Chapter 19 I left money for my parents and moved (seeking a recommendation ticket for further reading)
Gu Chenfeng saw the car on the corner more than once, and the person inside seemed to be Yang Jiao's best friend.

It is very likely that Yang Jiao is still brooding about her daughter's custody.

"Okay, I'll come over early tomorrow morning." After Wu Jun responded, he left the small restaurant of Gu Chenfeng's house.

Although he also noticed the luxury car on the corner that shouldn't be here, he didn't know why.

That's right.

This car is Ning Ziqi's Porsche. She was dragged here by Yang Jiao as soon as work was over in the afternoon. At first, Yang Jiao said she wanted to see her daughter, but when she arrived, she dared not go down.

Perhaps it was the news of Gu Chenfeng that was overwhelming the Internet in the past two days, which made Yang Jiao feel a little bit of regret in her heart.

As a best friend, Ning Ziqi saw the trending searches on the Internet, and after listening to the two songs sung by Gu Chenfeng, she even had some doubts in her heart. What happened to Gu Chenfeng and Yang Jiao during the five years of their marriage?
He was actually able to write a song like "The Hill" that is full of flavor and life insights.

"Let's go!" Yang Jiao shouted angrily to Ning Ziqi who was in a daze.

These two days may be the most embarrassing two days in Yang Jiao's life. She originally thought that after divorcing Gu Chenfeng, she would live a carefree life, and she would never have anything to do with Gu Chenfeng again.

Fortunately, the first thing I do when I wake up every day is to hear my manager say that Gu Chenfeng was on the trending list again yesterday.

Unexpectedly, Gu Chenfeng was so talented that he could even write songs like "The Hill".

Anyway, the three words Gu Chenfeng kept ringing in her ears.

It annoyed her so much that she was disturbed several times during filming and was scolded by the director many times.

the next day.

Wu Jun drove to Gu Chenfeng's small restaurant at seven o'clock in the morning.

Gu Chenfeng also got up early today, cleaned up briefly, and after talking to his parents, he took Tangtang and got into the black nanny car.

After getting in the car, Gu Chenfeng poked his head out of the car and whispered to his younger sister Gu Juan, "I put a bank card on the bar, and the password is Mom's birthday."

After finishing speaking, he signaled Wu Jun to drive away.

Gu Juan stood in front of the small restaurant, watching Tangtang poke out her little head from the car and wave goodbye, she was a little dazed for a while.

At this time, Gu Jianguo, who had gone out to buy vegetables, came back, saw his daughter standing at the door in a daze, and shouted, "What are you doing standing at the door?"

Gu Juan, who came back to her senses, said: "Oh, it's nothing, it's just that brother and Tangtang left."

Gu Jianguo waved his hand and said, "Let's go, he's a married man anyway, that's all right, hurry up and help me get the food."

"Oh! Here we come!" Gu Juan responded, and ran over to help Gu Jianguo move the freshly bought vegetables back to the store.

After moving the dishes, Gu Juan remembered what Gu Chenfeng said before leaving, 'put a bank card in the bar', so she went to the bar to have a look.

In the middle of the account book in the drawer, there is really a bank card.

Picking up the bank card, Gu Juan yelled to the kitchen: "Dad, Mom, I'll go out and get it, and I'll be right back."

After finishing speaking, he ran to the bank not far from the small restaurant.

Although she found that the old brother had changed a bit when he came back this time, she was still a little curious for a while, how much money he left for mom.

Going to the bank's ATM, according to the password that Chenfeng said, Gu Juan inserted the bank card and entered Deng Junmei's birthday.

After seeing the balance on the card, I was completely stunned.

The machine shows that the balance on the card is 100000.

You know, to treat Tangtang before, not to mention Gu Chenfeng's own money, even his parents' money has been spent.

Although the business of my parents running a small restaurant is good, they can't save much money except for the family's expenses.

10 yuan is equivalent to half a year's income for this family now.

Where did he get so much money?
Could it be that he did something illegal?
For a moment, Gu Juan became a little worried, quickly withdrew her bank card and left the bank.

She didn't go back to the store immediately, but took out her mobile phone and called Gu Chenfeng.

"Hey, little girl, what's the matter?" The phone was quickly connected, and Gu Chenfeng's voice came.

Gu Juan asked directly, "Gu Chenfeng, where did you get the money?"

"Money? Of course I earned it myself?" Gu Chenfeng was at a loss.

He had been given 20 by the system before, and the last time he sang "The Hill" in Shining's live broadcast room, Shining transferred [-] for the first time through WeChat.

For the second time, he transferred another 80 yuan directly through the bank card.

In other words, he sang that song and actually earned 100 million.

But Shining told him that because of the previous agreement with the advertiser for the live broadcast, she earned more by herself.

All together, Gu Chenfeng has more than 100 million yuan in his card. The reason why he only left 10 yuan for his family is because he left too much at once, and his family must be suspicious.

If you suddenly told your family that you made 100 million by singing a song by yourself, who would believe it?

Gu Juan asked suspiciously: "Really?"

"Of course it's true!" Gu Chenfeng was immediately amused, what is this?Is it suspected that I earned 10 yuan?

Suddenly thought of something, and continued: "Little sister, you haven't been online for the past two days, have you?"

Gu Juan on the other end of the phone thought for a while and said, "Does this have anything to do with whether I'm online or not?"

Got it!
My younger sister is really a good girl, she only knows how to help in the store all day long, even when she is resting at night, she reads books instead of playing with her mobile phone.

"Then go online first, you should be able to find my singing video now." Gu Chenfeng explained, and then added: "Don't worry, your brother, I know what to do and what not to do."

"I'm going to the place soon, so I won't chat with you for now. Remember to give your bank card to Mom. If you want to buy something, I'll transfer some money to you on WeChat later."

After finishing speaking, before Gu Juan could speak, Gu Chenfeng hung up the phone.

Because now the car has arrived at Tianmang Entertainment Company.

Tangtang got out of the car, and after seeing the environment of Tianmang Company, she was stunned, her eyes full of disbelief.

"Dad, where is this?"

There was some excitement in the tone, but more nervousness.

Gu Chenfeng naturally felt the tension in his daughter's heart, squatted down and hugged her, and said softly: "This is the house arranged by our father's company."

"Of course, there is also Uncle Wu's nanny car, which was also arranged by the company for Dad. We will live here from now on, and occasionally go back to live with grandparents."

"Really?" Tangtang was both happy and nervous, as if everything was so dreamy.

In her memory, even though she lived in a luxury villa before, it was not warm at all.

Only when I go to my grandparents' house, although I live in a small place, I am very happy.

Gu Chenfeng nodded vigorously, and said, "Of course it's true, when did Dad pass you by?"

(End of this chapter)

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