Chapter 20 Buried the Crew Alive, Started Auditions (Please read for recommendation tickets)
When Gu Chenfeng brought Tangtang to the assigned room 701, Tangtang saw the luxurious decoration and spotless carpet inside, and his face was filled with joy.

Tangtang is very happy to be able to live in such a clean and comfortable place with her father.

Will this be the home of my father and me in the future?
It feels like a dream.

At this moment, Wu Xiaoxiao came out of the room, and after seeing Gu Chenfeng and Tangtang, she smiled and said, "Mr. Gu, this must be Tangtang, she's so cute."

Seeing Wu Xiaoxiao, Tangtang also yelled sweetly: "Hi sister, I'm Tangtang, and my sister is so pretty."

After Wu Jun let go of Gu Chenfeng's heart, he said: "Mr. Gu, if there is nothing else, I will leave first. If there is anything else, just ask Xiaoxiao to find me."

Gu Chenfeng nodded and said, "Okay, thanks for your hard work, Brother Jun."

"It's not hard, this is what I should do." Wu Jun waved his hand, showing a simple and honest smile.

Seeing that Wu Jun was about to leave, Tangtang quickly shouted to him: "Uncle Wu, goodbye!"

While shouting, while waving his little hands, saying goodbye.

Wu Jun turned around, smiled very rarely, and said, "Goodbye, Tangtang!"

Next, Tangtang's laughter echoed throughout Room 701.

The little girl is really happy.

Being able to live in such a nice place with my dad not only has my own little world, but also allows me to run around in the room and play to my heart's content.

The most important thing is that there is no such cold-faced tigress.

That night, Zhang Qingqing came to Room 701, and when she saw Tangtang, she was also slightly taken aback.

This little girl looks really juicy.

Is she Gu Chenfeng's daughter?

Gu Chenfeng said before that he has a daughter, and Zhang Qingqing naturally knows this.

So he hugged Tangtang, and asked with a smile, "You must be Tangtang, you look so cute."

For a long time, Zhang Qingqing gave people the feeling of a strong woman. At least after these few days of contact, Gu Chenfeng has never seen her smile.

At this time, it was the first time seeing Zhang Qingqing smile.

This smile is alluring, especially since she is familiar inside and out, it is really very charming.

Tangtang also shouted sweetly: "Sister, you are so beautiful!"

The smile on Zhang Qingqing's face became even wider, and she raised her hand to scratch the bridge of Tangtang's nose, and said, "Tangtang's mouth is as sweet as his name!"

And Gu Chenfeng was directly ignored by Zhang Qingqing, who was having fun with Tangtang.

Half an hour later.

Zhang Qingqing was probably tired of playing with Tangtang, so she sat down, took out a few documents from her bag, threw them to Gu Chenfeng, and said, "The three points are "Start Over", "The Hill", And the copyright of the script "Buried Alive."

"The other contracts are for the script of "Buried Alive" as an investment, and the contract for two songs to be operated by the company. You can take a look."

Gu Chenfeng looked at the four documents in front of him and was a little stunned.

Done so soon?
For these two songs and movie scripts, if you register the copyright yourself, it will take at least three days!

Didn't expect Zhang Qingqing to be so capable?

However, this speed, I like it.


Gu Chenfeng then picked up the investment contract and looked at it.

It said that if you invest in the script, you can get a 10% share of the net box office profit, and his film salary has not been marked for the time being.

Probably it will be calculated after Gu Chenfeng has passed the director's audition.

Soon, Gu Chenfeng finished reading the script contract of "Buried Alive" and signed his name on it without any problems.

As for the operation contract of the two songs, Gu Chenfeng also roughly looked at it. According to the 3:7 split, he gets 30% of the net profit, and the company gets 70%.

Although this share ratio is relatively low, for a newcomer, the company can give him 3:7 is already very good.

After all, Gu Chenfeng doesn't need to control anything, he just needs to record it.

next week.

Apart from being with his daughter every day, Gu Chenfeng is familiar with the script of "Buried Alive".

Although he is very confident in his acting skills and the script was written by him, he is not arrogant and must thoroughly understand the script before auditioning.

As for the songs "Start Over" and "The Hill", the singles have already been recorded, but there is no need for Gu Chenfeng to do anything.

Because the operation rights of these two songs have been handed over to Tianmang Company, he just waits to collect the money.

On this day, Zhang Qingqing suddenly found him and said that the crew of "Buried Alive" had already prepared and the director was coming to audition.

The director of this film is a great director named Zhuo Le that Tianmang Company has found.

When he saw the script of "Buried Alive", he was very moved, but when he heard that Tianmang Company wanted to directly appoint the lead actor, he directly refused.

For Zhuo Le, he can never make a movie, but he will never make a bad movie and smash his own brand in order to make money.

After some discussion, Tianmang finally took a step back and asked Gu Chenfeng to conduct an interview with other people. If you can pass it, you can use it, if you can’t, you don’t need it.

After saying this, Zhuo Le agreed to direct.

Of course, a large part of the reason why the company decided to appoint Gu Chenfeng as the lead actor at the beginning was because of Zhang Qingqing's insistence.

She thinks that Gu Chenfeng's acting skills are really good, and he can fully support this film.

But later, seeing that Zhuo Le insisted that all actors have a unified interview before he would direct, Zhang Qingqing also compromised.

ten o'clock in the morning.

Gu Chenfeng and Zhang Qingqing came to the audition scene of the crew of "Buried Alive".

Here, several groups of people are already waiting for the audition.

Everyone is here to audition, they are competitors, although they have a smile on their faces, they must be MMPs in their hearts.

However, they showed an arrogant attitude towards Gu Chenfeng and his party.

Because, except for Zhang Qingqing who looks familiar, Gu Chenfeng and Wu Xiaoxiao, let alone read it, have never even heard of it, so naturally they don't care about such cannon fodder-level opponents.

However, these are naturally handled by Zhang Qingqing, and Gu Chenfeng doesn't care about them.

Two groups of people came one after another, and they all came to audition for the male lead in "Buried Alive".

Although this drama will not be a big production, but where is Zhuo Le's identity, so there are still many people who want to win the leading actor.

in the conference room.

Chief director Zhuo Le and producer Liu Feng both looked helpless.

They had already auditioned four people this morning, including first-line stars, but the results were somewhat unsatisfactory.

It's not that those people's acting skills are not good, but that they can't grasp the essence of the role of the leading actor Paul.

Liu Feng looked at his personal information, frowned and said, "Gu Chenfeng? An old trickster who has been a trickster for five years? How can such a person get an invitation letter for an audition?"

At this time, the assistant quickly said: "Mr. Liu, this is recommended by Tianmang Entertainment, and it is a newcomer brought by Sister Zhang."

Of course, none of them knew that the script was written by Gu Chenfeng, not even the chief director Zhuo Le knew it.

Liu Feng frowned even deeper, and said, "Sister Zhang? Zhang Qingqing?"

"Yes!" The assistant nodded, and continued: "And this is also approved by Director Zhuo."

Zhuo Le nodded, and said: "Zhang Qingqing is an ace agent, and his eyes are still very vicious. Maybe this Gu Chenfeng really has something special, let him in!"

(End of this chapter)

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