolutely, and then added: "Anyway, the quality of these two scripts is not very good."

"The quality of the script is not good?" Zhang Qingqing laughed out of anger.

It's true that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, this guy is too self righteous!
"Yes!" Gu Chenfeng nodded heavily, and continued: "Actually, I have a script here, which I wrote when I was free, why don't you take a look?"

After finishing speaking, he took out the "Buried Alive" script that he had printed out in the morning and handed it to Zhang Qingqing.

"Huh? The script you wrote?" Zhang Qingqing was taken aback, a little unbelievable.

Wu Xiaoxiao who was next to her quickly took the script, and murmured with admiration on her face, "Wow, Mr. Gu can actually write scripts, it's really amazing!"

"But if you think about it, you can write songs, and you should be able to write scripts."

Wake up with one word.

"Buried alive?" Zhang Qingqing looked at the name of the script, looked at Gu Chenfeng and asked, "Are you sure your script can pass the trial?"

Gu Chenfeng said with some uncertainty: "It should be no problem, just read the content."

Half an hour later.

Zhang Qingqing said to Gu Chenfeng excitedly, "How much do you plan to sell this script for?"

She is a top agent in the industry, and she can still tell if a script is good or bad. This "Buried Alive" is at least better than the two she found.

If Gu Chenfeng is willing to sell this script, Zhang Qingqing believes that the company will definitely be willing to buy it.

"Ah?" Gu Chenfeng was taken aback for a moment, but after realizing it, he said, "I didn't say I would sell it!"

What a joke, if I sell it myself, the male lead may not be able to fall on me, and if the film is finished, I will be soft when I win awards in the future, so I will definitely not sell it.

"Then you show it to me, just to prove that those two movies are not suitable for you?" Zhang Qingqing asked, holding back the anger in her heart.

"Of course not!" Gu Chenfeng quickly waved his hands in denial, and continued: "Actually, I want to play the male lead of this movie myself."

"The company helped set up the crew, and then I used the script plus the lead actor's remuneration as the investment, and then I just got the box office share."

Now, as a person who has not made his debut, even if he is a starring role, Gu Chenfeng's salary will not be too high, and the investment in this movie is not very large, so he can get a relatively large share.

But after the movie was released, the box office was very impressive.

Of course, no one will believe what will happen to the box office of this movie now.

After Zhang Qingqing was stunned for 30 seconds, she said, "Are you sure?"

She doesn't know whether to say that Gu Chenfeng is smart or that he is crazy.

Such a good script can definitely be sold for a good price. You don't have to take any risks when you get the money yourself, but if you want to share the box office later, it is risky.

For a rookie who hasn't debuted yet, Zhang Qingqing really doesn't want Gu Chenfeng to do this.

But as a company employee, she also has to think about the company.

Someone sharing the risk is definitely a good thing for the company.

(End of this chapter)

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