Entertainment: Taking her daughter out of the house, it is popular on the Internet

Chapter 18 Script as Investment, Participate in Box Office Dividends

Chapter 18 The script is an investment and participates in box office dividends (recommended tickets for further reading)

Gu Chenfeng nodded heavily and said, "Sure."

For the things produced by the system, Gu Chenfeng is quite confident.

In the eyes of others, his approach may be a bit arrogant. After all, he can take the money and leave without risk, and he does not necessarily get the money if he takes the risk. Normal people know that they should choose the former.

But for Gu Chenfeng, he knew the prospect of "Buried Alive" and was very confident in his acting skills, so he made a decision that normal people couldn't understand.

"Okay, that's it!" Zhang Qingqing looked at the time, and it was already ten o'clock, so she ordered: "Xiaoxiao, you take Chenfeng to the recording studio and prepare to record two singles."

Wu Xiaoxiao responded immediately.

As for Zhang Qingqing herself, she took the script of "Buried Alive" and went to Minister Liu's office.

Seeing Zhang Qingqing's arrival, Liu Kuang asked with a smile, "Qingqing, has Chenfeng selected the script yet? This time he is very popular on the Internet, so he can get him more salary in the crew."

Zhang Qingqing nodded first, then shook his head.

Liu Kuang only noticed her nodding in front of her, and said excitedly, "It must be a movie script!"

"Yes!" Zhang Qingqing nodded.

Liu Kuang continued: "Among the two movie scripts, "Grand Rogue" has an investment of over [-] million, and it is directed by a great director. He must have chosen this one!"

"No!" Zhang Qingqing shook her head.

Now Liu Kuang was a little surprised. After all, in his opinion, this was the best choice. How could Gu Chenfeng not choose this script?
Therefore, Liu Kuang asked: "Is it "For Life"? Although the script is a bit bad, the director is also a great director, and there is a traffic star Kunkun as the male lead, and the box office is also guaranteed."

Zhang Qingqing shook her head and said, "No!"

"What?" Liu Kuang couldn't make up his mind.

There are only two movie scripts, neither of which, so which one did Gu Chenfeng choose?

Zhang Qingqing took out the script of "Buried Alive" in his hand, handed it to Liu Kuang, and said, "It's a script written by Gu Chenfeng himself, and he wants to use it as the male lead in this script."

"The script he wrote himself?" Liu Kuang was full of surprise.

After receiving the script, I read it carefully.

If Gu Chenfeng's own script is not bad, Tianmang Entertainment has really found a treasure.

Two 10 minutes later.

Liu Kuang frowned, and said, "Compared to the other two scripts, although this "Buried Alive" is not weak at all, but..."

Zhang Qingqing seemed to know what Liu Kuang meant, so she said directly: "Although the plot of "Buried Alive" is monotonous, the leading actor in it is a test of an actor's acting skills. If the performance is good, then it is definitely a very good start."

"It's just that, what kind of crew the company should equip for this script and how much investment it needs, it's up to you, Minister Liu, to weigh it."

Liu Kuang nodded and said, "There is no problem with these, what are his conditions?"

As a veteran in the entertainment industry, Liu Kuang believes that Zhang Qingqing will never let her artists suffer.

This script is comparable to "Grand Rogue". If it is finished, it might be Tianmang Entertainment's key to open the film industry.

"Male number one, the script counts as an investment, and participates in box office dividends!" Zhang Qingqing said with a sullen face: "He said it himself."

"Hahaha!" Liu Kuang burst out laughing when he heard that the script didn't cost money, which was considered an investment.

Doesn't this save the company another sum of money?
As for box office dividends?

This is totally fine!
Just this male number one?
"He's a little guy who hasn't made his debut yet, and he's going to play the leading role?" Liu Kuang asked worriedly.

Although Zhu Bing said that Gu Chenfeng's acting skills are very good, how could Liu Kuang believe it? A person who has been playing tricks for five years, no matter how good his acting skills are, how good can he be?

After all, companies invest in movies to make money.

Zhang Qingqing looked at Liu Kuang and said, "I've seen the video of Gu Chenfeng shooting the scene in the hands of director Zhu Bing, and it feels pretty good, and when the time comes, he will audition with everyone. If the director thinks it's OK, he'll do it. If he can't, he won't." superior."

"Okay, then it's decided!" Liu Kuang was relieved when he heard this.

Moreover, he also knows Zhang Qingqing's strength very well, and he has made several artists' top managers popular.

If it weren't for the conflict with the previous company, it wouldn't be his turn to take advantage of Zhang Qingqing.

So Zhang Qingqing has her own plans and routines for how to bring artists on the stage.

Zhang Qingqing said: "The formation of the crew will be handed over to Minister Liu. I will take him to record the singles of the two songs in the past two days."

"Single, is it "Start Over" and "The Hill"?" Speaking of these two songs, Liu Kuang has also heard them, and he also wants to hear the recorded singles soon.

Zhang Qingqing nodded, and said: "Yes, I plan to take advantage of the heat and push these two songs to test the water first."

"Okay, if you need anything from me, just say it."

the other side.

Gu Chenfeng followed Wu Xiaoxiao to the company's recording studio.

It took two hours to get the accompaniment done before recording.

Although Gu Chenfeng's singing voice is not bad, but in order to record a single that can be released, he still recorded it many times.

Gu Chenfeng recorded the song "Start Over" [-] times before it was done.

The song "The Hill" was much easier, and it was done after only three recordings.

After he finished recording two songs, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening.

Just after leaving the recording studio, Gu Chenfeng picked up his mobile phone and saw many flashing messages on WeChat.

They all invited him to sing in the live broadcast room, and among the chat messages, there were several transfers of 2 yuan. Gu Chenfeng probably counted them, and there were eleven, which was 22 yuan in transfers.

And after the transfer, Shining also sent a message specifically stating that he had reached the limit and asked him to send the bank card over.

For a moment, Gu Chenfeng was a little stunned.

How much money is this little girl planning to give herself?

Didn't you say 10 yuan?
Obviously, he didn't know that the live broadcast last night made her earn more than 2000 million.

The advertising expenses of the advertisers alone are more than 1000 million, and there are many rewards from fans.

"I was recording a song in the afternoon, I didn't see the message, sorry." Gu Chenfeng sent back a WeChat message to Shan Shan.

When I was about to put away my phone, I saw a WeChat message from Zhang Qingqing, saying that the "Buried Alive" script company had agreed to invest in the script.

But whether he can get the male number one depends on Gu Chenfeng's own ability.

Regarding this, Gu Chenfeng showed a smile at the corner of his mouth, and replied to Zhang Qingqing: [No problem, as for the contract, please trouble Sister Zhang! ]
After replying to Zhang Qingqing's message, Gu Chenfeng left the recording studio.

I originally planned to move today, but I was delayed in recording songs in the afternoon, so I still have to go back to my small restaurant.

After leaving the company, he got into the nanny car driven by Wu Jun and drove towards his small restaurant.

After half an hour.

At the corner outside the small restaurant, Gu Chenfeng was sitting in the back row, and saw two women in a Porsche luxury car not far away, staring at his small restaurant.

Frowning, he said to Wu Jun, "Brother Jun, come pick me up tomorrow morning, and help me move."

(End of this chapter)

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